Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 10 April 2023

Articles of interest - 10 April 2023
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

LGBTQ group asks CRTC to ban Fox News Channel over anti-trans comments
(Anja Karadeglija, National Post)

Perspective: The role of the market in building community
(Eboo Patel, Deseret News)

Islamic-Christian Committee calls for holding Israel accountable for its crimes
(Middle East Monitor)

Tensions build around Jerusalem shrine after Syria rockets
(Ilan Ben Zion, Religion News Service)

FBI used undercover agent to cultivate sources among Catholic clergy and leadership, House Republicans reveal
(Ari Blaff, National Review)

Law and religion round-up – 9th April
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The Good Friday Agreement and international treaty law
(Katie Johnston, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

UK inquiry finds no clear evidence of Islamophobia in minister's 2020 sacking
(Sachin Ravikumar, Reuters)

Faith organizations on the frontline as Horn of Africa faces famine
(Joseph Hammond, Religion Unplugged)

How Easter eggs represent Ukrainian women's power to reclaim religious freedom
(Chelsea Langston Bombino, Religion Unplugged)

Two weeks in review, 27 March – 9 April
(Tal Gross, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Recent Supreme Court decisions and equality
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Can a teacher put John 3:16 in email signature? District says no; her lawyers say yes
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

In Moldovan church ‘gesture’, some see favouritism, or possible precedent
(Madalin Necsutu, Balkan Insight)

Balkan, Central European, countries still not implementing ECHR rulings – report
(Hamdi Firat Buyuk, Balkan Insight)

Secular organizers say interfaith spaces should include atheists, nonbelievers
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

Walter Reed decision to end Catholic pastoral contract 'incomprehensible'
(Gina Christian, Angelus)

Nigeria: Humanist release: Ramadan/Easter: Islamic star and Crescent decoration is discriminatory and violates constitution
(Leo Igwe, Modern Ghana)

Brazil: Freedom of worship and democracy (Portuguese)
(Ana Cristina Rosa, Folha de São Paulo)

Brazil: City Hall of Caratinga imposes rules on Umbanda terreiro and experts point to religious intolerance (Portuguese)
(Últimas Notícias)

Brazil: The secular state and its consequences (Portuguese)
(Joseane de Menezes Condé, Migalhas)

In Nicaragua, the government violates religious freedom (Spanish)
(Belén Mora, Voz de America)

Colombia: How many religions are professed in Colombia? (Spanish)
(Luis Fernando Julio, RCN Radio)

A New Jersey imam was stabbed during prayer, with the attacker subdued by congregants
(Juliana Kim, NPR)

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Indonesia: It's time for Muslims to protect children from marriage
(Laila Afifa, Tempo)

Friday, 7 April 2023

Texas man pleads guilty to hate crime and arson for setting fire to synagogue
(U.S. Department of Justice)

Events being held in Northern Ireland to reflect on Good Friday Agreement
(Grinne N. Aodha, Independent)

As it turns 25, N Ireland’s Good Friday Agreement explained
(Jill Lawless, Associated Press)

What can we learn from Northern Ireland’s 25 years of peace?
(Gary Mason and Melissa Nozell, The United States Institute of Peace)

In Nicaragua, Holy Week celebrations limited by government
(Gabriela Selser, Associated Press)

Indian diocese gets police protection for Holy Week
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Photos of the week: Holy Week; Buddhist Temal festival and more
(Jessi Dodge, Religion News Service)

Guterres calls for world ‘united in peace’ as Ramadan, Easter, Passover coincide
(United Nations)

Another somber Easter in Iraq
(Knox Thames)

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Making Human Rights Part of Every Child’s Education (PDF)
(The Geneva Office for Human Rights Education (GO-HRE))

UAE conference attendees warned against criticizing government
(Katharina Rall, Human Rights Watch)

Evangelicals may soon rival Catholics in Latin America
(The Economist)

Human rights and other civil society groups urge United Nations to respect human rights in the fight against antisemitism
(Human Rights Watch)

UN: protect human rights in action on antisemitism
(Human Rights Watch)

Türkiye condemns Israeli forces storm into al-Aqsa Mosque
(Hurriyet Daily News)

Türkiye expects solidarity of int'l actors in fight against terror: Erdoğan
(Hurriyet Daily News)

"Al-Aqsa Mosque Türkiye's red line, Israel must stop provocations"
(Daily Sabah)

Condemnations pour over Israel's attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque
(Daily Sabah)

Sweden court overturns ban on Quran burning despite global criticism
(Daily Sabah)

Canada repatriating women and children from Syria - lawyer
(Madeline Halpert, BBC News)

Each generation in Northern Ireland has reflected on the ‘troubles’ in its own way – right up to ‘Derry Girls’
(Joseph Patrick Kelly, The Conversation)

This Ontario teacher wants schools to be more open to Muslim student needs — starting with prayer
(Aura Carreño Rosas, CBC News)

UN chief condemns Taliban ban on its Afghan female staff
(BBC News)

The Christian liberal-arts school at the heart of the culture wars
(Emma Green, The New Yorker)

Tolerance as tourism? Dual developments in the Arab Gulf
(Angie Heo, Sightings, The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Public education as cultural background
(Curtis J. Evans, Sightings, The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Justices reject West Virginia's appeal over anti-trans law
(Jimmy Hoover, Law360)

Passover a time for antisemitic attacks, Jewish security experts warn
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Kazakh authorities continue to punish individuals for expressing faith online
(Felix Corley, Religion Unplugged)

Religion in the workplace: Can an employee refuse diversity training because of religious beliefs?
(Matthew Sellers, Human Resources Director)

Pennsylvania: Amish couple claim religious violation in West Caln zoning
(Michael P. Rellahan, Daily Local News)

Oklahoma eyes first US religious charter school after Supreme Court rulings
(John Kruzel, Reuters)

UN Protests order from Taliban de facto authorities Afghan women from working with the United Nations in Afghanistan
(United Nations)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: implications for religious freedom
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Sri Lanka: reject new counterterrorism bill
(Human Rights Watch)

OIC General Secretariat denounces acts of violence against Muslims in several states in India
(Twitter, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC))

Malyana riots: India Muslim victims despair after court order
(Geeta Pandey, BBC News)

Faces of courage in Iran

Famine and the living God: Letter from Kenya
(Karen Kilby, Commonweal)

Even without Pope, Vatican pushes Russia-Ukraine peace on Good Friday
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Today we are starting the tradition of Iftar at the official level manifesting that Ukraine values every community
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Russians launch disinformation campaign aimed at inciting Muslims against Ukraine
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Ukraine: Kyiv Pechersk Lavra conflict, draft law, impact on freedom of religion or belief
(Dmytro Vovk, Forum 18 News Service)

Religious freedom is for everyone
(John O. McGinnis, Law & Liberty)

CAIR welcomes passage of Maryland bill ensuring religious accommodations in public higher education
(Council on American-Islamic Relations)

EJIL: The Podcast! Episode 20: Disordering International Law
(Sarah Nouwen, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

In the news: Breaking religious freedom stories across the country - 7 April 2023
(First Liberty)

Humour and symbolic violence: Canal 8 v France
(Strasbourg Observers)

Moroccan MP: 'France's mission schools undermine religious, national principles'
(Middle East Monitor)

Why Palestinians aren’t joining Israel’s protests
(Yousef Munayyer, Foreign Policy)

Violence erupts again at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque
(Nidal Al-Mughrabi and Sinan Abu Mayzer, Reuters)

Attack at Jerusalem mosque prompts fears of wider fighting
(Hurriyet Daily News)

School's transgender policy trumped teacher's religious rights, U.S. court rules
(Daniel Wiessner, Reuters)

US soccer leagues add game breaks for players fasting during Ramadan
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Patriots owner Robert Kraft campaigns against antisemitism
(Deepa Bharath, Associated Press)

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

‘Red line’: World reaction to Israeli attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque
(Al Jazeera)

Violence resumes at Jerusalem holy site for 2nd night
(Isabel Debre and Fares Akram, Associated Press)

When Ramadan means an escalation of Israeli occupation violence
(Omar Suleiman, RNS Column: Islam Beyond Phobia)

Israeli hospitals scramble to comply with ‘chametz law’ for Passover
(Bethan McKernan, The Guardian)

Afghanistan: rounded up from the streets into Taliban drug rehab
(Yalda Hakim, BBC News)

MLK’s vision of social justice included religious pluralism – a house of many faiths
(Roy Whitaker, The Conversation)

Despite broad support for abortion access, many states are still working to restrict or ban it
(Madelyn Snodgrass, PRRI)

Former EU Envoy for Freedom of Religion tackles Covid restrictions on public worship at Europe’s Top Human Rights Court
(ADF International)

American Atheists sues West Virginia for forcing religion on incarcerated people
(American Atheists)

International Day of Conscience - 5 April
(United Nations)

USCIRF releases new report on African traditional and indigenous religions
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Silenced for defending the oppressed – standing up for Vietnam’s prisoners of conscience
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

What businesses can do to help end antisemitism
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Amicus brief on behalf Belmont Abbey College (PDF)
(Religious Freedom Clinic at Harvard Law School)

Oppressed in life and persecuted in death: Baha'is prevented from dignified burials in their own cemetery
(Bahá’í International Community)

New USAID gender policy will help guide $2.6B in funding
(Adva Saldinger, Devex)

Orthodox Church of Ukraine gets a nod from CEC Governing Board
(Conference of European Churches)

Employers actively discriminate against people because of their faith, says new study
(Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald)

'A time of persecution' may be coming, warns Finnish politician over Bible-verse 'hate crime' prosecution
(Premier Christian News)

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