Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 18 September 2023

UN extends mandate of team probing Daesh/ISIS war crimes for 1 final year
(Betül Yürük, Anadolu Agency)

Treasury sanctions Iranian officials and companies connected to repression in advance of the anniversary of Mahsa “Zhina” Amini’s death
(U.S. Department of the Treasury)

Canada: Ethical issues in euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada

Canada expels Indian diplomat as it investigates India's possible link to Sikh activist's slaying
(Rob Gillies, Associated Press)

India: New report points to growing persecution of Indian Christians
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

URI youth at the G20 Interfaith Forum 2023
(United Religions Initiative)

India: Sikh-Hindu collaboration revives mosques in Indian villages
(Zaffar Iqbal, Religion Unplugged)

India: A Hindu-Muslim dispute tests centuries of interfaith culture in India's Varanasi
(Sushmita Pathak, NPR)

Quest to bring priest charged with torture in Argentina to justice
(BBC News)

Egypt: ‘Where is the equality? Where is the religious freedom? Where is the law?’: Egypt’s Christian wonder
(Raymond Ibrahim, Coptic Solidarity)

Egypt: A decade of curricular reform? Egypt’s schools still teach division and discrimination
(Ishak Ibrahim, Coptic Solidarity)

Iraq: USCIRF releases new report on religious freedom in Iraq
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

March for Our Lives, faith leaders call on Florida lawmakers to ‘cease and desist’
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

We all belong: interfaith communities united against hate
(United Religions Initiative)

Vietnam activists to seek US refuge after Biden administration deal -US officials
(Trevor Hunnicutt, Reuters)

Diverse groups unite to support freedom of speech, religion for Oregon educators
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

It’s halftime for the Sustainable Development goals. Are they achievable?
(Eden Stiffman, The Chronicle of Philanthropy)

Pakistan: “Religious fanaticism is ruining Pakistan”
(Jonatán Soriano, Evangelical Focus)

Around the web - 18 September 2023
(Law and Religion Forum, St. John's Law School Center for Law & Religion)

School must recognize Christian student club with anti-same-sex-marriage affirmation, en banc appeals court says
(Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal)

Nazi-looted art: Is Germany delaying restitution?
(Sarah Judith Hofmann, Deutsche Welle)

Theft and desecration of tabernacle from a church in Mönchengladbach
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

Global Interfaith Monitor No. 15
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Myanmar’s Christians: As our churches burn and people flee, we need the US’s help
(Zo Tum Hmung, David Moe, John Indergaard, Christianity Today)

A call to be vigilant: The Reverend James Lawson’s message for defending human rights and freedom
(Veena Howard, Parliament of the World's Religions)

Secretary-General of the MWL launches the visual identity of the International Commission of Jurists (video)
(Twitter, Muslim World League)

Articles of interest - 18 September 2023
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Coalition files lawsuit to stop antisemitic content from being taught in Santa Ana public schools
(Anti-Defamation League)

African churches urge US Congress to reauthorize PEPFAR
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Bódi and Others v Hungary: when the Court’s focus on the volume of procedures speaks volumes about its stance on antigypsyism
(Emma Várnagy, Strasbourg Observers)

Texas city won’t allow historic black church to exist
(Jorge Gomez, First Liberty)

China: priest convicted for refusing to register with the schismatic church

China: Religious persecution and issues – Bimonthly digest September 01-15
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Russia: Religious persecution and issues – Bimonthly Digest September 01-15
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Churches march in New York City to declare no faith in fossil fuels
(World Council of Churches)

Court allows religious discrimination claim to go forward in ex-Hamline prof's Mohammed images / Islamic art controversy
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Catholic leaders press for tax credit expansions to combat spike in child poverty
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Kazakhstan: prisoners of conscience still in jail, others under multiple long-term punishments
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Law and religion round-up – 17th September
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Charity Commission guidance on charities and social media
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

UNESCO votes to list ruins near ancient Jericho as a World Heritage Site in Palestine
(The Times of Israel)

Israel opens first-ever mixed-observance seminary for Jewish girls
(The Jerusalem Post)

Macron defends decision to attend Pope's mass in Marseille
(Radio France Internationale)

Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe calls for new law to 'regulate' France's Muslims
(New Arab)

Abaya ban in French schools reopens contentious laïcité debate and deep divisions
(Juan Sanchez Gil, The European Times)

Proposed law against the public burning of holy scriptures in Denmark
(The European Times)

Reassessing democracy: Contemporary Christian and Islamic perspectives
(Whittney Barth, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Mexico: Church looks to new apostolates to combat upsurge in Mexico's violence
(La Croix International)

Brazil: Bishops campaign against decriminalization of marijuana in Brazil, but not all Catholics agree
(Eduardo Campos Lima, La Croix International)

Muslim American mayor sues US Government over terror watchlist
(Masood Farivar, Voice of America)

Australia: Church seeks exemption for religious belief in misinformation bill
(Paul Sakkal, Sydney Morning Herald)

Sri Lankans are positive about religious diversity, says Pew survey
(Rathindra Kuruwita, The Diplomat)

Legal Journal Number 10 (18): August (Spanish)
(Observatorio de Libertad Religiosa de América Latina y El Caribe)

Friday, 15 September 2023

Opinion: Fellowship of Christian Athletes v. San Jose Unified School District board of Education
(Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals)

The UK and global freedom of religion or belief
(Philip Loft and Timothy Robinson, House of Commons Library, UK Parliament)

UK PM congratulates Copts
(Coptic Solidarity)

Catholics and Protestants both oppose law to curb prosecutions for Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’ killings
(Jill Lawless, America: The Jesuit Review)

Former ISB – Church appoints interim commissioner
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

British home secretary: Silent prayer near abortion clinics is ‘not unlawful’
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

French schools send home dozens of girls wearing Muslim abayas
(The Guardian)

Federal court restores equal access for faith-based student clubs

9th Circuit en banc: California school district must recognize Fellowship of Christian Athletes clubs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious student clubs regain equal treatment in California schools after court ruling
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Michigan township can’t ban Catholic group’s Stations of the Cross, court rules
(Kevin J. Jones, Catholic News Agency)

Don’t impose your religion, FFRF chastises Ala. comm. college head
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Opinion: For Gen Z, crystals embed spirituality in the planet
(Kevin Singer, Religion News Service)

Christian lawmakers push battle over church and state after Roe
(Henry Larson and Francesca D'Annunzio, Religion News Service)

5 facts about religion in South and Southeast Asia
(Johnathan Evans, Pew Research Center)

Canada: Sikh student attacked while taking bus home from school in Kelowna, RCMP say
(Akshay Kulkarni, CBC News)

Conflicting rights?: Balancing equality and fundamental freedoms
(Kristopher E. G. Kinsinger, Cardus)

Muslims still facing hate, discrimination 22 years after Sept. 11 attacks
(Darren Lyn, Anadolu Agency)

Iraq steps up repatriations from Daesh camp in Syria, hoping to reduce militant threats
(Arab News)

Iraq sentences Daesh member to death over pilgrim bombing
(Arab News)

Over 100 members of persecuted religious minority held at Turkish border
(Kathryn Post)

Egyptians divided over recent niqab ban at schools
(Umut Uras, Al Jazeera)

Thomas Berg explores how religious liberty can reduce polarization in book talk hosted by ND Law’s Religious Liberty Initiative
(Arienne Calingo, University of Notre Dame Law School)

Taiwan International Religious Freedom Summit warns about China’s long arm of repression
(Feng Ziwei, Taiwan News)

Nicaragua: Plea for justice for wrongfully imprisoned Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez submitted to international human rights body
(ADF International)

Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license
(Laurel Wamsley, NPR)

USCIRF releases updated blasphemy factsheet and blasphemy law compendium
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Chinese government guidelines impose increased political influence on religious venues, sermons and activities
(Church of Scientology)

China’s ‘beautiful Xinjiang’ continues to oppress Uighurs
(Maya Wang, Al Jazeera)

Pope’s Ukraine peace envoy raises stalled Black Sea grain exports in Beijing talks
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Argentina: Police in Argentina raid and close Nazi publisher following investigation spurred by Jewish group
(Juan Melamed, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Religious folks played (#surprise) role in take-down of Beverly Hills late-term abortion clinic
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

The poll numbers keep supporting this headline: Liberals have won the culture war
(Ryan Burge, GetReligion)

Clergy and congregations in a time of transformation: Findings from the 2022-2023 mainline protestant clergy survey

"Any power conquered by force is unethical", says African cardinal
(Lucie Sarr, La Croix International)

India: Interfaith couples overcome challenges thanks to ‘Dhanak of humanity’ initiative
(Shadab Farooq, Religion Unplugged)

Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia to cover up Nazi SS monument in Catholic cemetery
(Daniel Payne, Catholic News Agency)

Across U.S. religious groups, more see decline of marriage as negative than positive
(Gregory A. Smith, Pew Research Center)

Algeria: Religious freedom to be on the agenda of a UN Special Rapporteur before his fact-finding mission
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Morocco: Islamic Relief distributes blankets and mattresses as the search for Morocco earthquake survivors continues
(Islamic Relief (Worldwide))

Public has mixed views on the modern American family
(Kim Parker and Rachel Minkin, Pew Research Center)

Fiji’s human rights body receives complaint from Grace Road Church
(Timoci Vula, Fiji Times)

Iran: USCIRF calls attention to Iran’s brutal violence and mass Arrests on one-year anniversary of Mahsa Zhina Amini’s killing
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Iran: On one-year anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini’s death in custody, heightened repression of women and girls and reprisals against protesters and victims’ families is deeply troubling, UN Fact-Finding Mission says
(United Nations Human Rights Council)

Why is France so obsessed with controlling Muslim women's bodies?
(Malak Benslama-Dabdoub, Middle East Eye)

Kazakhstan: Achieving peaceful co-existence through recognition of religious diversity: unique experience of Kazakhstan
(Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq, The Astana Times)

Malaysia: Can Malaysia afford to allow religion to encroach more on politics?
(JD Lovrenciear, Aliran)

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