Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 13 October 2023

VIRTUAL EVENT, 13 October 2023 (3:30PM GMT+2): Challenges Facing Freedom of Religion or Belief and Human Rights: Strategies to Strengthen the Human Rights Architecture
(with H.E. Ms. Ismat Jahan and Ms. Alice Wairimu Nderitu, European Union & International Affairs Office of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Antisemitic incidents 'triple in UK' since Hamas attack
(Emily McGarvey, BBC News)

Sunak announces £3m extra to protect British Jewish community after Hamas attack
(The Independent)

Three Jewish schools in London to close over security fears
(Harry Farley, BBC News)

‘Retain and explain’ guidance – DCMS
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Church of England still has ‘considerable distance’ to cover on racial justice, Archbishop of York tells conference
(The Church of England)

Freedom House condemns heinous attack on Israel
(Michael J. Abramowitz, Freedom House)

Black churches play a key role in connecting communities to broadband internet
(Adelle M. Banks and Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Un mensaje de ánimo al Presidente Sisi para ir más allá en la promoción de la libertad de religión o creencia en Egipto
(Mervyn Thomas, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Psychedelic ministry sells magic mushrooms from historic Detroit church
(Kathryn Post, Religion News Service)

Wracked by grief, US Jews gather to mourn, lament and raise money for Israel
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Canada: Man sought for hate crimes after second Toronto mosque vandalized
(Toronto Sun)

Canada: Man wanted after hate symbols painted on east Toronto mosque, police say
(CBC News)

‘Burning of holy books, including the Quran, despicable act,’ says Swedish foreign minister
(Atilla Altuntas, Anadolu Agency)

The case of a Memphis man charged with trying to enter a Jewish school with a gun is moving forward
(Adrian Sainz, Associated Press)

Occupied Ukraine: Russian occupation forces close more churches, broadcast disinformation
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Nigeria: Death sentence and imprisonment under Nigerian blasphemy laws
(Georgia du Plessis, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Nigeria: "If he wins this case, every other blasphemy case would crumble!" - Yahaya Sharif-Aminu's death penalty blasphemy case highlighted at European Parliament
(ADF International)

Religious Liberty and the Constitution: Of Rules and Principles, Fixity and Change
(Mitchell N. Berman, SSRN)

Churches to EU: Armenian people need more resources
(Conference of European Churches)

Japan’s government asks a court to revoke the legal religious status of the Unification Church
(Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press)

New book: Religion, State, and Political Culture in Japan: Implications for the Post-Secular World
(Tokihisa Sumimoto, Rowman & Littlefield)

Nicaragua’s regime kidnaps 3 more priests
(Daniel Esparza, Aleteia)

Kyrgyz authorities shut down 32 mosques, 5 religious schools in southern Batken region
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

Afghanistan: Suicide bombing at Shiite mosque during Friday prayers kills 7 worshippers in Afghanistan’s north
(Associated Press)

Newsom signs laws to fast-track housing on churches’ lands, streamline housing permitting process
(Trân Nguyễn, Associated Press)

California won’t let these families choose a religious education
(First Liberty)

Podcast: Eastern Orthodox converts, Russian spies, the FBI and the Bible Belt (#horrors)
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

'Ethnic cleansing' of Armenian Christians: Time for the press to rethink persecution?
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Registering religious property: Mor Gabriel Monastery
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The role of the international community in promoting freedom of religion or belief
(Knox Thames, G20 Interfaith Forum Blog)

Two Models of Political Secularism and Religious Freedom in Italy and Croatia: Findings from a Survey among Youth
(Asia Leofreddi, MDPI)

Crucifix at Italian school is centre of discussion
(Christian Network Europe)

‘Article 7’ Shockwaves, ByLock and Beyond: Unpacking the Grand Chamber’s Yalçınkaya Judgment
(Emre Turkut, Strasbourg Observers)

RFI’s Paul Marshall joins interview on hate speech and blasphemy laws
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Federal appeals court derails Biden Administration efforts to restrict religious student groups
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Freedom to dissent
(Lois M. Collins, Deseret News)

Brazilian Church struggles for the rights of those living in favelas
(Eduardo Campos Lima, La Croix International)

Brazil: The need to combat religious intolerance (Portuguese)
(Diário da Amazônia)

Chile: Condemnation of arson in two churches (Spanish)
(El Debate)

Thursday, 12 October 2023

EVENT, 12 October 2023: Celebrate Religious Freedom Gala (Richmond, Virginia, USA)
(Hardwired Global)

VIRTUAL EVENT, 12 October 2023 (11AM ET): Book Launch on “The Significance of Religion in Human Rights and the SDG’s”
(Religions for Peace and Routledge, Religions Matters)

WEBINAR, 12 October 2023 (2PM EST): Climate Change and The Importance of Indigenous Knowledge
(G20 Interfaith Forum)

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

The role of religious freedom rights in building a free, just, and mutually supportive society (part t 1)
(W. Cole Durham, Jr., Viewpoints, a blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum Association)

The role of religious freedom rights in building a free, just, and mutually supportive society (part 2)
(W. Cole Durham, Jr., Viewpoints, a blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum Association)

The role of religious freedom rights in building a free, just, and mutually supportive society (part 3)
(W. Cole Durham, Jr., Viewpoints, a blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum Association)

EVENT, 11 October 2023 (3PM ET): Competing Understandings of Islamic Codes Pertaining to Women in the Arab World (Washington, DC, USA)
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

‘Intolerance against Christians’: Human rights experts denounce Turkey’s crackdown on religious minorities
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Iraqi Christian religious leaders demand an international investigation into deadly wedding fire
(Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Bassem Mroue, Associated Press)

Clergy abuse survivors propose new ‘zero tolerance’ law following outcry over Vatican appointment
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

The worldwide consultations for the global synod reflect Pope Francis’ efforts toward building a more inclusive Catholic Church
(Daniel Speed Thompson, The Conversation)

Second Brazilian Symposium on Religious Freedom: Welcoming remarks
(Gary Doxey, Viewpoints, a blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum Association)

Religion and spirituality: Tools for better wellbeing?
(Bailee Blankemeier and Ilana Ron Levey, Gallup)

USCIRF condemns religious incitement over Israel-Gaza conflict
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Echoing ancient times of distress, Hadar Institute calls for communal fast in response to attack on Israel
(Jackie Hajdenberg, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Orthodox Jews emerged from holiday isolation to hear news of Hamas’ assault
(David I. Klein, Religion News Service)

U.S. synagogues, Jewish facilities boost security after Hamas attack
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

May private employers fire (or refuse to hire) employees because of their praise of Hamas (or praise of Israel)?
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Clergy burnout is a growing concern in polarized churches. A summit offers coping strategies
(Giovanna Dell'Orto, Associated Press)

The Gaza Strip − why the history of the densely populated enclave is key to understanding the current conflict
(Maha Nassar, The Conversation)

How ‘nones’ − the religiously unaffiliated − are finding meaning, purpose and spirituality in psychedelic churches
(Morgan Shipley, The Conversation)

As Israel presses Vatican on ‘ambiguities,’ Parolin calls for coexistence with Palestinians
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Important religion-news angles are everywhere, as Hamas triggers war with Israel
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

Why Al-Aqsa remains a sensitive site in Palestine-Israel conflict
(Ken Chitwood, The Conversation)

Muslim groups in Malaysia, Indonesia call for end to violence in Israel
(Linda Yulisman and Shannon Teoh, The Straits Times)

Bison are sacred to Native Americans − but each tribe has its own special relationship to them
(Rosalyn R. LaPier, The Conversation)

Homeschooling family wins one-year deportation reprieve, congresswoman says
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Statement on anti-Semitic hatred in Canada
(Brian Dijkema and Andrew Bennett, Cardus)

What will happen to the evidence of Daesh atrocities against the Yazidis?
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

China’s repressive new law on religious activity venues: A Tibetan view
(Tsewang Gyalpo Arya, Bitter Winter)

Argentina: In the pope’s homeland, more Argentines are seeking spiritual answers beyond the church
(Luis Andres Henao and Natacha Pisarenko, Associated Press)

Ukraine's parliament registers bill that could lead to ban on Moscow-linked church

Ukrainian churches dialogue on how to build just peace amid the war
(Conference of European Churches)

Buildings of worship as cultural heritage in Italy – New scenarios for the management and reuse of Catholic churches between canon law and state law
(Davide Dimodugno, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Groundbreaking Gallup faith & wellness study
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

In Singapore, religious diversity and tolerance go hand in hand
(William Miner, Pew Research Center)

New White House proposal to further alienate religious foster parents
(Naomi Schaefer Riley, New York Post)

In Poland, church and state draw nearer, and some Catholic faithful rebel
(Joanna Kozlowska and Michal Dyjuk, Associated Press)

Perspective: The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is 30 years old. What’s next?
(Matt Sandgren, Deseret News)

Religion among Asian Americans
(Besheer Mohamed and Michael Rotolo, Pew Research Center)

Religion vs. LGBTQ+ rights: Supreme Court weighs 'conversion therapy' bans for minors
(John Fritze, USA Today)

Reform of the law on cohabitation?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Catholic teacher could be banned from profession for refusing to teach extreme gender ideology
(Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald)

Mexico: Archdiocese of Mexico pleads with Catholics to help migrants
(La Croix International)

Christian leaders increase pressure on state lawmakers in anti-death penalty fight
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

The Gambia: FGM ban in the Gambia under threat as calls grow to repeal law
(Sarah Johnson, The Guardian)

The Gambia: Supreme Islamic Council condemns anti-FGM activists
(Ali Jaw, The Point)

Performing charity is a First Amendment right
(C.J. Ciaramella, Reason)

Colombia: Justapaz shares peace-building work in Colombia
(World Council of Churches)

OSCE: Side-event addressing anti-religious hate crimes in the OSCE area
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

The basis of religious liberty in reason: A lecture by Robert George
(Rick Plasterer, Juicy Ecumenism, Institute on Religion and Democracy)

Five questions why Belarus tries to liquidate an Evangelical church
(Joe-Lize Kruijsse-Brugge, Christian Network Europe)

In the Strasbourg Club: The right to be forgotten v the right to remember. A conversation on Hurbain v Belgium
(Eva Brems, Strasbourg Observers)

Judge rules San Antonio must allow Native church access to sacred site
(Richard Arlin Walker, ICT News)

Germany, state-funded Lutheran church’s “sect filters” for school teachers 
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Japan set to seek dissolution of Unification Church
(Kathleen Benoza, Japan Times)

Brazil: Election for Guardianship Councils exposes religious intolerance (Portuguese)
(Gazeta do Povo)

Russia is defeated in its bid to regain a seat on the UN’s top human rights body
(Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press)

Russia: Four now jailed for refusing to fight in Ukraine on religious grounds
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

Monday, 9 October 2023

Europe ramps up protection of Jewish sites
(Tamás Orbán, The European Conservative)

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