Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Law and religion round-up – 23rd June
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Why India’s south confounds the otherwise all-conquering Narendra Modi
(The Economist)

Religious Freedom in Focus, volume 81 – June 2019
(Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice)

Muslim women defy ban to swim in burkinis at French pool
(BBC News Europe)

Spanish prosecutors want inquiry into church sex abuse cases
(Associated Press)

Cuba restores oldest Jewish cemetery as Havana is spruced up
(Andrea Rodriguez, Associated Press)

Egypt arrests 8, including ex-lawmaker and secular activists
(Samy Magdy, Associated Press)

Saudi coalition says head of Yemen’s Islamic State captured
(Aya Batrawy and Sam Magdy, Associated Press)

Moroccan women press to legalize abortion amid pending bill
(Associated Press)

Universal Life Church Ministries sues Tennessee to protect online ordination
(Press Release)

Universal Life Church sues over Tennessee ban on solemnization of marriages by those ordained online
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court says law banning registration of 'scandalous' trademarks violates First Amendment
(Ariane de Vogue and Kate Sullivan, CNN)

Supreme Court says ban on immoral or scandalous trademarks violates 1st Amendment
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court asks SG for views on Catholic Diocese pension case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Factional dispute in Ethiopian Orthodox Church dismissed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

IRS urged to accommodate Amish on Child Tax Credit claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Alabama governor signs law allowing church to have its own police force
(Owen Daugherty, MSN)

Specified Alabama religious schools and church can create their own police forces
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sperm donor recognised as father
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Huge tent collapses at Indian ceremony, 14 reported dead
(Associated Press)

The Supreme Court made the Bladensburg Cross a special case. Let’s keep it that way
(Amanda Tyler, Religion News Service Opinion)

On the cross
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Law and Religion Forum)

Greek Orthodox church in US gets 1st new leader in 20 years
(David Crary, Religion News Service)

Law Society cannot compel enlightenment
(T. David Marshall, Hamilton)

Monday, 24 June 2019

"Religious Freedom and the Common Good" Symposium Papers
(Thomas C. Berg, Mirror of Justice Blog)

American Legion v. American Humanist Assn (Bladensburg Cross Case)
(Slip Opinion, Supreme Court of the United States)

Same-sex and single-parent adoption and religious discrimination: Page
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

USCIRF statement on World Refugee Day and link between religious freedom and displacement
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Gundy v. US was a chance to tell Congress they can't regift legislative power
(Adam Carrington, Washington Examiner)

U.S. Supreme Court declines 5-3 to resuscitate nondelegation doctrine; Justice Gorsuch strongly dissents
(Jace Lington, Ballotpedia News)

Israel Folau and the tension at the heart of religious freedom
(Andrew West, The Guardian)

Megachurch forming police force after passage of Alabama law
(Chris Mills Rodrigo, The Hill)

United Nations' attitude has changed to faith-based organizations in recent years, says UN adviser Azza Karam
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Elder Gong meets government leaders in Asia and Oceania
(Newsroom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Patriarch Filaret requests government aid
(RISU, Russia Religion News)

Churches involved in dispute between Georgia and Russia
(Credo.Press, Russia Religion News)

Ex-teacher sues over ousting over transgender student names
(Associated Press)

California campus removes bell marking Catholic missions
(Natalie Rice, Associated Press)

Why you shouldn't blame millennials for religious freedom's image crisis
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News InDepth)

Religious symbols in Quebec? Non, merci
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Friday, 21 June 2019

Clergy Discipline Commission Annual Report 2018 – Summary
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Xinjiang internment camps, Rohingya in Myanmar highlighted for religious repression: report
(Joshua Lipes, Radio Free Asia)

Crackdown on Christians in Eritrea spurs UN expert to press Government 'to live up to its international commitments'
(UN News)

In a victory for religious liberty, Supreme Court saves ‘Peace Cross’
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Religion Watch, June 2019, Volume 34 No. 8
(Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion)

USCIRF statement on release of State Department’s 2018 International Religious Freedom Report
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

UK rabbi to House of Lords: Rise in antisemitism today similar to Holocaust era
(Tamar Beeri, The Jerusalem Post)

Friday Five: Neo-tabloid NYT, pro-life Dems, Matt Chandler's 'interview,' Jimmy Carter's pastor, gelatos
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Religion ghosts in anti-vax wars: Why do some believers say this is a religious liberty fight?
(Terry Mattingly, Get Religion)

Head of Georgian delegation in IAO refuses parliamentary mandate following riots in Tbilisi

Defense minister accuses U.S. of supporting non-mainstream religious entities in Russia

IAO delegation led by Russian MP leaving Tbilisi early

Ivanishvili lashes out at organizers of Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy session for electing Russian as chair

Supreme Court: Cross can stand on public land in separation of church and state case
(Nina Totenberg, National Public Radio)

Supreme Court upholds cross on public land in Maryland
(Jessica Gresko, Associated Press)

Supreme Court allows Bladensburg Cross to remain in flurry of opinions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Early analysis of Supreme Court's Bladensburg Cross ruling
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Peace Cross puzzlement
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Law and Religion Forum)

Symposium: American Legion lays the groundwork for the downfall of Lemon
(Travis Weber, SCOTUSblog)

Symposium: More light than heat
(Michael Stokes Paulsen, SCOTUSblog)

Symposium: A monumental decision?
(Andree Blumstein, SCOTUSblog)

Symposium: Decision does not support new Christian-only monuments
(K. Hollyn Hollman, SCOTUSblog)

Protestant duty & American democracy
(Mark Tooley, Providence Mag)

Sri Lanka cardinal says government should have prevented Easter attacks
(Claire Giangravé, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

NY Cardinal says Vatican-Israel ties have made ‘world a better place’
(Christopher White, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Peace Cross can stay, Supreme Court rules
(Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times)

U.S. State Dept. honors Italian nun during human trafficking report presentation
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Splintered decision in cross case relies on memorial’s history
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Rising generations are key to religious freedom and a more just world
(Newsroom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

BJC Fellows featured prominently at annual BYU religious freedom conference
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

World War I cross memorial survives high court challenge
(Tim Ryan, Courthouse News Service)

‘Hail Satan’ prayer at Alaska gov’t meeting sparks protest
(Associated Press)

Archdiocese: School with gay teacher can’t use Catholic name
(Ken Kusmer, Associated Press)

Aldo Dávila set to be Guatemala’s 1st openly gay congressman
(SONIA PÉREZ D., Associated Press)

Controversial telescope to be built on sacred Hawaiian peak
(Caleb Jones, Associated Press)

Pope seeks more freedom in theology, dialogue with Islam
(Associated Press)

Federal appeals court allows Trump abortion rules to take effect
(CBS News)

9th Circuit lifts injunctions on Title X abortion counseling ban
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court rejects Free Exercise defense to infliction of emotional distress claim
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Roy Moore running again for US Senate seat in Alabama
(Alex Rogers, CNN)

Roy Moore to run again for Senate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Orthodox Church emerges as a leading social actor amid Greece’s economic crisis
(Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions via Religion Watch, Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion)

Kazakhstan: "We don't have censorship", but three books banned
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Why you shouldn't blame millennials for religious freedom's image crisis
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News InDepth)

New York Times attacks anti-Muslim tensions in small-city Minnesota, but reality is more complex
(Julia Duin, Get Religion)

China: Lili's story
(CSWPress, FoRB in Full (a blog by CSW))

Thursday, 20 June 2019

The Pacific Northwest (the "None Zone") is the American religious future
(Mark Silk, RNS Column:Spiritual Politics)

7 in 10 Filipinos choose religion over science – global study
(Glenda Marie Castro, Rappler)

Why Christians must support religious freedom for everyone
(Tony Perkins, Religion News Service)

IICSA: publication of Roman Catholic Church Case Study
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Defamation and church discipline: Otuo
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Georgian president rules out 'Orthodox union' of Georgia and Russia

How the Berlin Jewish Museum became a political lightning rod
(Toby Axelrod, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Archbishop joins pope in calling for talks to resolve U.S.-Iran tensions
(Dennis Sadowski, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Burundi’s bishops caution that political intolerance poses threats
(Francis Njuguna, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Iraqi envoy to Vatican urges international help for Christians to return home
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

West Virginia school voucher proposal would allow religious discrimination with state tax credits
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Cracker Barrel bars church event over LGBT execution remarks
(Associated Press)

AP Photos: German Catholics attend Corpus Christi parades
(Associated Press)

Judicial oversight of FLDS land trust ended
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

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