Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 9 November 2023

VIRTUAL EVENT, 9 November 2023 (3:30PM ET): Religious Freedom in the Sahel Region of Africa
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

EVENT, 8-9 November 2023: African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum General Assembly (Kigali, Rwanda)
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

VIRTUAL EVENT, 9 November 2023 (17:00hrs in South Africa): Freedom of Religion under Threat
(YouTube Video, Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) and Word of Faith Christian Centre)

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

5 election day takeaways on the candidates and issues that mattered to faith voters
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

Secretary-General's video message to the “Confluence Of Conscience: Uniting Faith Leaders For Planetary Resurgence” Conference
(United Nations)

Nicaragua: UN experts urge freedom for Bishop Álvarez after 12 Catholic priests were released
(Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations)

EVENT, 8 November 2023 (12:30PM ET): Agreeing to Disagree: How the Establishment Clause Protects Religious Diversity and Freedom of Conscience
(Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government, University of Notre Dame)

In wake of Ohio abortion victory, some clergy rejoice, others mourn
(Kathryn Post, Religion News Service)

Abortion vote in Ohio pushes ‘pro-life pro-choice’ Black clergy to take a side
(Kathryn Post, Religion News Service)

Former CPS student is awarded $150,000 in religious freedom suit over ‘Hinduistic’ meditation program
(Emmanuel Camarillo, Chicago Sun-Times)

Cardinal Dolan sharply rebukes surging religious hatred in U.S. amid Israel-Hamas war
(Gina Christian, Catholic Review)

Notre Dame Religious Liberty Clinic files amicus brief supporting Jewish schools’ right to receive special education funding in California
(Arienne Calingo, University of Notre Dame Law School)

Parents challenge California law eliminating religious exemptions for vaccine mandates
(Ryan Foley, The Christian Post)

The Church of Jesus Christ joins with Muslim communities in peace-building efforts in West Africa
(Church News)

Iran: UN experts shocked by new wave of attacks on girls and women
(United Nations)

India: Stop abusing counterterrorism regulations
(Human Rights Watch)

Germany concerned over surge in anti-Muslim hatred amid Gaza crisis
(Daily Sabah)

Canada: Police charge man for hate crime toward religious leader
(CBC News)

Analysis: In Central Asia is too much religious freedom a bad thing?
(James Durso, Eurasia Review)

Catholic educators stand against religious discrimination before the Oklahoma Supreme Court
(University of Notre Dame Law School)

Nigeria: Seventh-Day Adventist Church boss calls for religious liberty for Sabbath keepers
(Funmi Ogundare, This Day Live)

November 2023 Newsletter
(The Association of Religion Data Archives)

Sudan: Christian buildings targeted in military conflict in Sudan
(Morning Star News)

CEC webinar highlights protection of worship places and cultural heritage sites in Europe
(Conference of European Churches)

Sudan must not be allowed to slip off the international agenda
(Ellis Heasley, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Japan: Unification Church in Japan offers to set aside up to $67 million in a compensation fund
(Mari Yauchi, Associated Press)

An elderly Jewish man dies after an altercation with pro-Palestinian protesters
(Rachel Treisman, NPR)

Jewish students at UK universities 'deeply anxious', union warns
(Michael Cowan and Sima Kotecha, BBC News)

Jewish man's death at duelling Israel-Palestinian protests ruled a homicide
(Phil McCausland, BBC News)

Jewish-led peace activists protest at Statue of Liberty to demand Gaza ceasefire

What I’ve learned since the attacks on Israel: people don’t deem Jews worthy of solidarity and empathy
(Danny Cohen, The Telegraph)

India: Delhi High Court seeks government response on PIL to teach difference between dharma and religion in schools
(Prashant Jha, Bar and Bench)

India’s defiant pastor faces probe under anti-conversion law
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Governors call for more funds to secure places of worship as threats toward Jews and Muslims rise
(Joey Cappelletti, Associated Press)

Wisconsin Senate approves amendment blocking church closures during public state of emergencies
(Associated Press)

U.S. Department of Education reminds schools of their legal obligation to address discrimination, including harassment
(U.S. Department of Education)

6th Circuit rejects equal protection challenge to Michigan ban on public funds for private and religious schools
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

NY court rules that parent body is entitled to possession of Hare Krishna temple
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Racism and discrimination in Germany exposed in new survey
(Marcel Fürstenau, Deutsche Welle)

Jakob Finci: Bosnians know how awful war is (video)
(Abdulah Hodzic, Deutsche Welle)

Antisemitic incidents up 800% in the Netherlands since Oct. 7, Dutch watchdog reports
(Shira Li Bartov, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

"The enemy effectively exploits religion in this hybrid war," - Head of the OCU
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Anglican debates: Democracy, ecclesiology, or both?
(Elisabeth Rain Kincaid, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

CEC–CCEE Joint Committee issues declaration on the situation in the Middle East
(Conference of European Churches)

Republican senators call for federally funded schools to protect Jewish students
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Schumer wants $1.2B in new security funding for US religious groups: ‘Intolerance has reached a boiling point’
(Steven Nelson, New York Post)

Former British PM Gordon Brown on human trafficking
(G20 Interfaith Forum Blog)

Vietnam releases 4 independent Protestants after 5 days’ detention
(Radio Free Asia)

Calls to action against antisemitism & anti-Muslim hatred
(European Evangelical Alliance)

Turkey inaugurates first state - built church: “We are very happy”
(Evangelical Focus)

Consolidating the legal recognition and protection of same-sex couples: Koilova and Babulkova v. Bulgaria
(Ignatius Yordan Nugraha, Strasbourg Observers)

Victory: New York gives up attack on Sisters of Life

Australia: Religious freedom is a path to peace, Archbishop Paul Gallagher says on Australian tour
(Marilyn Rodrigues, The Catholic Weekly)

Brazil: Reports of anti-Semitism in Brazil grow 1,000% after war in Israel, says Conib (Portuguese)
(Iuri Pitta, CNN Brasil)

Brazil: Tribuna Livre debates religious intolerance and religious racism (Portuguese)
(Bruno Almeida, Câmara Municipal de Aracaju)

Brazil: Religious racism is the theme of an ebook launched by NGOs (Portuguese)
(Redação, Observatório 3º Setor)

Pakistan: European Parliamentarians call for action to address coerced faith conversion and violence against minority women and girls in Pakistan – OpEd
(Kashif Nawab, Eurasia Review)

Monday, 6 November 2023

EVENT, 6 November 2023: Freedom for Faith 2023 National Conference (Village Church Annandale, NSW, Australia)
(Freedom for Faith)

EVENT, 6 November 2023: Religions on War and Peace (Rome, Italy)
(The Luiss Religions in Dialogue Forum)

IGE and Uzbekistan embassy hold seminar on religious freedom and security
(Institute for Global Engagement)

Are the Apostolic Fathers relevant to twenty-first century readers?
(William Varner, OUPblog: Religion)

Faith is a call to dialogue and peacemaking, pope tells rabbis
(Cindy Wooden, Catholic Review)

"This is Pennsylvania, not France": Religious garb ban for teachers repealed
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Coalition of Baptist leaders will file amicus brief challenging NAMB’s view of First Amendment
(Mark Wingfield, Baptist News Global)

Appeals court considers whether Texas teens should be allowed contraception without parental consent under federal program
(Eleanor Klibanoff, The Texas Tribune)

British Christian organization launches online survey to gauge religious exclusion levels
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Campaigners welcome free bus passes for asylum seekers announcement
(The Church of Scotland)

CI: ‘New extremism definition could pose threat to religious freedom’
(The Christian Institute)

Law and religion round-up – 5th November
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Minnesota: Religious schools in court to protect faith-based education
(Becket Law)

Iran: Prominent Iranian religious scholar says hijab law should be abolished, urges authorities to stop inciting violence
(Mohammad Zarghami and Michael Scollon, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

School board prayer policy violates Constitution, atheist group claims
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Antisemitism envoys from 24 countries call on governments to ensure ‘necessary security assistance’ for Jews following Hamas attack on Israel
(Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Jews, Semites, and Antisemitism
(Simeon Chavel, Sightings, The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Voice, engagement, and learning: The Catholic Church Synod and the United Nations Summit of the Future
(Katherine Marshall, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Pakistan: USCIRF concerned by Pakistan’s expulsion of refugees and attacks against Ahmadiyya Muslims
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Around the web - 6 November 2023
(Law and Religion Forum, St. John's Law School Center for Law & Religion)

China: Religious persecution and issues – Bimonthly Digest 16-31 October
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

China: Police assault Early Rain Christians during detention
(China Aid)

The battle for the soul of the Dalai Lama
(Lobsang Sangay, Foreign Affairs)

Canada: Military prayer ban on Remembrance Day lifted amid public outcry
(The Western Standard)

What is a woman faith-based mediator?
(Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers)

For God and country? The role of faith in US electoral politics revisited
(Kristian Noll, London School of Economics Religion and Global Society Blog)

Indonesia: Inside Indonesia’s Religious Courts: An Argument for Domestic and Family Violence Screening and Exemption from Compulsory Mediation
(Balawyn Jones and Amira Aftab, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion)

'MAGA and Christian nationalism' are 'bigger threat' to US than Hamas column triggers debate, furor
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

The case against religion
(Bettina Krause, Liberty Magazine)

Nigeria Islamic court sentences cross-dressers to flogging
(AFP, Barron's)

How hate solidifies—Özyürek in Zeit Online
(Cambridge Interfaith Programme)

Articles of interest - 6 November 2023
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Faith-based groups’ protests for cease-fire in Gaza gain momentum
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

NY cardinal denounces acts of religious hatred in US amid Gaza war
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

How the Israel-Hamas war has brought together Arab Christians and Muslims
(Daoud Kuttab, Religion News Service)

Serbian journalist Vladimir Veljkovic on the war in Ukraine, Patriarch Kirill and Orthodoxy’s future
(Jovan Tripkovic, Religion Unplugged)

The SBU served notice of suspicion on the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

UNESCO mission to study damage to cultural monuments caused by Russian shelling launches in Chernihiv
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Texas tests First Amendment with chaplains in public schools
(Charles J. Russo, Religion Unplugged)

Two weeks in review, 23 October – 5 November 2023
(Tal Gross, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

New book: The Opening of the Protestant Mind: How Anglo-American Protestants Embraced Religious Liberty
(Mark Valeri, Oxford University Press)

COMECE advocates for the importance of confessional religious education at all levels of learning
(The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE))

A special kind of hatred
(Ian Speir, Juicy Ecumenism, Institute on Religion and Democracy)

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