Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 13 December 2019

Trump signs order recognizing Jewish university students as a protected class
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Trump's effort to fight campus anti-semitism is no war on free speech
(Jonathan S. Tobin, National Review)

Cameroon bishop attacks country’s human rights record, calls for election reform
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Vatican calls Greta Thunberg ‘great witness’ of Church’s environmental teaching
(Elise Harris, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Trump introduces Robert Jeffress, pastor who says Jews are going to hell, at White House Hanukkah party
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Greta Thunberg is the perfect hero for an unserious time
(David Harsanyi, National Review)

Faith groups praise Australia’s religious discrimination legislation
(Catholic News Service)

USCIRF condemns Egypt’s arrest of Coptic activist Ramy Kamel
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

USCIRF calls for immediate release of Saudi blogger Raif Badawi
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Soros attacks in impeachment saga spark anti-Semitism debate
(Elana Schor, Associated Press)

Polish far-right leader arrested for inciting anti-Semitism
(a, Associated Press)

After British election, bishop urges vigilance on issues
(Simon Caldwell, Catholic News Service)

The decline of religion in American family life
(Daniel A. Cox, Jacqueline Clemence, Eleanor O’Neil, American Enterprise Institute)

Rights defender urges caution on domestic violence (Russia)
(Interfax-Religiia, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Russian officials spread radical accusations against Baptist leader
(Interfax-Religiia, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Six Jehovah's Witnesses convicted in Penza

Rosobrnadzor bans acceptance of students to seminary of Evangelical-Lutheran church

There's no way around it, saith Ryan Burge: Gray hair in the pews is an important story
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Neo-Pentecostal gangs on the rampage? That's a big story in Brazil, they say
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

Brexit: conclusions of the European Council, 13 December
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Dear Democrats: Four religion requests from non-religious Americans
(Hemant Mehta, Religion News Service)

As protests continue in Hong Kong, Beijing’s criticism of churches grows louder
(Verna Yu, America Magazine)

Nigeria: Use religion to crush corruption, cleric tells govt
(Shina Abubakar, All Africa)

Right to freedom of religion becomes human beings' fundamental right (Indonesia)
(Azis Kurmala, Antara News)

Pakistan needs to honor spirit of 1973 constitution
(Ali Changezi Sandhu, Asia Times)

Turkey says Europe headed for ‘religion of wars‘
(Stock Daily Dish)

Religious discrimination bill: what will Australians be allowed to say and do if it passes?
(Paul Karp, Guardian (Australia))

Cotler urges Trudeau to name anti-Semitism envoy
(Janice Arnold, The Canadian Jewish News)

Keeping the mystic, messianic faith of Star Wars' Skywalkers
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service)

Who are Black Hebrew Israelites?
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Reform Jews call for reparations for slavery
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

‘You’ve got to call out evil,’ says pastor of church with Nativity scene separated in cages
(Alejandra Molina and Aysha Khan, Religion News Service)

Canada: Secularism's anti-Charter ugliness
(Ray Pennings, Convivium)

Desperately seeking civility
(Josh Nadeau, Convivium)

White House provides lifeline to US ties with Turkey and Saudi Arabia
(Week in Review, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

For Gambian Christians, there’s a lot to like — and one big worry — in the proposed constitution
(Barbara G. Baker, World Watch Monitor)

Religious exemptions for childhood vaccinations could end in New Jersey
(Rita Giordano, The Baltimore Sun)

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Quebec leader causes controversy by saying all French Canadians are Catholic
(Christopher White, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Appeals court refuses temporary injunction against Quebec's secularism act
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Quebec’s Court of Appeal rejects bid to suspend Bill 21
(Jesse Feith, Montreal Gazette)

Quebec religious symbols law causes harm but shouldn’t be suspended: Appeal Court
(Morgan Lowrie, The Canadian Press)

One law, many challenges: How lawyers are trying to overturn Quebec's religious symbols ban
(Jonathan Montpetit, CBC News)

Jersey City shooting is being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism, authorities say
(Shayna Jacobs, Kevin Armstrong, Deanna Paul, and Griff Witte, The Washington Post)

Republicans think they can court Hispanic votes with their position on abortion, but data tells a different story
(Stella Rouse and Janelle Wong, Morning Consult)

Catholic school principal's retaliatory discharge claim dismissed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Appeals court dismisses suit to enforce board's suspension of church pastor
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court review sought in city council speech limits at meeting on mosque
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Tennessee school board votes down Bible Release Time policy
(Associated Press)

Pope presses anti-nuke, environment call in peace message
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Baby Jesus wasn’t a patriotic American
(Benjamin Marcus, Religious Freedom Center, Freedom Forum Institute)

The ‘Christian doomsayers’ are right
(John Hirschauer, National Review)

Kamala Harris learns the hard way: Lay off the Knights of Columbus
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review)

If the byline says Sarah Pulliam Bailey, go ahead and count on an interesting, enlightening religion story
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Here we go again (again): RNS/AP offers doctrine-free take on George Fox LGBTQ battles
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

The New York Times offers massive 'special report' on euthanasia – that's full of holes
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Faculty Jurisdiction – further amendments, April 2020
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

'We're the black restorers': Meet the volunteers saving the wooden churches in northern Russia
(Andrey Borodulin, Naira Davlashyan, Euronews)

Pope warned Montenegro over religion law, Serbian church claims
(Samir Kajosevic, Balkan Insight)

Religion allows it: Ma’ruf believes death penalty could deter corruption (Indonesia)
(The Jakarta Post)

Millennials are leaving religion and not coming back
(Daniel Cox and Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux, Five Thirty Eight)

Thomas More Institute analyses the organisation and the challenges of Islam in Morocco
(Yahoo Finance)

Indian couple convicted in Germany for spying on Kashmiris and Sikhs
(Sputnik News)

Spain: Morocco is leader in fight against terrorism
(Safaa Kasraoui, Morocco World News)

ADL downplays anti-Semitism among European Muslims
(Andrew Bostom, Israel Hayom)

Judge in 7-year-old James Younger's gender transition case recused
(Mikaela Mathews, Christian Headlines)

China accuses US of double standards on anti-Muslim bigotry, counterterrorism
(Aysha Khan, Religion News Service)

In our opinion: Today is Lucia. Here’s why that should matter to you
(The Editorial Board, Deseret News)

Senate recognizes Armenian genocide in latest black eye for Turkey
(Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Does the new practice of dopamine fasting have religious roots?
(A. Trevor Sutton, Sightings: The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Baby Jesus wasn't a patriotic American
(Benjamin Marcus, Freedom Forum Institute)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ethnic discrimination a key barrier
(Human Rights Watch)

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

EVENT, 11 December 2019: Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security in light of the OSCE's commitments and international and regional standards
(European Platform against Religious Intolerance and Disccrimination (EPRID) and OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights., Held at the European Parliament, Room ASP3G3)

December 11: Hundreds of religious leaders gather to set global peace priorities
(Religions for Peace)

Presidential Proclamation on Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 2019
(Donald J. Trump, The White House)

Trump expected to sign order to foster probes of anti-Semitism on campus
(Laura Meckler, Julie Zauzmer, and Ashley Parker, The Washington Post)

Jersey City shootout: Mayor says kosher deli was targeted by gunmen in deadly attack
(Reis Thebault and Katie Mettler, The Washington Post)

Gunman in Florida base shooting may have embraced radical ideology years before arriving in U.S., Saudi report says
(The Washington Post)

‘I feel so distant from God’: Popular D.C.-area pastor confesses he’s tired, announces sabbatical
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)

Methodist parent body sues SMU over attempted split from church control
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

German army to get military rabbis again after 100 years
(Associated Press)

India’s Parliament passes contentious citizenship bill
(Ashok Sharma, Associated Press)

New controversial law in India uses religion as a criteria for citizenship
(Lauren Frayer, National Public Radio)

Religion and refugee resettlement: The American context
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Denying resettlement to refugees: Betraying U.S. leadership, history, and values (Responding to: Religion and refugee resettlement: The American context)
(David Hollenbach, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Refugee experts express hope for refugee resettlement in America (Responding to Religion and refugee resettlement: The American context)
(Anne C. Richard, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Refugee policies and the assault on American values (Responding to Religion and refugee resettlement: The American context)
(Elizabeth Ferris, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Religious nationalism, rights, and citizenship: A refugee challenge (Responding to Religion and refugee resettlement: The American context)
(Katherine Marshall, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

The darkening city on the hill: The Trump Administration heightens its assault on refugee protection (Responding to Religion and refugee resettlement: The American context)
(Donald M. Kerwin, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Vatican to host interfaith meeting on end-of-life issues
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

As Christianity grows in Africa, anti-Christian persecution rises
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Dutch officials after church sale: ‘It’s better to have Buddhists than apartments’
(Michiel van de Kamp, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Man charged with attacking guards at National Shrine in DC
(Associated Press)

New bill strikes the perfect balance between gay rights and religious liberty
(Brad Polumbo, Washington Examiner)

The disgraceful campaign against the Salvation Army
(Rich Lowry, National Review)

Christ the Savior Cathedral receives fourth bomb threat in Dec

Mufti Gainutdin calls on Muslim leaders to protect persecuted Christians of Africa, Middle East

Uzbekistan: Obstacles, pressure, bribe demands obstruct legal status applications
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Big story: How to properly cover laws regarding sex abuse and Catholic church bankruptcy
(Clemente Lisi, GetReligion)

Atheism as a religion? Church of Atheism of Central Canada
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Vinnies refuses to be 'used' to promote Coalition's new religious discrimination bill
(Paul Karp, Guardian (Australia))

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