Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Pastor in northern India falsely accused of destroying Hindu idols by radicals
(International Christian Concern)

Same-sex marriage: Couple make history as first in NI
(BBC News)

Euthanasia bill moves ahead in Spanish parliament

Poll shows support for pro-life candidate to lead Canada’s conservative party
(Anthony Murdoch, LifeSiteNews)

All 15 TDs who voted against abortion legislation got re-elected (Ireland)
(The Iona Institute for Religion and Society)

Gospel of Matthew’s message rings loudly for some 2020 Dems
(Elana Schor, Associated Press)

Impasse at Jewish museum in Warsaw approaches resolution
(Vanessa Gera, Associated Press)

White supremacist propaganda spreading, anti-bias group says
(Elana Schor, Associated Press)

July trial set for suit over Arkansas Ten Commandments
(Associated Press)

Labour expels 25 people in one day over antisemitism allegations
(Mathilde Frot, Jewish News)

That question I keep hearing: Why isn't slaughter of Nigerian Christians a news story?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

What does a progressive or socialist foreign policy look like?
(Vanessa Cook, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

Why these young American Christians embraced socialism
(Sarah Ngu, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

Mormon votes are valued. Too often Mormon convictions are not.
(Joseph Stuart, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

In the long run, Romney wins. The Utah senator's speech was the stuff of American myth
(Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic)

'When character matters most': What lawyers are saying about the Stone prosecutors who quit
(Mike Scarcella, The National Law Journal)

Who is Jay Sekulow, President Trump's lawyer
(Daniel Bennett, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

Understanding why religious conservatives would vote for Trump
(Andrew T. Walker, National Review)

While the local church fights Ortega in Nicaragua, Pope Francis is silent
(Ryan C. Berg & Frances Tilney Burke, National Review)

Is there room for religious discussions about forgiveness in cases of campus sexual assault?
(Erica Evans, Deseret News)

Religious couple given 5 years for not taking sick daughter to doctors
(Davis VanOpdorp, Deutsche Welle)

Mediterranean summit to highlight threats to Christian survival in Middle East
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Salvadoran cardinal calls for prudence, patience amid political turmoil
(David Agren, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Nigerian bishop urges nonviolence in response to terrorist killings
(Catholic News Service)

Folk singers charged for violating Bangladesh’s draconian Digital Security Act
(Wimal Perera, World Socialist Web Site)

Blasphemy 'is no crime', says Macron amid French girl's anti-Islam row
(Kim Willsher, The Guardian)

‘Religious liberty’ adoption bill fans debate in Georgia
(Tamar Hallerman and Maya T. Prabhu, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Census Bureau to host 2020 Census Interfaith Partner Summit
(Business Wire)

The argument for abortion as a religious right
(Leila Ettachfini, VICE)

EVENT, 11 February 2020: Briefing on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security: New Policy Guidance from the OSCE
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Zoning requirement violates RLUIPA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Free Exercise claim as to marijuana use is rejected
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

More US firms are boosting faith-based support for employees
(David Crary, Associated Press)

Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index
(Measuring the Fortune 100's Commitment to Religious Freedom, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Kansas anti-abortion measure fails; Medicaid plan targeted
(John Hanna, Associated Press)

West Virginia Senate passes ‘born alive’ abortion bill
(Anthony Izaguirre, Associated Press)

R.I. priest bans legislators who support abortion from taking communion
(Michael Foust, Christian Headlines)

11k sign petition protesting priest's communion ban for abortion-rights lawmakers: 'You are making the name of christianity repugnant'
(Ewan Palmer, Newsweek)

EVENT, 11 February 2020: "The Doorkeeper, the Choirboy, and the Singer of Psalms", Provo, UT
(Brigham Young University)

Gibraltar faces challenge to pro-life protections in March 19 abortion referendum
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Religious liberty issue highlighted in international conflict
(Ruslan Krivobok, RIA Novosti, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Federal court: Religious freedom law protects group providing aid to migrants from criminal convictions
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Despite movement towards religious freedom, Sudanese Christians still face persecution
(Sarah Traill, Mission Network News)

Britain mulls advocacy for persecuted Christians
(Terry Tastard, Providence Mag)

The dividing lines over Scotland's gender laws
(James Cook, BBC News)

Peruvian woman sues for right to euthanasia
(Catholic News Agency)

Westminster Council opposes national Holocaust memorial ahead of inquiry
(Mathilde Frot, Jewish News)

Iran's Baha'is lose 'other religion' ID card bracket: A global story ripe for local coverage
(Ira Rifkin, GetReligion)

Russia: Pentecostal churches facing possible closure, destruction
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

CPRF doesn't mind mentioning God in Russian constitution

Houses of worship struggle to balance security and belief in wake of violence
(Shahla Farzan, National Public Radio)

Begum still barred from returning to UK or reclaiming British citizenship
(Marina Wheeler QC, UK Human Rights Blog)

Anti-Semitism is a problem on the right and the left. Here’s how I’d combat it from day one.
(Mike Bloomberg, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

My plan to fight anti-Semitism
(Joe Biden, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

My administration will devote $1 billion to combat anti-Semitism and other violent extremism
(Pete Buttigieg, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Serbian minister visits Montenegro amid dispute over church
(Samir Kajosevic and Milica Stojanovic, Balkan Insight)

Religious community north of Montreal failed its children, lawyer for ex-Hasidic couple says
(Benjamin Shingler, CBC News)

EU should not ignore human rights of religious minorities in Vietnam trade deal
(ADF International, Scoop Media)

Lebanon, Nigeria show Catholic bishops saying the emperor has no clothes
(John Allen Jr., Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

What's on pastors' minds? It's not religious liberty
(Emily McFarlan Miller, National Catholic Reporter)

High Court leans toward support for religious schools
(Mark Walsh, Education Week)

Settlement: County must pay atheists $490,000 for blocking invocations
(Michael Foust, Christian Headlines)

Act of Synod – Clergy Care and Wellbeing
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Ecclesiastical court judgments – January (I)
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Bernie Sanders makes Jewish history by winning the New Hampshire Democratic primary — again
(Philissa Cramer, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Bernie Sanders and the Jews
(Shmuel Rosner, Jewish Journal)

Reversing a 2014 promise, Dutch city maintains street signs identifying Israeli cities as located in Palestine
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA, Jewish Journal)

PA-backed UN resolution condemning Trump peace plan withdrawn
(Aaron Bandler, Jewish Journal)

Monday, 10 February 2020

The Cult of Unity is a poison
(Jonah Goldberg, The G-File)

The decline of religion may be slowing
(Paul A. Djupe and Ryan P. Burge, Religion in Public (Blog))

Generation Z and religion: What new data show
(Melissa Deckman, Religion in Public (Blog))

Abandoning human rights for identity politics in Sri Lanka
(CSWPress, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

English in England: we should celebrate different languages, not write hate mail about them
(Monika Schmid, The Conversation)

Scrapping right to withdraw from RE could undermine human rights law, says world-leading legal expert
(Humanists UK)

Debates around burqa and niqab ban flare up in Germany
(Polina Strelnikova, Sputnik News)

The use of regional jurisprudence in UN draft general comment on the freedom of assembly
(Evelyn Aswad, Just Security)

Interfaith dialogue: For religious tolerance
(Narendra Pande, The Himalayan Times)

Insecurity has no religion, Catholic priest tells Nigerians
(Olamide Ogunjimi, Vanguard Nigeria)

College survey shows how to turn suspicion of Latter-day Saints into appreciation
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Florida church to offer same-sex marriage in diocese that previously refused to allow rites
(David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service)

Longing for the spring: The Uyghur poets who denounce the CCP
(Ruth Ingram, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Xinjiang’s Hui Muslims were swept into camps alongside Uighurs
(Gene A. Bunin, Foreign Policy)

"Neutral principles" approach controls issue of joining parent church
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

6th Circuit: Non-recognition substantially burdened Christian identity inmates
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Calls for exclusion zones outside UK abortion clinics amid protests
(Aamna Mohdin, The Guardian)

End of freedom of speech or stopping discrimination? Switzerland votes on anti-homophobia law
(Polina Strelnikova, Sputnik News)

Croatia’s top court rules same-sex couples can foster
(Anja Vladisavljevic, Balkan Insight)

Montenegro is rethinking the Law on Freedom of Religion

Guilty plea to federal charges in black church burnings
(Associated Press)

Louisiana man pleads guilty to burning three Baptist churches in St. Landry Parish
(U.S. Department of Justice)

Pope, Ukrainian president talk about peace, freeing prisoners of war
(Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service)

Pope to Web companies: guard against human traffickers’ bait
(Associated Press)

White supremacist pleads guilty in Las Vegas bomb plot case
(Ken Ritter, Associated Press)

Ideas: There is no Christian case for Trump
(Peter Wehner, The Atlantic)

Opinion: Pete Buttigieg is no friend of religious liberty
(Mary Vought, Daily Wire)

It might be time to suspend the National Prayer Breakfast
(Cal Thomas, The Washington Post)

At the heart of the National Prayer Breakfast was an explosion of religious debate
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

An imam and a rabbi see the State of the Union address as less than reassuring
(Omar Suleiman and Nancy Kasten, Religion News Service)

Myanmar's internet shutdowns threaten its Muslim minority's human rights
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Religion Unplugged)

Criminal case opened in Transbaikal Territory after searches of residences of suspected Jehovah's Witnesses

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