Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Egypt releases political prisoners amid coronavirus outbreak
(Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

COVID-19, circumstance, and Groundhog Day
(Glenn A. Moots, Law & Liberty)

Bi-partisan reform in a fitbul Senate?
(Philip A. Wallach, Law & Liberty)

How many hospital beds are enough?
(Ben Peterson, Law & Liberty)

Churchgoers all over world ignore physical distancing advice
(Andrew Roth in Moscow, Shaun Walker in Budapest and Dom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro, The Guardian)

A sermon on COVID-19 and climate change
(Mark Silk, RNS Column: Spiritual Politics)

'Zoombombing' comes for houses of worship
(Aysha Khan, Religion News Service)

USCIRF troubled with targeting of Hazara Shi’a in Pakistan amid coronavirus lockdown
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Suits in NY and Texas say stay-at-home orders infringe religious rights
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Hotze, pastors ask Texas Supreme Court to rule Harris County stay-at-home order unconstitutional
(Jasper Scherer and Robert Downen, Houston Chronicle)

8th Circuit: Catholic hospital retirement plan is exempt from ERISA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court must reconsider constitutional challenge to ERISA religious exemption -8th Circuit
(Brendan Pierson, Reuters)

Pastor arrested for holding church services in violation of health department order
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Virus forces religions to improvise, isolate for holidays
(Gary Fields, Associated Press)

Papacies in lockdown: How does the pandemic compare to crises of the past?
(Massimo Faggioli, Commonweal)

Pope, Italian PM likely talk “now” and “then” of the coronavirus
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Northern Ireland bishops lament beginning of ‘one of the most liberal abortion regimes’
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Bishops shocked that UK to allow abortion pills at home during pandemic
(Simon Caldwell, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Coronavirus and Islam: Pakistani clerics refuse to shut down mosques
(Haroon Janjua, Deutsche Welle)

Media report Orthodox churches defying attendance ban in St. Petersburg
(, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Democrats (and political reporters) need to start asking different religion questions
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

About Rodney Howard-Browne and what happens to Easter, Passover and the hajj during a plague
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

UK church sues city council for canceling 3-day conference over speaker’s views on homosexuality
(Samuel Smith, Christian Post)

Some ultra-Orthodox Jews are ignoring Israel's coronavirus rules, despite a warning to 'wake up!'
(Oren Liebermann, CNN International)

The legal incoherence of wannabe theocrats is on full display this SCOTUS term
(Above the Law)

India tracks attendees after Muslim event linked to virus cases
(Parth MN, Al Jazeera)

Singapore court upholds law criminalizing sex between men
(Melissa Sou-Jie Van Brunnersum, Deutsche Welle)

Queensland takes crucial step towards legalising voluntary assisted dying
(Sonia Kohlbacher, 7 News)

Facing coronavirus travel bans, the Mormon church has chartered jets to bring thousands of missionaries home
(Siobhán O'Grady, The Washington Post)

Under coronavirus immigration measures, U.S. is expelling border-crossers to Mexico in an average of 96 minutes
(Nick Miroff, The Washington Post)

Despite virus concerns, some Philly Catholics still receiving Communion on the tongue
(William Bender and Jeremy Roebuck, The Philadelphia Enquirer)

Pollsters asked Americans to name a Jew. The most common answer was Jesus.
(Aiden Pink, Fast Forward: Quick reads through a Jewish lens)

Because coronavirus has led to enough sacrifices, Catholic bishops say it’s okay to eat meat on Fridays during Lent
(Antonia Noori Farzan, The Washington Post)

As states crack down on gatherings, some religious exemptions could keep pews full
(Liz Alesse, ABC News)

Virus soars among ultra-Orthodox Jews as many flout Israel's rules
(David M. Halbfinger, The New York Times)

New York church founded weeks after 9/11 responds to coronavirus
(Caleb Galaraga, Religion Unplugged)

As India's new coronavirus cases are linked to a mosque, some blame Muslims
(Avinash Giri, Religion Unplugged)

Iran's imprisoned Christians face yet another danger: COVID-!9
(Lela Gilbert, Religion Unplugged)

Monday, 30 March 2020

Proxy wars over religious liberty
(Ryan T. Anderson, National Affairs)

Pope Francis marks the 25th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae
(RIck Garnett, Mirror of Justice Blog)

To the Bishops Priests and Deacons Men and Women religious lay Faithful and all People of Good Will on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life
(John Paul II - Evangelium Vitae, The Vatican)

Law and religion round-up – 29th March
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Church building maintenance during lockdown
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Faculty petitions under the coronavirus restrictions
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Love, obligation, and possibilities in the time of COVID-19
(Stephanie Friedman, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Measuring the Apocalypse: Where we will and won't find meaning in this global pandemic
(Evan F. Kuehen, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Pan-nemesis: COVID-19 and beyond
(William Schweiker, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Saudi leader of Muslim World League: Interfaith partnerships during pandemic ‘religious, moral duty'

Religious freedom in Cuba: The lived reality
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

More evidence about camps and prisons for Uyghurs in Xinjiang
(Chang Xin, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Islamic schools shuttered, 100,000 Qurans burned
(Ma Xiagu, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Catholic hospital is within Title VII exemption
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

D.C.’s patient zero: A priest’s journey from ICU to reuniting with family and flock
(Fenit Nirappil, The Washington Post)

With drop in offerings, evangelical churches brace for coronavirus impact
(Meagan Clark and Liza Vandenboom, Religion Unplugged)

Technology is reshaping Jewish life during a pandemic
(Dave Schechter, Religion Unplugged)

Pastor arrested for violating rules amid virus outbreak
(Tamara Lush and Chris O'Meara, Associated Press)

Student who objects to reciting Pledge may move ahead on compelled speech claim against teacher
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

10th Circuit reverses dismissal of inmate's 1st Amendment claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Turkey: Pressures, attacks, and discrimination against Christians
(Uzay Bulut, Gatestone Institute)

Police raids on Italian churches raise religious freedom concerns
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

House committee recommends conscience vote on abortion in Jamaica
(Balford Henry, Jamaica Observer)

What’s next for Iraq’s persecuted Christians: A crisis we can’t keep ignoring
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

Pope calls for heartfelt compassion for those impacted by COVID-19
(Carol Glatz, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Rome mayor meets with Pope Francis; endorses Caritas campaign
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Italy okays weddings and baptisms, but warns church not a motive for leaving home
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Site crashes as half million-plus watch England’s rededication to Mary
(Catholic News Service)

English bishop calls for early release of prisoners during COVID-19 pandemic
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Attorney sues Cuomo over NY ban on large gatherings, says it infringes on ability to observe Jewish faith
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The two big G’s – God and government
(Sabrina Dent, Religious Freedom Center, Freedom Forum Institute)

China’s people of faith: Canaries in Xi Jinping’s coal mine
(Leila Gilbert, The Jerusalem Post)

Rank these stories: Falwell rolls dice with virus or potential collapse of some small colleges?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Medical ethics or religion? Killing Grandma and other questions during the COVID-19 cris
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Church and state grapple with exemptions allowing worshipers to congregate
(Brian Niemietz, New York Daily News)

Coronavirus closes mosques, churches and temples across Asia
(Shotaro Tani and Ismi Damayanti, Nikkei Asian Review)

Radical changes taking hold in Nepal
(John Cosenza, International Christian Concern)

Sudanese government return confiscated truck to church, after 8 years
(International Christian Concern)

Cambodia: Fight discrimination amid pandemic
(Human Rights Watch)

China: Funeral of 100-y-o underground bishop restricted by communist gov't
(Leah MarieAnn Klett, Christian Post)

Health certificates required to enter Mandalay religious sites as Myanmar struggles with COVID-19
(Zarni Mann, The Irrawaddy)

Tunisia has a problem with internalised Islamophobia
(Safa Belghith, Al Jazeera)

Turkey ignores its highest court’s verdict on Armenian patriarch’s election
(Harut Sassounian, The Armenian Weekly)

Montenegro detains priest for defying ban on gatherings
(Samir Kajosevic, Balkan Insight)

In Nigeria, religion moves the North, politics moves the West, ethnicity moves the East
(Azuka Onwuka, Punch)

Irrespective of religion, all Mumbai Covid-19 victims to be cremated
(Outlook India)

Bill de Blasio: NYC churches caught holding services during coronavirus may be 'permanently' closed
(Douglas Ernst, Washington Times)

Covid-19 e a Renegociação dos Contratos de Locação de Imóveis
(Iabelle Giannasi, Jusbrasil)

Egypt to offer investors shares in military-run companies
(Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Defaulted Lebanon hopes to pay off debts with cannabis
(Sarah Abdallah, Al-Monitor: Lebanon Pulse)

UK High Court overturns decision not to prosecute rape allegation
(Alice Kuzmenko, UK Human Rights Blog)

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Pope’s Urbi et Orbi blessing in light of coronavirus
(Jim Fair, Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

Parliament Trustee invites interfaith colleagues for a for a special meditation-in-place event, March 29
(Master Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, The Parliament of the Worlds Religions)

President Russell M. Nelson invites all to join in fast on March 29 for relief from COVID-19
(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Pope Francis says ‘We are all in the same boat,’ during Urbi et Orbi ceremony
(Claire Giangravé, Religion News Service)

Register for The Economist's free daily COVID-19 update newsletter
(The Economist)

UN working to ensure vulnerable groups not left behind in COVID-19 response
(Department of Global Communications, United Nations)

Standing together in Spirit & with Actions: A multi-religious response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
(Religions for Peace)

Social Distancing Scoreboard
(Compare your community's social distancing activity to its activity prior to COVID-19, Unacast)

The Global Response to the Coronavirus: Impact on Religious Practice and Religious Freedom
(Scott Weiner, Policy Analyst; Kirsten Lavery, International Legal Specialist; and Dominic Nardi, Policy Analyst, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

How does your faith give you #HopeDuringCOVID-19
(Thomas Farr, RFI President, Religious Freedom Institute)

Religion Photos of the Week - 27 March 2020
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

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