Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Many Americans are praying and staying away from religious services in response to coronavirus: More than half say they have prayer for an end to the spread of the virus
(Pew Research Center: Social and Demographic Trends)

Released from quarantine into social distancing
(Thomas Reese, RNS Column: Signs of the Times)

Addiction in the age of Covid-19
(Brian J. Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Higher attendance, lower giving: New survey shows how churches are responding to COVID-19
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

Surviving April
(Max Lucado, Religion News Service)

Saudi official urges Muslims to delay hajj plans over virus
(Aya Batrawy and Jon Gambrell, Associated Press)

Hajj pilgrimage could be cancelled because of coronavirus
(Martin Chulov, The Guardian)

‘Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey And The Future Of Secularism’ – book review
(James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review)

Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey, and the Future of Secularism
(Sumantra Bose, Cambridge University Press)

How will the global upheaval from COVID-19 affect religion?
(Richard Ostling, Religion Unplugged)

'Be nice' is note needed during crisis — but a free press is
(Gene Policinski, Freedom Forum)

U.S. Current Trend: COVID-19 and civic freedom
(International Center for Not-for-Profit Law)

A grim calculus: Covid-19 presents stark choices between life, death and the economy
(The Economist)

The Seder’s secrets to enduring a pandemic
(Ellen Bernstein, Religion News Service)

In a city defined by power, a virus has seized control
(John Woodrow Cox John Woodrow Cox Enterprise reporter with a focus on narrative journalism Email Bio Follow , Jessica Contrera, Paul Schwartzman, Peter Jamison, Petula Dvorak, Hannah Natanson and Sydney Trent, The Washington Post)

Oh no! 'New Yorkers' upset about Franklin Graham's hospital tents near Central Park angel
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Fire at will, in a circle: What does 'pro-life' mean in the context of the COVID-19 era?
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Touting virus cure, 'simple country doctor' becomes a right-wing star
(Kevin Roose and Matthew Rosenberg, The New York Times)

Where America didn't stay hom even as the virus spread
(James Glanz, Benedict Carey, Josh Holder, Derek Watkins, Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, Rick Rojas and Lauren Leatherby, The New York Times)

In sudden shift, U.S. and China seek to cooperate
(Edward Wong and Ana Swanson, The New York Times)

States should declare a State of Emergency using Article 15 ECHR to confront the Coronavirus Pandemic
(Alan Greene, Strasbourg Observers)

Intel: Soleimani’s successor visits Iraq, then Trump tweets warning to Iran
(Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor)

Can Russia, Saudi Arabia strike new OPEC+ deal with US help?
(Ruslan Mamedov, Al-Monitor: Russia / Mideast Pulse)

Turkey finally releases epidemic figures: coronavirus epicenter in Istanbul
(Ayla Jean Yackley, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

Can Iran's president turn around its economy?
(Bijan Khajehpour, Al-Monitor: Iran Pulse)

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Global Interfaith Moment of Hope & Solidarity: Join us on April 1
(Religions for Peace)

Tackling the Fears of Corona (second installment): Invitation to an International Interfaith Online Meeting
(The Elijah Faith Institute)

United Nations information website: Coronavirus global health emergency
(United Nations)

The Round Up: Terrorism, the Parole Board, and… Covid-19
(Conor Monighan, UK Human Rights Blog)

As coronavirus keeps parishioners homebound, Christian clergy debate online Communion
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Reponse to the virus: Common sense isn't enough
(Roberto J De La Noval, La Croix International)

Canada's faith leaders unite in the face of coronavirus
(Claire Lesegretain, La Croix International)

Dutch scientists find a novel coronavirus early-warning signal
(Jason Gale, Bloomberg)

Kazakhstan: More court-ordered religious literature destruction
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Florida sheriff charges pastor who kept megachurch open, said closings are for ‘pansies’
(The Washington Post: Religion)

Correction: Brazilian churches bristle at virus quarantines
(Diane Jeantet, Associated Press)

All megachurches are not alike: NYTimes noted Howard-Browne arrest, but didn't leave it at that
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Coronavirus: Uyghurs deported to other provinces as slave laborers to restart economy
(Ruth Ingram, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Employers and COVID-19: What Attorneys Should Know about Mass Layoffs and Furloughs, Families First Coronavirus Act, and When an Employee Tests Positive
(Federal Bar Association)

Standing Rock Sioux celebrate ‘significant legal win’ in DAPL fight
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Episcopal News Service)

7th Circuit upholds prison rule limiting off-bunk prayers
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Suit challenges Colorado stay-at-home order partly on Free Exercise grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Denver man files suit challenging state, city stay-at-home orders
(Michael Karlik, Colorado Politics)

Courts grapple with state abortion bans in COVID-19 responses
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judges block states from limiting access to abortions during coronavirus pandemic
(Elizabeth Findell and Brent Kendall, The Wall Street Journal)

More than half of Americans have prayed for the end of coronavirus, poll finds
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)

Clandestine masses and online funerals: Italy's newspapers covering virus through a religious lens
(Clemente Lisi, GetReligion)

5 Buddhist teachings that can help you deal with coronavirus anxiety
(Brooke Schedneck, The Conversation)

Denying conscience – the Canadian experiment
(Steve Fouch, Christian Medical Fellowship)

Prosecutors voice support for decriminalization of adultery
(Focus Taiwan)

U.S. Navy revises religious accommodation request policy regarding beards, attire
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

The COVID-19 stimulus packages and houses of worship
(Holly Hollman, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Schools, libraries and gyms are shut down. Why are some churches still open?
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Another Jehovah's Witness gets six years plus
(Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Ecclesiastical court judgments – March (I)
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Religious freedom in the time of coronavirus
(Susan Crabtree, Real Clear Politics)

Texas governor says attending church is ‘essential’ but abortions can wait indefinitely
(Tara Haelle, Forbes)

Sikhs in Afghanistan a neglected, vanishing minority
(Sunil Kukreja, Asia Times)

Court is no place to debate validity of religion
(Amanda Pampuro, Courthouse News Service)

Churches face cash crunch as lockdowns stretch into holy week
(Meagan Clark and Liza Vandenboom, Newsweek)

Italy: How the local church has gone digital and conventional simultaneously
(Erik Trautman, Religion Unplugged)

Meet the evangelicals (Pentacostals) who are against Trump
(Julia Duin, Religion Unplugged)

Both faith and science require us to overcome ouf human instincts to fight COVID-19
(Nancy Kasten, Religion Unplugged)

How WHO became China's coronavirus accomplice
(Hinnerk Feldwisch-Drentrup, Foreign Policy)

A third of coronavirus cases may be ‘silent carriers’, classified Chinese data suggests
(Josephine Ma, Linda Lew and Lee Jeong-ho, South China Morning Post)

China for the first time reveals its number of asymptomatic coronavirus cases
(Lin Jinbing, Caixin)

China concealed extent of virus outbreak, U.S. Intelligence says
(Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg)

Estimates show Wuhan death toll far higher than official figure
(Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Lau Siu-fung for the Cantonese Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie, Radio Free Asia)

Florida officials: Arrested pastor not exonerated by new order listing religious services as ‘essential’
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Baptist, vegan ex-football player may overturn Alabama’s ban on public school yoga
(Megan Botel, Religion News Service)

Time capsule as Italy approached edge of cliff: Rome and art in the time of coronavirus
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Hobby Lobby clarifies coronavirus sick leave policy amid accusations
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Say "no" to death's dominion
(R. R. Reno, First Things)

Italian journalists battle to keep going as thirst for news grows
(Angela Giuffrida, The Guardian)

As virus spreads, China and Russia see openings for disinformation
(Julian E. Barnes, Matthew Rosenberg and Edward Wong, The New York Times)

Why were Jews blamed for the Black Death
(Dan Freedman, Moment Magazine)

Saudis risk losing last Republican defenders with oil price war
(Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor)

Intel: Trump laments oil price war as Saudis lose key defenders in Congress
(Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor)

Iraqi PM-designate may be on futile mission to win Iranian support
(Hassan Ali Ahmed, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Mossad, Netanyahu’s secret weapon against the coronavirus
(Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

WEBINAR RECORDING: RfP-CTI 'Leading in the New Normal of a Pandemic World'
(Religions for Peace International)

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

How should we respond to our shared crisis?
(Faisal Bin Muaammar, Secretary General, KAICIID, KAIICID Dialogue Centre)

Freedom of Religion and Belief for Everyone Everywhere: Lessons learned and good practices
(Brett G. Scharffs, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Articles of interest - 30 March 2020
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Competition of Conspiracies: Conflicting Narratives of COVID-19 within the Grassroots Russian Orthodox Milieu
(Elizaveta Gaufman and Dmytro Vovk, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

An early Good Friday, at last: When too many bells toll in Italy
(Andrea Pin, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Panel: Coping with the the Coronavirus
(Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit moderator, Katherine Marshall, Ebun James-Dekun, and more, World Council of Churches)

New Country Profiles on Freedom of Religion or Belief
(The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers)

Pesach in the time of the Coronavirus: The initiative of KKL Italia Haggadah, a text for everyone

Class action filed against China over COVID-19 outbreak
(Amanda Bronstad, The National Law Journal)

Instant Insights / As coronavirus spreads, legal industry shifts into crisis management mode

Trending CLE: COVID-19 Collection - the latest updates on legal issues
((including live webinars), The American Bar Association)

Coronavirus complaints against feds start piling up in DC trial court
(Jacqueline Thomsen, The National Law Journal)

The 11th Plague: Passover during coronavirus

Coronavirus is exposing the plagues of American society
(Isaac Bailey, Forward Opinion)

Idaho's governor signs abortion ban, Fairness for Women in Sports Act
(Will Maule, Christian Headlines)

How and why has the approach to coronavirus differed in Asia and Europe?
(The Telegraph)

What early Christian communities tell us about giving financial aid at a time of crises
(Cavan W. Concannon, The Conversation)

The Group of Experts under the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and the ECtHR: Complementary or Contradictory Tools?
(Gizem Guney, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Government's opacity makes Turkey’s war on COVID-19 harder
(Kadri Gursel, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

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