Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 13 April 2020

Three priests are fined in Ukraine for large gathering of people on the Palm Sunday

Here we go again: Protestant pastor locked out of his church when he arrived for 'mass'
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

'God is with us': Many Muslims in Pakistan flout the coronavirus ban in mosques
(Asif Shahzad, Reuters)

Megachurches may be particularly threatened by COVID-19 closures
(Mark Mulder and Gerardo Martí, Religion News Service)

Pastor who vowed to preach ‘unless I’m in jail or the hospital’ dies of COVID-19 in VA
(Brooke Wolford, Lexington Herald-Leader)

Coalition seeks leave to intervene in the Aga (religious autonomy) case
(Barry W. Bussey, Canadian Council of Christian Charities: Intersection)

Saturday, 11 April 2020

The world's most prominent religious leaders call on everyone to make friends across religions
(The Elijah Faith Institute)

Religions confront the coronavirus
(Susan Hayward, United States Institute of Peace blog)

This year Easter will feel more like Passover
(Stephen B. Chapman, Religion News Service)

Why fasting and prayer are especially meaningful at Easter and during a pandemic
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News | InDepth)

After a Holy Week disrupted by death, an honest Easter
(Laura Everett, Religion News Service Opinion)

Good Friday in pandemic: deadly serious reflections
(Nuala Kenny OC, MD, La Croix International)

Archdiocese announces online exposition of Shroud of Turin on Holy Saturday
(Vatican Radio)

The meaning of COVID-19: We can’t all be right
(Arthur E. Farnsley II, Religion News Service)

In a virtual Easter season, matter still matters for Catholics
(Timothy O'Malley, Religion News Service)

Why Holy Week is made for this pandemic
(Thomas Reese SJ, RNS Column: Signs of the Times)

Jews around the world prepare for a Passover different from any other
(Menachem Wecker, Jonathan Harounoff, Religion News Service)

Religious communities' role in countering epidemics
(Katherine Marshall, Council on Foreign Relations)

The Current Global Crisis: A Statement from the Parliament of the World’s Religions
(Official Statement, Parliament of the World's Religions)

World Healh Organzation releases recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in regards to COVID-19
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19
(World Health Organization)

Benedictine nuns release Gregorian chants to help ease coronavirus isolation
(Kate Connolly, The Guardian)

Praying together in a pandemic, even when divided
(Paul Marshall, Religion Unplugged)

One year later, Sri Lankan Easter bombing survivors rely on their faith to recover
(Avinash Giri, Religion Unplugged)

5 virtual tours of religious site you can take while you stay home
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

Quarantines resurrect church attendance just in time for Easter
(Meagan Clark, Religion Unplugged and Newsweek)

Judge: Kentucky church can conduct Easter drive-in service
(Associated Press)

Kansas’ high court weighs virus limits on religious services
(Associated Press)

UN urges religious leaders to work for peace, fight virus
(Associated Press)

Church in South Africa supports government’s COVID-19 efforts, archbishop says
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Synagogue in Huntsville, Alabama vandalized on first night of Passover with neo-Nazi graffiti
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Why the government can shut down church gatherings during pandemic
(Jonathan Turley, The Hill)

States are restricting Easter gatherings amid COVID-19. Churches and lawmakers are pushing back.
(Grace Hauck, USA Today)

‘Religious harmony’ regulation brings anything but
(Andreas Harsono, The Jakarta Post)

Why are Blacks dying at higher rates from COVID-19?
(Rashawn Ray, Brookings)

Friday, 10 April 2020

A new book explores the evolution of the DIY handbook for Passover
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

The religious revival that could save America
(Jonathon Van Maren, National Review)

COVID-19 and conflict: Commentary from USIP
(United States Institute of Peace)

A domestic court’s attempt to derogate from the ECHR on behalf of the United Kingdom: the implications of Covid-19 on judicial decision-making in the United Kingdom
(Stevie Martin, EJIL: Talk!)

Leviathan unshackled?
(Dominic Ruck Keene, UK Human Rights Blog)

Canterbury Cathedral’s bell ‘Harry’ to toll daily for world’s coronavirus victims, frontline workers
(Episcopal News Service)

The Court’s first ruling on Roma’s access to safe water and sanitation in Hudorovic et al. v. Slovenia: reasons for hope and worry
(Valeska David, Strasbourg Observers)

How rituals and focus can turn isolation into a time for growth
(Arthur Kleinman, The Wall Street Journal)

Nigeria should build peace like it fights coronavirus:Focusing on prevention and public information works against COVID-19. It can work against violent conflicts.
(Oge Onubogu, United States Institute of Peace)

How to make women count in the response to coronavirus
(Danielle Robertson, United States Institute of Peace)

The coronavirus is a call to build resilience in frangile states
(Nancy Lindborg, United States Institute)

As fighters lay down arms to combat coronavirus, we must pick up the tools to build peace
(Stephen J. Hadley and Nancy Lindborg, United States Institute of Peace)

Coronavirus could spark a new exodus of Christians from Holy Land, says longtime observer
(Mélinée Le Priol, La Croix International)

Update on the Secretary General's appeal for a global ceasefire
(Secretary-General António Guterres, United Nations)

Central Asia and coronavirus: when being nomadic isn't enough
(Gavin Helf, United States Institute of Peace)

An imam leads his congregation through the pandemic: In most states, religious institutions are exempt from shutdowns, and leaders have struggled with whether to close their doors.
(Eliza Griswold, The New Yorker)

The pandemic has exposed fissures within religions
(The Economist)

Understanding resistance to inclusive peace processes
(Esra Cuhadar, United States Institute of Peace)

Statement on the COVID-19 implications for migrant workers
(Kevin Hyland, Institute for Human Rights and Business)

How covid-19 will change the global business climate
(The Economist)

UN religious freedom report fails to protect freedom
(Andrew P.W. Bennett, Real Clear Religion)

The witness of the weak centre: Belonging, friendship, and prayer in the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
(Laura Fabrycky, Cardus Comment)

During coronavirus crisis, Congress’s first caucus for nonreligious belief seeks a larger role in promoting science
(Julie Zauzmer, The Washington Post)

Coronavirus: how new restrictions on religious liberty vary across Europe
(Alexis Artaud de La Ferrière, The Conversation UK)

Venezuela: Could the coronavirus threat be an opportunity?
(Keith Mines; Steve Hege, United States Institute of Peace)

The world’s refugee camps are a coronavirus disaster in waiting
(Cox's Bazar, Istanbul and Nyarugusu, The Economist)

A Saudi ceasefire provides some hope of ending the war in Yemen
(The Economist)

The Coronavirus Act 2020: When legislation goes viral (part two)
(Darragh Coffey, UK Human Rights Blog)

The Coronavirus Act 2020: When legislation goes viral (part one)
(Darragh Coffey, UK Human Rights Blog)

COVID-19 and Holy Week: Texas faith leaders spread message of hope, renewal
(John C Moritz, MSN News)

Grimmark v. Sweden and Steen v. Sweden: no right for healthcare professionals to refuse to participate in abortion services, and framing strategies by anti-abortion actors
(Niklas Barke, Strasbourg Observers)

The Court’s subtle approach of online media platforms’ liability for user-generated content since the ‘Delfi Oracle’
(Dirk Voorhoof, Strasbourg Observers)

As a pandemic peaks at Christianity’s Easter climax, churches adapt online
(Alejandra Molina and Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

Under St. Peter’s dome, Catholic charities help homeless stay safe from coronavirus
(Claire Giangravé, Religion News Association)

Shunning online services, some clergy preach ‘abstinence’ from gathered worship
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

See which states have religious exemptions in their stay-at-home orders
(Jack Jenkins,

Why COVID-19 could change how we work
(Daniel Susskind and Richard Susskind, OUPblog)

Photos of lilies at sunrise won't be enough: Talking 2020 Easter news with Eric Metaxas
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

This week's podcast: Are all those COVID-19 stories about rebel preachers fueled by bias?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Will Iran back UN-Saudi initiative for cease-fire in Yemen?

War-ravaged Yemen reports first case of COVID-19

Gantz has played into Netanyahu's hands
(Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Lebanon’s coronavirus response is working, yet faces challenges
(Michal Kranz, Al-Monitor: Lebanon Pulse)

Intelligence sharing remains key to fight against IS
(Daniel Hoffman, Al-Monitor)

China’s Xunsiding church continues to be monitored despite COVID-19
(Olivia Miller, International Christian Concern)

Justice still waiting in Sudan
(Olivia Miller, International Christian Concern)

Iraq names 3rd PM-designate in 4 months
(Olivia Miller, International Chrisitan Concern)

Pastor in Nepal arrested on false charges amid COVID-19 lockdown
(Olivia Miller, International Chrisitan Concern)

Gomez, and Catholics across the US, look to the Sacred Heart in Good Friday litany
(JD Flynn, Catholic News Agency)

The cross has changed the meaning of suffering, says papal preacher on Good Friday
(Hannag Brockhaus, Catholic News Agency)

Social distancing is no stumbling block for Texas church's Minecraft Easter egg hunt
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

Church software companies rush to accommodate major surge in usage
(Aysha Khan, Religion News Service)

Christians across traditions called for a Good Friday fast in response to pandemic
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

USCIRF urges governments to release religious prisoners of conscience in covid-19 response
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

COVID-19 risk puts imprisoned religious freedom advocate in greater danger
(Mina Abdelmalak, Real Clear Religion)

Mosques, streets quiet as Indonesia’s capital tightens rules
(Niniek Karmini and Edna Tarigan, Associated Press)

Religious communities are doing more than just staying home
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Nigerian bishops: All church hospitals can be used for COVID-19 patients
(Peter Ajayi Dada, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Religious celebrations in the time of coronavirus
(Sabine Kinkartz, Deutsche Welle)

Russia adjusts regulations on cash collection boxes
(RIA Novosti, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Pakistani courts go shamefully easy on terrorist who helped murder Jewish American journalist
(Religious Freedom Institute)

The stimulus package will cover clergy salaries. Some say the government has gone too far.
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Recovering the religious liberty of the founders
(Toby Sumpter, The Federalist)

Nationalists claim they want to redefine conservatism, but they’re not sure what it is
(Mattia Ferraresi, Foreign Policy)

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Rajasthan woman loses child as doctor denied treatment due to her religion
(Manya Lohita Ahuja, Idiva)

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