Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 23 April 2020

How is EU cooperation on the Covid-19 crisis perceived in member states?
(Sophia Russack / Steven Blockmans, CEPS)

A disproportionate interference: the Coronavirus Regulations and the ECHR
(Francis Hoar, UK Human Rights Blog)

Port denials and restrictions in times of pandemic: Did international law lose its North Star?
(Alina Miron, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Is religion OK within the Fortune 500?
(Brian J. Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Washington’s Muslim community begins a Ramadan like no other
(Julie Zauzmer, The Washington Post)

As the world looks for coronavirus scapegoats, India pins blame on Muslims
(Joanna Slater and Niha Masih, The Washington Post)

Hajj cancellation wouldn’t be the first – plague, war and politics disrupted pilgrimages long before coronavirus
(Ken Chitwood, The Conversation)

White evangelicals most likely to support religious exemptions to stay-at-home orders
(Carol Kuruvilla, Huffington Post)

Church giving down more due to COVID-19 than during recession, survey shows
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Pandemic preaching: Exploring homiletical adaptation and invention in the midst of the global pandemic
(Cynthia G. Lindner, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Stories make us human: A rabbi's reflections on Passover 2020
(Joseph A. Edelheit, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Dispatch: India is scapegoating Muslims for the spread of coronavirus
(Sameer Yasir, Foreign Policy)

COVID-19: New poll reveals almost two-thirds of churches see drop in giving
(State of the Plate: Nationwide Poll, RNS Press Release Archive)

Coronavirus: Muslim Council of Britain warns UK mosques could close forever
(Inzamam Rashid, Sky News)

UN praises Israel aid to Palestinians as bereaved families demand block
(Lahav Harkov, The Jerusalem Post)

Can the coronavirus help repair ties between Israel's Jews and Arabs?
(Editorial, The Jerusalem Post)

The Jewish Imperative of the coronavirus crisis
(Ronald S. Lauder, The Jerusalem Post)

Preference for the Poor: Responding to the COVID-19 Emergency
(Daily Highlight, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

COVID-19, Climate Change, and Theology: New Starts or Wine in Old Bottles?
(Daily Highlight, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

‘If you don’t work you don’t eat’: Where lockdowns have extra sting
(Whitney Eulich and Ryan Lenora Brown, The Christian Science Monitor)

Could pandemic pave a path to peace? Why Yemen war is resistant.
(Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor)

States band together to take next step against coronavirus
(Francine Kiefer, The Christian Science Monitor)

Coronavirus response puts EU solidarity to the test
(Lenora Chu and Dominique Soguel, The Christian Science Monitor)

Don’t waste the pandemic response
(Bertrand Badré, Project Syndicate)

The Chinese Health Organization?
(Brahma Chellaney, Project Syndicate)

Patients vs. the Pandemic
(Joseph E. Stiglitz, Arjun Jayadev, Achal Prabhala, Project Syndicate)

UN urges for immediate release of Baha’i prisoners in Yemen
(Associated Press)

Mississippi city allows drive-up church services
(Associated Press)

During the coronavirus, academics have found themselves in a crisis of their work
(Rinaldo Walcott, Maclean's)

US judge denies bid to open California churches in pandemic
(Don Thompson, Associated Press)

Another suit challenges Kentucky ban on in-person church services
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Trio sue over religion, travel ban (read the lawsuit); governor responds
(Veronica Jean Seltzer, WTVQ News)

Dioceses in bankruptcy challenge ban on access to COVID-19 loans
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Bankrupt dioceses sue SBA for payroll loan access
(Catholic News Agency)

8th Circuit upholds Arkansas COVID-19 ban on surgical abortions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court allows Arkansas ban on surgical abortions due to virus
(Andrew DeMillo, Associated Press)

Rector accuses India authorities of ‘neglect and apathy’ towards historic basilica
(Nirmala Carvalho, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Prisoner freed because of virus dies without psych care
(Associated Press)

Bishops call on Northern Ireland assembly to modify abortion law
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Voices from the violence: How Burkina Faso’s crisis is changing society – and how to fix it
(Sam Mednick, The New Humanitarian)

How the coronavirus has altered Iranians' view of faith
(Kersten Knipp, Deutsche Welle)

Confidentiality, contempt of court and ministers of religion: R v Warner
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Correction to errors in coronavirus Regulations
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Are church shutdowns legal or gross infringements on religious freedom?
(William Duncan, The Federalist)

The surprisingly Catholic roots of the European Union
(Michael Daniel Driessen, America Magazine)

Is our religious freedom being quarantined by the government?
(Jason Jimenez, The Christian Post)

Journal of International Religious Freedom | Volume 1 Issue 1
(International Chrisitan Concern)

Likud, UTJ coalition deal to freeze status quo on religion and state
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

Indian religious leaders welcome financial help
(Bijay Kumar Minj, UCA News)

"Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19"
(Secretary-General António Guterres, The United Nations)

Why more men are dying from COVID-19 than women - A geneticist explains
(Jenny Graves, The Conversation, Science Alert)

Poll: Large majority of Americans think it’s more important to stay home than return to work
(Quint Forgey, Politico)

Trump invites all GOP senators to join economic recovery group — except Mitt Romney
(Dennis Romboy, Deseret News Politics)

Sen. Mitt Romney was the only GOP senator not invited on Trump's new coronavirus advisory group
(Christal Hayes, USA Today)

Indonesian Muslims brace for somber Ramadan amid pandemic restrictions
(Ahmad Pathoni, Religion News Service)

This LA megachurch has served 350,000 free meals during pandemic
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

New website gives Muslim Americans faith-based solutions to estate planning needs
(RNS Press Release Distribution Service)

Catholic Extension shares how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the seminarian class of 2020
(RNS Press Release Distribution Service)

Were some key quotes accurate? Concerning Jerry Falwell's anger at The New York Times
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Devil in the details: Italian exorcist describes lifelong battle against demons and the occult
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

Coronavirus: First patients injected in UK vaccine trial
(Fergus Walsh, BBC News Health)

The reason Zoom calls drain your energy
(Manyu Jiang, BBC Worklife)

AUCCRO opposes the introduction of gender ideology in Ukrainian legislation
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

GLOBAL ONLINE EVENT, 22 April 2020 (16h00 Abu Dhabi |12 noon GMT | 8h00 EST | 20h00 Beijing: For Humanity: Inter-Faith Solidarity and Joint Action to Combat COVID-19
(Brian J. Grim, H. E. Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi & 15 others, Organized by The World Muslim Communities Council)

GLOBAL ONLINE EVENT, 22 April 2020 (12 noon GM): For Humanity: Inter-Faith Solidarity and Joint Action to Combat COVID-19, Webinar
(Brian J. Grim, H. E. Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi & 15 others, Organized by The World Muslim Communities Council)

EVENT PROGRAM, 22 April 2020: For Humanity: Interfaith Solidarity & Joint Action To Combat COVID-19
(Brian J. Grim, H. E. Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi & 15 others, Organized by The World Muslim Communities Council)

EVENT PROGRAM, 22 April 2020: For Humanity: Interfaith Solidarity & Joint Action To Combat COVID-19
(Brian J. Grim, H. E. Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi & 15 others, Organized by The World Muslim Communities Council)

WEBINAR, 22 April 2020 (10am EDT): Emmanuel Macron — The last president of Europe
(Introduction by Thomas Wright, Brookings - Center on United States and Europe)

WEBINAR, 22 April 2020 (3 pm in Qatar / GMT+3): Covid-19: Implications for Peace and Security in the Middle East
(Ranj Alaaldin, Tanya Gilly-Khailany, Frederic Wehrey, Galip Dalay, Brookings Doha Center)

GLOBAL ONLINE EARTH DAY CELEBRATION, 22 April 2020 (9.30 am EDT): Planting Seeds for a New Normal
(Rabbi David Rosen, Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singhji, Dr. Azza Karam, Rev. Victor Kazanjian, Audrey Kitagawa, and others, Religions for Peace International)

Riḍván 2020 Message to the World
(The Universal House of Justice)

Ridván 2020 Message from the Supreme Body (Video Recording)
(Jacqueline Claire, Baha’i World)

Muslims try to keep Ramadan spirit amid virus restrictions
(Samy Magdy and Lee Keath, Religion News Service)

Ramadan 2020: Muslims straighten rows for locked down fasting
(Abdur Rahman Alfa Shaban, Africa News)

Safe Ramadan practices in the context of the COVID-19
(World Health Organization)

Orthodox Jewish women are facing an impossible choice right now
(Emma Green, The Atlantic)

Why some people get sicker than others:COVID-19 is proving to be a disease of the immune system. This could, in theory, be controlled
(James Hamblin, The Atlantic)

The best hopes for a coronavirus drug. If there is a way to stop COVID-19, it will be by blocking its proteins from hijacking, suppressing, and evading humans’ cellular machinery
(Sarah Zhang, The Atlantic)

A new statistic reveals why America’s COVID-19 numbers are flat
(Robinn Meyer and Alexis C. Madrigal, The Atlantic)

Stay-at-home orders to fight coronavirus are protected by the U.S. Constitution
(Erwin Chemerinsky, The Sacramento Bee)

That ancient question that will not go away: Where is God in the coronavirus crisis?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Navy chaplains given one more chance to refile discrimination claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Israeli court awards damages to LGBT group that was refused service
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Following Biblical mandates carries a high price for religious leaders in Mexico
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Euthanasia: Dutch court expands law on dementia cases
(BBC News)

Congo bishop – and president’s uncle – first African prelate to die of COVID-19
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Religious leaders in Jerusalem recite joint prayer composed for the coronavirus
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The Sunni-Shi‘a split: Political and religious (book review)
(Karen Taliaferro, Law & Liberty)

Sunnis and Shi'a: A Political History
(Laurence Louër, Princeton University Press)

Priest banned from service fined in St. Petersburg for 12-minute holy procession

Russian Imperial Movement, designated as terrorist entity by U.S., focused on Christian holidays rather than terrorism - Prosecutor General's Office

Kazakhstan: 24 prisoners of conscience - list
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Washington Post gets inside the painful COVID-19 crisis in Church of God in Christ
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Here's a COVID-19 era book list for writers and readers intrigued by religion themes
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Unborn human life & fundamental rights: A discussion with Professor William Saunders
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Why are we litigating church openings?
(Mark Silk, RNS Column: Spiritual Politics)

North Macedonia’s Orthodox Church could become a coronavirus super-spreader
(Igor Bosilkovski, Foreign Policy)

Why communist and leftist governments hate Christianity
(Robin Schumacher, The Christian Post)

No room for religious intolerance in UAE: Sheikha Hend
(Ashwani Kumar, Khaleej Times)

Beneath Trump-WHO spat, a US-China race for leadership
(Howard LaFranchi, The Christian Science Monitor)

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