Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Bostock and the murky future of workplace speech
(John Hirschauer, National Review)

‘Biology is not bigotry’ – Supreme Court decision threatens ‘religious freedom, privacy, safety’
(Tom Strode, The Pathway)

LGBT rights ruling isn’t the beginning of the end for religious liberty
(Daniel Bennett, Christianity Today)

The landmark ruling of the US Supreme Court in Bostock v Clayton County: Tracing the law through logic and textualism
(Ravi Shankar Pandey, Bar and Bench (India))

What faith-base employers need to know after the 'Bostock' decision
(Stanley Carlson-Thies, Religion Unplugged)

Bostock, the ministerial exception, and your next hire
(John Litzler, Front Porch News)

Supreme Court ruling on LGBTQ discrimination points to faith leaders' divide over gay rights
(Wenei Philimon, USA Today)

Five years on, LGBT+ couples fear for future of gay marriage
(Oscar Lopez, Reuters)

House of Bishops Statement on Government COVID-19 guidance
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

DAILY HIGHLIGHT #98: How Stigma Links to COVID-19 in Indonesia
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

BJC to host national conversation on white supremacy and American Christianity - Event
(Don Byrd, BJC Online)

DAILY HIGHLIGHT #96: HOVID in Reality: Hunger Linked to COVID-19 Emergency and Faith-led Food Banks
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

WHO welcomes Saudi Arabia’s decision to limit Hajj 2020
(Arab News)

Reopening of places of worship in England on 4 July: a clarification
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

DAILY HIGHLIGHT #99: Guidelines Part II: Reopening after Shutdowns
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Dignitatis humanae: the Council affirms the right to religious liberty
(Andrea Tornielli, Vatican News)

US Bishops: Religious freedom under stress around the world
(Vatican News)

Ohio protects students’ religious freedom while at school
(The Christian Institute)

Twilight for academic freedom?
(Steve West, World News Group)

Rights groups go to court over US challenge to human rights
(Ryan Thoreson, Human Rights Watch)

How Jesus became white — and why it’s time to cancel that
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

How to pray, talk and act across faiths without betraying your own
(Omar Suleiman, Religion News Service)

After arrest, teenage Muslim protester and volunteer medic made to remove hijab for booking photo
(Aysha Khan, Religion News Service)

EU FoRB Day – A call for the renewal of the mandate of the Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief outside of the European Union
(Alessandro Pecorari, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Law and religion round-up – 21st June
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Articles of interest - 22 June 2020
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court still has these major rulings coming on abortion and religious rights
(Paul Strand, CBN News)

Racism in the Church: Pastor AR Bernard offers spiritual, practical tools to combat injustice
(Jeannie Law, The Christian Post)

DAILY HIGHLIGHT #94 Juneteenth Edition: Black Churches Confront Compounding Crises
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

DAILY HIGHLIGHT #91: Catholic Schools: COVID-19 Threats and Challenges
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Restricted church services in England from 4 July
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Saudi Arabia to hold ‘very limited’ hajj due to virus
(Aya Batrawy, Associated Press)

Arab countries welcome Saudi Arabia’s decision on Hajj 2020
(Arab News)

Saudi Arabia lifts coronavirus curfew, reinstates hajj
(Al-Monitor: Gulf Pulse)

Religious news from around the web June 22, 2020
(Wayne Edward Hanson, World Religion News)

Russia: Currently jailed, serving suspended sentences, fined - list
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

How millennials make meaning from shopping, decorating and self-pampering
(Tara Isabella Burton, Religion News Service)

The right to enter his or her own country
(Rutsel Martha and Stephen Bailey, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Religion and Innovation
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Saudis say Yemen’s government, separatists agree to truce
(Ahmed Al-Haj, Associated Press)

Can Jewish schools meet the challenge of Black Lives Matter?
(Tayla Zax, Forward)

Should we repent of our grandparents’ racism? Scripture on Intergenerational Sin
(Dr.Michael Rhodes, Center for Hebraic Thought)

African bishop stirs controversy by suspending priest-theologian for syncretism
(Jean François Channon Denwo, La Croix International)

In our opinion: The right to worship should never be cast aside in a pandemic
(Deseret News)

Report spotlights Christians in need
(The Catholic Weekly)

Judicial activism: Figment or fact?
(Julianne Appling, VCY America)

Delaware town that banned Nativity scene from annual Christmas display sued by Knights of Columbus
(First Liberty)

USAID response to religious freedom challenges

Free exercise clinic files amicus brief defending prisoners’ religious liberty
(Yale Law School)

Women majority of deacons ordained last year, new report shows
(The Church of England)

England: Church issues statement on reopening of buildings for public worship
(Episcopal News Service)

St. John’s Church in Washington vandalized again
(Egan Millard, Episcopal News Service)

Mississippi bishop joins calls for removal of Confederate flag from state’s flag
(Egan Millard, Episcopal News Service)

USCIRF urges Thailand and Malaysia to protect Rohingya Muslim refugees stranded at sea
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Imprisoned Jehovah’s Witness gets early release in Russia
(Associated Press)

Jehovah's Witness Dennis Christensen to be released from prison camp
(r, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

USCIRF applauds Russian Court’s parole of Jehovah’s Witness Dennis Christensen
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Bad faith restrictions on public worship
(Mark Movsesian, First Things)

Police officer wins landmark employment case after being fired for his faith
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

Suit challenges roll-back of health care protections for transgender individuals
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

LGBTQ advocates sue Trump administration over rollback of nondiscrimination protections
(Nathaniel Weixel, The Hill)

South Carolina Episcopal parishes all win title to their property
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judge rules in favor of churches that left Episcopal Church, defies SC supreme court
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Baptists and Walmart criticize rebel-themed Mississippi flag
(Emily Wagster Pettus, Associated Press)

Black Lives Matter: African Americans, migrants, and refugees (Catholic perspective)
(Donald M. Kerwin, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Nicaragua and El Salvador bishops push back against government-backed critics
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

South Africa bishops warn against ‘second pandemic’ of gender-based violence
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Archbishop Wenski named acting chair of bishops’ religious freedom efforts
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

In dealing with China, the ‘European way’ should be one of courage and integrity
(Jianli Yang and Aaron Rhodes, Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

Thinking with Ryan Burge: God 'anointing' presidents – a Trump thing or an American thing?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Jewish businesses in Los Angeles ransacked in riots, but only Israeli and Jewish media care
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

Seven years of freedom of religion or belief at the EU, but what future?
(Peter van Dalen, New Europe)

Unjust rules for religious believers
(Charles J. Chaput and Michael P. Farris, First Things)

Church leaders in Turkey call government to lift “entry ban” on serving pastors from overseas
(Barnabas Fund)

London more religious than rest of Britain, report finds
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

The coming “religion recession”
(David Gibson, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

With assault on Iraq, Turkey and Iran cement a partnership in crime
(Arab News)

DAILY HIGHLIGHT #97: Adapting Practice: African Traditional Religions and COVID-19
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Tocqueville from Lagos: Why a Nigerian leader loves the DMV In America
(Paul Glader, Religion Unplugged)

Monday, 22 June 2020

US: Address Slavery’s Legacy on Juneteenth
(Human Rights Watch)

Devil in the detail of SCOTUS ruling on workplace bias puts LGBTQ rights and religious freedom on collision course
(Kelsy Burke and Emily Kazyak, The Conversation)

After Black Lives Matter controversy, Catholic removed from Florida State student government
(Matt Hadro, Catholic News Agency)

Jewish people have total freedom of religion in Iran, says rabbi
(Tehran Times)

Chief rabbi of Iran: Israel does not represent Judaism
(Mordechai Goldman, Al-Monitor: Iran Pulse)

Parliament alone cannot stop honor killings in Iran
(Leila Alikarami, Al-Monitor: Iran Pulse)

'Utah Compromise' on religious liberty, gay rights?
(Terry Mattingly, Herald-Mail Media)

Justice Gorsuch’s misguided sex discrimination opinion fails logic test
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Patriot Post)

Why Gorsuch upheld civil rights for LGBTQ Americans
(Henry Gass, The Christian Science Monitor)

Job protection for gays does not imperil religious freedom
(Michael McGough, Akron Beacon Journal Opinion)

After Bostock
(Steve West, World News Group)

Why Bostock will never have the final word on human sexuality
(David Closson, The Christian Post)

Landmark LGBT ruling: What it means for religious exemptions and the 2020 election
(Bobby Ross Jr., The Christian Chronicle)

US supreme court’s LGBTQ rights ruling is explosive – but do not read much into it
(Patrick Smyth, The Irish Times Opinion)

Plug-In: What does this landmark LGBTQ ruling mean for traditional religious institutions?
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

The aftermath of Bostock: A cultural seismic shift
(Robert Rivera and John Stonestreet, Christian Headlines)

Stay tuned: Ceasefire in battles between LGBTQ rights and religious liberty?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

A rainbow in the sky (Bostock ruling)
(Kenneth Tiven, India Legal)

Trump support weakens among white evangelicals: So @NYTimes tunes in lots of old folks
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

‘Ministerial exception’ still immune from rulings on discrimination
(Eric Brown, Republican American)

Honoring Pride week, Tel Aviv recognizes same-sex couples
(Rina Bassist, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

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