Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Inner Mongolia: the CCP tries to blame all problems on 'cults'
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Britain asks for comment on reform of marriage law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Labor Sunday: How American clergy in the 1920s turned from solidarity with workers to the mythology of the Good Christian Businessman
(Janine Giordano Drake, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

World Economic Forum partners with Religious Freedom & Business Foundation on Strategic Intelligence
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Members of Congress call for investigation into ICE treatment of Muslim detainees at Florida facility
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Iowa college to remove statue of its founder over slavery
(Associated Press)

Who are the Uyghurs? Canadian scholar gives profound insights
(Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

Londoner: I was married to an Islamic State leader
(Tania Joya, The Guardian)

Physicians tell justices not to disturb lower-court ruling that eased access to abortion pill during pandemic
(Amy Howe, SCOTUSblog)

Uzbekistan: jail, restricted freedom sentences, for discussing faith
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Safeguarding statements: Christ Church, Oxford
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Extinction Rebellion Jews join week of protests outside Parliament
(Jewish News)

Biden pays lip service to religious freedom
(Alexandra DeSanctis, National Review)

New complaints of violation of human rights in Chocó, Colombia
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

The Constitution was not made only for a religious people
(Tyler Broker, Above the Law)

Muslim lands staking out interfaith coexistence
(The Christian Science Monitor)

Now is the perfect time to legalize civil marriage in Israel
(The Jerusalem Post - Opinion)

Bangladesh’s ambiguity on religion has been expensive for the country
(Shafi Md Mostofa, The Diplomat)

Indonesian lawmakers grill religion minister over controversial remarks, program
(Ghina Ghaliya, The Jakarta Post)

Quebec judge who asked woman to remove hijab apologizes, 5 years later
(Steve Rukavina, CBC News)

The Covid-19 pandemic in Muslim countries
(Caterina Gagliardi, DIRESOM: Religion, Law and COVID-19 Emergency)

High Court dismisses challenge to conditions at Brook House Immigration Removal Centre — an extended look
(Sapan Maini-Thompson, UK Human Rights Blog)

The right to privacy, surveillance-by-software and the “home-workplace”
(Philippa Collins, UK Human Rights Blog)

Despite virus, Europe’s synagogues going ahead with interfaith culture series
(Cnaan Liphshiz, The Times of Israel)

The Federation of Protestant Churches of Switzerland is 100 years old (French)
(La Fédération des Églises protestantes de Suisse)

Catholic Church as next target for Belarus’ undermining of civic solidarity
(Paula Borowska, Belarus Digest)

Weekly Highlight #122: Looking Toward Long-Term Impacts of COVID-19
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

2020 census will tabulate Sikhs as ethnic category
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sikhs can be counted as separate 'ethno-religious' group in 2020 census
(Arul Louis, India West)

GOP attacks Harris amid battle for Catholic voters’ support
(Elana Schor, Associated Press)

Charlie Hebdo artist seized by gunmen recalls sheer terror
(Lori Hinnant, Associated Press)

UBI and Jewish traditions (Responding to: Economic Justice and Universal Basic Income: Ethical and Religious Perspectives)
(Samuel Hayim Brody, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Dutch priests fear people won’t return to Mass post-pandemic
(Francesco Paloni, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Cardinal calls for resettlement of asylum-seekers from Greek island
(Cindy Wooden, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

How COVID-19 has disrupted Judaism’s most sacred High Holidays
(Trent Toone, Deseret News Faith)

Ten observations on Evangelical moral crusading and the culture war
(Paul D. Miller, Arc Digital)

Jehovah's Witness in Russia jailed for fear he might mess up investigation
(Za prava cheloveka, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Tips of the trade: How to cover religion news, even if this is not your regular beat
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Christian sentenced to death for ‘blasphemy’ in Pakistan
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

First Cuban broadcast of religious Feast of Virgin of Charity
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

U.S. seeks to deter Iranian regime’s religious persecution
(U.S. Embassy in Georgia)

Religious freedom: bleached, blanched, and rinsed out
(George Weigel, First Things)

UT Law launches state's first religious liberty clinic with $8 million donation
(Karen Sloan, Texas Lawyer)

Myanmar army deserters confirm atrocities against Rohingya
(Grant Peck, Associated Press)

Myanmar’s compliance with the ICJ Provisional Measures Order & the road ahead
(Prachiti Venkatraman and Ashley Jordana, UK Human Rights Blog)

Dalit Christians in India persecuted first for their caste, now also for their faith
(Rome Reports)

Calcutta archbishop invokes Mother Teresa, says don’t forget poor during pandemic
(Nirmala Carvalho, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Kenya’s bishops call on government to shut down abortion clinics
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

Nicaragua bishops protest government’s expulsion of foreign-born priests
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Archbishop of Khartoum comments on peace in South Sudan
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

Bishops in Paraguay condemn death of two girls in anti-guerrilla operation
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Shippensburg enacts non-discrimination law to protect LGBT community
(Ivey DeJesus, Penn Live)

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

ONLINE CONFERENCE, 8 September 2020 (8AM EDT): Multi-faith Advisory Council Hosts Global Conference on 75th Anniversary of the United Nations
(Multi-faith Advisory Council)

Monday, 7 September 2020

Constitution Day 2020: Human dignity and the U.S. presidential election
(Randall A. Poole, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Religion at the UN: From gender justice to protecting the environment, how faith communities are creating sustainable change
(The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID))

Faith leaders step in to provide humane treatment of incarcerated individuals during covid-19
(The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID))

SF archbishop: City’s worship restrictions show ‘callous unconcern’ for spiritual needs
(Jonah McKeown, Catholic News Agency)

Liechtenstein v Czech Republic before the European Court of Human Rights
(Isabella Risini and Geir Ulfstein, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Iraqi Jews want to regain their citizenship
(Lujain Elbaldawi, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

The Everlasting G. K. Chesterton
(Peter Stockland, Convivium: Canada's Premier Hub for Faith in Common Life)

The Netherlands’ inter-State application against Russia six years after MH 17
(Isabella Risini and Geir Ulfstein, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Church says signage required to exclude guns burdens free speech
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

6th Circuit: Settlement in long-running Baptist children's home case is unenforceable
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court denies summary judgment in attempt to permanently enjoin disclosure requirements by pro-life pregnancy centers
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Articles and books of interest - 7 September 2020
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sudan agrees to separation of religion and state as part of peace deal
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sudan's government agrees to separate religion and state
(Michael Atit, Voice of America)

Death toll from Bangladesh mosque explosion rises to 24
(Associated Press)

As Africa’s COVID-19 cases rise, faith is put to the test
(Rodney Muhumuza, Associated Press)

Yeshiva University rejects LGBTQ club, saying it will support students in other ways
(Josefin Dolsten, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Long pretrial detention of Voronezh Jehovah's Witnesses
(Kommersant, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Prosecutor frustrates hope for freedom for Jehovah's Witness Dennis Christensen
(Olga Konovalova, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Russia: Special bimonthly FORB Digest (16.08-02.09.2020)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Russia, Serbia to exchange 7 Roerich paintings for Miroslav Gospel's Petersburg page by end of year

Montenegro election results outcome of authorities' support of schismatics - Russian Orthodox Church

New COVID-19 legislation and guidance: to 12 September
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 6th September
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Mozambique conflict has raged for decades, but the churches are always there
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Thousands of Israeli couples cannot marry due to COVID-19
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

Kamala Harris’s threat to religious believers
(Kenneth Craycraft, First Things)

Agreement between Holy See and Burkina Faso now in effect
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

News about Baha’is in Iran in August
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Homophobia drastically reduced at Australian clubs taking part in pride games
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Pope Francis says Amazon synod was for discernment, not fighting on married priests
(Catholic News Agency)

Pope Francis says pandemic is ‘a wake-up call’ to care for creation
(Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency)

Pope Francis to sign a new encyclical on human fraternity on Oct. 3
(Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency)

‘Kayak Church’ gathers Pennsylvania church in person — and on the water — amid pandemic
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

Freedom of religion again under attack in Denmark: parliament scheduled to consider a bill proposing ban on non-medical circumcisions.
(Yossi Lempkowicz, European Jewish Press)

No plans to set up special commission to tackle religious issues, says Malaysian minister
(Malay Mail)

Friday, 4 September 2020

Macron decries ‘Islamic separatism,’ defends blasphemy
(Associated Press)

Religion Photos of the Week - 4 September 2020
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Mufti of Chechnya condemns republishing of caricatures on the prophet in Charlie Hebdo

Binoche, other French environmentalists get pope’s backing
(Frances D'Emilio, Associated Press)

AP Photos: Around the world, faith in the summer of COVID-19
(Associated Press)

Sudan ends 30 years of Islamic law by separating religion, state
(Mohammed Alamin, Bloomberg)

USCIRF releases new policy update highlighting one year of progress advancing religious freedom in Sudan
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

600 faith leaders sign letter urging California governor to stop transfer of incarcerated people to ICE
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

Cert. petition filed in hierarchical deference case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Khamenei blasts Emirati ‘treason’ against Muslims after Israel deal
(Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Why Jordan’s Islamists are boycotting elections
(Mohammad Ersan, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

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