Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 18 September 2020

Zelensky's Rosh Hashanah greeting expresses hope for return to normal rhythm of life next year

Presidential message on Rosh Hashanah, 2020
(The White House)

President issues Rosh Hashanah message
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Boris Johnson: Rosh Hashanah marks ‘end of a year many would like to forget’
(Jack Mendel, Jewish News)

Hungarian Jews to celebrate Rosh Hashanah on a boat on the Danube amid rising COVID infections
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

ONLINE SEMINAR, 18 Sept 2020 (12 PM London): Religion, Business, Economics and Sustainable Development
(Peter Petkoff with Kenneth J. Barnes, Canon Edmund Newell, Naoto Yoshikawa, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, with Brunel Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, G20 Interfaith Forum, Centre for Religion and Culture Regent’s Park College, Oxford Society for Law and Religion)

China's disturbing disregard for religious freedom in Xanjiang — and beyond
(Katrina Lantos Swett, Public Square Magazine)

Muslim countries must take a stand for China’s Uighur community
(Katrina Lantos Swett and Irshad Manji, Real Clear World)

Open letter to Walt Disney Company CEO : Disney's dishonor
(Katrina Lantos Swett, Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice)

The pandemic exposes realities of failing to combat global censorship
(Katrina Lantos Swett, The Hill - Opinion)

Open letter to Zoom in response to its deactivation of activist accounts
(Katrina Lantos Swett, Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice)

Lantos Foundation Statement : Our commitment to Internet Freedom in all its forms
(Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice)

U.S. halts imports from China's Uighur region for forced labor
(CBS News)

UN urged to intervene in case of detained Hotel Rwanda dissident
(Stephanie Kirchgaessner, The Guardian)

Paul Rusesabagina of Hotel Rwanda film denied bail
(Al Jazeera)

Barbados pledges same-sex marriage vote, but supporters doubt reform
(Anastasia Moloney, Reuters)

Indonesia’s ban on Bible app contradicts religious tolerance philosophy of Pancasila
(Barnabas Fund)

Unregistered Catholics told to obey CCP or face consequences
(Wang Yang, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Buddhist statues removed from temples and tourist sites
(Hu Ke, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

WEBINAR, 18 September 2020, 12:00 pm
(Oxford Journal of Law and Religion)

The fate of women’s rights in Afghanistan
(John R. Allen and Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings)

USCIRF Commissioner Frederick A. Davie adopts Mubarak Bala and Yahaya Sharif-Aminu of Nigeria through the Religious Prisoners of Conscience Project
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

California Christian school must abide by COVID-19 restrictions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Christian school ordered to cease on-campus learning during pandemic
(Bianca Bruno, Courthouse News Service)

Consent decree allows construction of Chabad house
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

N.J. town agrees to let Jewish congregation build worship center after feds sue
(Joe Atmonavage,

EEOC sues over health care company's refusal to accommodate modest dress beliefs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Wellpath sued by EEOC for religious discrimination
(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

Ohio law bans COVID orders that close houses of worship
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

New law bans officials from closing Ohio places of worship
(Andrew Welsh-Huggins, Associated Press)

Pelosi to church: ‘Follow science’ on COVID-19 restrictions
(Lisa Mascaro, Associated Press)

Jewish pilgrims retreat from Ukrainian border
(Yuras Karmanau, Associated Press)

Miami Herald apologizes for ‘racist’ insert column
(Adriana Gomez Licon, Associated Press)

Germany to improve safety of Jewish sites after Halle attack
(Associated Press)

Group appeals US judge’s Idaho transgender sports ban ruling
(Keith Ridler, Associated Press)

Under lockdown, Israel faces bitter start of Jewish New Year
(Ilan Ben Zion, Associated Press)

SF Archbishop: Catholics’ right to worship ‘unjustly repressed’ by government
(Catholic News Service)

Nearly 10 percent of town quarantined after Argentine priest ignores safety protocols
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Pew sees religious voters’ support for 2020 nominees mirroring past elections
(Kurt Jensen, Catholic News Service)

Two bishops ask Philippine president to let health workers go abroad
(Catholic News Service)

The irreligious vote
(Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review)

Will Israel’s peace agreements bring religious freedom in the Middle East?
(Lela Gilbert, Religion Unplugged)

Defend religious freedom in the US and abroad
(Andrea Picciotti-Bayer & Fr. Benedict Kiely, Real Clear Religion)

Appeals court frees Jehovah's Witness while retaining restrictions on activity
(Kommersant, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Jehovah's Witness held accountable for long past alleged indiscretions
(Anastasia Borshchova,, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Putin notes Russian Jewish community's role in countering Covid-19

Tajikistan: "No reason to fear" census religion question?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

New podcast: Yes, it will be big news if COVID-19 closes 20% of America's churches
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Where are reporters supposed to turn for a balanced list of 2020 religious pundits?
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Choirs and the “rule of six” – new advice
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

COVID-19: Church of England and RSCM updates
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Charedi schools won’t be downgraded by UK's Ofsted for not teaching LGBT curriculum
(Jewish News)

Divine sovereignty, popular sovereignty, and the dilemma of American constitutionalism
(Sanford Levinson, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

American faith leaders and criminal justice reform
(Adrienne Phillips, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Anti-conversion law in UP and the dire need for it
(Vicky Nanjappa, OneIndia)

'It's a knife in our backs': Confusion and anger in Poland over law on religious slaughter
(Orlando Crowcroft, Euronews)

The weaponization of the Free-Exercise Clause
(Howard Gillman, Erwin Chemerinsky, The Atlantic)

Head of Federal Election Commission calls separation of church and state a ‘fallacy’ and 2020 election a ‘spiritual war’
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Christians face surge in violence in Nigeria
(Fionn Shiner, Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

Bishops confront health and social crisis in Peru
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

At the mercy of equality (Maltese Equality Bill)
(Miriam Sciberras, Times of Malta)

Rouhani: UAE, Bahrain will bear 'consequences' of Israel deals
(Al Jazeera)

Pete Buttigieg hosts 'Believers for Biden' virtual town hall
(Timothy Nerozzi, Religion Unplugged)

“Spain has not understood Protestantism, therefore it does not understand laicism”
(Jonatán Soriano, Evangelical Focus Europe)

Muslims in Hong Kong, 'the next Xinjiang,' silently support Uyghurs
(Shuk Wa Cheng, Religion Unplugged)

Netflix's "The Devil All the Time" exploits faith in dark thriller
(Jillian Cheney, Religion Unplugged)

As the International Criminal Court faces more challenges, we need it more than ever
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

A new face for Canadian Social Conservatism
(Adam MacInnis, Christianity Today)

The donation dilemma: charity in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion
(Nada Moumtaz, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

September seminar series: Catholic voters in the 2020 election
(Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College, the Greenberg Center at Trinity College, and the NH Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College., Religion News Service Press Release Distribution Service)

8 facts about Catholics and politics in the U.S.
(Gregory A. Smith, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

Canons & the candidate: Church law does not support attacks on Biden’s faith
(Nicholas P. Cafardi, Commonweal)

Poll: Biden bests Trump with Jewish voters on every issue but may have lost ground overall
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Biden talks faith and poverty at Poor People’s Campaign event
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Black church leaders demand apology for Trump ad
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Cardinal attacks euthanasia law being debated in Spanish parliament as ‘defeat for humanity’
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

World: Where rights have gone wrong
(Peter Kurti, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Weekly Highlight #123: Pandemic tests believers and religious institutions
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Predicting Genocide and Mass Killing
(Deborah Mayersen, Journal of Genocide Research)

San Francisco Catholics plan Eucharistic processions to ‘Free the Mass’
(Catholic News Agency)

‘Catholics for Biden’ co-chairs include pro-choice defenders of abortion protections
(Catholic News Agency)

After Kabul terror attack, Afghan Sikhs are fleeing to India
(Zaffar Iqbal, Religion Unplugged)

How humility can win the coronavirus battle, and restore trust in politics
(David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives: Ahead of the Trend)

The decline of the religious left in the age of Trump
(David Briggs, Ahead of the Trend - Association of Religion Data Archives)

Spanish bishops call for palliative care instead of euthanasia and assisted suicide
(Catholic News Agency)

Second coronavirus lockdown in Israel frustrates many religious Jews’ plans for High Holidays
(Michele Chabin, Religion News Service)

Why porn’s negative personal consequences are often really about religion
(Samuel L. Perry, Religion News Service & the ARDA (Ahead of the Trend))

New survey reveals turnaround in church giving
(Religion News Service)

Churches report giving boost months after pandemic started
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

American Jews adapt the Seder for Rosh Hashana in a DIY pivot
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Few will hear the shofar blown indoors this Rosh Hashanah. So rabbis are taking to the streets.
(Cathy Alter, The Washington Post)

DoD issues revised policy on religious liberty in military services
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Consent decree ends religious practices in Tennessee school district
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Tennessee school district can't push religion on students: Federal court injunction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

EEOC sues on hehalf of employees who refuse to wear company aprons that contain rainbow emblem
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Kroger Company sued by EEOC for religious discrimination
(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

Mask-in-school requirement challenged on Free Exercise grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Coronavirus in Ohio: Parents sue health department director Lance Himes over K-12 school mask mandate
(Jackie Borchardt, Cincinnati Enquirer)

Poland criticized in EU Parliament over courts, LGBT rights
(Vanessa Gera, Associated Press)

Korean bishops concerned about anti-discrimination law
(UCA News)

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