Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 23 October 2020

UN expert: religious and belief minorities must not be left behind in push for sustainable development
(Ahmed Shaheed, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)

Neutral and therefore not secular – the practical importance of freedom of religion for the Jewish community
(Ruben Vis, European Jewish Congress)

Religious leaders urge Uhuru and Ruto to mend their differences
(Kenya News Agency)

Crescendo of critics denounce MAiD legislation
(Peter Stockland, Convivium: Canada's Premier Hub for Faith in Common Life)

Hindu nationalist groups are expanding in East Asia
(Shweta Desai, Religion Unplugged)

Abortion “pills by post”: approval of procedure not unlawful – Court of Appeal
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

5,478 sleeps (+/-) and the G20 Interfaith Forum
(James Christie, G20 Interfaith Forum Blog)

Pulitzer-prize winning historian’s latest reveals the problem with today’s ‘religious freedom’
(Andrew L. Seidel, Religion Dispatches)

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Justice Department calls S.F. limits on church gatherings discriminatory, urges policy change
(Michael Williams, San Francisco Chronicle)

The Weekly Round-Up: Three Tiers
(Alethea Redfern, UK Human Rights Blog)

Israeli-Arab lawmakers reject normalization deal with Emirates
(Afif Abu Much, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

European countries slam Israel over planned settlement expansion
(Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Israel, Bahrain establish diplomatic relations at a ceremony in Manama
(Rina Bassist, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Alliance with ultra-Orthodox could bring Netanyahu down
(Mazal Mualem, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Faiths to mark Kristallnacht anniversary by illuminating places of worship
(Jewish News)

Iraqi cleric pushes for elections, new social contract, in support of prime minister
(Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

British archaeology falls prey to Turkey's nationalist drive
(Amberin Zaman, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

Egypt renews demands to retrieve Nefertiti bust from Germany
(Ibrahim Ayyad, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Coptic art adorns Cairo’s historic mosques
(Hani Sameer, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

UAE Jewish community opens new chapter in interfaith dialogue with addition of Arabic-speaking senior rabbi
(EIN Presswire)

Native American band fails in attempt to halt border barrier construction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

More litigation developments in religious institution challenges to COVID-19 restrictions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Oregon governor’s changing COVID-19 rules prompts lawsuit from religious school
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

Jewish group condemns auction of Hitler speeches in Germany
(David Rising, Associated Press)

Italy probes why women’s names mark aborted fetuses’ graves
(Riccardo Antoniucci and Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Top UK bishops slam ‘disastrous’ bill as Brexit talks teeter
(Jill Lawless, Associated Press)

Bolivia’s bishops hail peaceful vote as Morales’s party returns to power
(Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Welsh archbishop ‘disappointed’ in plan to re-impose ban on public worship
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Nigerian bishops back #EndSARS protests against police brutality
(Peter Ajayi Dada, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Armenian Orthodox leader warns of possible genocide in disputed territory
(Carol Glatz, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Cardinal: Lebanon’s leaders have lost respect of citizens, world
(Doreen Abi Raad, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I regret how I handled that Orthodox funeral in April
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Mormon family loses appeal in European court: ECHR does not find violation of rights of seven-year-old forced to kiss cross in Voronezh school
(Nezavisimaia Gazeta, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Intersection of politics, religion in Ukraine discussed at Fletcher School conference
(Marianna Schantz and Yiyun Tom Guan, Tufts Daily)

Attackers of Hasid teens in Uman must be brought to account - Ukraine's foreign minister

Angels and artillery: a cathedral to Russia's new national identity
(Shaun Walker, The Guardian)

Russia: January 2019 - June 2020 prosecutions for not showing full official name - list
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

Russia continues to prosecute for failure of religious groups to display full official names
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Press struggles to cover a complex woman: The sainting of Amy Coney Barrett, wife and mom
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

Azerbaijan Evangelicals: Conflict with Armenians is not a religious war
(Jayson Casper, Christianity Today)

UN criticized for electing countries previously engaged in religious freedom violations
(Jin Yoo, Christianity Daily)

Texas Instruments: Bring your faith to work
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

The price of freedom denied … is high indeed
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples
(Chico Harlan and Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew attends the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace
(Greek City Times)

An experiment in unity: Jews, Christians and Muslims mingle on shared campus
(Rheana Murray, Today)

‘We have the ability to bridge religious divides’ interfaith leader Eboo Patel tells students in BYU forum
(Maddie Mehr, The Daily Universe)

Forum: The power of interfaith unity
(Kaylee Esplin, BYU News)

End SARS: Interfaith calls for dialogue
(Amos Tauna, Daily Post NG)

Backlash against jewelry ad highlights growing religious divide in India
(Anjana Pasricha, Voice of America)

Featuring over 2000 participants from 90 countries, seventh annual G20 Interfaith Forum concludes with strong focus on COVID, inequalities, and climate change
(G20 Interfaith Forum, PR Newswire)

Erdoğan: Macron aims to 'settle old scores' with Islam, Muslims
(Daily Sabah)

Syrian extremist group in Idlib breaks with jihadist ideologue
(Sultan al-Kanj, Al-Monitor: Syria Pulse)

Killing of Sunni youths prompts calls for end to impunity in Iraq
(Shelly Kittleson, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Poll: White evangelicals are religious outliers on every issue of concern to voters
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

PRRI American Values Survey: Dueling realities: amid multiple crises, Trump and Biden supporters see different priorities and futures for the nation

NSW needs to prohibit religious discrimination, but not like this
(Liam Elphick and Alice Taylor, The Conversation)

First-ever survey of race, sexuality and gender identity of Episcopal clergy is underway
(Egan Millard, Episcopal News Service)

Pastor was validly demoted and terminated
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Jail's "God-Pod" program violates Establishment Clause
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

CAIR wins 'God Pod' lawsuit declaring religious segregation illegal in Virginia jail
(Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Pennsylvania Supreme Court hears arguments in important clergy abuse case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Colorado limits on worship services enjoined
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Churches win federal court decision against two of state’s COVID-19 mandates
(Logan Smith, CBS Denver)

Weekly Highlight #128: Religion on Global Agendas and at Global Policy Tables
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

8 key findings about Catholics and abortion
(Dalia Fahmy, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

Indigenous peoples, sacred rights, and religious freedom
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Defend the sacred: Native American religious freedom (Responding to: Indigenous peoples, sacred rights, and religious freedom)
(Michael McNally, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

On lifeways and litigation: Rethinking Native American religious freedom (Responding to: Indigenous peoples, sacred rights, and religious freedom)
(Michael P. Guéno, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Protecting Native American sacred space: The promise and limit of cultural preservation (Responding to: Indigenous peoples, sacred rights, and religious freedom)
(Allison Dussias, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Religious freedom, direct action, and rethinking foundations (Responding to: Indigenous peoples, sacred rights, and religious freedom)
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

What fifteenth-century Papal bulls can teach us about indigenous identity (Responding to: Indigenous peoples, sacred rights, and religious freedom)
(Steven Newcomb, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Belarusian archbishop says Vatican doing all it can to secure his return
(Carol Glatz, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Francis becomes 1st pope to endorse same-sex civil unions
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

How do religious groups help America’s homeless vote?
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News Faith)

The Eagle Scout and the President: What a Utah politician tells us about LDS ambivalence to Trump
(Tamarra Kemsley, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

How QAnon uses religion to lure unsuspecting Christians
(Daniel Burke, CNN)

Religious rights group "Article28" publicizes violations
(Moisei Kondrashin, Religiia i Pravo, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Belarus: Religious freedom survey, October 2020
(Olga Glace, Forum 18 News Service)

New York Times listens to Latino evangelicals: 'Politically homeless' voters pushed toward Trump
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

L&RUK: Catch-up from 23 September
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Father Stan Swamy: The Indian authorities target one of the country’s oldest human rights defenders
(CSWPress, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Getting married: A Consultation Paper on Weddings Law #2
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Coronavirus circuit break: Wales
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

UN rights chief says 3 of India's laws stifle minorities, one discriminating against religious minorities
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

TikTok vows in Knesset to tackle anti-Semitism
(Itamer Eichner,Tal Shahaf, YNet News)

Protect your religious freedom, reject candidates who suggest a religious litmus test
(Marsha Blackburn, National Review)

“Without religious liberty there’s no fulfillment of our mission.”
(Jefferson Paradello, Adventist Review)

France’s alternative response to a beheading
(Christian Science Monitor)

Beheading in France could bolster president’s claim that Islam is in ‘crisis’ – but so is French secularism
(Ahmet T. Kuru, The Conversation)

Saudi Cabinet condemns terror attack in France, calls for confronting hate speech
(Saudi Gazette)

France, the way to Islamic reformation is to challenge institutions — not stigmatize Muslims
(Ezzedine C. Fishere, The Washington Post Opinion)

French militant group, mosque to close after teacher slaying
(Elaine Ganley, Associated Press)

A teacher is beheaded, and France's war over secularism, freedom of speech and religious equality reignites
(Zamira Rahim, Pierre Bairin and Melissa Bell, CNN)

China opposes Pompeo's remarks on Xinjiang-related issues, religion
(Xinhua, CCTV)

China: Special weekly FoRB newsletter (13-19.10.2020)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Provisional asylum granted to two refugees from China in Kazakhstan
(Leila Adilzhan, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

China is stepping up its control over religion
(Shen Hua, Voice of America)

President of Korean Bishops’ Conference rejects amendment of nation’s abortion law
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

Canadian bishops renew opposition to assisted death legislation
(Zenit: The World Seen from Rome)

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