Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Anti-conversion law will be introduced in Gujarat soon, says CM Vijay Rupani
( India)

The bitter truth about caste in India
(John Dayal, Union of Catholic Asian News)

India: 23 ‘forced’ conversion cases filed in 23 days of new anti-conversion law
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Assam BJP manifesto to seek law that asks couples to disclose religion, income
(Utpal Parashar, Hindustan Times)

Freedom of worship in the Valais: The Council of State repudiated

A step in the right direction for free speech on UK campus
(ADF International)

Respect for the life and dignity of women needs to be promoted by all churches
(Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, World Council of Churches)

Spanish lawyers act to prevent removal of crosses by local officials
(The Catholic Universe)

Philippine president approves amnesty program for rebels
(Jim Gomez, Associated Press)

Philippine police storm Catholic school to arrest students
(Joseph Peter Calleja, Union of Catholic Asian News)

U.S. Supreme Court sides with Alabama death row inmate, declines to lift stay of execution over state’s refusal to allow clergy in chamber
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Christian nationalism cannot unite us
(Amanda Tyler, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Why is the BBC so scared of criticising Islam?
(Brendan O'Neill, Spiked)

Russia: Early release applications denied
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

Russia: Appeals fail to overturn "extremism" convictions
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

Russia: Special Bimonthly Report on Freedom of Religion (01-15.02.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Biden-Harris memo on protecting women’s health elides real health issues, enlists religious dissenters in funding abortion
(Laura Bramon Hassan, Religious Freedom Institute)

Biden re-establishes White House Office for Faith-Based Partnerships
(Chelsea Langston Bombino, Religion Unplugged)

Biden’s Secular Vision Of Faith-Based Programs: Op-Ed
(William Donohue, Eurasia Review Opinion)

Catholic leaders call on Biden to rescue reeling Puerto Rico
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Executive action on international LGBTQI rights: Progressive prejudice against faith and tradition?
(Todd Huizinga, Religious Freedom Institute)

New COVID-19 legislation and guidance to 20 February
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Golders Green mosque applicants ‘shocked’ by hostility to planned Islamic centre
(Jenni Frazer, Jewish News)

UAE’s first ambassador to Israel hopes to ‘foster peace and understanding’
(Joshua Salisbury, Jewish News)

Chelsea launch website for ‘Say No to Antisemitism’ campaign
(Jewish News)

French National Assembly passes anti-extremism bill proposing stricter rules for religion
(Catholic News Agency)

Religious freedom, LGBTQ rights clash at Montana Legislature
(Seaborn Larson, Helena Independent Record)

Right-wing justices think religion is under siege. Will the full Supreme Court follow?
(Joan Biskupic, CNN)

Slaughtering religious freedom at the Court of Justice of the European Union
(Andrea Pin and John Witte, Jr., Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

In Naples, Muslim families struggle to bury coronavirus victims
(Mario Messina and Savin Mattozzi, Aljazeera)

New Italian prime minister cites pope in first parliamentary address
(Junno Arocho Esteves, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Delayed Legion of Christ extortion trial goes ahead in Italy
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

WEBINAR, 16 February 2021 (2PM EST): USCIRF Conversation: Engaging State and Local Government in Nigeria to Protect Religious Freedom
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Monday, 15 February 2021

Photos of the Week: Carnival cancellations, Lunar New Year
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Executive Order on the Establishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
(The White House)

Biden order reestablishes faith-focused White House office
(Alexandra Jaffe, Associated Press)

Biden re-establishes White House faith-based partnerships office
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Biden reestablishes White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Articles of interest - 15 February 2021
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

WRITING COMPETITION, deadline 15 February 2021: Program on Church, State & Society at Notre Dame Law School
(Notre Dame Law School)

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS, 15 February 2021: Notre Dame Program on Church, State & Society Writing Competition
(Notre Dame Law School)

FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS due by 15 February 2021: IGE’s Center for Women, Faith & Leadership
(Institute for Global Engagement)

International interfaith collaboration & resilience key in "keeping the faith"
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

Israel issue complicates anti-semitism definition, potentially impacts U.S. work in middle east
(Ira Rifkin, Religion Unplugged Opinion)

Can government ban singing in worship? U.S. Supreme Court weighs in
(Bobby Ross Jr., Religion Unplugged Opinion)

Judge questions the court's role in managing public health orders to ban church gatherings
(CBC News)

Canada: Are churches a health hazard or essential service? A tale of two B.C. cities
(David Hunt, Vancouver Sun)

Former Canadian Prime Minister and high-ranking legal professionals call on Iranian Chief Justice to stop persecution of Baha’is in Iran
(Bahá’í International Community)

No injunction against sound ordinance because city disclaims enforcement pending revision
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Humanist organization lacks standing to challenge Texas ban on secular marriage celebrants
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Discrimination claim by Muslim employee of sheriff's office is dismissed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Another church seeks Supreme Court's intervention on COVID-19 restrictions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Maine church goes to SCOTUS
(Liberty Counsel)

New Arkansas law limits COVID restrictions on religious organizations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Protesters say French anti-radicalism law is anti-Muslim
(Associated Press)

France’s controversial ‘separatism’ bill: Seven things to know
(Peter Yeung, Al Jazeera)

France fights hold of Islamist radicals with dragnets, laws
(Elaine Ganley, Associated Press)

Ultra-Orthodox Londoners roll up sleeves to fight COVID
(Danica Kirka, Associated Press)

Buddhist temple food pantry a lifeline for Nepalese students
(Luis Andres Henao and Jessie Wardarski, Associated Press)

Marriage & divorce amid pandemic: Couples’ challenges abound
(David Crary, Associated Press)

SC House considers bill to keep churches open in emergency
(Associated Press)

Pope hails Colombia for giving needy Venezuelans protection
(Frances D'Emilio, Associated Press)

Gender identity bill divides Spain’s feminists, left-wing
(Aritz Parra, Associated Press)

Court rules against Apaches in bid to halt proposed mine
(Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press)

Ahead of papal visit, Iraq closes houses of worship due to COVID
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Workers find connection around faith in employee resource groups
(Dennis Sadowski, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

There’s hope! Authentic connection is on the move!
(Kent Johnson, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

The power of religious diversity in the workplace
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

The world faces new antisemitic threats, and Biden must adopt new tools to fight them
(Sharon Nazarian, Forward Opinion)

Switzerland edges towards niqab ban absurdity

Leonard Leo on Theology of Judiciary
(Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism, Institute on Religion and Democracy)

Moscow court arrests 2 Jehovah's Witnesses

Sputnik V vaccine halal - Gamaleya Center expert

Turkmenistan: now 15 jailed conscientious objectors
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Supreme Court justices are not singing the same religious liberty tune during pandemic
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Did the January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol involve Christian 'heresy' or was it 'apostasy'?
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

New podcast: 'Screen' culture tied to loneliness; can clergy build bridges with same tech?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Human rights and religion in the UK: a note for the Human Rights in Action project
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 14th February
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Hundreds of UK churches sign up to welcome new Hong Kong arrivals
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Luxembourg signs restitution deal
(Jewish News)

Research sheds light on the cultural and psychological correlates of religion
(Christian Rigg, PsyPost)

Jewish communities in six Gulf states form new organisation after peace deals
(Jewish News)

Australia ‘will heed threat warning’
(Jewish News)

Commentary: The Equality Act and how it could affect churches, religious organizations
(Baptist Standard)

California legislator wants religious services deemed essential during state of emergency
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

The many ways Muslim prisoners are denied religious rights in prison
(Tasmiha Khan, Vox)

When religion was present — and notably absent — at the impeachment trial
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Scotland’s new blasphemy law
(Madeleine Kearns, Law & Liberty)

Two weeks in review, 1 – 14 February 2021
(Gail Lythgoe, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Irish Bishops urge parliament to reject Dying with Dignity bill
(Lisa Zengarini, Vatican News)

Collision of laws: the impact of Commonwealth law on the Victorian CSP law
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

China: Special weekly FoRB newsletter on freedom of religion or belief (08-14.02.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Stop the Myanmar genocide – human rights groups stand up for religious minorities at UN Human Rights Council after military coup
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

When the Dalai Lama dies, his reincarnation will be a religious crisis. Here's what could happen
(Ben Westcott, CNN)

The Constitution beats the pandemic’s religious restrictions — again
(Editoral Board, Deseret News)

Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the context of international and regional politics

Monsignor Jaramillo: "In Colombia there is no violence, but a real gang war" (Spanish)
(Agencia Fides, Religión digital)

Spain faces its limits of expression in topics related to religion and hate speach among others (Spanish)
(J. J. Gálvez, El Pais)

Concerns of the Colombian Catholic Church about protection measures for Venezuelan migrants (Spanish)
(Angel Morillo, Vida Nueva Digital)

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