Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 15 May 2020

Daily Highlight #54 Digital Divides, Knowledge, and Empowerment: The COVID-19 Crisis and Black Churches
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Thursday, 14 May 2020

USINDO's WEBINAR on Religion and COVID Pandemic (recorded May 7, 2020)
(YouTube Video, The U.S. - Indonesia Society (USINDO))

PaRD-WEBINAR on COVID-19: A test for our humanity (recorded 12 May 2020)
(Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Katherine Marshall, Olivia Wilkinson, Jørgen Thomsen, Rev. Kyoichi Sugino, Mercy Niwe, International Partership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD))

When will we care about domestic violence?
(Caroline Fraser, The New York Review of Books)

Daily HIghlight #58: Interfaith Youth Mobilize against COVID-19 in Kenya
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Daily Highlight #57 | Masks and Niqabs: Face Coverings and Religious Freedom in France
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

BROADCAST, 14 May 2020: Inspiration & Hope: An Interfaith Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
(The Parliament of the World's Religions, Facebook and YouTube)

Daily Highlight #56: Catholic Nursing Homes: Faith, Financial Struggles, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
(COVID-19: Exploring Faith Dimensions, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Pope joins interreligious prayer, begging God to end pandemic
(Cindy Wooden, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Spain gives Sephardic Jews extra time for citizenship suits
(Associated Press)

Montenegro: Dozens detained in clashes over priests’ arrests
(Predrag Milic, Associated Press)

LGBT people complain at rainbow being used to thank the NHS
(The Christian Institute)

Hair salon raises free exercise claims to Wisconsin covid-19 order as state supreme court invalidates it on other grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Appleton salon owner claims business is ministry, Safer at Home violates Freedom of Religion
(WBAY News)

Churches fail in challenge to Illinois COVID-19 limits
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judge denies Chicago, Niles churches' restraining order against Pritzker, stay-at-home order, calls lawsuit 'ill-founded and selfish'

What was that all about? New York hipsters, Hasidic Jews and slanted social-distancing rules
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Indian Muslims face renewed stigma amid COVID-19 crisis
(Murali Krishnan, Deutsche Welle)

Jewish Americans say they are scapegoated for the coronavirus spread
(Matt Katz, National Public Radio)

Army, city sanitation workers begin sanitizing Rome churches
(Carol Glatz, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

English cardinal calls for ‘bit more sensitivity’ from government on opening churches
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

COVID-19 in Ukraine: Religion and geopolitics in a pandemic
(Polina Vynogradova, Geopolitical Monitor)

Distorting religious freedom will put people in danger
(Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, CNN)

Vatican finance in crisis thanks to Covid-19 and stock market meltdown
(Nicolas Senèze, La Croix International)

Has covid-19 killed globalisation?
(The Economist)

No food, no problem: Why mosques have embraced virtual interfaith events this Ramadan
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News | InDepth)

First coronavirus case found in Bangladesh Rohingya refugee camps

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Caring for places of worship during coronavirus (COVID-19)
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The Netherlands: Of Rollercoasters and Elephants (COVID 19 and states of emergency)
(Antoine Buyse, Roel de Lange, Verfassungsblog on Matters Constitutional)

Reopening of places of worship in England: breaking news
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Comment réinventer les rites funéraires en temps de Covid-19 ?
(France Akindes, Bernard Taverne, Firmin Kra, Gabriele Laborde-balen, Khoudia Sow, and Marc Egrot, The Conversation)

Religious liberty in COVID-19’s wake
(Mark Movsesian, Law & Liberty)

The latest critique of the Coronavirus Act 2020
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Pursuing politics through legal means: U.S. efforts to hold China responsible for COVID-19
(Jacques deLisle, Foreign Policy Research Institute)

COVID-19: Something new under the sun?
(Adam Garfinkle, Foreign Policy Research Institute)

The worst is yet to come: Contact tracing, immunity cards and mass testing — OpEd
(JohnN. Whitehead, Eurasia Review)

Will COVID-19 usher on another decade of austerity within the United Kingdom? What does this mean for the protection of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR)?
(Poonam Shokar, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

COVID-19 isn’t partisan. But it’s intensifying America’s red-blue divide.
(Linda Feldmann, The Christian Science Monitor)

Coronavirus: Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki says Sunday service will go ahead
(Ripu Bhatia,

Pastor Ted Wilson gives May message to the Adventist Church
(Adventist News Network)

Analysis: How the danger of coronavirus compares to the risks of everyday life
(Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph)

Genetic analysis of thousands of coronavirus patients may explain huge differences in case severity
(Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph)

We will have summer tourist season, promises EU
(BBC News)

Coronavirus lockdown: Allowing family gatherings in England 'complicated'
(BBC News)

With major deficits projected, Vatican says Holy See not at risk of default
(Hannah Brockhaus and JD Flynn, Catholic News Agency)

Vatican officials donate salaries to pandemic victims
(Catholic News Agency)

'Discovering what's essential': Strengthening marriages during lockdown
(Matt Hadro, Catholic News Agency)

Rev. Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign calls for resistance to reopening plans
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Government of Nicaragua ‘irresponsible’ in handling the pandemic, bishop says
(Claire Giangravé, Religion News Service)

The false choice presented to Sikh doctors serving COVID patients
(Simran Jeet Singh, Religion News Service)

Free Exercise challenge to St. Louis covid-19 order dismissed on standing grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.N. conference on role of religious leaders in addressing covid-19 crisis
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Secretary-General's remarks at high-level video conference entitled, "The Role of Religious Leaders in Addressing the Multiple Challenges of COVID-19" [as delivered]
(The United Nations)

Poll shows a partisan split over virus-era religious freedom
(Elana Schor and Emily Swanson, Associated Press)

Montenegro police break up protests against priest detention
(Predrag Milic, Associated Press)

Muslim burials in Europe strained by virus lockdowns abroad
(Mike Corder, Associated Press)

Talk about burying the lede! Knox officials wanted to 'open up,' while banning Holy Communion?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

It is not hypocrisy for pro-lifers to accept a risk of death
(Dan McLaughlin, National Review)

Religious liberty is helping to reopen America | Opinion
(Kelly Shackelford, Newsweek)

Wisconsin salon owner claims coronavirus shutdown order violates freedom of religion
(Morgan Gstalter, The Hill)

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Herd immunity and lockdown: The legitimacy of national policies against the pandemic and judicial self-restraint by the ECtHR
(Vassilis P. Tzevelekos, Strasbourg Observers)

Virtual religious services not an option for Amish community
(Jen Samuel, Daily Local News)

Cultural Disruptions: Martin Marty on the importance of seeking out stories of human goodness in the darkest days
(Martin E. Marty, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

Daily Highlight #55 COVID-19 and Human Trafficking: Unlikely Alliances
(Katherine Marshall, Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

7 of the biggest moments from today's Senate coronavirus hearing
(The Boston Globe)

Modi's coronavirus test: The pandemic offers a struggling India the chance to reset
(Anubhav Gupta and Puneet Talwar, Foreign Affairs)

The coming post-COVID anarchy: The pandemic bodes ill for both American and Chinese power—and for the global order
(Kevin Rudd, Foreign Affairs)

Sweden's coronavirus strategy will soon be the world's: Herd immunity is the only realistic option—The question is how to get there safely
(Nils Karlson, Charlotta Stern, and Daniel B. Klein, Foreign Affairs)

What does Washington want from China? Pique is not policy
(Christopher R. Hill, Foreign Affairs)

Is the pandemic China's Sputnik moment? What a virus reveals about two systems
(Branko Milanovic, Foreign Affairs)

Covid-19: What US, China data tell us about children’s risk profile
(Nikhila Natarajan, Observer Research Foundation)

After surviving wars, pestilence, religions use technology to beat pandemic
(Angela Moore, Reuters)

Maine ban on religious gatherings over 10 persons is upheld
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Israeli police arrest over 300 at mass gathering at shrine
(Associated Press)

Spanish cardinal’s blessing on Sunday divides officials of Valencia government
(Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

English bishops: Plan to end lockdown ignores ‘spiritual needs’ of country
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

'Plandemic' news, et al: Why do so many religious believers quickly embrace conspiracies?
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

Kentucky Gov. Beshear inspires revival of civil religion
(Alex Brown, Religion & Politics: Fit for Polite Company)

UN urges religious to fight harmful messages
(Associated Press, Fox San Antonio)

Greece to allow religious ceremonies with the presence of the faithful
(The National Herald)

Religious holiday allowances in Indonesia still obligatory despite COVID-19
(Ayman Falak Medina, ASEAN Briefing)

Analysis: The Swiss Model v. Swedish Model in dealing with China
(Joseph de Weck, Foreign Policy Research Institute)

Bishops lament UK plan to keep churches closed until July
(Catholic News Agency)

Vatican backs worldwide interfaith day of prayer and fasting
(Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency)

From flannelgraphs to Zoom, churches bring Sunday school home
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

If Costco can reopen safely, why not Illinois churches, Gov. Pritzker?
(Ed Stetzer, Religion News Service)

In lockdown, our longing for the world could be the antidote to our spiritual anorexia
(Tara Isabella Burton, Religion News Service)

Monday, 11 May 2020

National Day of Prayer features interfaith prayers for revival
(Christopher Hutton, Religion Unplugged)

Towards opening churches in July
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Is the coronavirus ban on weddings lawful?
(Neil Addison, Guest Post, Law & Religion UK)

Leviathan Challenged — the lockdown is compliant with human rights law (Part Two)
(Dominic Ruck Keene, UK Human Rights Blog)

Digital Contact Tracing Updates from the Human Rights Committee
(Rafe Jennings, UK Human Rights Blog)

We can beat the virus only by protecting human rights
(Kenneth Roth, The Washington Post)

Pastor sues over COVID-19 orders and conditions of bond
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pastor Tony Spell files lawsuit against Governor Edwards over stay-at-home order
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

France mandates masks to control the coronavirus. Burqas remain banned.
(James McAuley, The Washington Post)

About three-quarters of U.S. Catholic parishes applied for government paycheck protection
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Sexual and gender-based violence during COVID-19: lessons from Ebola
(Monica Adhiambo Onyango and Alexandra Regan, The Conversation)

Drive-thru iftars and coronavirus task forces: How Muslims are observing obligations to the poor this Ramadan
(Shariq Siddiqui, The Conversation)

We need fewer heroes: Exploring the tension between our praise of everyday heroes and the social instability that necessitates them
(Russell P. Johnson, Sightings: The Martin Marty Center, University of Chicago Divinity School)

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