Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 23 April 2021

Can Dave Ramsey’s ‘righteous living’ requirement stand up in court?
(Jennifer Graham, Deseret News)

In 2020, religious freedom faced a new foe: COVID-19
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

RSV, a childhood illness that receded during COVID-19, is surging in Orthodox Brooklyn
(Shira Hanau, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Virginia Republicans won’t move convention voting off Shabbat
(Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Ukrainian churches at odds over military situation
(Religiina Pravda, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Catholic news site proving to be a 'Pillar' when it comes to religion journalism
(Clemente Lisi, GetReligion)

New Chinese decree tells religious leaders to ‘support the Communist Party’
(Yang Ming, Voice of America)

Muslim leaders in Malaysia call for religious harmony
(International Christian Concern)

Sri Lanka arrests top Muslim leader over 2019 Easter attacks
(Bharatha Mallawarachi, Associated Press)

Ethnic engineering: Denmark’s ghetto policy
(Binoy Kampmark, International Policy Digest)

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Constitutionality of abortion: Legal analysis of the recent case in Poland
(Piotr Szymaniec, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Quebec Superior Court upholds most of religious symbols ban, but English-language schools exempt
(CBC News)

Quebec’s ban on public religious symbols largely upheld
(Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times)

Canadian trial court upholds most applications of Quebec's ban on officials wearing religious symbols
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious symbols law is cruel, but notwithstanding clause makes it legal: court
(Paul Cherry, Montreal Gazette)

Supreme Court’s COVID rulings raise questions about wider religious liberty impact, emergency procedures
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Quebec to appeal court ruling on disputed religious symbols law
(Allison Lampert, Reuters)

University of Chicago creates course on intersection between religion & law
(Becky Beaupre Gillespie, UChicago News)

Conceptualizing religious persecution as a crime against humanity
(Werner Nicolaas Nel and Michelle Coleman, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

The applicability of “grievous religious persecution” in international criminal law: Response to Werner Nicolaas Nel
(Michelle Coleman, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Japan’s Suga makes offering at war shrine but doesn’t visit
(Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press)

How Japanese women saved Shinto
(Cristian Martini Grimaldi, The Diplomat)

S. Korean, Japanese activists, religious leaders urge US to change its N. Korea strategy
(Cho Yeon-hyun, Hankyoreh)

More money to MIVILUDES: The governmental anti-cult mission that his former member, sociologist Olivier Bobineau, denounced as a “police des esprits” will receive € 1 million per year.
(Patricia Duval, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Weekly highlight #152: COVID-19: Exploring faith dimensions: COVID-19 and Ramadan; more on faith support for COVID-19 vaccinations
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Corruption and COVID-19: Old problems, new challenges?
(Eduardo António da Silva Figueiredo, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Don’t go down the road of hate speech: LWF General Secretary says dialogue and cooperation must prevail in debates over immigration requirements
(The Lutheran World Federation)

Britain’s changing religious vote: why Catholics are leaving Labour and Conservatives are hoovering up Christian support
(Stuart Fox and Ekaterina Kolpinskaya, The Conversation)

Episcopal Church releases racial audit of leadership, citing nine patterns of racism in church culture
(David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service)

Christian college sues HUD over interpretation of Fair Housing Act
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Missouri college challenges Biden order that opens dorms, showers to opposite sex
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

The Syrian uprising: A decade on
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Nigeria's 'atheist with a cause' still in jail after a year
(The Straits Times)

Religious freedom groups lament rising Nigerian persecution
(Diana Chandler, Baptist Press)

Asia Bibi appeals for the repeal of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws
(Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Criminalised, killed and cursed: The plight of Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya community
(Ellis Heasley, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Croatia offers scholarships to young persecuted Christians
(Catholic News Agency)

USCIRF reiterates its call to urgently increase the refugee ceiling
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

States of emergency: The pandemic, protests, and the persistent assault on global free expression
(Pen America's Freedom to Write Index)

ISIS executes a Coptic Christian in North Sinai: he had financed the construction of a church
(Asia News)

5th Circuit remands religious medical providers' challenge to anti-discrimination rules
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Faith leaders hope Chauvin verdict lifts racial justice work
(David Crary and Luis Andres Henao, Associated Press)

Sri Lankan archbishop asks Muslims to reject extremism
(Krishan Francis, Associated Press)

US Sikh community traumatized by yet another mass shooting
(Casey Smith and Luis Andres Henao, Associated Press)

Church leaders seek Home Depot boycott on Georgia voting law
(Jeff Amy, Associated Press)

Greek Church to allow worshippers at Easter Week services
(Nicholas Paphitis, Associated Press)

Catholic officials halt activity in Haiti for 9 kidnapped
(Evens Sanon, Associated Press)

Missouri House passes bill for guns in churches, buses
(Summer Ballentine, Associated Press)

Bill ending religious vaccine exemption now heads to CT Senate
(Susan Haigh, Associated Press)

China rejects accusations of abuses in Xinjiang
(Associated Press)

Chinese Church: ’knowing, thanking, listening, following the Party’
(Asia News)

USCIRF releases 2021 Annual Report with recommendations for U.S. policy
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Love and the core values of religious freedom
(Brian Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Filipino church celebrates milestone while standing at a crossroads - 500 years
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Majority of world’s population live in countries that violate religious freedom, report says
(Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Pope renews call for debt forgiveness to poor countries
(Junno Arocho Esteves, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Organization plans to challenge Ten Commandments law
(Associated Press)

Biden administration moves to force religious hospitals to uphold transgender mandate
(Madeleine Kearns, National Review)

Christian morality is why weed isn’t legal yet
(Mira Fox, Forward Opinion)

What’s at stake for Muslims in the Scottish elections?
(5 Pillars UK)

Ukrainian church suspects Moscow church will betray Ukraine
(RISU, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Absurd misapplication of anti-evangelism law corrected
(Religiia i Pravo, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Azerbaijan: State to have veto on religious leader appointments?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

ISIS executes another Coptic Christian: Once again, this appears to be 'conservative' news
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

'Cyber-caliphate' linking Islamist network expanding globally with online recruitment, says religious freedom report
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Meet the Muslim activist who educates about the Shoah and Israel in Urdu
(Lee Harpin, Jewish News)

Dutch daily apologizes for drawing Jewish pollster as a puppet master
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Hundreds of Palestinians protest barriers in Jerusalem during Ramadan
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Dutch museum will pay $240K to owners of Nazi-looted painting it won’t return
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Legal Journal Number 6 (16): April (Spanish)
(Observatorio de Libertad Religiosa de América Latina y El Caribe)

U.S. report says Russia among 'worst violators' of religious freedom
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

World reacts to death of Chad President Idriss Deby
(Al Jazeera)

US commission: Put India, Russia on religious freedom blacklist
(Joseph Stepansky, Al Jazeera)

Laws barring marriage through religious conversion run afoul of India’s foundational value of Secularism
(Indira Jaising, The Leaflet)

India should be a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ for religious freedom: U.S. Commission
(Sriram Lakshman, The Hindu)

WEBINAR, 21 April 2021 (2PM EDT): USCIRF's 2021 Annual Report Virtual Launch
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

ONLINE EVENT, 21 April 2021: The right to places of worship between plural disciplines and judicial discourse
(DiReSoM: Diritto e Religione nelle Società Multiculturali/ Law and Religion in Multicultural Societies)

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

WEBINAR, 20 April 2021 (12 noon Rome): DPIHD Biodiversity Webinar
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

Monday, 19 April 2021

Sikhs in America: A religious community long misunderstood is mourning deaths in Indianapolis mass shooting
(Simran Jeet Singh, The Conversation)

Conservative justices aren’t alone in supporting religion at the Supreme Court
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

The Supreme Court creates a new religious aristocracy
(Andrew Koppelman, The Hill - Opinion)

Colombian social media star challenges censorship ruling
(ADF International)

Demirtas v. Turkey: an exploration of the dissenting opinions and the Court’s oversights
(Hakan Kaplankaya, Strasbourg Observers)

The Weekly Round-Up: are immigrants and asylum seekers getting their day in court?
(Calia Randall, UK Human Rights Blog)

Biden administration reverses Trump restrictions on fetal tissue research
(Alice Miranda Ollstein, Politico)

Legal Spirits Episode 033: Augustine and Our Common Loves (podcast)
(Law and Religion Forum, St. John's Law School Center for Law & Religion)

Minister Roderic O’Gorman set to ban 'deceptive and harmful' conversion therapy
(Neil Fetherstonhaugh, Sunday World)

Conservative legal experts take up Apache Oak Flat religious freedom case
(Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter)

Indonesian Muslims bay for Christian YouTuber's arrest
(Konradus Epa, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Violence and micro-sized religious minorities (Indonesia): A conversation with Jessica Soedirgo
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

UN rights office concerned at Indian illegal acts in IIOJ&K
(The News International)

Articles of interest - 19 April 2021
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Vietnamese missionary's labor of love
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

State of Baden-Württemberg loses in court against a Scientologist
(EU Today)

Pope calls on Russia and Ukraine to seek reconciliation
(Associated Press)

Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholics rally the faithful
(Religiia v Ukraine, 16 April 2021, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Russia: Special bimonthly on freedom of religion or belief (01-15.04.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Hong Kong's freedom fighters pay the price of bravery
(Gianni Criveller, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Barring women as leaders in church may be bad for their health, new study finds
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service)

Why set up faith-oriented employee resource groups?
(Kent Johnson, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

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