Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 21 June 2021

Lutheran World Federation elects first female general secretary to lead global communion
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

Think again: Religion in the wake of the pandemic
(Cynthia G. Lindner, The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Germany gets 1st military rabbi in over a century
(Associated Press)

German court convicts a third ISIS member of crimes against humanity committed against Yazidis
(Amal Clooney, Dought Street Chambers)

Spanish court affirmed: Christian view on homosexuality is not hate speech
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination in Europe)

How 'People's cathedral' helped form a just and free society in South Africa
(Sam Mathe, Sowetan Live)

Photos of the Week: Southern Baptists meet; historic bell found
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

The business case for international religious freedom
(Vimeo video, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Catholic members of U.S. House confront Bishops over possible denial of communion to pro-choice Democrats
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

City's use permit requirement violated state Free Exercise law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

VA will offer gender confirmation surgery
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Articles of interest - 21 June 2021
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Local faith communities respond to Venezuelan displacement in Latin America and the Caribbean
(JoAnne Wadsworth, G20 Interfaith Forum Blog)

SC considers extending religious objections to therapists
(Michelle Liu, Associated Press)

UN experts call on Holy See to do more against child abuse
(Associated Press)

AP photos: Tourism boom pressures Tibet's historic sites
(Mark Schiefelbein and Sam Mcneil, Associated Press)

Israel arrests Arab suspects in mob killing of Jewish man
(Associated Press)

Bill would ban discrimination against LGTBQ jurors
(Associated Press)

Pope on Myanmar: Houses of worship serve as neutral refuge
(Associated Press)

An architect of European unity moves ahead on sainthood path
(Frances D'Emilio, Associated Press)

BJC reacts to SCOTUS foster care ruling
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

SCOTUS rules Philadelphia cannot require Catholic Social Services to certify same-sex couples for foster placement under its contract, majority declines to issue broader ruling
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Vatican’s top diplomat urges unity, reconciliation during trip to Mexico
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Top Republicans worry ‘the church is asleep.’ Here’s their plan to reengage religious voters
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

The GOP’s pool of potential religious supporters is more diverse than you think
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

Why Buddhists should celebrate Juneteenth
(Pamela Ayo Yetunde, Lion's Roar)

Religious organizations acquire shield from some intrusion by Russian government
(Institute of Religion and Politics, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Zoroastrianism in modern Russia
(Religion Today)

Protecting free exercise under Smith and after Smith
(Thomas Berg and Douglas Laycock, SCOTUSblog)

Supreme Court signals expansion of religious exemptions from laws
(Jess Bravin, The Wall Street Journal)

Lutheran World Federation chooses Estonian Anne Burghardt as its first woman head
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Labour official: ‘Combating antisemitism has seen us haemorrhage Muslim votes’
(Jewish News)

Donaldson bids to lead N. Ireland's biggest unionist party
(Pan Pylas, Associated Press)

Bishops from three countries urge welcome for migrants crossing channel
(Simon Caldwell, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Outdoor weddings in England and Wales: the truth behind the headlines
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

COVID-19 legislation and guidance: update to 26 June
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 20th June
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

UK confirms Durban conference boycott over ‘historic concerns’ on antisemitism
(Lee Harpin, Jewish News)

Uttar Pradesh cops nab duo who ‘converted’ 1,000 to Islam
(The Times of India)

Finland’s FA offers free sports hijabs in bid to boost diversity
(Al Jazeera)

CAIR calls on Hilton hotels to drop Xinjiang project
(Al Jazeera)

Iran bets on religion, repression and revolution
(Bret Stephens, The New York Times)

The Protestant cases and COVID-19
(Jeffrey B. Hammond, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

God and public reason
(R.J. Snell, Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute)

Hungarian Synagogue reopens for the first time since its destruction by the Nazis
(Yossi Lempkowicz, European Jewish Press)

Biden can keep the two-state solution alive
(Ilan Goldenberg, Foreign Affairs)

Black spirituality seen as breaking from organized religion
(Akira Kyles, The Frederick News-Post)

Friday, 18 June 2021

Faith leaders to meet at Vatican in October to discuss climate change
(Cindy Wooden, The Compass)

'Don't forget workers pushed to margins' by pandemic, Pope Francis says at world labor summit
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Religious Freedom Annual Review 2021 - Video Recordings
(International Center for Law and Religion Studies (ICLRS), Brigham Young University)

ONLINE EVENT, 18 June 2021 (1PM ET): Fierce Freedom with Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

ONLINE EVENT, 16-18 June 2021: Human Rights and the Governance of Religious, Cultural and Gender Diversity
(Summer Courses Foundation, University of the Basque Country)

Israel and apartheid: Lessons from the South African experience
(Ziyad Motala, TRTWorld)

Palestinians clash with Israel police at Jerusalem holy site
(Associated Press)

Indonesian vice president: Religion does not teach terrorism
(Antara News)

Why Africa’s faith leaders hold the key to dispelling vaccine doubts
(Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani, The Optimist)

Former Muslim leader at China's biggest mosque in Xinjiang incarcerated
(The Japan Times)

US Supreme Court rules for Catholic group in LGBTQ rights dispute

Boris Johnson and Britain are having their own Catholic crisis
(Catherine Pepinster, The Washington Post)

Yazidi survivors of ISIS crimes need more help from international community
(Sadhbh Gallagher, The Irish Times)

The Jesuit priest linking Indians and Pakistanis as unlikely pen pals
(Priyadarshini Sen, Religion Unplugged)

Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic foster care agency, in narrow win for religious rights
(Yonat Shimron, The Washington Post)

Ebrahim Raisi poised to sweep into Iranian presidency despite weak religious credentials
(Jospeh Hammond, The Washington Post)

USCIRF condemns Saudi Arabia’s latest execution of Shi’a man
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Russia: Freedom of religion or belief – Special bimonthly FORB (01-15.06.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Unanimous Supreme Court protects foster moms & 200-year-old ministry

Court holds that city’s refusal to make referrals to faith-based agency violates Constitution
(Amy Howe, SCOTUSblog)

Court: If bias rules have exceptions, faith groups qualify
(Peter Smith, Associated Press)

Another victory at the Supreme Court for religious groups
(Jessica Gresko, Associated Press)

Hungary: Lawmakers pass law barring LGBT content for minors
(Balazs Pivarnyik and Bela Szandelszky, Associated Press)

LGBTQ groups, allies see trouble in ruling upholding discrimination in Philly
(Ja’han Jones, Huffington Post)

Why unanimity was so important in the Fulton case
(Roger Severino, National Review)

Religious foster care plays a vital role for our most vulnerable children
(Byron Johnson, Stephen Cranney, Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia, Abdullah bin Hamid Ali, Ahmed Soboh, Mark Regnerus, Father Paul Sullins, Eric Patterson, Thomas F. Farr, and Catherine R. Pakaluk, Deseret News)

Fulton quiets Tandon’s thunder: A free exercise puzzle
(Jim Oleske, SCOTUSblog)

Douglas Laycock on the importance of the Fulton decision
(John McCormack, National Review)

Fulton is not a case about ‘LGBT rights’
(Alexandra Desanctis, National Review)

Fulton v. Philadelphia ruling cited in Kentucky child services dispute
(Bruce Schreiner, Religion News Service)

A Supreme Court decision allowing a Catholic foster agency to discriminate splits Jewish groups
(Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Supreme Court sides with Catholic agency barred by Philly for denying same-sex foster couples
(Michael Tanenbaum, Philly Voice)

Keynote addresses of Parliament of the World's Religions' luminaries
(Marianne Williamson, Swami Sarvapriyananda, Grandmother Flordemayo, William E. Swing, Karen Armstrong, David Rosen, Parliament of the World's Religions)

Cardinal Pedro Barreto on the moral responsibility to protect Indigenous peoples and forest communities in Peru
(Pedro Barreto, Religions for Peace)

After politically charged debate, bishops vote to draft controversial Communion document
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

The deep roots connecting Jewish and Black prophetic witness
(Johari Jabir, The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Here’s what happened at day 3 of the USCCB meeting
(Michelle La Rosa, The Pillar)

Attacks on churches by Burmese military forces on the rise
(International Christian Concern)

Iran election set to intensify Christian persecution
(Andrew Boyd, International Christian Concern)

Europe will not have a religious liberty day
(Marco Respinti, Bitter Winter)

Christian organization appeals IRS denial of non-profit status
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

NC governor again vetoes gun-rights bill for more churches
(Gary D. Robertson, Associated Press)

New York AG: Town agrees to end biased housing practices
(Associated Press)

US Catholic bishops OK steps toward possible rebuke of Biden
(David Crary, Associated Press)

AP Interview: Tibet exile leader hopes to resume China talks
(Ashwini Bhatia, Associated Press)

EU bishops criticize report for stance on abortion, conscience clauses
(Catholic News Service)

Stop asking the Supreme Court to resolve the LGBTQ, religious conflict
(Steven Collis, Deseret News)

From the court, a vindication of faith-based service. From Alito, a blueprint for the future.
(Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, SCOTUSblog)

60 Catholic Democrats urge bishops to not block Joe Biden from communion over abortion
(Katherine Fung, Newsweek)

The story behind an NAACP icon calling President Nelson one of the great faith leaders ‘south of heaven’
(Tad Walch, Deseret News)

Azerbaijan: Religion Law amendments "more controlling mechanisms"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

We’re still on a collision course over Masterpiece Cakeshop
(David Von Drehle, The Washington Post)

When climate catastrophes spark religious turmoil
(Randall J. Stephens, The Washington Post)

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