Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 16 February 2024

Korean Protestant Church unveils plan to boost fertility rate
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

WCC commends Church of Sweden’s engagement for peace and justice
(World Council of Churches)

Colombia: WCC at peace dialogue table with UN Security Council in Colombia
(World Council of Churches)

WCC general secretary visits Holy Land to strengthen call for just peace
(World Council of Churches)

EU is challenged to stand by those persecuted for changing their faith in MENA and beyond
(Open Doors, The European Times)

Nicaragua shuts down scouting association and several other social and religious groups
(Maryam Habib, Associated Press)

As birth rates plummet, Europe questions existing incentives
(Mark John, Anne Kauranen, and Gergely Szakacs, The Christian Science Monitor)

Religious extremism in Azerbaijan: Real threat or pretext for autocracy?
(Rovshan Mammadli, Eurasianet)

EU's top human rights court upholds Belgium's halal slaughter ban
(Daily Sabah)

Jews and Muslims fight for religious freedom together - editorial
(The Jerusalem Post)

Thursday, 15 February 2024

HIBRID EVENT, 15 February 2024: The Debate Over Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism: Understanding the Terms and the Stakes (Berkeley, CA, USA)
(Ethan Katz, Dov Waxman, Sarah Abrevaya Stein, Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion)

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Opinion: Executief van de Moslims van België and Others v. Belgium (French)
(The European Court of Human Rights)

Judgment concerning Belgium
(The European Court of Human Rights)

Is religious freedom a forgotten freedom within the human security framework?
(Elena López Ruf, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

EVENT, 14 February 2024 (4:30PM ET): Film Screening and Discussion - "Free Exercise: America’s Story of Religious Liberty" (New Jersey, USA)
(Mark Movsesian, Richard Brookhiser, Robert P. George, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University)

EVENT, 14 February 2024 (10AM CET): The role of Churches and faith-based organisations in fighting trafficking in Human Beings: Catholic initiatives (Brussels)
(William Kenney, Noël Treanor, Kevin Hyland, Ivonne van de Kar, Patrick Gillard, José Luis Bazán, COMECE and Santa Marta Group)

Greek lawmakers are debating a landmark bill to legalize same-sex marriage. Here’s what it means
(Derek Gatopoulos, Associated Press)

Woke arrives in Orthodox Greece as Parliament considers same-sex marriage
(Thomas O'Reilly, The European Conservative)

Hong Kong activist: Proposed law could worsen religious liberty, persecute Catholics
(Tyler Arnold, Catholic News Agency)

European churches contribute to Article 17 Dialogue Seminar
(Conference of European Churches)

Kenya: Faith leaders unite for peace
(Twitter, Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI))

Uzbekistan: Report: Beard-wearers singled out for harassment in Uzbekistan

Canada: Police investigating hate-motivated graffiti at Islamic Centre of Cambridge

Antisemitism and safety fears surge among US Jews, survey finds
(Tiffany Stanley, Associated Press)

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Director proposes exchanging Stolypin's remains for Ukrainian soldiers held captive by Russian forces
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

One of the nation’s largest university systems will give time off for Eid, Diwali and Lunar New Year
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

Video | Article 17 TFEU: Churches and EU address disinformation ahead of 2024 EU elections
(The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE))

Statement | COMECE and CIDSE urge Council to adopt Due Diligence Directive
(The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE))

Russia: A new wave of searches of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ homes
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Statement from the House of Bishops on the war in Gaza
(The Church of England)

Quakers urge government to continue funding Inter Faith Network
(Quakers in Britain)

Clergy Conduct Measure: update February 2024
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

600 Leeds University alumni call for decisive action to combat campus antisemitism
(Michelle Rosenberg, Jewish News)

Minnesota school district allows Muslim families to opt-out of “gender identity” and sexuality curriculum
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Mexico: From faith to exile in Guerrero, Mexico
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Nicaragua: New report finds worsening violations of freedom of religion or belief
(CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

India: Authorities raid premises of prominent social activist
(CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

Catholic church in Poland opposes reducing number of religion classes in schools
(Notes from Poland)

Libya: Internal Security Agency must end abuses in name of ‘guarding virtue’
(Amnesty International)

Soria bill would exempt religious group from motorcycle helmets
(Ben Hensley, Business Journal)

Amsterdam embraces religious freedom: BOAs allowed to wear headscarves
(Justice Nwafor, BNN)

Should a Clearwater man’s church confession be evidence in a criminal case?
(Dan Sullivan, Tampa Bay Times)

US Virgin Islands pushes forward on stalled law allowing recreational marijuana use
(Dánica Coto, Associated Press)

Monday, 12 February 2024

Australian Jews on high alert after public list of ‘Zionists’ fuels harassment
(Philissa Cramer, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Friends of different faiths showcase our nation’s commitment to pluralism
(Chris Walsh, George W. Bush Presidential Center)

From church to the mosque, faith and friends help Iowa’s African immigrants and refugees build a sense of home
(Osamamen Oba Eduviere and Brady G'Sell, The Conversation)

India: Mosque demolition sparks deadly protests in India (video)
(Al Jazeera)

Indian town sets a curfew and orders police to shoot violators after deadly clashes over a mosque
(Biswajeet Banerjee, Associated Press)

India: Muslim organization challenges mandatory Surya Namaskar in Rajasthan schools
(Dil Bar Irshad, BNN)

India: Balancing Faith and Equality: Examining the Adequacy of the Doctrine of Essential Religious Practices from Gender Perspectives in India
(Sumit Sonkar, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion)

Canada: Quebec wants Criminal Code exemption so people can request MAID in advance
(The Globe and Mail)

Leaders warned of varied threats to religious freedom
(Ellen Teague and Patrick Hudson, The Tablet)

Once marginalized, New York’s Muslims celebrate growing political influence on Muslim Day
(Fiona André, Religion News Service)

Every week is World Interfaith Harmony Week for devotees of Swami Vivekananda
(Richa Karmarkar, Religion News Service)

Jesuits in US bolster outreach initiative aimed at encouraging LGBTQ+ Catholics
(David Crary, Religion News Service)

WEBINAR, 12 February 2024 (4:30PM GMT): Reclaiming Justice in Humanity
(Jerry White and Karen Tse, United Religions Initiative)

The rise of African prophets: the unchecked power of the leaders of Pentecostal churches
(Josiah Taru, The Conversation)

Ohio city drops criminal charges against church that opened 24/7 for homeless
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Webinar review: Ubuntu: traditional southern African philosophy
(JoAnne Wadsworth, Viewpoints, a blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum Association)

Pakistan: A good Supreme Court decision for the Ahmadis--but what's next? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ordered the release of a man who had distributed an Ahmadi commentary to the Holy Quran.
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter: A magazine on religious liberty and human rights)

Around the web - 12 February 2024
(Law and Religion Forum, St. John's Law School Center for Law & Religion)

Anticipated challenges to online free expression and international religious freedom in 2024
(YouTube Video, Pepperdine School of Public Policy)

Iran: Religious freedom no where to be found after 45 years of 'revolution' in Iran
(Katie O'Malley, Mission Network News)

Indonesia: Tale of two cities: Religious tolerance in Bekasi & Depok
(Nur Janti, The Jakarta Post)

Indonesia: Faith, democracy, and politics in Indonesia: Explaining the lack of Islamic mobilisation in 2024
(Chris Chaplin and Syarifuddin Jurdi, London School of Economics Religion and Global Society Blog)

United Nations’ experts call for immediate release of Jimmy Lai
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

Recognizing the extraordinary courage of victims/survivors of the holocaust and others
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

Kazakhstan: Spiritual principles basis for strengthening the family
(Bahá’í World News Service)

UAE: First stone-built Hindu temple in the Middle East rises in the UAE ahead of Modi’s latest visit
(Jon Gambrell, Associated Press)

Nicaragua’s crackdown on Catholic Church spreads fear among the faithful, there and in exile
(Giovanna Dell'Orto, Associated Press)

Nicaragua: Exile and resistance: An interview with Félix Maradiaga
(Freedom House)

A shooter opened fire in a Houston church. Gunfire has also scarred other Texas places of worship
(Jim Vertuno, Associated Press)

On Super Bowl broadcast, ‘He Gets Us’ ads featuring Jesus stand out for change-of-pace message
(Tiffany Stanley, Associated Press)

Argentina: After rough start, pope and Argentina’s Milei meet amid speculation Francis might finally go home
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Articles and books of interest - 12 February 2024
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Bolivia: Church’s pleas fall on deaf ears amid Bolivia’s political crisis
(Eduardo Campos Lima, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Lebanon’s sectarian dynamics and the Israel-Hezbollah war
(Antonio Graceffo, Providence)

Law and religion roundup – 11th February
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Church calls for minimum unit pricing of alcohol to be increased to 65p
(The Church of Scotland)

What I wish more people knew about American evangelicalism: For all the bad that’s come out of this movement, there are still countless stories of personal transformation leading people to live better lives.
(John Fea, The Atlantic)

Two weeks in review, 29 January – 11 February 2024
(Tal Gross, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Dutch Muslims respond to Quran desecration with 'Don't Burn, Read' event
(International Quran News Agency (IQNA))

WCC submits comments on draft UN “Pact for the Future”
(World Council of Churches)

Christian advertising receives criticism but has not yet been forbidden
(Evert van Vlastuin, Christian Network Europe)

Japan’s Shinto religion contributes to global dialogue at Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions
(The Astana Times)

Faith-based organizations concerned about immigration policy landscape
(Aleja Hertzler-McCain, Religion News Service)

Brazil: MP calls for religious freedom to be guaranteed in schools after case in São Luís de Montes Belos (Portuguese)
(Barbara Noleto, Jornal Opção)

The questionable safeguarding of religious liberty (Spanish)
(Javier Porras Belarra, ABC Sociedad)

Costa Rica: Chamber IV: Judiciary violated the religious freedom of an official by forcing him to work on Saturdays (Spanish)
(Yeryis Salas, La Nación)

Georgia’s Black churches unite for voter engagement campaign
(Cheyanne M. Daniels, The Hill)

S5, Ep. 15: Black America’s changing religious landscape (podcast)
(Sabrina E. Dent and Anthony Pinn, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Friday, 9 February 2024

IRFBA Chair’s statement on Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan religious prisoners of conscience the 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, writer Go Sherab Gyatso, and separation of Tibetan children from their heritage and language
(International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA), U.S. Department of State)

City drops charges against pastor as sides negotiate over Ohio church’s 24/7 ministry
(Patrick Orsagos and Mark Scolforo, Associated Press)

Malaysia’s top court invalidates state’s Islam-based laws on incest, sodomy and other offenses
(Eileen Ng, Associated Press)

India: Haldwani: Uttarakhand on alert after four dead in clashes over mosque demolition
(BBC News)

India: Small Indian state passes landmark civil code opposed by Muslims
(Rupam Jain, Reuters)

Ecuador becomes second Latin American state to decriminalise euthanasia
(Patrick Jackson, BBC News)

Thailand, Muslim separatists agree on new plan to end violence
(Al Jazeera)

EVENT, 8-9 February 2024: Charting the Future of Church and State (Malibu, CA, USA)
(Caruso School of Law)

What a new plan to save the UK’s churches says about their purpose in society
(Alanna Cant, The Conversation)

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