Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Catholic bishop in Somalia skeptical about clan-based polls
(La Croix International)

New Issue of EJIL (Vol. 32 (2021) No. 1) – Now Published
(EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

New dynamics of interreligious engagement across the Mediterranean
(JoAnne Wadsworth, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Democrat cites Trump Muslim ban in call for international watchdog to grade U.S. religious freedom
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

Sen. Mike Lee: Religious freedom thrives in US because America is ‘a nation of heretics’
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

EVENT, 13-15 July 2021: International Religious Freedom Summit 2021
(Multiple partners)

LIVE STREAM, 13 July 2021 (12PM EDT GMT-4): Fulton, Pavez, and the Future of Religious Freedom in the Americas
(International Center for Law and Religion Studies and ADF International)

Flowers and the First Amendment: Once again, the Supreme Court elects to punt
(Terry Mattingly, OnReligion)

Monday, 12 July 2021

President Oaks honored for his lifelong support of religious freedom
(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

[Thai] ICRC Podcast on Buddhism and International Humanitarian Law
(International Committee of the Red Cross)

[Bangla] Articles on Islam and International Humanitarian Law
(International Committee of the Red Cross)

Freedom from Religion Foundation calls out Wisconsin schools for partnering with Church Health Service
(Sharon Roznik, FDL Reporter)

Qatar’s Baha’i community and the plight of foreign workers
(Baher Seioshansian, Religion News Service)

'Unrighteous religion': redefining religious freedom to protect minority groups
(Katherine Arrington, The Dartmouth)

Report: median age of U.S. Latter-day Saints is rising, Muslims make up the youngest religious group
(The Salt Lake Tribune)

WEBINAR, 12 July 2021 (6PM (CEST-Italian time): New dynamics of interreligious engagement across the Mediterranean
(G20 Interfaith Forum, ADYAN, ISPI, FSCIRE, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation)

How education can contribute to health and well-being: A global listening initiative
(Scherto Gill, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Church leaders chip in with social schemes in strife-torn Nigeria
(La Croix International)

Customary and religious laws are impeding progress towards women’s health in Nigeria
(Terry McGovern, Monique Baumont, and Samantha Garbers, The Conversation)

New wave of anti-protest laws may infringe on religious freedoms for Indigenous people
(Rosalyn R. LaPier, The Conversation)

Washington church challenges state law requiring abortion coverage in healthcare plans
(Nicholas Rowan, Yahoo News)

Articles of interest - 12 July 2021
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Hope for fractured Palestinian families as Israel law ends
(Al Jazeera)

Israeli court annuls parts of surrogacy law excluding gays
(Associated Press)

7th Circuit en banc: Ministerial exception applies to hostile work environment claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

‘Ministers’ shielded from harassment claims, 7th Cir. says
(Dan Papscun, Bloomberg Law)

Calls for Portugal to adopt gender identity legislation
(The Portugal News)

India gives relics of martyred queen to Georgia
(Nirmala Carvalho, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Court pushes to end India's religion-based personal laws
(Nirendra Dev, Union of Catholic Asian News)

They are destroying more than churches in Canada
(Andrew Sansone, Spiked)

Leave, convert or perish: The fate of Afghanistan’s minorities
(Hardeep Singh, The Spectator)

GRP researchers in conversation: Religious leaders & armed conflict in Colombia
(YouTube Video, The Generating Respect Project)

YorkTalks 2021: Religious leaders as influencers of humanitarian norms compliance
(YouTube Video, University of York)

The principle of non-refoulement under Islamic law and international law: complementing international legal protection in Muslim contexts
(International Committee of the Red Cross)

Collapsed condo: Weighing how to honor dead at ‘holy site’
(Bobby Caina Calvan, Associated Press)

Georgians protest for 2nd straight day over journalist death
(Associated Press)

Persecution worsens for Christians in post-coup Myanmar, experts say
(Catholic News Service)

US cites China, Myanmar, Ethiopia in genocide report
(Matthew Lee, Associated Press)

Egypt court upholds life sentences for 10 Islamists
(Associated Press)

Oman’s sultan arrives in Saudi Arabia on first foreign trip
(Isabel Debre, Associated Press)

Why are Christians in Germany more immune to far-Right populism than in the US?
(Tobias Cremer, Open Democracy)

Not just Catholic men: German candidate pledges diversity
(Associated Press)

Interfaith dialogue in the United Arab Emirates: Where international relations meets state-branding
(David H. Warren, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Belarusian president warns against singing of decades-old hymn
(Jonathan Luxmoore, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Cameroon archbishop: Don’t preach peace but promote war
(Ngala Killian Chimtom, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

How this new group for Christian lawmakers will try to remake American politics
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

What I learned from a Catholic dean about the necessity of religious liberty and the power of prayer
(Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News)

Faith leaders call for federal relief funds to be used to end homelessness in Salt Lake County
(Jenny Rollins, Deseret News)

Young Asian American Buddhists are reclaiming narrative after decades of white dominance
(Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil, NBC News)

Direct clash between metropolitan and governor in Ekaterinburg over tsarist pilgrimage
(Zavtra, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Mosques in Moscow to be closed to believers on Eid al-Adha

Patriarch Kirill asks Mishustin to support the bill banning surrogacy for foreigners

Once again, U.S. Supreme Court chooses to punt on a major religious liberty case
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

First the European Parliament, now the British Parliament to vote to boycott Winter Olympics 2022
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

Reporting restrictions in end of life cases: anonymity for treating clinicians
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Labour to vote against Tory ‘hate speech’ bill
(Toby Helm, The Guardian)

Reform of law on validity and unregistered religious marriages
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

COVID-19 legislation and guidance: update to 17 July
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 11th July
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

UK bishop apologizes for 'offence' after comments on conservative Anglicans in speech on sexuality
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Religion Watch, Volume 36 No. 8
(Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion)

Does ‘faith-based’ include people without a religious faith?
(Mark Brockway, The Washington Post)

Christian right bill mill, Project Blitz, hasn’t gone away, it’s just gotten more secretive
(Frederick Clarkson, Religion Dispatches)

Photos of the week: Eid preparations; papal surgery
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

There are 11,073 Muslims in federal prisons but just 13 chaplains to minister to them
(Dalia Faheid, National Public Radio)

Protestants in Algeria get their occupied church back
(Claire Riobé, La Croix International)

9th Circuit hears oral arguments in Washington insurance coverage mandate challenge
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Women filmmakers from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia take top honors in 2021 religious freedom film competition
(Brian Grim, EIN Presswire)

Friday, 9 July 2021

Japanese citizens seek to recover forebears’ remains collected against religious freedom rights by University
(Dennis Normile, Science)

Review: Reporting on religion can be dark. But we need people on the God Beat more than ever.
(Daniel Burke, America: The Jesuit Review)

American Buddhist priest, sociologist working for regional revitalization in Japan
(The Mainichi)

What is a mainline Christian, anyway?
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

For another year, the world’s most famous door-knocking ministry will stay home
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

Jordan debating whether to open up to Shiite pilgrims
(Daoud Kuttab, Religion News Service)

Survey: White mainline Protestants outnumber white evangelicals, while ‘nones’ shrink
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

When it comes to LGBTQ Catholics, what Pope Francis giveth, the Vatican taketh away
(Claire Giangravé, Religion News Service)

Judge: Air Force mostly at fault in 2017 Texas church attack
(Paul J. Weber, Religion News Service)

As United Church of Christ takes on race and LGBTQ issues, consensus reigns
(Emily McFarlan Miller, Religion News Service)

‘BJP opposed to construction of churches with people’s money’
(The Hindu)

AP photos: Scarf, comb show changes to Hindu cremation rites
(Anupam Nath, Associated Press)

Madhya Pradesh: Satna man arrested under Freedom of Religion law
(Times of India)

India court backs Uniform Civil Code, says ‘traditional barriers of religion are slowly dissipating’
(Sofi Ahsan, The Indian Express)

India: How a large cat deity helps people to share space
(Eurasia Review)

Myanmar Christians face increased persecution under military rule since coup, experts say
(Emily Wood, The Christian Post)

Cairo cracks down on Salafist preachers
(George Mikhail, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Egypt’s Al-Azhar issues fatwa against video game
(Rasha Mahmoud, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Gazan children graduate from Islamic Jihad’s military camp
(Rasha Abou Jalal, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Holy See to UN: Children should not be ‘collateral victims’ of violence against women
(Hannah Brockhaus, Catholic News Agency)

Colombian, Venezuelan bishops call for solidarity, reconciliation
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Venezuelan bishops to address country's situation during plenary assembly
(Cynthia Perez, Catholic News Agency)

Advocate for Christians attacked in Sudan
(Agnes Aineah, Catholic News Agency)

Saudi Arabia calls on people to sight Dhu Al-Hijjah crescent on Friday
(Arab News)

Azerbaijan: "They hold services and pray there, but without a congregation"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Pope tells South Sudan leaders to make sacrifices for peace
(Associated Press)

USCIRF condemns school abductions in Nigeria
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Fear of the unknown: religion, identity, and conflict in northern Nigeria

EU votes for diplomats to boycott China Winter Olympics over rights abuses
(Helen Davidson, The Guardian)

Iran: A machinery of hate: increasing propaganda raises concern for Baha’is
(Baha’i International Community)

Europe: FECRIS and affiliates: Defamation is in their DNA
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Niger: Religious Freedom in the World Report 2021
(Aid to the Church in Need)

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