Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 19 July 2021

Turkey condemns EU court ruling on headscarf ban as violation of freedoms

Putting the ‘exercise’ in free exercise: Three recent precedents have 'really increased the amount of protection for religious freedom.'
(Kenneth Pybus, The Christian Chronicle)

Foster care and adoption ministries praise ruling in Fulton v. Philadelphia: U.S. Supreme Court's unanimous decision is a win for religious liberty, agency leaders say.
(Kenneth Pybus, The Christian Chronicle)

First-person accounts of religious repression punctuate summit
(Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service)

Why some younger evangelicals are leaving the faith
(Terry Shoemaker, The Conversation)

How Christians can welcome Muslims
(Robert P. George, Catholic Herald)

Institute for Global Engagement participates in inaugural International Religious Freedom summit in Washington, D.C.
(Insitute for Global Engagement)

Religious leaders call for national unity and solidarity in a joint letter to the people of Haiti
(Religions for Peace)

Cancelling wisdom’s colour
(Daniel Dorman, Convivium)

Israeli police clash with protesters to clear Al-Aqsa complex for Tisha b'av worshippers
(Daoud Kuttab, The Washington Post)

Fault lines of religion and violence in Eritrea and Ethiopia
(Tricia Redeker Hepner, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Religion and the social covenant in Ethiopia: Faith in the Tigray conflict
(Mohammed Girma, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

The Tigray conflict: When ethnicity takes precedence
(Khataza H. Gondwe, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Saturday, 17 July 2021

WEBINAR, 22 July 2021 (6PM ET): Celebrating the First Amendment and 30 Years of the Freedom Forum
(Freedom Forum Institute)

WEBINAR, 22 July 2021, 11:30 am (Rome): Religious Garb and the Courts
(Università degli Studi di Messina)

Friday, 16 July 2021

Three for three: student clubs prevail against religious discrimination

Court: UI violated religious club’s First Amendment rights
(Margery A. Beck, Associated Press)

EU court rules employers can limit religious symbols
(Associated Press)

Will Central Asia become ‘Stans’ for religious freedom?
(Jayson Casper and Rafael Balgin, Christianity Today)

China’s Xinjiang repression targeted at international religious freedom summit
(Radio Free Asia)

Cardinal Dolan emphasizes hope amid global religious persecution
(Christine Rousselle, National Catholic Register)

EU high court: Employers can ban religious, political apparel to ensure ‘neutral’ workplace
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

Illinois man sentenced for making anti-Semitic threats to Arizona victim
(U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice)

Address for the International Religious Freedom Summit, 2021 “The Rising Tide of Religious Nationalism”
(Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America)

Genocide ‘must be pursued,’ Rep. Smith says at religious freedom summit
(Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service)

Lehighton man sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment for internet threats against the Jewish community
(U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice)

International Community must pay attention to the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims worldwide
(United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner)

Perspective: Supreme Court sides with first amendment freedoms, but questions linger
(Freedom Forum Institute)

Change or collapse: Violence reveals the weak foundations of the South African state
(Hayden Weaver, The Daily Maverick: Opinionista)

Top EU court says headscarves can be banned at work under certain conditions
(Arab News)

Hijabs and employment in the CJEU: WABE and MH Müller Handel
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Admissibility of ByLock-related data as evidence is now under the scrutiny of the European Court
(Yasir Gökce, Strasbourg Observers)

Facebook will now ban criticism of "concepts, institutions, ideas, practices, or beliefs" when they risk "harm, intimidation, or discrimination" against religious, national, or other groups
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

US Jewry failed to teach its youth about Israel, here is the result
(Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post)

Is Israel really a settler colonial state?
(Steven Lubet and Jonathan Zasloff, Haaretz Opinion)

U.S. Christian support for Israel recalibrates after Netanyahu’s ouster
(Micah Danney, Religion Unplugged)

Why Muslims and refugees are presented as evil
(Mirjam Ateş-Snijdewind,, Religions for Peace)

Affirming and advancing the highest ideals of human rights and democracy
(Suzanne Toma, Religions for Peace)

Report: Nearly half of Jewish cemeteries in Europe are falling apart
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

They’re coming for the judges…again.
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Project on the interface between Buddhism and international humanitarian law
(Religion and Humanitarian Principles)

Religious Freedom Institute announces Carl Anderson as Its 2021 Defender of Religious Freedom Award recipient
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Three of the most mistranslated words in Scripture — according to TikTokers
(Renée Roden, Religion News Service)

In many COVID hot spots, a pattern: High concentrations of white evangelicals
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Four historic African American churches receive preservation grant
(Renée Roden, Religion News Service)

Paganism, gods and goddesses aside, is the most LGBTQ-affirming faith in the US
(Heather Greene, Religion News Service)

Protestant churches told to preach Chinese president's speech
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Olympic athletes asked not to visit Tokyo churches
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Rise of the 'nones,' decline of 'white Christian America' slows in US, new survey shows
(Ryan Foley, The Christian Post)

Thousands of Cubans stage largest protest against communist dictatorship in decades
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Study finds 221,000 Catholics left the church in Germany during pandemic
(Catholic News Service)

Experts fear Cuba is preparing a harsh response to recent protests
(Tom Tracy, Catholic News Service)

Egypt upholds life sentences for 10 Muslim Brotherhood leaders
(Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Iranian police find bootleg wine hidden in dry village well
(Nasser Karimi, Associated Press)

Iran rolls out matchmaking app to curb declining birthrate
(Al-Monitor: Iran Pulse)

Iraqi Shiite leader Sadr to sit out October election
(Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Liberman takes on ultra-Orthodox
(Danny Zaken, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Idlib authorities begin restoration of historic mosque
(Mohammed Hardan, Al-Monitor)

Southern African bishops call for an end to violence and looting
(Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency)

‘There is no power on earth that can compare with religion’: Notes by South Africans on religion
(Mail & Guardian)

Very hot weather and possibly rain forecast for Hajj season in Saudi Arabia
(Arab News)

Saudi security authorities: Kingdom is ready for Hajj
(Mohammed Al-Kinani, Arab News)

Mental health in Middle East conflict zones: How are people dealing with psychological fallout?
(Farah Heiba, Arab News)

South Africa unrest death toll climbs to 212: minister
(Arab News)

Breaking: Pope Francis issues restrictions on extraordinary form Masses in new motu proprio
(Catholic News Agency)

Pope reverses Benedict, reimposes restrictions on Latin Mass
(Nicole Winfield, Religion News Service)

Child Tax Credit: Two-Child Limit and the Limits of Review
(Frederic Jones-Morton, UK Human Rights Blog)

USCIRF concerned by new Uzbekistan religion law
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

USCIRF denounces Nigerian religious police arrests of LGBTI persons
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Five suspected homosexuals to face prosecution after probe – Hisbah commander
(Tukur Muntari, Punch)

China: Freedom of religion or belief – Special bimonthly digest (01-15.07.21)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

The UK government’s response to the Myanmar crisis

Code of conduct forbids religiosity by Tibetan CCP members
(International Campaign for Tibet)

U.S. Senate passes bill to ban all products from China's Xinjiang
(Michael Martina, Reuters)

Russia: Freedom of religion or belief – Special bimonthly (01-15.07.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Slovenian EU Presidency: Churches meet with Ambassador Jarc
(Conference of European Churches)

“Polite protest wouldn’t make sense”: Polish judge acquits abortion protesters for vulgar slogan
(Ben Koschalka, Notes from Poland)

Spanish medical body: Threat to conscientious objection on abortion ‘unacceptable, illegal, and unjust’
(Catholic News Agency)

Fears Queenslanders could go ‘doctor shopping’ to access euthanasia
(Felicity Caldwell, Brisbane Times)

Lithuanian president confirms he would not have signed partnership law
(Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija)

Suit claims change of high school's name was motivated by anti-Catholic sentiment
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

San Diego community members sue school board for unlawful high school name change
(Thomas More Society)

Kentucky contracts with Baptist-affiliated children’s agency
(Bruce Schreiner, Associated Press)

Connecticut diocese files for bankruptcy amid abuse claims
(Susan Haigh, Associated Press)

Minnesota governor restricts ‘conversion therapy’ for minors
(Ssteve Karnowski, Associated Press)

COVID-19 takes toll on Catholic clergy in hard-hit countries
(Luis Andres Henao and Jessie Wardarski, Associated Press)

Man in India held for ‘forcing’ woman to change religion under anti-conversion law
(Surat, The Indian Express)

Democrat US lawmakers express concern over freedom of religion in India
(The New Indian Express)

Religious conversion in India: More smoke than fire now?
(Anosh Malekar, Union of Catholic Asian News)

India’s Muslim-majority islands slam meat-free school meals
(Sanjay Kumar, Arab News)

Officials in Kashmir ban animal sacrifice on Muslim holiday
(Religion News Service)

Officials now say no ban on animal sacrifice in Kashmir
(Associated Press)

United Methodist conference seizes church assets in dispute
(Associated Press)

How ‘In God We Trust’ bills are helping advance a Christian nationalist agenda
(Kristina M. Lee, Religion News Service Opinion)

Undercover as priests, Italian cops bust $2 million fake cardinals scam
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

In latest row over anti-homophobia bill, Vatican’s the dog not barking
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Pursuit of Jehovah’s Witnesses reaches into its 68th Russian region
(Interfax-Religiia, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Three Jehovah's Witnesses given suspended prison sentences in Russia's Sverdlovsk Region

Duma's Slutsky doubts impartiality of ECHR judges

Belarus: Political prisoners' freedom of religion or belief restricted
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

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