Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 16 August 2021

Trying to spot religion 'ghosts' in the dramatic fall of America's version of Afghanistan (#FAIL)
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Taliban take over Afghanistan: What we know and what’s next
(Joseph Krauss, Associated Press)

SHAPE and societal recovery from crises
(OUPblog: Religion)

The unequal impact of the pandemic on scholars with care responsibilities: What can journals (and others) do?
(Sarah Nouwen, Joseph Weiler and I•CON Editorial Team, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Indian Court says religions don't preach narrow-mindedness
(The Times of India)

India Chief Minister says citizens should place nationalism above religion
(The Times of India)

India Citizens believe Hindu religion is in danger with Uddhav Thackeray as Chief Minister of Maharashtra
(Ani, Bombay News)

No one in India should be mistreated in the name of religion, say religious leaders on eve of 75th Independence Day
(Two Circles)

'Comparative religion study’ prepared India Justice Rohinton Nariman for a life in the courts
(Swati Deshpande, The Times of India)

In Jamaica, religion and rumors fuel anti-vaccine sentiments
(Jamaica Observer)

Some cultural and religious beliefs contributing to Nigeria's low education rates, Nigerian Governor says
(Justin Tyopuusu, Jalingo, Punch)

As vaccine mandates become popular, U.S. employers must decide what constitutes a religious belief
(Insurance Journal)

Harassment rooted in race, religion and gender to become illegal under Edmonton, Candada bylaw
(Natasha Riebe, CBC News)

China experiencing 'massive clampdown' on religion under Xi Jinping

World premier of the short film - Inter Belief Network at Google
(Vimeo video, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Relief from the culture wars!
(Kent Johnson, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Weddings and Kirpans- indirect religious discrimination in NSW
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Australia just passed a law prohibiting people from praying outside abortion clinics
(Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews)

‘This is not China’ says MP after PSNI arrest open air preacher following ‘hate speech’ allegation
(Philip Bradfield, News Letter)

Street preachers keep being arrested. More must be done to protect free speech
(Lois McLatchie, Premier Christianity)

Poland keeps ambassador at home amid dispute with Israel
(Vanessa Gera, Associated Press)

Israel condemns Poland restitution law, recalls top diplomat
(Vanessa Gera and, Associated Press)

Lapid slams ‘antisemitic’ restitution law amid growing row with Poland
(Michael Daventry)

Polish president signs Holocaust restitution bill

Israel’s Lapid reopens liaison office in Morocco, is moved by synagogue visit
(Rina Bassist, Al-Monitor)

China: Special bimonthly FoRB newsletter (01-15.08.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Democrat leaving Kansas House joins national atheists group
(Associated Press)

Mississippi Supreme Court rejects claims by pastor's former wife against his church on unusual facts
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court allows equal protection challenge to zoning law to proceed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Articles of interest - 16 August 2021
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Men who desecrated an Armenian church in Istanbul detained
(The European Times)

EuARe Lectures - Second Annual Conference (PDF)
(The European Academy of Religion)

New Hampshire governor signs bill establishing worship services as “essential” in future public health emergencies
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Catholic Church in Argentina opposes move to legalize recreational marijuana
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

The Supreme Court must end coercive abortion mandates
(Alexandra Desanctis, National Review)

Lithuania abandons plan to build conference center atop former Jewish cemetery
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Head of Uzbekistan's Muslim Board Alimov dies

Religious liberty and patent validity
(Mitchell Jagodinski, SCOTUSblog)

Plug-In: From life issues to gov't mandates, religious reactions to vaccines have been complex
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Law and religion round-up – 15th August
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

World’s largest interfaith organizations, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, UNEP, join forces for climate change
(EIN Presswire)

Education Week: Participants urged to defend religious freedom from international threats
(Cassidy Wixom, The Daily Universe)

Legal Journal Number 10 (16): August 2021 (Spanish)
(Observatorio de Libertad Religiosa de América Latina y El Caribe)

Photos of the week: Hindu wrestlers; Italian heatwave
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Two weeks in review, 2 – 15 August 2021
(Gail Lythgoe, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

More than 500 women human rights defenders unjustly imprisoned in Iran
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

Assyrians celebrate Assumption of Mary amid Turkish bombardment in northern Syria
(Greek City Times)

The ancient symbol that was hijacked by evil - swastika, hakenkreuz
(Kalpana Sunder, BBC)

Friday, 13 August 2021

RFI supports Senate letter demanding DOJ and HHS uphold medical conscience rights
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Justice Department drops conscience case; move called ‘dereliction’ of duty
(Catholic News Service)

The Moscow Patriarchate’s Constitution: How the Russian Orthodox Church champions the Kremlin’s battle against “falsification”
(Robert C. Blitt, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Does respect for human life mean vaccine mandates? Among religious groups, there is wide disagreement.
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Alexandria’s controversial halal chicken slaughterhouse isn’t ruffling as many feathers anymore
(Teo Armus, The Washington Post)

Religious texts: Emphasizing the equal image of God in both men and women
(Elizabeta Kitanovic, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Amid calls to #TaxTheChurches – what and how much do US religious organizations not pay the taxman?
(Ryan Cragun, The Conversation)

In India, Hindu support for Modi’s party varies by region and is tied to beliefs about diet and language
(Jonathan Evans, Pew Research Center)

Ex-Muslims in India find solidarity online as they face social and familial rejection
(Bhavya Dore, Religion News Service)

India’s reservation policy is meant to help Dalits, as long as they don’t convert to Christianity or Islam
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Ruth Ngladar Pogu’s release is welcome, but the man with her is not her ‘husband’
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

What everyone needs to know about Shariah
(Mohammad Hashim Kamali,

Comparative study on the persecution of religious minorities through taxation France-Taiwan (II)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Comparative study on the persecution of religious minorities through taxation France-Taiwan (I)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Jehovah’s Witnesses in the French MIVILUDES report: Five mistakes
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Med student sues university saying he was expelled for pro-life beliefs right before graduation
(CBN News)

Australian archbishop speaks out against euthanasia bill: ‘Doctors are healers, not killers’
(Bridget Sielicki, Live Action)

Iranian churches under threat from hardline judges
(Vision News Team)

Vietnamese government uses COVID-19 to crack down on Christians
(Cora Wack and Olivia Enos, Providence Mag)

Regina passes municipal ban on conversion therapy
(Alexander Quon, CBC News)

Aceh Christians face uphill battle for right to worship
(Siktus Harson, Union of Catholic Asian News)

People involved in temple attack to be punished: IG
(The International News)

Blasphemy cases must not be misused against minorities, says Ashrafi
(Daily Times)

Why an 8-year-old can be tried for blasphemy in Pakistan
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Case against Hindu boy closed: Ashrafi
(Muhammad Irfan, UrduPoint)

Pakistani Christians granted asylum after release from death row
(ADF International)

Afghan women fear return to ‘dark days’ amid Taliban sweep
(Zeina Karam and Ahmad Seir, Associated Press)

Religious health care providers win injunction on ACA rules
(Peter Smith, Associated Press)

Sri Lanka Catholic Church faults government’s bombing probe
(Krishan Francis, Associated Press)

Japanese defense chief visits contentious war shrine
(Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press)

Death-row inmate sues for pastor’s touch during execution
(Associated Press)

Mexico tells Mennonites: stop cutting down jungle to plant
(Associated Press)

Fraud claim against Catholic diocese dismissed under ecclesiastical abstention doctrine
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court dismisses challenge to contraceptive mandate exemption for Notre Dame
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Vasiliy Meleshko is the 22nd Jehovah’s Witness sentenced to prison in 2021
(Willy Fautré, The European Times)

Reflections on International Youth Day: Faith, COVID-19, and future generations
(Katherine Marshall and Ruth Gopin, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

America’s Revival features calls to prayer, Jesus trumps COVID claims and Mike Lindell conspiracy theories
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service Opinion)

Faith leaders and Texas Democrats march to US Capitol to demand voting protections
(Renée Roden, Religion News Service)

Study: Jews of color love Judaism but often experience racism in Jewish settings
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Study: Gen Z doubles down on spirituality, combining tarot and traditional faith
(Heather Greene, Religion News Service)

China accused of 'cultural genocide' in Inner Mongolia
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

German archbishop to name minister for gays
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Cornel West on why the Left needs Jesus
(Emma Green, The Atlantic)

Guatemala bishops say presidential resignation would be setback for democracy
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Church leaders work to protect pro-life Hyde amendment
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Cardinal Parolin: Church proud of Chinese Catholics’ ‘witness of faith’
(Junno Arocho Esteves, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Greek archbishop: Changes might be needed to prepare for future disasters
(Jonathan Luxmoore, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

France joins US and others in boycott of UN ‘Durban’ conference over concerns of antisemitism
(Ben Sales, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Crimea: Family denied body for Islamic burial
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

UOC-MP scares the Ukrainian authorities with the "end of their political career" because of the support of the OCU
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Ukraine OKs Uman pilgrimage for vaccinated arrivals
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Book review: Does God want religious liberty?
(James E. Hartley, Law & Liberty)

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