Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 27 August 2021

Workers clear prayer notes out of the Western Wall ahead of Rosh Hashanah
(YouTube Video, Jewish News)

Israeli Religious Affairs Minister to advance women's Halacha study
(Jerusalem Post)

'Taliban do not represent Islam,' says top Bangladeshi sufi leader Syed Tayabul Bashar Maizbhandary
(Sidhant Sibal, WION)

International day commemorating the victims of acts of violence based on religion or belief, 22 August 2021
(United Nations)

EVENT, 27 August 2021: Exploring the Ecosystem of International Law: Developments in Business & Human Rights Law for Multi-Jurisdictional Corporate Accountability
(The Jindal Society of International Law and the Centre for Study of United Nations)

Religious freedom and human rights in India: How democratic is the world’s largest democracy?
(Sadanand Dhume, Foreign Affairs)

Religion or belief: time off work in Great Britain
(Equality and Human Rights Commission)

Lord Dyson, the UK Jewish community needs you
(Jan Shure, The Times of Israel)

What do British Muslims really think of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan?
(Wasiq Wasiq, The Times of Israel)

American religious groups have a history of resettling refugees – including Afghans
(Stephanie J. Nawyn, The Conversation)

South Africa: Legal provision for mandatory vaccination in the workplace
(Amanda Visser, News24)

Can an employer legally require its employees to be vaccinated in South Africa?
(Halton Cheadle and Glenda Gray, Daily Maverick)

European churches extend invitation to celebrate Season of Creation
(Conference of European Churches)

Religious freedom and the Equality Act: An unequal proposal (PDF)

Myanmar says Rohingya minority will get COVID-19 vaccine
(Associated Press)

Ban on cockfighting does not violate pastor's Free Exercise rights
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Maine health care heroes file lawsuit against shot mandate
(Liberty Counsel)

No judgment on pleadings in mosque's RLUIPA lawsuit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court reverses itself in favor of NY pro-life defendants
(Liberty Counsel)

Man charged with stabbing rabbi ordered held without bail
(Associated Press)

Harvard has a new chief chaplain and he's an atheist
(National Public Radio)

Church leaders decry Supreme Court decision reinstating Remain in Mexico policy
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Peru Church leaders warn against ‘authoritarianism’
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Malaysia: Paper vaccine offerings for the Hungry Ghost Festival
(Deutsche Welle)

Amsterdam to return Kandinsky painting to Jewish family following public outcry
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The new chief chaplain at Harvard? An atheist.
(Emma Goldberg, The New York Times)

How Western books about the Muslim world fuel war and retribution
(Audrey Clare Farley, The New Republic)

New roundup of Jehovah's Witnesses in Moscow
(OVD.Info, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

New podcast: Gray Lady prints some complex Ryan Burge insights on Democrats and religion
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Mixed religion marriage in Canada and Australia: A gift for the people of God
(Ray Temmerman, La Croix International)

Canada: Why the Supreme Court should leave Bill 21 alone
(Ed Whitcomb, Policy Options)

Canada: Health care without conscience is a dangerous contradiction
(Brian Bird, CBC News)

America’s international religious freedom policy must account for competing local definitions of religion and the common good
(Religious Freedom Institute)

RFI Senior Fellow discusses nomination of LGBTQ activist for Ambassador to Switzerland on Relevant Radio
(Religious Freedom Institute)

US 'born-again Christians' perceptions of Jesus, Buddha or Muhammad for salvation shock researchers
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Rabbi Lord Sacks to be honoured with new book about his life
(Jewish News)

India: Is a secularism-compliant Sharia militant Islam's antidote?
(Javed Anand, The Times of India)

Explainer: How dangerous is Afghanistan’s Islamic State?
(Kathy Gannon and Ellen Knickmeyer, Associated Press)

What I’m hearing from human rights defenders in Afghanistan
(Human Rights Defenders)

Can religion strengthen democracy?
(E.J. Dionne Jr., The Washington Post Opinion)

Economists explain the Taliban: how religious unity contributes to collective action
(Anthony Gill, The Wall Street Journal)

The threat of ISKP in Afghanistan has been underestimated
(Ibrahim Al-Marashi, Al Jazeera)

Peace activist says Afghanistan should cause reevaluation of just war doctrine
(Charles C. Camosy, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

ISIS-K are 'defined by violence, very little by ideology', says religious extremism expert
(Deutsche Welle)

Don't overlook how the Catholic Church has helped Afghanistan for years
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

So ... where are the hidden converts to Christianity in Afghanistan? Can reporters find them?
(Julia Duin, GetReligion)

August 21 & 22: Universal days of mourning
(Religious Freedom Institute)

Afghanistan: This is how theocracy shrivels
(David Brooks, The New York Times)

Coptic Christians singing on Cairo Metro spark controversy
(Mina Nader, The Jerusalem Post)

Identity crisis: We can't lose the 'Catholic' university
(Massimo Faggioli, La Croix International)

Young, Jewish and on the move in Germany
(Karola Olbertz, Deutsche Welle)

Photos of the Week: Haiti earthquake aftermath; Hindu Brahmin community
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Antisemitic and anti-Muslim content is flourishing on TikTok, report finds
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

Nigeria needs religious understanding, not religious tolerance – ICIPH
(Sun News)

Guru Nanak’s followers can hold religious rituals at Swaminarayan Temple
(The News International)

North Korea's 'campaign to exterminate' Christians 'has been brutally effective' - report
(Julian Mann, Christian Today)

Harris says she raised human rights with Vietnam after criticism
(Jenny Leonard and Philip J. Heijmans,

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Actions not words: We need more than mere promises that the Taliban will respect human rights
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

WEBINAR, 25 August 2021 (7PM London): Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking – Our Service is not an Option But a Duty
(G20 Interfaith Forum)

Court upholds death sentence for church shooter Dylann Roof
(Meg Kinnard and Denise Lavoie, Associated Press)

WEBINAR, 25 August 2021 (12PM): Faith, Nationalism, and the Future of Liberal Democracy
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Neo-Nazi who led effort to threaten journalists gets 3 years
(Associated Press)

Proud Boys leader sentenced to five months for burning church banner
(Jack Jenkins, The Washington Post)

What the Afghan government's collapse means for Christians, Muslims, refugees
(Bobby Ross Jr., Religion News Service)

Afghanistan's Christians are turning off phones and going into hiding
(Kelsey Zorzi, The Hill)

Afghanistan: Religious minorities “at extreme risk of being targeted with deadly violence”
(ADF International)

What does the New York Times mean when it reports on 'religions leaders' in Afghanistan?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Afghanistan's Catholic 'hidden believers' and the underreported work of the church
(Clemente Lisi, GetReligion)

Taliban’s religious ideology – Deobandi Islam – has roots in colonial India
(Sohel Rana and Sumit Ganguly, The Conversation)

Where the world's most severe violence based on religion is occurring today
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Religion Unplugged)

Religion to the rescue: How appeals to faith can inspire people to get COVID vaccination
(Robert P. Jones and Eboo Patel, USA Today)

Biden ambassadors picks activist linked to "hostile takeover' of religion
(Kevin J Jones, The Catholic Telegraph)

Religious and traditional leaders of Nigeria lead vaccination campaign
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

Russia hosts Jordan’s king, hints at UAE deal
(Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post)

Russian prosecutor's office deems four more religious groups as 'undesirable'
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

CSTO leaders agree to prevent infiltration of radical Islamism – Peskov

Russia: Post-sentence: Curfews, regular registration, movement restrictions, job bans
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

Instagram is blocking Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev)’s profile for his statement about “unvaccinated sinners”
(The European Times)

Canada fails Afghan religious minorities
(Susan Korah, Convivium)

Pakistan: Christian woman arrested for blasphemy after forwarding WhatsApp post
(Heather Preston, Premier Christian News)

Pakistan province demolishes Catholic church, despite protests
(Catholic News Service)

Pakistan: Clerics, Islamic fundamentalists oppose anti-forced conversion bills, warn Imran Khan-led govt against passing such law

Kashmiri Hindus talk Hindu-Muslim peace after fleeing violence
(Harshita Rathore, Religion Unplugged)

In Myanmar, the state the generals seized is coming apart
(Jason Tower, United States Institute for Peace)

Launch of first publication in Islamic law in Philippines Muslim language
(Religion Humanitarian Principles)

BYU law school launches a new Jerusalem initiative with lofty aims
(Kaitlyn Bancroft, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Jewish prayers held discreetly at contested Jerusalem shrine
(Ilan Ben Zion, Associated Press)

Israel’s Bennett seeks new political order
(Dov Lieber, Rory Jones, The Wall Street Journal)

Can you get a religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine?
(Jenny Rollins, KSL)

Poverty and COVID-19: Challenges and solutions
(JoAnne Wadsworth, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

The LWF opens the Ecumenical Season of Creation with an online global prayer
(The Lutheran World Federation)

Spanish prolifers urge publication of 2010 Constitional Court ruling on abortion law
(Catholic World Report)

Finland: Gay, transgender conversion therapy ban initiative heads to Parliament

Religious freedom and human rights advocates call for the immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Nguyễn Bắc Truyển
(Human Rights Watch)

USCIRF calls for justice on fourth anniversary of genocidal campaign against Rohingya Muslims
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Weekly Highlight #170: COVID-19: Exploring faith dimensions: Opportunities for faith engagement
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Italy: The debate on euthanasia is starting up again

Majority of Swiss support gay marriage ahead of vote
(Le News)

Catholic school in Lansing loses appeal over mask policy
(Ed White, Associated Press)

Appeals Court rejects religious liberty challenge to mask requirement for grades K-5 in religious schools
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

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