Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 11 October 2021

Treating children for gender dysphoria: Bell v Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 10th October
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The last casualty of 9/11: Speaking up for Muslim political prisoners
(Omar Suleiman, Religion News Service)

One year later, advocates pressure for charges to be dropped in toppling of Serra statue
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

Russian Jehovah’s Witness sentenced to over four years in prison for his faith
(Jessica Mundie, Religion News Service)

Russia sanctioned for detaining a Scientologist
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

Russia: Muratov, the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, gets the Peace Nobel Prize
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Religious leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia to meet in Moscow

This is “Why, As a Muslim, I Defend Liberty”
(Mustafa Akyol, Cato Institute)

Law enforcement, faith leaders share ideas on safer communities, opposing hate
(Mike Freeman, San Diego Tribune)

Practicing Buddhists in Pakistan 'facing extinction'
(Dev Discourse)

When conscience is attacked, the ground beneath us shakes
(Brian Bird, Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute)

The Texas heartbeat law and the pro-life movement after Roe
(Charles C. Camosy, Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute)

Alessandra Coppola: “Short-term policies to fight hate speech do not work”
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

Reducing Middle East tensions potentially lessens sectarianism and opens doors for women – analysis
(James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review)

Why we stand for religious liberty
(National Religious Broadcasters)

Why religious exemptions for vaccine mandates are more telling than we want to admit
(Ira BedzowContributo, Forbes)

India government leader: Conversion of Hindus for marriage is wrong
(The Times of India)

Sunday, 10 October 2021

ZOOM WEBINAR, 25 October 2021 (18:30-20:00 GMT+1): Gender Perspective at the ICC: Legal Principles and Institutional Impact
(Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi, The Graduate Initiative Geneva)

Saturday, 9 October 2021

EVENT, 5-9 October 2021: Ecumenical Social Week
(Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Ukrainian Catholic University, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine, Lviv City Council)

Friday, 8 October 2021

Palestinians reject Israeli ruling on Jewish prayer at Al-Aqsa
(Al Jazeera)

Israeli court ruling on major holy site angers Palestinians
(Josef Federman, Associated Press)

Turkey: METU Pride human rights defenders must be acquitted at upcoming trial
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Former Atlanta fire chief, fired for views on marriage, to aid other ‘cancel culture’ victims
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

Biden taps Joseph Donnelly, former U.S. senator and congressman, as Vatican envoy
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

UN Rapporteur warns of Islamophobia but acknowledges right to criticise Islam
(Barnabas Fund)

Madrid recovers its long-lost Muslim identity – analysis
(Eurasia Review)

How little Lithuania dragged the EU into its showdown with China
(Stuart Lau, Politico)

Ten more students of Baptist school in Kaduna released after 75 days
(Evangelical Focus)

Ireland: Pro Life Campaign marks anniversary of abortion law with nationwide billboard campaign
(The Iona Institute)

Legal Spirits Episode 037 (podcast): The NY COVID vaccine mandates and religious exemptions
(Law and Religion Forum, St. John's Law School Center for Law & Religion)

If you want reproductive freedom, work for church-state separation
(Rachel Laser, Americans United for Separation of Church and State)

Photos of the Week: Desmond Tutu turns 90; French church sex abuse scandal
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Biden restores Bears Ears, other monuments cut by Trump
(Matthew Daly, Associated Press)

Colorado woman who won’t get vaccinated denied transplant
(Patty Nieberg, Thomas Peipert and Colleen Slevin, Associated Press)

Vatican: Pope Francis not going to UN climate summit
(Associated Press)

Catholic bishops urge Missouri leaders to end executions
(Jim Salter, Associated Press)

Federal judge issues order blocking Texas' 6-week abortion ban
(Tierney Sneed, CNN)

Quebec judge muses on the meaning of religion while ruling that Taoist Tai chi centres are tax exempt
(Tom Blackwell, Windsor Star)

Is Tai Chi to be regarded as a religion in Canada? Institut de taoïsme Fung Loy Kok
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Canadian court says tai chi institute is a religious institution
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Police officer who prayed outside abortion clinic sues over suspension from duty
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Woman required to remove hijab loses suit against security guard and county
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

A culture of peace and our responsibility
(The European Times)

Poland’s president urges EU to stop Belarus migrant ‘push’
(Associated Press)

Merkel says Church must tackle abuse crisis to ‘remain credible’
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Merkel meets pope and receives farewell tribute from Draghi
(Associated Press)

Head of Scottish Catholic development agency ‘gutted’ Pope not attending COP26
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Campaign calls for Scottish Parliament to tackle anti-Catholicism in soccer
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

A new glossary includes “el lobby judio” and other antisemitic Spanish terms to avoid
(Anna Kaufman, Forward)

What science can tell us about the benefits of religion
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Washington Post)

Pentecostals in Russian-occupied territory guilty under anti-evangelism law
(Statia, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

More Baptists from Caucasus violate anti-evangelism law
(Kavkaz Realii, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Court in St. Petersburg fines man for justifying terror attack in New Zealand

Russia: From sexual abuse in France’s Catholic Church to Russia’s Orthodox Church
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Hospitals’ case for conscience protection
(Jordan Buzza, National Catholic Register)

Faith schools and safeguarding: R (Khalsa Academies Trust Ltd)
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Pope Francis expresses 'shame' after report of clerical sexual abuse in France
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

French Church and state at odds over sex abuse confessions
(Associated Press)

She’s 51, a mother and a devout Catholic. She plans to die by euthanasia on Sunday
(Samantha Schmidt and Diana Durán, Washington Post)

‘Truth and Healing Commission’ could help Native American communities traumatized by government-run boarding schools that tried to destroy Indian culture
(David R. M. Beck, Religion News Service)

Pope calls on all religions to "defuse the temptation to fundamentalism"
(Loup Besmond de Senneville, La Croix International)

Central Asia gets new Catholic bishops' conference
(La Croix International)

USCIRF Conversation: Update on at-risk religious communities in Afghanistan
(Zsuzsa-Anna Ferenczy, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Afghanistan: UN Chief condemns ‘horrific’ attack at Kunduz mosque
(Eurasia Review)

UN: International engagement with Afghanistan must depend on respect for religious minorities
(ADF International)

Islamic State affiliate claims responsibility for Afghan mosque bombing, says suicide bomber targeted Shiite Hazaras
(Associated Press)

US and Taliban set for talks in Doha
(Deutsche Welle)

Tajikistan: Prisoner of conscience barred from attending only son's funeral
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Thursday, 7 October 2021

EVENT, 4-7 October 2021: Conference of the World Council of Religious Leaders on Faith and Diplomacy: Generations in Dialogue
(Religions for Peace)

VIRTUAL EVENT, September-October 2021: Voices of Hispanic and Latin American Faith Freedom
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

WEBINAR, 6 October 2021 (1PM ET): Vaccines and Workplace Religious Accommodation
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Iran: Third church leader released on bail
(CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

Iran: News about Baha’is and Christians in Iran in September
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Iranian ambassador to UN: terrorism must not be tied to any religion
(Mehr News Agency)

WEBINAR, 6 October 2021 (11AM): USCIRF Conversation: Update on At-Risk Religious Communities in Afghanistan
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

The faith-related cases to watch in the Supreme Court’s new term
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

To pass infrastructure bills, Democrats need to put their faith in moral language
(Jim Wallis, Religion News Service Opinion)

Haiti’s diverse faiths bolster it against waves of tragedy
(Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service)

Global pledge by world’s religious leaders on faith and diplomacy: generations in common action for peace
(Religions for Peace)

VIRTUAL EVENT, 6-8 October 2021: The History of Evangelicals and Religious Freedom
(Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion)

WEBINAR, 6 October 2021 (19:30 GMT+3): Freedom Of Religion Or Belief And Gender Equality In The Context Of SDGs
(İnanç Özgürlüğü Gİrİşİmİ Freedom of Belief Initiative)

South African government presents clinical guidelines for the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act
(Marion Stevens and Daphney Nozizwe Conco, The Daily Maverick)

Austria and her neighbors stand against antisemitism at the UN
(Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe)

Building religious freedom through music. “Without religious freedom … there is no freedom at all.” -Kathy Ireland
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

China accelerates Sinicization of Catholic Church
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Weekly Highlight #176: COVID-19: Exploring faith dimensions: Religious exemptions from COVID-19 vaccines
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

The return of old Middle Eastern empires
(Mariam Wahba and Peter Burns, Providence Mag)

Memorial for Babi Yar victims inaugurated in Ukraine
(Yuras Karmanau, Associated Press)

Biden lifts abortion referral ban on family planning clinics
(Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press)

Pope and religious leaders call for educating youth for ‘peaceful coexistence’
(Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Germany repatriates women and children with links to IS
(Deutsche Welle)

New York State adds $25 million to fight antisemitic and other hate crimes
(Jacob Kornbluh, Forward)

Russian religion law amended
(TASS, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Risks of creation of new terrorist caliphates declining worldwide - Russian Security Council

Keeping up: Ongoing 'woke' pronoun wars reach into the world of God-talk
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Brexit minister: UK ‘very concerned’ over kosher food threat to N. Ireland
(Lee Harpin, Jewish News)

Minority religions see ‘rapid decline’ under Taliban control, U.S. rights official says
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

Why religious persecution justifies U.S. legislation on crimes against humanity
(David Scheffer, Just Security)

Bishops call for urgent prayers to end gang violence in Ecuador prisons
(La Croix International)

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