Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 22 October 2021

Mali denies asking Islamic body to negotiate with al-Qaeda
(Al Jazeera)

Democrats’ assault on religious liberty began with an innocuous-sounding phrase
(Sean Spicer, National Review)

Religion takes center stage in politics again
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Southern African bishops call for dialogue to ensure peace in Eswatini
(La Croix International)

Christians and Muslims in Côte d'Ivoire reinforce alliance for peace
(Guy Aimé Eblotié, La Croix International)

Lisbon to host King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID)
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

Thursday, 21 October 2021

EVENT, 19-21 October 2021: 3rd European Policy Dialogue Forum on Refugees and Migrants
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

WEBINAR, 21 October 2021 (3PM EDT): Community in Time of Corona
(Institute for Social Policy and Understanding)

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Interview: Catherine Wanner on Religion in Post-Communist Countries
(Dmytro Vovk, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

BYU conference: Elder Bednar and Elder Gong call for unity with world’s Muslims
(Jason Swensen, Church News)

With Afghanistan’s war over, Taliban faces a new hurdle: Enforcing the law — and protecting Afghans from the Islamic State
(Sudarsan Raghavan, Washington Post)

‘Islamophobia is irrational,’ antithetical to American values, BYU Islam conferencegoers told
(Tad Walch, Deseret News)

A century after partition, Ireland’s churches are cooperating more closely than ever
(Ger FitzGerald, The Conversation)

U.S. Hispanic beliefs about policy, pluralism, and the future of the country
(Diana Orces, PRRI)

High-level dialogue on youth-proposed G20 Interfaith Education Policy Brief
(Scherto Gill, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Mainstream press is building unity in America. Who says so? Cardinal Gregory of DC
(Terry Mattingly, OnReligion)

What worries families the most in 2021
(Jennifer Graham, Deseret News)

American Family Survey — Reports: Full survey reports from the annual, nationwide study
(Deseret News)

En Indonésie, la plus grande organisation islamique du monde promeut un islam modéré
(Ahmet T. Kuru, The Conversation)

Most Americans who go to religious services say they would trust their clergy's advice on COVID-19 vaccines
(Justin Nortey and Mike Lipka, Pew Research Center)

In historically Black Protestant churches, regular attenders more likely to have received COVID-19 shot
(Stephanie Kramer, Pew Research Center)

Across religious groups, a majority of Black Americans say opposing racism is an essential part of their faith
(Kiana Cox, Pew Research Center)

Diversity and division in advanced economies: Most embrace diversity but see conflicts between partisan, racial and ethnic groups
(Laura Silver, Janell Fetterolf, and Aidan Connaughton, Pew Research Center)

Americans see stronger societal conflicts than people in other advanced economies
(Aidan Connaughton, Pew Research Center)

USCIRF releases new report on religious freedom conditions in Algeria
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Violations against Muslims in Africa Factsheet
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

USCIRF troubled by violent attacks on Durga Puja procession in Bangladesh
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Israel, UAE to collaborate on Beresheet 2 space mission
(Jerusalem Post)

Weekly Highlight #178: COVID-19: Exploring faith dimensions: Returning to “normal” (or not)
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

Religion-based parties take a strong stance on abortion ahead of elections
(Mwangi Githahu, Independent)

Christian employers seek injunction against Biden rule on transgender procedure payments
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

Block ‘fake news,’ Pope Francis begs social media firms, ‘in the name of God’
(Mark A. Kellner, Washington Times)

The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe
(Oxford University Press)

CCME: Together we can save a million vulnerable humans again!
(Conference of European Churches)

In Cuba, divisions over law to allow same-sex marriage
(Andrea Rodríguez, Associated Press)

Church of Pakistan bishops condemn rejection of draft bill against forced conversions
(The Nation)

Pakistan cardinal blames ‘duplicity’ of West for rise of Islamic extremism
(Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Efforts drag on to free 17 missionaries kidnapped in Haiti
(Dánica Coto and Pierre-Richard Luxama, Associated Press)

In Ghana, Rastafarian high schooler fights to keep his hair
(Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu, Associated Press)

Across Africa, major churches strongly oppose LGBTQ rights
(Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu, Chinedu Asadu, Rodney Muhumuza and Mogomotsi Magome, Associated Press)

One year since the Lekki Toll Gate massacre, Nigeria continues its slide into failed statehood
(Ellis Heasley, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Lawan, Forum task Nigerians on religious tolerance
(Orjime Moses, Leadership)

Christian boarding school sues over new oversight law
(Associated Press)

Court: Judge erred mentioning race, faith to possible jurors
(Gary D. Robertson, Associated Press)

Palestinians clash with Israeli police in Jerusalem
(Associated Press)

2nd Circuit upholds prison's change in schedule for Quaker meetings
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Appellate court says injunction against church picketer was too broad
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Christian employers ask for protection against Biden gender transition mandates
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to members of 8th Parliament of the World’s Religions
(Shyamal Sinha, The European Times)

Federal courts reach divergent outcomes in health care worker vaccine disputes while class action challenges federal mandate
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Religious responses to COVID-19 project tracks, shares resources on faith engagement in global pandemic
(Sarah Thompson, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Wiccans in the US military are mourning the dead in Afghanistan this year as they mark Samhain, the original Halloween
(Helen A. Berger, The Conversation)

Wave of killings triggers memories of dark past in Kashmir
(Aijaz Hussain, Associated Press)

Red tape and restrictions: India’s Foreign Contribution Regulation Act is preventing NGOs from doing their vital work
(FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Why faith-based organizations aren’t totally pleased with Biden’s new refugee cap
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

What COVID-19 revealed about America’s approach to religious freedom
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Germany: Hotel says employee cleared over antisemitism claim
(Deutsche Welle)

A new book by esteemed sociologist Robert Wuthnow struggles to show ‘why religion is good for American democracy’
(Peter Laarman, Religion Dispatches)

Why Catholics should use preferred gender pronouns and names
(Daniel P. Horan, National Catholic Reporter)

Belarus shielding Jehovah's Witness from Russia
(Novaya Gazeta, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Uzbekistan: Jailed for learning to pray and discussing Islam
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Jehovah’s Witnesses, blood transfusions and capacity: PW
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Assisted Dying Bill (England & Wales)
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

US televangelist Pat Robertson says 'God is not a Republican' during TV interview
(Ecumenical News)

Justin Bieber’s former ‘megachurch’ buys Golders Green mosque site
(Richard Ferrer, Jewish News)

Chief Rabbi: ‘Assisted dying bill could put vulnerable people at risk’
(Josh Salisbury, Jewish News)

Transgender woman flees Malaysia after prison threat for wearing hijab
(Hannah Beech and Hadi Azmi, The New York Times)

Iraq recognizes Adventist Church with new national stamp
(Chanmin Chung, Adventist Review)

Cypriot artist angers church and government with protest paintings

Mali tasks religion ministry with overseeing jihadist talks

Lawmakers join faith leaders to voice support for ‘Build Back Better’ package
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Voting rights demonstration leads to faith leaders’ arrests outside White House
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Bangladesh ruling party rallies for Hindus after deadly violence
(Al Jazeera)

Holy See at OSCE calls for concerted efforts in fight against corruption
(La Croix International)

French diocese helps pastoral workers fight anti-Semitism
(Ève Guyot, La Croix International)

LDS apostles encourage church members to understand followers of Islam
(Genelle Pugmire, The Daily Universe)

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

EVENT & LIVESTREAM BROADCAST, 18-19 October 2021: The Islamic World Today: Issues and Perspectives
(Brigham Young University)

Global Christian forum in Swiss Alps (German)
(AGCK Switzerland)

Monday, 18 October 2021

Hindus denounce violence amid attacks in Bangladesh
(Julhas Alam, Associated Press)

Muslims, Hindus protest amid communal violence in Bangladesh
(Associated Press)

Sailors, Marines seek religious accommodation to wear beards
(Joseph Hammond, Religion News Service)

Study: Social hostility to religion declines, but government restrictions rise
(Religion News Service)

Kazakhstan: Journalists explore media’s role in promoting societal unity
(Bahá’í World News Service)

Ethnic Kazakh Imam sentenced to 23 years for “reciting the Quran inappropriately”
(Ma Guangyao, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

‘Do we not have any rights?’ Indian Muslims’ fear after Assam evictions
(Hannah Ellis-Petersen and Shaikh Azizur Rahman, The Guardian)

Karnataka govt's move to carry out surveys of churches, missionaries 'unnecessary': Archbishop Rev Dr Peter Machado
(City Today)

In remote Himalayan India, Buddhist monks and Indigenous tribe fight government hydropower projects
(Priyadarshini Sen, Religion News Service)

Why the Senate must fast-track Biden’s nominee on religious freedom
(David Curry, Religion News Service)

USCIRF releases new report about persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslims
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

The rise and fall of Christian Ireland
(YouTube Video, The Iona Institute)

China: Special bimonthly FoRB newsletter (01-15.10.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Notorious gang kidnapped U.S., Canadian missionaries in Haiti, official says
(Caroline Radnofsky and Suzanne Ciechalski, NBC News)

Lifting up the voices of female survivors of clergy sexual abuse
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

The role of faith-based organizations in responding to Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis
(Outreach Aid to the Americas)

Yemen’s Houthis accused of committing ‘genocide’ with blockade on key district
(Ahmed Al-Haj and Samy Magdy, The Times of Israel)

Swedish foreign minister visits Israel in major step toward rebuilding ties
(Lazar Berman, The Times of Israel)

Photos of the Week: Durga festivals and the cult of Maria Lionza
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Jackson County settles COVID-19 rules lawsuit with church
(Associated Press)

Jill Biden says SC ‘prayer partner’ helped change her life
(Darlene Superville, Associated Press)

Taliban says Afghan girls will return to secondary schools soon
(Al Jazeera)

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