Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 22 November 2021

An open letter to the students of Archbishop Riordan High School
(Salvatore J. Cordileone, First Things)

Lukashenko assails EU for refusing to hold talks on migrants
(Monika Scislowska and Vladimir Isachenkov, Associated Press)

141 amicus briefs filed in Mississippi abortion law case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Humanists launch 10th Annual Freedom of Thought Report
(American Humanist Association)

Articles of interest - 22 November 2021
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Magistrate recommends dismissing religious objections to school's teaching transgender understanding
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

RFRA defense precluded in prosecution of tribal member for violating closure order
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Case page: John Doe, et al. v. San Diego Unified School District, et al.
(Thomas More Society)

Catholics protest in Cameroon after military searches hospital for separatists
(Ngala Killian Chimtom, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Top Syrian bishop calls US, EU sanctions against the country ‘criminal’
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Kidnappers release 2 of 17 missionaries abducted in Haiti
(Harold Isaac, Associated Press)

How Democrats and Republicans feel about religious exemptions to vaccine mandates
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

A quarter of European Jewish community leaders say they’ve considered emigrating amid concerns about growing antisemitism
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Fighting antisemitism by protecting religious liberty
(Josh Blackman, Howard Slugh and Rabbi Mitchell Rocklin, The Heritage Foundation)

Catholic progressives and the culture war
(George Weigel, First Things)

The growing battle over ‘woke religion’
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Chechnya submits draft legislation that would ban Russian media from mentioning the nationality and religion of those involved in crimes

Russian Supreme Court rules Jehovah's Witnesses should not be prosecuted for joint worship
(Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia)

Vladimir Putin awarded Holy Patriarch Kirill with the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei The First Called
(The European Times)

Russian Orthodox Church denies U.S. claims of violations of religious freedom in Russia

Complex doctrinal story or mere politics? Hmmm ... What shaped news about U.S. bishops?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Minichurches and burned-out pastors – four crucial COVID-19 trends to follow
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Filipino clergy 'can speak out against sinful politics'
(Joseph Peter Calleja, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Filipino megachurch founder forced girls, into sex as it was 'God's will,' says US Justice Dept.
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

6th Circuit tosses Black minister's hostile environment case against church
(Nate Raymond, Reuters)

Why is France so afraid of God? How the country came to view religion as a threat to national identity
(Rachel Donadio, The Atlantic)

High-rises threaten to cast long shadow over UK’s oldest synagogue
(Gil Zohar, Religion Unplugged)

The West has much to learn from persecuted Christians, says historian Tom Holland
(Christian Today)

Law and religion round-up – 21st November
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Rabbi Sacks posthumously awarded lifetime achievement award at London dinner
(Justin Cohen, Jewish News)

Priti Patel urges all MPs to back Hamas proscribing after Jerusalem terror attack
(Lee Harpin, Jewish News)

Family to challenge law requiring Christian RE and worship in NI schools

Both Republicans and Democrats prioritize family, but they differ over other sources of meaning in life
(Laura Silver and Patrick Van Kessel, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

One country, one religion?
(David Boaz, Cato Institute)

Muslim mason sculpts shrines for Bangladesh’s Hindu dead
(Al Jazeera)

The uncertainties of the Catholic Church in El Salvador
(Xavier Le Normand, La Croix International)

Two weeks in review, 8 – 21 November 2021
(Gail Lythgoe, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Are Uyghurs slowly disappearing from Xinjiang?
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

For Albany Episcopalians, marriage equality is a small step toward full LGBTQ+ inclusion
(Egan Millard, Episcopal News Service)

German pastor fined for sheltering Iranian refugee in church: 'That is my faith'
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

Saturday, 20 November 2021

CALL FOR PAPERS, Deadline 20 November 2021: Governments’ Legal Responses and Judicial Reactions during a Global Pandemic: Litigating Religious Freedom in the Time of COVID-19
(Journal of Church & States, Oxford Academic)

EVENT, 20 November 2021 (18:00 GMT): Interfaith Week Celebration - a concert of music, prayer & short talks
(All Faiths Network UK)

Friday, 19 November 2021

Florist who refused same-sex wedding job settles with couple
(Associated Press)

Bowing to protests, India’s Modi agrees to repeal farm laws
(Sheikh Saaliq, Associated Press)

Florist who refused to create arrangement for same-sex wedding drops Supreme Court petition
(Caroline Downey, National Review)

India: His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks on love and compassion in the context of disaster management
(Shyamal Sinha, The European Times)

Uniform civil code is a necessity, mandatorily required today: HC
(Jltendra Sarin, Hindustan Times)

Bengaluru Archbishop opposes govt's proposed anti-conversion bill
(Dev Discourse)

Yogi Adityanath says sacrifices of Sikh gurus saved religion in the country
(Hindustan Times)

VIRTUAL EVENT, 19 November 2021 (10AM CET): Rules- or values-based approach? Could the EU and the ASEAN cooperate in the Indo-Pacific?
(Centre for European Policy Studies)

Grattan on Friday: Morrison gives religious discrimination bill priority over national integrity commission
(Michelle Grattan, The Conversation)

Australia: The debate about religious discrimination is back, so why do we keep hearing about religious ‘freedom’?
(Louise Richardson-Self, Elenie Poulos, and Sharri Lembryk, The Conversation)

What Americans hear about social justice at church – and what they do about it
(R. Khari Brown and Ronald Brown, The Conversation)

Bringing people of different faiths together to solve the world’s problems is a noble goal – but it’s hard to know what it achieves
(Katherine O'Lone, Julian Hargreaves)

Knox Thames: The Senate needs to confirm Biden's new international religious freedom ambassador now
(Knox Thames, The Washington Post Opinion)

Ousted from power, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox lose the final word on what’s kosher
(Steve Hendrix, The Washington Post)

Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty on all counts in Kenosha fatal shootings
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

New Olympic guidelines open door for relaxed rules on trans athlete participation
(Ryan Foley, The Christian Post)

Catholic bishops approve document that doesn't ban pro-choice politicians from communion
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

'Generational trauma': Youth for Christ helping at-risk kids break the cycle of incarceration
(Nicole Alcindor, The Christian Post)

What are God’s pronouns? How the church today is (or isn’t) gendering God
(Kathryn Post, Religion News Service)

Video: The Center for Law and Religion on our 10th Anniversary
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Center for Law and Religion, St. John's Law School)

Decision Shortall and Others v. Ireland - Religious wording of oath of office of the President of Ireland
(European Court of Human Rights)

Ireland: About the religious wording of oath of the office of the President
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

USCIRF releases new policy update on preserving religious freedom in Sudan
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Darel Paul on abortion and class
(R. R. Reno, First Things)

Sudan: Judge dismisses church application for control of administrative affairs
(CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

980 hate crimes against Christians reported in Europe in 2020
(Evangelical Focus Europe)

Yazidi family abandons EU dream, reluctantly returns to Iraq
(Samya Kullab, Associated Press)

Pakistan drops draft on chemical castration for rapists
(Munir Ahmed, Associated Press)

Pakistan: Religious groups seek amendment to sex change law
(S Khan, Deutsche Welle)

Pakistan again lifts ban, fourth so far, on China’s TikTok
(Associated Press)

Kosovars get COVID vaccine after Friday prayer at mosques
(Associated Press)

Black pastors rally outside trial over Arbery’s killing
(Jeffrey Collins, Associated Press)

Uganda police kill 5, including cleric, after bomb blasts
(Rodney Muhumuza, Associated Press)

Hate speech in Myanmar continues to thrive on Facebook
(Sam McNeil and Victoria Milko, Associated Press)

HHS takes action to prevent discrimination and strengthen civil rights
(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

Fired black principal sued Catholic school for alleged discrimination. The school’s defense is exactly what Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg warned against.
(Elura Nanos, Law and Crime)

8th Circuit: Buddhist inmate not entitled to separate Soto Zen services
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Imam lacks standing to challenge Alabama execution exclusion
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Native American parents can move ahead with suit challenging school's cutting of children's hair
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

World Day of Prayer and Action for Children celebration on 19 November
(Petar Gramatikov, The European Times)

A financial system serving the common good in times of systemic change (PDF)
(The Catholic Church in the European Union)

Former National Security Adviser Flynn calls for ‘one religion’
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

IGE Global Horizons: October 2021
(Institute for Global Engagement)

Who belongs at the Thanksgiving table? Christianity, history, and immigration
(Steve Alter, Matthew Rowley, Nicholas Rowe, John Coffey, Christine Arnold-Lourie, Abram Van Engen, Judd Birdsall, Ruth Melkonian-Hoover, Margaret Bendroth, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Iraqi bishops urge ‘moral responsibility’ amid post-election chaos
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Italian bishops mark first day of prayer for abuse victims
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

East European churches struggle with new COVID-19 upsurge
(Jonathan Luxmoore, Catholic News Service)

Dialogue is not ‘synonymous’ with relativism, pope tells Swedish Academy
(Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News Service)

National survey on youth and religion raises concern about Gen-Z Jews — and questions about how to understand them
(Asaf Shalev and Ella Rockart , Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Biden policy disrespects both science and religion
(Jerry C. Davis, The Wall Street Journal - Opinion)

Can public money go to religious schools? A divisive Supreme Court case awaits
(Mark Walsh, Education Week)

In light of Tandon and Fulton, do exemptions to anti-discrimination laws undermine the government's compelling interest that justifies burdening the free exercise of religion?
(Josh Blackman, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Russia: "Prior conspiracy" leads to eight-year jail terms
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

U.S. adds Russia to list of nations violating religious freedoms
(Carlie Porterfield, Forbes)

Jehovah's Witnesses elders detained in Russia's Astrakhan region

How will media cover the secretive Afghan mullah who will shape Islam's global status?
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

British Muslim 'shocked' after UK govt labels him an 'extremist'
(Daily Sabah)

America’s theological social contract: The Mayflower compact
(Eric Patterson, Rebecca Blessing, Religious Freedom Institute)

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