Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 3 January 2022

2021 photos of the year
(Kit Doyle, Religion News Service)

Iran: Three Baha’i women began serving their prison sentence in December
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, activist and apartheid foe, is dead at 90
(Adelle M. Banks and B. Denise Hawkins, Episcopal News Service)

Last parent of a child killed in 1963 church bombing dies
(Associated Press)

Lebanese Christian leader: alliance with Hezbollah imperiled
(Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press)

Teen’s suit says coaches made him eat pizza despite religion
(Associated Press)

Comments renew debate over adoption as abortion alternative
(David Crary and John Hanna, Associated Press)

Turkish govt expands probe targeting Istanbul city staff
(Zeynep Bilginsoy, Associated Press)

Church dispute dismissed on ecclesiastical abstention grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Articles of interest - 3 January 2022
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

‘Refusal to engage’: Gen Z sees gap in support of LGBTQ+ rights among faith groups
(Josh Packard and Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Religion News Service)

At the end of a mixed political year: Love, hope and faith abide
(Diane Randall, Religion News Service)

Latin America: For Muslim migrants, religious prejudice compounds horrors of Latin American route
(Eduardo Campos Lima, Arab News)

In Lat Am, New Year opens with hopes for peace but realities of extortion
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Thousands join MAS-ICNA Convention at McCormick Place
(Syed Khalil Ullah, Daily Herald)

Italy: Southern Italian diocese temporarily bans naming of godparents
(Junno Arocho Esteves, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Germany: Churches in Germany need a change in outlook - opinion
(Christoph Strack, Deutsche Welle)

Belgium: Soccer fans filmed singing about killing Jews in Belgium
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Israel: Haredi leaders issue bold call to resist Israeli kashrut reform
(Aaron Rabinowitz, Haaretz)

Israeli chief rabbi threatens to freeze conversions amid proposed reforms
(Jordyn Haime, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Romanian Jews honor Chilean diplomat who saved over 1,200 during the Holocaust
(Marcel Gascón Barberá, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Portugal: Roman Abramovich’s use of Portuguese law for Sephardic Jews seeking citizenship draws scrutiny
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The light of female Islamic scholarship: Da’wah, difficulty, and determination
(Zainab bint Younus, Muslim Matters)

Religion news 2021: Which story was No. 1? Return of Taliban or Jan. 6 riot at U.S. Capitol?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Old, nagging conflicts will continue to dominate religion news in the coming year
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Australia: Coalition’s religious discrimination bill will erode rights of people with disability, advocates say
(Sarah Martin, The Guardian)

Australia: Clarifying “transgender hate speech”
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Australia: Vicarious liability of Bishop for abuse committed by clergy
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

UK: COVID-19 legislation and guidance update, January (I)
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

UK: How East London’s oldest halal restaurant survived the pandemic
(Joseph Hammond, Religion News Service)

UK: Ecclesiastical court judgments – December
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 2nd January
(Law & Religion UK)

Northern Ireland archbishop expresses ‘sadness and loss’ over partition anniversary
(Charles Collins, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

India: Bulli Bai: India app that put Muslim women up for sale is shut
(BBC News)

India: Action sought against India over atrocities against minorities

India: Narendra Modi government is not anti-Christian, says Union Minister of State for External Affairs and BJP leader V. Muraleedharan
(The Hindu)

AIMPLB’s ‘The Journal of Law & Religious Affairs’ released
(The Siasat Daily)

Kashmir: 12 dead in crowd surge at popular Hindu shrine in Kashmir
(Aijaz Hussain, Associated Press)

Canada: Quebec’s religious headgear ban is at odds with Canadian liberal norms. Why are politicians afraid to say so?
(J.J. McCullough, The Washington Post)

US-China showdown over religion may intensify
(Ben Joseph, Union of Catholic Asian News)

China: Megastatue of Buddha destroyed in Sichuan
(Lopsang Gurung, Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China)

China: Special bimonthly FoRB newsletter (16-30.12.2021)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

China: #BoycottBeijing 4 January, Brussels Program
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

China opens embassy in Nicaragua for 1st time since 1990
(Associated Press)

China: Even Congress can agree that we need to stop Uyghur genocide. Why can’t Elon Musk?
(Omar Suleiman, RNS Column: Islam Beyond Phobia)

China: Online religious services and activities led by foreigners to be banned in China
(Evangelical Focus)

Five predictions for 2022
(Knox Thames)

Religious arbitration: How America’s courts safeguard the First Amendment by defending it
(Michael Shevack, World Religion News)

U.S. military uses religious test against service members to enforce vaccine mandate
(Jay Richards, The Federalist)

Uzbekistan: For tiny Uzbekistan Church, New Year seems more important than Christmas
(La Croix International)

Ethiopian bishops plead for peace as war reaches new turning point
(La Croix International)

Hong Kong: The end of media freedom in Hong Kong?
(Ewelina U. Ochab, Forbes)

Should religion be counted on to improve ‘mental’ health?
(Juan Sanchez Gil, The European Times)

The fallen idol: A Catholic alternative to neoliberalism
(Anthony Annett, Commonweal)

Catholic Relief Services says 2022 will see humanitarian challenges
(Ngala Killian Chimtom, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Archbishop Tutu and the people left in the dust
(Christine M. Venter, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Tutu’s advocacy for LGBTQ rights did not sway most of Africa
(David Crary, Associated Press)

Archbishop Tutu had strong ties to Catholic Church
(Günther Simmermacher, Catholic News Service)

South Africa: Saki Macozoma shares how anti-apartheid leader Desmond Tutu restored his faith
(Vicky Abraham, Religion Unplugged)

California man sentenced to life followed by 30 years in prison for federal hate crimes Related to 2019 Poway Synagogue shooting and attempted mosque arson
(U.S. Department of Justice)

Trump idolatry has undermined religious faith
(Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post)

Marjorie Taylor Greene deems Kwanzaa a 'fake religion' in bizarre Twitter attack
(Curtis M. Wong, The Huffington Post)

Nigeria: Fresh concerns for Du Merci children who were forcibly relocated to a rural orphanage
(CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

West Africa tipped to be persecution 'hotspot' in 2022
(Christian Today)

Israel: Hard-hit by COVID, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox slow to get shots
(Tia Goldenberg, Associated Press)

Suit: Missouri shooting range made Muslim woman remove hijab
(Margaret Stafford, Associated Press)

Indonesia allows boat with 120 Rohingya refugees to land
(Yayan Zamzami, Associated Press)

Undertakers, rabbis join global fight promoting COVID shots
(Lindsey Tanner, Associated Press)

Germany: As omicron spreads, churches welcome German court ruling on triage
(Catholic News Service)

Germany: In eastern Germany, pastors push for shots despite protests
(Kirsten Grieshaber, Associated Press)

Deposit of nominal damages does not moot student's claim in remand from Supreme Court
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Victory again for Chike: Court ruling keeps govt officials accountable
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

NY governor vetoes bill aimed at preventing Hasidic Hews moving into neighboring town
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

‘Anti-Semitism in disguise’: New York Orthodox groups welcome Hochul’s veto of conservation bill
(Jewish News Syndicate)

Millennials lead shift away from organized religion as pandemic tests Americans’ faith
(Seema Mody, CNBC)

Bulgaria's Ministry of Health and religious communities launch campaign to promote vaccines
(Radio Bulgaria)

Tibet: “Cultural Revolution like crackdown”: China demolished a sky-high Buddha statue and 45 huge prayer wheels in Drakgo, Tibet
(Central Tibetan Administration)

Tibet: NGOs allege violation of religious freedom by Chinese government in Tibet
(Hindustan Times)

From conflict to cooperation: Lessons from the road to Muslim-Jewish partnership
(Ari Gordon, Religion News Service)

How 2021 collapsed the divide between religion and politics
(Jacob Lupfer, Religion News Service)

Islamic-friendly comic book content finds a growing audience
(Joseph Hammond, Religion News Service)

Harry Reid, pugnacious Senate majority leader with deep Jewish ties, dies at 82
(Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Harry Reid remembered as a fighter, skilled Senate dealmaker
(Laurie Kellman and Ken Ritter, Associated Press)

One of the nation’s most powerful politicians was also a steadfast ‘home teacher’ at church
(Samuel Benson and Hal Boyd, Deseret News)

In new job, the ‘Anthony Fauci of the New York City Council’ aims to fight COVID and antisemitism
(Jacob Kornbluh, Forward)

Russia: Group for protection of Christian values created at State Duma

Russia: WHO Regional Office for Europe thanks the Russian Orthodox Church
(The European Times)

Russian Church considers the long-term isolation of criminals no less effective than death penalty

Russian govt orders monitoring of violations of citizens' rights along ethnic, religious lines

Painting or icon? That big hole in New York Times report on Catholic University controversy
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Five big Catholic news angles that journalists will need to cover during 2022
(Clemente Lisi, GetReligion)

Switzerland: Artist wants museum to take down paintings over concerns they were stolen in Shoah
(JTA, Jewish News)

IRS stands by decision on Iowa church and the use of hallucinogenic drugs
(Clark Kauffman, Iowa Capital Dispatch)

France closes mosque for radicalism. When will West apply same standard to China?
(Global Times)

Vietnamese police disrupt Christmas celebration of Montagnard Christians
(Radio Free Asia)

India: What is fuelling intolerance in India?
(Al Jazeera)

India: Vandals caught on camera desecrating historic church in India after Christmas prayers
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

India: Christians on edge in India’s Karnataka ruled by Modi’s BJP
(Maitreyee Boruah, Al Jazeera)

In India, calls for Muslim genocide grow louder. Modi’s silence is an endorsement.
(Rana Ayyub, The Washington Post)

Turkey: The religious roots of Turkey’s currency crisis
(Daniel Pipes, The Wall Street Journal)

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