Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 10 January 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS, 10 January 2022: Digital persecution, an international interdisciplinary academic conference
(Open Doors UK, University of Birmingham, University of Roehampton)

Colombian woman dies by euthanasia after historic legal fight
(Samantha Schmidt and Diana Duran, The Washington Post)

Christian nationalism has deep roots in America, faith leaders say
(Alejandra Molina, The Washington Post)

January 6 a year later: Staying alert to Christian nationalism
(Amanda Tyler, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Have freedom of speech and religion fallen out of fashion?
(Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, The Washington Times)

U.S. undeterred by China sanctions on religious freedom officials -Blinken

So what is new anti-semitism?
(Asher Maoz, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Omicron surge has churches feeling pandemic whiplash, with some suspending in-person worship
(David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service)

Kazakh religious leaders call for peace
(Malo Tresca, La Croix International)

Kazakhstan: Evangelicals call for peace in Kazakhstan
(Christian Today)

Nigerian bishop who criticized government over Christian persecution called in for questioning: report
(Jonah McKeown, Catholic News Agency)

Survey to show 'increase in direct attacks' on religious freedom worldwide amid COVID-19 pandemic
(Ryan Foley, The Christian Post)

In Latin America, not only abortions but miscarriages can lead to jail time
(Megan Rivers-Moore, The Conversation)

Kenya: Muslim extremists kill six Christians in coastal Kenya
(Morning Star News)

Poland: Campaigners attack ‘shameful’ dismissal of Poland’s Jewish envoy
(Jewish News)

Polish official fired after calling Holocaust law ‘stupid’
(Associated Press)

Epiphanies of power and/or goodness: The epiphany of this January is at root about the profound need to civilize the nation.
(William Schweiker, Sightings - The University of Chicago Divinity School)

The revolutionary joy of Desmond Tutu
(Russell P. Johnson, Sightings - The University of Chicago Divinity School)

Hotel built around historic church opens in Indianapolis
(Associated Press)

Swiss court insists Vatican suspects can get a fair trial
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Bosnia: Amid tensions, Bosnian Serbs celebrate outlawed holiday
(Radul Radovanovic, Associated Press)

Articles of interest - 10 January 2022
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Israel to begin classifying non-Arab gentile citizens as ‘extended Jewish’
(Tal Schneider, The Times of Israel)

Israel’s national library sees Arabic site traffic boom
(Ilan Ben Zion, Associated Press)

Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century: Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as a percentage of the global population, but Ethiopian community is highly observant and growing
(Pew Research Center)

Guinea-Bissau priest threatened after criticizing president
(Eduardo Campos Lima, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Cameroonian prelates hope African soccer tournament builds national unity
(Ngala Killian Chimtom, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Romania: Right-wing Romanian political party calls Holocaust education ‘minor topic,’ drawing sharp rebuke
(Marcel Gascón Barberá , Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Jan 6th U.S. Capitol riot or return of Taliban: Which was the top 2021 religion-news story?
(Terry Mattingly, OnReligion)

Mantua, Italy, to get Jewish museum on burial site of 17th-century Kabbalist masters
(Giovanni Vigna, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

‘Antisemitism is not a game’: Why the Senate holdup on the antisemitism envoy matters
(Jacob Kornbluh, Forward)

Is the West becoming pagan again?
(Christopher Caldwell, The New York Times)

What conservative justices talk about when they talk about religious liberty
(Katherine Franke, The Nation)

Russian Orthodox Church against lifting moratorium on death penalty

Plug-In: The top religion-beat stories of 2022? Here are some likely scenarios
(Bobby Ross Jr., GetReligion)

Two think pieces on changes in American religious life, with a few political twists
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

UK: COVID-19 and end of life care: AH
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Law and religion round-up – 9th January
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

UK: Employment Tribunal says Christian nurse fired for wearing cross faced discrimination and harassment
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

France: Religious freedom – and why French assimilation fails while British multiculturalism works
(Imran Mulla, Conservative Home)

Saudi and Emirati religious moderation inspires few beyond their borders
(James M. Dorsey, Algemeiner)

Ireland: Schools must allow children leave during religion class, says Atheist Ireland
(Patsy McGarry, The Irish Times)

China destroys second revered Tibetan statue in Sichuan
(Sangyal Kunchok, Radio Free Asia)

China: Airbnb questioned over Xinjiang business amid Uighur ‘genocide’
(Al Jazeera)

India: EC must curb rising misuse of religion in politics during polls: Mayawati
(Deccan Herald)

India restores foreign fund permit for Mother Teresa charity
(Associated Press)

India: CPI(M) members free to practise religion: Kodiyeri
(The Hindu)

Argentina diocese voices concern over seismic work to explore oil
(La Croix International)

Brazil: Catholic bishops to rebuild Brazilian society with justice and peace
(La Croix International)

Belarus: Lukashenko would like to return Ukraine "into the bosom of true faith”
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Philippines: Duterte urges Black Nazarene prayers as Omicron spreads
(Joseph Peter Calleja, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Indonesia: Jakarta Archdiocese declares 2022 as Year of Human Dignity
(Katharina R. Lestari, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Friday, 7 January 2022

Since Jan. 6 attacks, spiritual leaders unify to combat Christian nationalism
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

One year after Jan. 6, what’s changed for faith groups?
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

The Capitol attack signaled a post-Christian church, not merely a post-Christian culture
(Russell Moore, Christianity Today)

Four Jewish political voices on the anniversary of January 6
(Noach Phillips, Moment Magazine)

CAIR OP-ED: On January 6th, America got a taste of what Muslims have been dealing with for years
(Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Does persecution always bring growth?
(Ronald R. Boyd-MacMillan, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

The societal relevance of religious freedom research
(Dennis P. Petri and Govert J. Buijs, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Highlighting the dark corners of persecution
(Thomas Müller, Matthew D. Rees and Frans Veerman, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

How common is religious freedom worldwide?
(The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Using data to combat religious persecution
(Niels De Nutte and Anton Van Dyck, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

How many Christians are under threat of persecution?
(Christof Sauer, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

A human security approach to religious freedom
(Dennis P. Petri, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Opportunities and challenges for international religious freedom research to inform U.S. foreign policy
(Jason Klocek, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Canada: The use of documentation in refugee determination in Canada
(Janet Epp Buckingham, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Assessing public support for international religious freedom
(Luke M. Perez, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Freedom of religion or belief in urban planning of places of worship
(John F. Osorio, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

China: Religious challenges and risks to the Belt and Road Initiative
(James C. Wallace, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Mexico: Toward the effective protection of religious freedom in Mexico
(Marcelo Bartolini Esparza, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Denmark: “What’s religion got to do with it?” A case study on the regulation of religious diversity and practice in Danish Red Cross asylum centres
(Kareem P. A. McDonald, The International Journal for Religious Freedom)

Brazil: Evangelicals in Brazil are stronger today than ever before
(Raphael Tsavkko Garcia, Al Jazeera)

Brazilian court fines American Airlines for ’emotional suffering’ to passengers denied kosher food
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Indonesia: 'Light' sentences for Indonesian Ahmadi attack spark storm
(Ryan Dagur, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Indonesia: 'Weak God' comment causes storm
(Katharina R. Lestari, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Indonesia: New Nahdlatul Ulama chief vows not to mix religion with politics
(Benar News)

Can a Christian flag fly at city hall? The Supreme Court will have to decide
(Mark Satta, The Conversation)

Supreme Court is set to review Biden’s vaccine rules for businesses, health-care workers. Here’s what to know.
(Ann E. Marimow and Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

First Five Now: Are we a Christian nation?
(YouTube Video, Freedom Forum Institute)

UK: European court declines to take pro-gay marriage cake case
(Associated Press)

UK: The sweet taste of freedom: The ECHR has ruled against reopening the “gay cake” case
(Lizzie Troughton, The Critic)

UK: The great Strasbourg bake off
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

UK: Challenge to “Gay Marriage Cake” decision dismissed
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

UK: Sweet victory for Christian bakers’ freedom of conscience: Europe’s top court tosses out attempt to re-open cake dispute
(ADF International)

UK: Nurse ‘victimised’ for wearing cross at work was unfairly dismissed, tribunal rules
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

UK: Sark church says 'I do' to same-sex marriage ceremonies

UK: Have we reached peak human rights?
(Andrew Tettenborn, The Spectator)

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK Newsletter - January 2022
(Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK)

UK: Nurses and crosses (again): Onuoha
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

UK: Chief Rabbi condemns JNF UK chair Samuel Hayek’s ‘no future for Jews’ claim
(Lee Harpin, Jewish News)

UK Home Office ‘failing to prioritise most vulnerable Afghans’ in resettlement scheme
(Rajeev Syal, The Guardian)

Mexico: Three Christians jailed in Southern Mexico are released
(Morning Star News)

Vietnam: Communities harassed, activists and journalists tried in December crackdown
(CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

Pakistan: HRWF project GSP+ EU/Pakistan: A Christian sentenced to death on blasphemy charges
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

France: 500 “cults”, 500,000 “victims” in France? MIVILUDES admits it has no recent data
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

'Polite persecution' of Christians gathers pace in Europe
(Ben Joseph, Union of Catholic Asian News)

2nd stay sought against Ohio law on aborted fetal remains
(Julie Carr Smyth, Associated Press)

Colombian man feels tranquil as euthanasia nears to end pain
(Astrid Suárez, Associated Press)

Christian world marks Epiphany with series of celebrations
(Frances D'Emilio and Mehmet Guzel, Associated Press)

Haiti: Ransom freed some missionary hostages in Haiti, workers say
(Peter Smith, Associated Press)

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