Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 4 March 2022

ESA calls EU leaders to establish a European weekly common day of rest
(The Catholic Church in the European Union)

Sweden convicts woman for recruiting son to fight in Syria
(Associated Press)

Germany urges UN rights office to publish Uyghur report
(Associated Press)

France: Anti-Muslim policies in France reach ‘threshold of persecution’

France: Hijabs in the French courts
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

France top court upholds city ban on lawyers wearing hijabs and other religious symbols in courtrooms
(Ananya Upadhya, Jurist)

Spain: Catalan Government Director of Religious Affairs presents religious diversity exhibit at Scientology Church in Barcelona
(The European Times)

UK: Jewish and Muslim schoolchildren attend ‘first of its kind’ interfaith workshop
(Jewish News)

Nigeria: USCIRF commissioner Davie Calls for the immediate release of RPOC Yahaya Sharif-Aminu
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Egypt: USCIRF commends release of Egyptian religious prisoner Reda Abdel Rahman
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

CEC president urges Patriarch Kirill to raise his voice against Ukraine war
(Conference of European Churches)

New coalition, with Catholic members, will push Congress on immigration
(Rhina Guidos, National Catholic Reporter)

Thursday, 3 March 2022

WEBINAR, 3 March 2022 (12PM ET): Building Allyship & Collaboration
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

CALL FOR ELECTIONS, due by 3 March 2022: Official Call for Elections for Members of the Board of Directors of the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ACLARS)

WEBINAR, 3 March 2022 (12PM ET): Global Prayers for Ukraine
(Parliament of the World’s Religions and The Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN)

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

First Muslim elected to Connecticut House of Representatives
(Associated Press)

CAIR urges President Biden to address American Muslim concerns during State of the Union address
(Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Severely restricting religious freedom predicts war
(Brian Grim, Religious Freedom and Business Foundation)

Indiana Senate backs narrower bill on vaccine limitations
(Tom Davies, Associated Press)

India: Why do secularists see Hinduism as ‘cultural’ and Islam as ‘religious’?
(Zehra Mehdi, The Wire)

India: Delhi riots: For Muslim teens who were shot, no justice in sight
(Oishika Neogi, Al Jazeera)

India: Key findings on Indian attitudes toward gender roles
(Jonathan Evans, Pew Research Center)

Could Russia be suspended from the United Nations?
(Rebecca Barber, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Was Russia’s recognition of the separatist republics in Ukraine ‘manifestly’ unlawful?
(Pavle Kilibarda, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Will a state supplying weapons to Ukraine become a party to the conflict and thus be exposed to countermeasures?
(Kai Ambos, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Can Turkey close the Turkish Straits to Russian warships?
(M. Emre Hayyar, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Manufacturing hate: What we need to know about racism and what we can do to combat it
(Milton Allimadi, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Ecological racism and deep-sea mining in the Pacific
(JoAnne Wadsworth, Viewpoints: A blog of the G20 Interfaith Forum)

Canada: Ontario judge dismisses churches' challenge against COVID-19 rules
(Noushin Ziafati, CBC News)

Canada: Southwestern Ont. churches lose court challenge over COVID-19 restrictions
(CTV News)

Canada: ACCtoo calls Anglican Church of Canada to repent for mishandling abuse allegations
(Kathryn Post, Religion News Service)

Pope Francis on Ash Wednesday: Lent is a time for conversion and interior renewal
(Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency)

Lebanon: American, European bishops urge support for Lebanon
(Christine Rousselle, Catholic News Agency)

Ukraine conflict: Bomb hits Catholic diocese’s headquarters in besieged city
(Catholic News Agency)

What do abortion laws look like in Latin America? Here's a country-by-country map
(Jonah McKeown, Catholic News Agency)

Iran's supreme leader blames US for Russia war on Ukraine
(Al-Monitor: Iran Pulse)

Gaza weary of Ukrainian crisis as wheat supplies dwindle
(Hadeel Al Gherbawi, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Facing Western isolation over Ukraine, Russia looks to Mideast, Islamic world
(Kirill Semenov, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Lent 3.0: Third Lent in pandemic offers chance for spiritual reset, healing
(Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service)

Pope Francis ties support for peace in Ukraine to Ash Wednesday’s start of Lent
(Claire Giangravé, Religion News Service)

Christians take up fasting for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)

5 interesting facts about Ash Wednesday, Lent
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

To buy a house or find a spouse, most Americans say young adults have it harder than parents: study
(Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post)

'Presidents are not kings': 5 notable decisions by Ketanji Brown Jackson
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Nigerian women protest parliament rejection of pro-equality bills
(Ope Adetayo, Al Jazeera)

Nigeria: Islamic terrorists kill 3 Christians, destroy church in Nigeria
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Methodists, Mormons back latest Scouting bankruptcy plan to fund survivor claims
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Catholic University in western Ukraine now housing war refugees
(Inés San Martín, Crux)

Ukraine: Priests To Celebrate Sunday Liturgies In Bomb Shelters
(Eurasia Review)

Chinese authorities tear down third Buddhist statue in Drago
(Free Tibet)

China tightens grip on Hong Kong's education system
(Ben Joseph, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Orthodox clerics call for stop to war in Ukraine in rare challenge to Russian government
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

Polish Baptists, Southern Baptist mission board rally to aid Ukraine
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service)

Weekly Highlight #195: COVID-19: Exploring faith dimensions: Focus on COVID-19 shifts with geopolitical developments
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

European Court – Russia: Urgent measures about Russian military operations in Ukraine
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Russia-Ukraine: Priests of the Russian Orthodox Church call for reconciliation and ending the war
(RFE/RL, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox priests against the war
(Vladimir Rozanskij, Asia News)

International Criminal Court to open probe into Ukraine crisis
(Simon Van Dorpe, Politico)

European churches focus on reconciliation and unity ahead of WCC Assembly
(Conference of European Churches)

March 2022 Newsletter
(The Association of Religion Data Archives)

Les Églises d’Europe esquissent une traduction de l’amour du Christ dans un continent en guerre
(Conference of European Churches)

Too soon to say: International criminal law's role in the conflict in Ukraine
(Michelle Coleman, Talk About: Law and Religion - Blog of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Michigan Supreme Court hears major gay rights case
(Associated Press)

Dylann Roof takes church shooting appeal to US Supreme Court
(Meg Kinnard, Associated Press)

Idaho kills bill allowing public money for private education
(Keith Ridler, Associated Press)

Nepal: Devotees crowd Nepal temple as COVID-19 cases decline
(Associated Press)

Philippines: 3 killed in Philippine army attack on Muslim militant camp
(Associated Press)

Man kills 3 daughters, 1 other, himself at California church
(Kathleen Ronayne and Christopher Weber, Associated Press)

Air Force reservist with religious objection to covid vaccine wins injunction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

5th Circuit upholds injunction against vaccine mandate for Navy Seals with religious objections
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Satanic Temple sues billboard company, claiming discrimination after deal on Northwest Arkansas billboards falls through
(Doug Thompson, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

Church sued by employee who resigned for cohabitating with boyfriend wins in court
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Why translating ‘God’s law’ to government law isn’t easy
(Samuel L. Boyd, Religion News Service)

War at Lent: How Ukraine could reshape how we think about Christian unity
(Jacob Lupfer, Religion News Service)

After CatholicVote files lawsuit, nun urges conservative group to visit border
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Bishops: Senate rejection of ‘extreme’ abortion bill is ‘tremendous relief’
(Julie Asher, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

How to fix a broken world, according to this rabbi
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Ukraine’s Zelensky to world’s Jews: ‘Do not remain silent right now’
(Philissa Cramer, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Mitch McConnell condemns antisemitism after Republicans Greene, Gosar and Rogers speak at white nationalist’s conference
(Gabe Friedman, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

U.S. antisemitism official expresses concern for Ukrainian religious sites
(Amanda Rozon, Forward)

Book review: America's secular church
(Paul Seaton, Law & Liberty)

Russia: Appeals court rebuffs Jehovah's Witness
(OVD.Info, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Clergy of Moscow church in Ukraine urged to sever relationship
(RISU, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Leading Russian muftis support military operation in Ukraine

Crimea: Churches, mosque fined for failing to use full name
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Uzbekstan: Raids, torture "to discredit us in front of our neighbours"
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

The New York Times fails to ask a key 'parental rights' question linked to Texas trans wars
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Moscow Patriarch gets call from World Council of Churches head to 'raise up' his voice so the 'war can be stopped'
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

The relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Shiites
(Lahcen. H, The European Times)

Desmond Tutu and the intersections between law and religion
(Toyin Falola, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

American Christians’ Russophilia must end
(Casey Chalk, Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute)

Senegal: Catholics in Senegal protest imam's offensive TV remarks
(Charles Senghor, La Croix International)

World Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Orthodox Ecumenism expert Cyril Hovorun talks Ukraine, Russia and schism
(Jovan Tripkovic, Religion Unplugged)

Support for Ukraine rises worldwide as a shadow of war falls over Eastern Europe
(Paul Glader, Michael Ray Smith, Tom Osanjo, Michael Finch and Meagan Clark, Religion Unplugged)

Church openings approach pre-pandemic levels, but attendance levels stall, survey says
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Muslim scholars union calls for end to Russia war in Ukraine
(Middle East Monitor)

Taking away foster parenting license based on religious views about homosexuality may violate First Amendment
(Eugene Volokh, Reason)

Israel: Bill to reform Chief Rabbinate nixed in Knesset plenum
(The Jerusalem Post)

Pakistan: Punjab tweaks rules under Muslim Family Laws, opposition questions intent
(The Print)

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