Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Symposium: Anti-Catholic Blaine Amendments like Montana’s are presumptively unconstitutional
(Eric Rassbach, SCOTUSblog)

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Blaine Amendments harm educational opportunity and violate Constitutional rights
(Ilya Shapiro and Dennis Garcia, CATO Institute)

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Legal Spirits Episode 013: A new Supreme Court case from Montana concerning the “Blaine Amendment”
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Law and Religion Forum)

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Anti-Catholic ‘Blaine Amendments’ harm children now, in the 21st century
(George Will, National Review)

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Religious Freedom v. The Blaine Amendment: Current challenges to a discriminatory remnant of the Nineteenth Century
(Modrall Sperling, Lexology)

Friday, 1 December 2017

Cornerstone: Trinity Lutheran, Blaine, and the First Amendment (articles from October 2017)
(Brett Scharffs and Richard Garnett, Cornerstone Blog - Religious Freedom Institute)

Monday, 31 July 2017

How a Colorado school board race has national implications for education and religious liberty
(Ross Izard, The Hill)

Friday, 21 July 2017

Montana to appeal ruling mandating religious school inclusion in tax credit program
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC blog))

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Are state constitutions’ prohibitions on aid to churches legal?
(Bob Allen, Baptist News Global)

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Columbia’s Trinity Lutheran, victor in landmark case, back to ‘being a little church’
(Rick Montgomery, Kansas City Star)

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Lori: After ‘Trinity Lutheran,’ all anti-Catholic ‘Blaine amendments’ should fall
(John L. Allen Jr. and Ines San Martin, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Trinity Lutheran Church case may have swift impact
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

The ’Splainer: What is the Blaine Amendment and did SCOTUS kill it?
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Six issues to watch in the Supreme Court’s Trinity Lutheran case
(Melissa Rogers, Religion News Service)

Bigotry against religion won’t stop school choice forever
(Elliot Kaufman, National Review)

Supreme Court remands school aid cases for reconsideration in light of Trinity Lutheran decision
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The Supreme Court strikes down a major church-state barrier
(Emma Green, The Atlantic)

Supreme Court victory for Trinity Lutheran: And a major win for religious freedom
(John Stonestreet, The Christian Post)

Excerpts from Gorsuch concurrence, Sotomayor dissent, in Trinity Lutheran Church opinion
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Why a church playground matters for religious liberty
(Joe Carter, The Gospel Coalition)

Monday, 26 June 2017

Supreme Court holds denial of playground resurfacing grant to church violates Free Exercise clause
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court rules for Missouri church in ‘playground’ case
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer: Slip Opinion
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Opinion analysis: Church prevails in funding dispute
(Amy Howe, SCOTUSblog)

Supreme Court settles schoolyard scuffle: Government can’t blacklist Lutheran preschool from playground improvement program
(Press Release, Becket Law)

Supreme Court sides with religious school in church-state case
(Tom Gjelten, NPR)

BJC: Supreme Court decision in Trinity Lutheran Church “upends precedent and adds confusion”
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Symposium: Court ruling bolsters religious liberty… beyond the playground
(Nathan Diamant, SCOTUSblog)

Symposium: Putting some limits on the “play in the joints”
(Erin Morrow Hawley, SCOTUSblog)

Symposium: Bad news from Trinity Lutheran – Only two justices support the Establishment Clause
(Leslie Griffin, SCOTUSblog)

Friday, 5 May 2017

A 147-year-old dispute between church and state spills onto a school playground
(Frank S. Ravitch, The Conversation)

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Podcast: Religious liberty at the Supreme Court
(Marci Hamilton and Hannah Smith, National Constitution Center: Constitution Daily)

Monday, 24 April 2017

What Trinity Lutheran v. Comer could mean for school choice
(Anne Ryland, The Daily Signal)

Apr 23: Justices favoring church in Trinity v Comer, may strike down Blaine Amendment
(Religious Freedom Review: Weekly updates on religious freedom in America)

Saturday, 22 April 2017

How the coming church-state showdown could be avoided
(Garrett Epps, The Atlantic)

Thursday, 20 April 2017

A surprisingly easy Supreme Court win for religious nondiscrimination?
(Ilya Shapiro, Cato Institute: Cato at Liberty)

The key questions, comments from Supreme Court Justices in religious liberty case
(Elizabeth Slattery, The Daily Signal)

BJC's Hollman responds to Supreme Court arguments in church funding case
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC blog))

Church-state playground battle: liberal Supreme Court justices appear to side with church
(Brandon Showalter, The Christian Post)

Family Research Council's Travis Weber upbeat after Trinity Lutheran oral arguments
(PR Newswire)

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Religious freedom or religious preference? Neil Gorsuch will decide next week
(Elie Mystal, Above the Law)

Friday, 14 April 2017

The anti-Catholic Blaine amendments must go
(Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, Real Clear Religion)

Friday, 19 August 2016

Church playgrounds & Blaine Amendments - Podcast
(Thomas C. Berg, Christopher C. Lund, Martin S. Lederman, The Federalist Society)

Monday, 25 April 2016

Oklahomans will vote on repeal of Blaine Amendment
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Good and welcome news from Oklahoma on school choice and the "Blaine Amendment"
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

Monday, 18 January 2016

Supreme Court grants review in Missouri Blaine Amendment case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Bane of Blaine spreading across the plains
(Eric Baxter, New Boston Post)

Saturday, 30 May 2015

8th Circuit upholds Missouri's Blaine Amendments against 1st and 14th Amendment attack
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

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