Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 20 May 2022

With AIPAC funding primary campaigns, young Jewish progressives move further left
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Bishops support Biden administration’s decision to ease Cuba sanctions
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Pope condemns human trafficking at conference involving Church leaders, police
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Mexican priest killed in border community
(David Agren, Catholic News Service)

The uniters of Loudoun County
(Meg Walter, Deseret News)

Jewish groups have failed to stop Arizona from offering a gas chamber as an execution method
(Andrew Lapin, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

On the Supreme Court docket, a Jewish anti-abortion group gets a Christian megaphone

Multi-faith forum in Saudi Arabia convenes to promote peace
(Muath Alamri, Real Clear Religion)

Faith on the ground in Buffalo: Voice Buffalo executive director Denise Walden
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Thank God for the end of Roe v. Wade. And then get to work supporting pregnant women.
(kathryn Jean Lopez, America: The Jesuit Review)

The cathedral of Russian Church desecrated in Vilnius

Kazakhstan: Nine known Muslim prisoners of conscience - torture, solitary confinement
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Kazakhstan: Post-prison "there's a block everywhere!"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

President of Bulgaria visited the Bulgarian church communities in Germany
(The European Times)

New Timor-Leste president vows to defend all regardless of religion
(Ryan Dagur, Union of Catholic Asian News)

In battle between religious liberty vs. LGBTQ rights, one case declares clear winner
(Sarah Parshall Perry, Washington Examiner)

Costa Rica: Bishops concerned over rise in violence in Costa Rica, seek "necessary action"
(La Croix International)

House speaker Nancy Pelosi banned from receiving communion over abortion support
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

Afghanistan: Taliban say female Afghan TV presenters must cover faces on air
(Al Jazeera)

Faith-Based Organizations

Launching an International Claims Commission for Ukraine
(Chiara Giorgetti, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Putin's decision on Ukraine operation 'moral choice,' not geopolitics - top Kremlin official

Ukrainian media report support for Russians by Moscow clergy
(RISU, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Pope Francis's refusal to condemn Putin draws criticism
(The Washington Post)

Secretary for Relations of the Holy See with the States met with the UGCC hierarchs
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Anti-Israel commencement speaker sparks another antisemitism debate at CUNY
(Jacob Henry, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Hong Kong: Why Catholics are worried over free speech
(William Yang, Deutsche Welle)

Hong Kong – The tragic arrest of Cardinal Zen (90)
(Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe)

Hong Kong: Arrest of ‘stubborn about justice’ Cardinal Zen divides Hong Kong’s Catholics
(Elaine Yu and Selina Cheng, The Wall Street Journal)

The majority of American Muslims believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases
(Erum Ikramullah and Meira Neggaz, nstitute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU))

An unlikely revolution is happening at Christian universities: More than half have enacted LGBTQ non-discrimination policies
(Jonathan S. Coley, Washington Blade)

Meet the Democrat who may be America’s fiercest advocate for religious freedom
(Hanna Seariac, Deseret News)

Germany: Berlin archbishop asks forgiveness for homophobia in the church
(Catholic News Service)

Germany: Partnership consultation urges increased efforts for peace
(The Lutheran World Federation)

Uganda: Muslim villagers destroy church building and pastor’s house
(Morning Star News)

FFRF wins lawsuit against praying W.Va. city council that ‘wrapped itself in a single faith’
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Flight attendants sue Alaska Airlines and union claiming religious discrimination in firings
(First Liberty)

Christian flight attendants sue after being fired for their posted views on LGBTQ rights
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Flight attendants sue Alaska Airlines, union over religious message board comments
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Chad: Aisha from Chad experiences God’s comfort after persecution, thanks to you
(Open Doors UK)

Nigeria: New bill in Nigeria will punish victims of Islamic extremist groups
(Open Doors UK)

Federal judge blocks Biden admin. rule requiring religious employers to pay for gender transitions
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

US agencies’ trans care mandates paused in Christian group suit
(Patrick Dorrian, Bloomberg Law)

Court enjoins application to Christian employers of protections for gender transition services
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Biden transgender health mandate blocked by federal court in Christian alliance's appeal
(Tyler O'Neil, Fox News)

France: After fractious French election, Catholic bishops try to heal a divided flock
(Joséphine Boone, Mélinée Le Priol and Juliette Paquier, La Croix International)

France: Éric Zemmour acquitted of Holocaust denial charge for saying French Nazi collaborator saved Jews
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

French churches study how to ensure safe and strong communities
(Conference of European Churches)

New book: Why Religion Is Good for American Democracy
(Robert Wuthnow, Princeton University Press)

Eritrea: Christians tortured in 'tin box' shipping containers 20 years after Eritrea's religious clampdown
(Sophie Drew, Premier Christian News)

Turkey: Protestant Christians in Turkey exposed to discrimination, deportations, hate speech
(Uzay Bulut, Providence Mag)

Goodbye, Judeo-Christian nation. Hello, interfaith America
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Victor "Skip" Conde full interview (on human rights and religious freedom)
(YouTube Video, Tina Ramirez, Hardwired Global)

Israel: A rabbi’s contentious quest for religious pluralism in Israel
(Patrick Kingsley, The New York Times)

Israel: A year after disaster, thousands flock to Israeli holy site
(Associated Press)

Egypt’s top mufti to weigh in on penalty for priest’s killer
(Samy Magdy, Associated Press)

Indonesian clerical body 'sorry' for false apostasy claims
(Katharina R. Lestari, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Indonesian police arrest 24 suspected militants in raids
(Mohammad Taufan, Associated Press)

$121.5M settlement in New Mexico clergy sex abuse scandal
(Associated Press)

Chicago archdiocese settles sex abuse suit for $1.2 million
(Associated Press)

WVa city council ordered to stop reciting The Lord’s Prayer
(Associated Press)

Catholic school in Mississippi Delta closing after 70 years
(Associated Press)

Taiwan’s president condemns California church shooting
(Associated Press)

In trying to seize Russian assets, the US is taking a page from Chabad
(Asaf Shalev, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

How Christian nationalism won Pennsylvania’s GOP primary
(Jacob Lupfer, Religion News Service)

India: Beyond vaccinations, Shanti Ashram provides holistic help for vulnerable communities
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

India: ‘Textbook repeat’: India courts hear Hindu-relics-in-mosque pleas
(Bilal Kuchay, Al Jazeera)

India: Attack on shrine upsets Christians in southern India
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

In India, Hindu nationalists embolden challenges to atheism
(Varsha Torgalkar, Religion News Service)

Gore says climate crisis like ‘nature hike right through the Book of Revelation’
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

With Roe in peril, abortion rights advocates prepare appeals to religious liberty
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

North Korea: Archbishop, 97, says he thinks church is growing secretly in North Korea
(Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Episode 83: Deseret News religion reporter Kelsey Dallas on the importance of religious freedom (podcast)
(Sarah Jane Weaver, Church News)

China: Freedom of religion or belief – Special bimonthly FoRB newsletter (01-15.05.2022)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

A better sort of political philosophy?
(Paul Seaton, Law & Liberty)

Saudi religious moderation: World’s foremost publisher of Qur’ans has yet to get the message – analysis
(James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review)

What everyone gets wrong about evangelicals and abortion
(Gillian Frank and Neil J. Young, The Washington Post)

Conservative Christians will regret overturning Roe. They’re sacrificing religious liberty to do it
(Sheila Briggs, Los Angeles Times)

Growing Haredi numbers poised to alter global Judaism. Maybe press should cover this?
(Ira Rifkin, GetReligion)

Pro-abortion rights activists hit Catholic churches, but you probably didn't read about it
(Clemente Lisi, GetReligion)

UK: RE suffers as Government starves it of funds, new review finds
(Hattie Williams, Church Times)

UK: Withholding religious divorce controlling and coercive behaviour: Moher
(Fouzia Azzouz, Law & Religion UK)

UK COVID-19 Inquiry: terms of reference consultation outcome
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Punta del Este, Uruguay, is one of South America’s ritziest resort cities. Its Jewish population has doubled during the pandemic.
(Juan Melamed, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Final communique and declaration on the common human values
(Muslim World League, Religions for Peace)

CAIR-MI welcomes EEOC finding of discrimination on behalf Muslim woman terminated seeking Ramadan accommodation
(Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Air Force Academy cadets face expulsion, repayment demand over vaccine refusal
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

(United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC))

Join UNAOC in standing up #forSafeWorship
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

Setting the Cat amongst Pigeons: Kosovo’s application for membership of the Council of Europe
(Andrew Forde, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

What I’ve learned about the church’s response to migrants by seeing them face to face
(Alan Cross, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission)

Does the First Amendment bar public schools from removing library books based on their viewpoints? The Supreme Court split on this 4-4 in 1982, and the matter remains unsettled
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Some unsolicited advice on abortion and the religion clauses
(Josh Blackman, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Ghana: Religious leaders call for tightened security amid terror threat
(Catholic Information Service for Africa)

Kenya: “Don’t vote for politicians just because they call themselves Catholic,” Fr Babendreier Counsels
(Paschal Norbert, Catholic Information Service for Africa)

Singapore denies entry to Muslim 'hate' preacher
(Katharina R. Lestari, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Timor-Leste govt, bishops renew Church funding deal
(Ryan Dagur, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Syria: Al-Hol: Displacement crisis is a tinderbox that could ignite ISIS 2.0
(Mona Yacoubian, The United States Institute of Peace)

U.S.-Organization of Islamic Cooperation strategic dialogue
(U.S. Department of State)

Hundreds of Jews rally at the U.S. Capitol for abortion rights
(Michelle Boorstein and Ellie Silverman, The Washington Post)

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