Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Cuba: USCIRF releases report on the new constitution and religious freedom in Cuba
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

EVENT, 6 July 2022 (1:30PM EDT): Cuba. One year after July 11. Perspectives on freedom of religion or belief and human rights.
(Outreach Aid to the Americas and CSW: Everyone Free to Believe)

Judges dismiss Jewish couple’s suit alleging adoption bias
(Jonathan Mattise, Associated Press)

Mexican bishops to put photos of dead priests in churches
(Associated Press)

Vandals spray Madison church with abortion graffiti
(Associated Press)

ADA does not justify lower priority for employees with religious, rather than disability, exemptions from vaccine mandate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Articles of interest - 4 July 2022
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Lesson on ancient Mesopotamia did not violate Establishment Clause
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

S3, Ep. 20: Forcing states to fund religion: Carson v. Makin decision
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

The Supreme Court came together on religion this term. Then, it fell apart
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

Does patriotism have a place in American religious life?
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News)

What does ‘Judeo-Christian’ mean?
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

Photos of the week: Eid al-Adha preparations; Italian drought
(Jessi Dodge, Religion News Service)

A devout Catholic, she opposed abortion. Now she performs them.
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Church destroyed during 9/11 attacks consecrated as national shrine
(Marika Proctor, Religion News Service)

Some say court’s emphasis on religious liberty meant to clear up confusion
(Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service)

Saudi Arabia's new hajj lottery has many Muslims fuming
(Jennifer Holleis and Razan Salman, Deutsche Welle)

Brazil: Judge gives Brazilian pastor who called for a second Holocaust historic 18-year prison sentence
(Marcus M. Gilban, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Founding Fathers never intended U.S. to be secular or hostile to religion
(Everett Piper, The Washington Times)

Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to Pope Francis' readiness to visit Kyiv
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

"UOC-MP is a collaborative entity poised to cooperate with any government," - George Kovalenko
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Crimea: "Punished simply for conducting communal prayers"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Life after Roe: What role will churches and faith play in work of pro-life Democrats?
(Terry Mattingly, GetReligion)

Establishing religious freedom
(Patrick M. Garry, Law & Liberty)

Morocco: The growing phenomenon of "house churches" in Morocco
(Rémy Pigaglio, La Croix International)

Will Pakistan’s Taliban ties blunt its crackdown on anti-India jihadists?
(Tom Hussain, South China Morning Post)

India normalises discrimination against religious minorities
(Evangelical Focus)

India: Fear and anger in India’s Udaipur where Hindu tailor was killed
(Samriddhi Sakunia, Al Jazeera)

Kashmir: Hindu pilgrimage in Kashmir resumes after two years, days after targeted killings
(Zaffar Iqbal, Religion Unplugged)

In Kashmir, ‘conscious music’ tests India’s limits on speech
(Sheikh Saaliq and Aijaz Hussain, Associated Press)

US settles lawsuit alleging abuse of men detained after 9/11
(Al Jazeera)

One million set to perform Hajj as COVID-19 restrictions ease
(Al Jazeera)

Islamic call to prayer shows Muslims ‘belong’ in Minneapolis
(Cinnamon Janzer, Al Jazeera)

Highlights from Religions for Peace-Guinea
(Cissé Hadja Mariama Sow, Religions for Peace)

Step Forward: At the Service of Humanity and Islam | Shedding Light on Muslim Women | May 2022 – Issue 2
(Religions for Peace)

Two weeks in review, 20 June – 3 July
(Gail Lythgoe, EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law)

Myanmar junta 'ignoring pleas not to target churches'
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Sri Lanka: Buddhist monks demand all-party govt in Sri Lanka
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Pope, Anglican, Presbyterian leaders send messages to South Sudan
(Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter)

Philippines: Lawmaker files for legalizing divorce in Catholic Philippines
(Joseph Peter Calleja, Union of Catholic Asian News)

SCOTUS eliminates the Lemon defense, and smokes joints with play
(Josh Blackman, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Kenya: “Is the Judiciary ready for its role in the forthcoming General Elections?” Catholic bishops query
(Paschal Norbert, Catholic Information Service for Africa)

Russian leading anti-cultist calls Ukrainians “Nazis,” “Satanists,” and “cannibals”
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Russia: Freedom of religion or belief: Special bimonthly FORB Digest (16-30.06.2022)
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Spain: Catalonia gathers religions and beliefs to send a Peace message
(The European Times)

SASCE project presented at Fifth Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion
(The European Times)

Final sentences to prison terms for 20 Jehovah’s Witnesses since 1 January 2022
(Willy Fautré, The European Times)

Canada: City of Toronto discriminatory no-beards rule forces out Sikh security guards
(Balpreet Singh, Baaz)

Vatican envoy in Hong Kong warns Catholic missions to prepare for China crackdown
(Greg Torode, Reuters)

Bosnian Serb ruling party plans to pay religious officials
(Azem Kurtic, Balkan Insight)

A Nigerian priest: Freedom of religion not possible without security

The ‘global revolution of dignity' hurts human dignity
(Xin Ping, Global Times)

July 2022 Newsletter (including data sets related to religious freedom)
(The Association of Religion Data Archives)

Utah remains the beating heart of GOP Trump skepticism
(Phillip Bump, The Washington Post)

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

EVENT, 5-6 July 2022: International Ministerial Conference 2022
(UK FoRB Forum)

EVENT, 5 July 2022 (11:30AM in London): Freedom to Worship for All Algerians
(Jubilee Campaign)

EVENT, 5 July 2022 (12:45 in London): The impact of COVID-19 on International Freedom of Religion or Belief, and what can be learned from international responses.
(Freedom Declared Foundation)

Monday, 4 July 2022

UK fringe events go nationwide to support freedom of religion or belief
(Newsroom: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Chief Rabbi Mirvis among the participants at religious freedom conference
(Lee Harpin, Jewish News)

International Freedom of Religion or Belief Conference 2022
(Archbishop Cranmer Blog)

Freedom of Religion or Belief: International Conference
(Fiona Bruce, UK Parliament)

The London blueprint for progress
(Knox Thames)

Freedom of religion and belief: we need action, not just talk
(Ruth Peacock, Religion Media Centre)

Briefing on London Ministerial
(Knox Thames)

Afghanistan: Taliban supreme leader addresses major gathering in Kabul
(Al Jazeera)

Afghan clerics’ assembly urges recognition of Taliban govt
(Rahim Faiez, Associated Press)

Afghanistan: Girls' education raised at Taliban's first national gathering since takeover
(Mohammad Yunus Yawar, Reuters)

Saudi-Jewish relations prospering in wake of Abraham Accords- opinion
(Meyer H. May, The Jerusalem Post)

UK: Biblical view of sex and gender “worthy of respect” after all
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Canada: Memo: Niagara Regional Council should retain exemption from development charges for places of worship
(Andreae Sennyah and Brian Dijkema, Cardus)

Canada: On July 1, Canada's refugee resettlement system saving persecuted communities
(Knox Thames)

Virtual protecting places of worship forum
(YouTube Video, U.S. Department of Justice)

Pope Francis backs reconciliation process in Colombia
(Inés San Martín, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Pope urges Congo, South Sudan to work for peace, prosperity
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Abortion ruling prompts variety of reactions from states
(Associated Press)

Vatican closes London property sale at a loss after scandal
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press)

Zoroastrians confront depletion of their ancient faith
(David Crary, Associated Press)

India top court: Nupur Sharma must apologise for prophet remarks
(Al Jazeera)

India: Recognise ‘Sarna’ religion for Adivasis, we are not Hindu: Tribals from five states to GoI
(Free Press Kashmir)

Indiana Supreme Court weighs future of lawsuit between Archdiocese, gay teacher
(Brandon Smith, Indiana Public Media)

Court enforcement of divorce agreement involving acceptance of "gett" creates no free exercise problem
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

BJC’s Tyler, others, discuss ‘structural aspects of bigotry’ – including religious intolerance – in new report
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Perspective: Performing the rituals of a religion does not make you a member of that faith
(Robert P. George, Deseret News)

Many anti-abortion activists before Roe were liberals who were inspired by 20th-century Catholic social teaching
(Daniel K. Williams, The Conversation)

Catholic leaders praise Supreme Court decision ending Remain in Mexico
(John Lavenburg, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Church leaders push to expand their peacekeeping role in Africa
(Jonathan Luxmoore, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

For Conservative Christians, the end of Roe was a spiritual victory
(Elizabeth Dias, The New York Times)

When the Court takes away Lemon: What the praying coach ruling means for religious Americans
(Howard Slugh, Real Clear Religion)

Tajikistan: "We will no longer register any new Churches"
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Dobbs symposium: The dangers of judicial cherry-picking
(Cari Jackson, SCOTUSblog)

NI: Reforming weddings law in Northern Ireland
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Meet a Baha’i activist pushing for LGBTQ tolerance in his faith
(Iain Carlos, Religion Unplugged)

Freedom of religion or belief and the Sustainable Development Goals – Leaving no one behind statement
(Religions for Peace)

CAIR ‘concerned’ by State Department grant to promote atheistic movements in Muslim-majority regions of the world
(Ismail Allison, Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Christian law students, professor win injunction against U. of Idaho ‘no contact’ orders
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Parliament statement on the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

2022 IRF Summit: Addressing FoRB concerns at the G20 level
(JoAnne Wadsworth, G20 Interfaith Forum Blog)

Sri Lankan Church takes legal recourse for Easter attack victims
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

Philippine Church hints at ‘principled cooperation’ with Marcos Jr.
(Joseph Peter Calleja, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Hong Kong’s religious freedom 'faces great danger'
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

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