Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Brighton has started
(Antoine Buyse, ECHR Blog)

Challenging America's bad religion
(Mark Tooley, The American Spectator)

Church and Salvadoran government broker cease-fire between notorious gangs – Analysis
(COHA, Eurasia Review)

Culture Watch: Does faith matter when it comes to the national budget?
(The Heritage Foundation)

Four Muslim men say Texas IHOP franchise fired them for religion and nationality
(Ashton Marra, ABC News)

German Islam Conference adopts declaration against domestic violence and forced marriage
(The Federal Ministry of the Interior)

Koran giveaway overshadows Germany's annual Islam Conference
(Deutsche Welle)

Mayor: Religion can not be considered in mosque proposal
(Brookfield Patch (Milwaukee))

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Religious belief highest in developing and Catholic countries
(Annalisa Musarra, The Washington Post)

Religious liberty issue takes center stage at Catholic prayer breakfast
(Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service)

Russia's war on religious literature: If the Kremlin doesn't like it, it's "extremist"
(Alexander Nazaryan, New York Daily News)

Tunisia: Zitouna mosque to resume religious teaching
(Magharebia, Eurasia Review)

When American faith transcended differences: Ross Douthat in 'Bad Religion'
(Mark Oppenheimer, The New York Times)

When religion and spirituality collide
(Diana Butler Bass, Episcopal News Service)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A look at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
(Dena Sher, ACLU)

ACLU criticizes operations of US Commission on International Religious Freedom
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Activists stage protest against killings of Hazara Shias
(Staff Report, Pakistan Daily Times)

Azerbaijan: Religious freedom survey, April 2012
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

ELCA, partner to digitize millions of church records
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter)

Happy 7th anniversary to Religion Clause!
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Hindu radicals use the law to persecute Christians in Andhra Pradesh

HLI defends life, family, and religious freedom at Summit of the Americas
(Stephen Phelan, Christian Newswire)

International religion reporting gets a boost
(Ruth Eglash, Hurriyet Daily News)

Nepalese Muslims claim their rights in new constitution
(Kalpit Parajuli ,

Nigeria: Islamic Group Restates Plan to Promote Peace
(All Africa)

Pakistani court decides 'forced conversion' case
(Fox News via Associated Press)

Parents lose children after son dies due to 'faith healing'
(Laura Hibbard, Huff Post Religion)

Religion news in brief
(Fox News via Associated Press)

Religious profiling: An unwelcome guest
(Elizabeth Goitein and Falza Patel, The Hill's Congress Blog)

Rights group urges Indonesia to drop atheist case
(AFP, The Sun Daily)

Scouts challenged over religious promise
(John McMannus, BBC News)

Silver lining to HHS mandate
(Fr. Rick Heilman, Knights of Divine Mercy)

The religion story behind the Pulitzer-winning photo

Turkmenistan: Maximum prison sentence for latest conscientious objector
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Up in Arms
(Kaz Komolafe, Huffingtonpost)

Vatican orders crackdown on American nuns
(David Gibson, USA Today)

We shall render unto the U.S.
(Daily Maverick)

Whose religious freedom?
(Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo, The Washington Post)

Will Muslim-Christian relations improve with a new president in Egypt?
(Cornelis Hulsman, Christianity Today)

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

China's policy on Tibet 'must be realistic'
(Renée Montagne, National Public Radio)

Christian acquitted of ‘blasphemy’ charge in Pakistan April 17
(Compass Direct News)

Federal judge allows lawsuit to proceed against ex-Bronx principal who made religious slurs to administrator
(Corinne Lestch, New York Daily News)

For Paul Bhatti, concrete steps needed in interfaith dialogue in Pakistan

Governments must take action to strengthen UN human rights treaty body system (16 Apr 2012)
(Human Rights Law Centre)

Islamic Extremists Attacking Christians, Sikhs in South Asia
(Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post)

Jordan's parliament bans the Muslim Brotherhood's party

Korean religions: No more nuclear power, it will destroy us
(Theresa Kim Hwa-young,

Kuwait Debates Death for Blasphemers
(David Rosenberg, The Media Line)

Mother Virginia Tech victim wrestles with God, finds peace
(B. Denise Hawkins, Huffington Post Religion)

New kindergarten basks in the ‘Son’
(Adam Hartman , The Namibian )

Religion Journal: The Making of Delhi’s Lotus Temple
(Joanna Sugden, India Realtime)

Two underground bishops released, but many priests are arrested
(Wang Zhicheng,

Victoria to hold wide-ranging inquiry into church sex abuse cases
(John Ferguson, The Australian)

When religion and spirituality collide
(Diana Butler Bass, Religion News Service)

Monday, 16 April 2012

"Our First, Most Cherished Liberty": A problematic document
(Society of Saint Pius X)

BBC - Will & Testament: The politics of religion
(William Crawley, BBC)

Boundaries of freedom
(Ajaz Ahmed, Arab News)

Christian clerics alarmed at growing threats, persecution in Turkey
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Dalai Lama slams Beijing for immolations
(Radio Free Asia)

Distributing religious literature at schools? Bad idea
(Simon Brown, Opposing Views)

EC justice head says will probe Hungarian church law further

Hanoi authorities and police assault Catholic orphanage, a priest in a coma
(Trung Tin ,

IDF’s religion problem displayed in assault
(Liel Leibovitz, Tablet Magazine)

In Morocco, suicide, uproar over marriage law tests Islamist government
(Edward Cody , The Washington Post)

Islam without extremes: A Muslim case for liberty
(Mustafa Akyol by Jeffrey Tucker, YouTube Inverview)

Killings heighten ethnic tensions in Macedonia
(Matthew Brunwasser, New York Times)

Mosque growth study good news for Americans
(Reverend Chloe Breyer, Common Ground News Service)

Nigeria: Religious leaders urge Nigerians to embrace peace, unity

Nigeria: Stop using religion to destabilize south-west, ACN warns PDP
(Nnamdi Ojiego, All Africa)

Norway: Mass-Murderer Breivik Feared To Use Trial To Showcase Radical Views
(PanArmenian, Eursia Review)

Open letter to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban : "NO" to the new law on religions
(Willy Fautré et al., New Europe)

Outflanking the Bishops Conference on the right
(Mark L. Mosvesian, CLR Forum)

Parents' wishes count on denominational schools
(Ronan Mullen, The Irish Times)

Protests in name of religion a dangerous trend: PC
(Zee News)

Religion in U.S. foreign policy, pt. 1
(annasu, CLR Forum)

Religious liberty vs. secularism in modern Turkey
(Dr. Bruce Prescott, Mainstream Baptist)

Terror group aims to rid Somalia of Christians
(Sandi Roberts , The Examiner)

Tourism trumps Islam in Tunisia
(Gabe Kahn, Israel National News)

Will the tragedy in Toulouse unite France?
(Rabbi François Garai, Common Ground News Service)

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Fr Lazzarotto and the future of the Church in China
(Angelo S. Lazzarotto,

Guest column: Keep religion and public schools separated
(Patrick Hughes, St.

Hundreds Attend Anti-Islam Rally in Waukesha
(Rory Linnane, Brookfield Patch)

Ignorance of Europe, how long can it take?
(Weronika, Europe News)

Indonesian-Egyptian dialogue tackles contemporary political Islam
(Ahmed Mahmoud, English Ahram)

Losing our religion
(Klaus Vella Bardon, The Sunday Times of Malta)

Mufti says ignoring traffic law is sinful
(Anna Zacharias, The National)

Muslim opposition grows to religious freedom nominee
(Lauren Markoe, The Christian Century)

My Take: Catholics bishops against the common good
(Stephen Prothero, CNN Belief Blog)

Patriarch Kirill: Easter is a day of great hopes
(Milena Faustova, VOR, Eurasia Review)

Petition seeks fix for mandate problem
(Catholic Sentinel)

Quillen: The latest in stupid ideas to amend our constitution: OpEd
(Ed Quillen, Denver Post)

Religion and private life clash in Rockwall
(The Daily Campus)

Religion still has a role to play: OpEd
(Philadelphia Inquirer)

Religious extremism: PDP, Christian leaders warn Aregbesola • I have told Presidency of plans to implicate me - Aregbesola
(Stephen Gbadamosi and Adewale Ajayi, Sunday Tribune [Nigeria])

Religious leaders appeal for peace
(The Hindu Times [Pakistan])

Religious liberty advocates watch court case
(Brian Fraga, Our Sunday Visitor)

Russia: Duma to guard Christianity: MPs battle ‘evil’ ideologies
(RT, Eurasia Review)

Smith and RFRA and the bishops’ claims
(Cathleen Kaveny, Commonweal)

Spratly monks to pray for ‘Vietnamese souls’
(RFA, Eurasia Review)

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