Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

HHS Secretary: No legal memo on religious freedom issues in birth control mandate
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Hindus upset at Wesleyan Univ. posters banning Holi celebrants’ entry to student center
(Eurasia Review)

House candidate and rising GOP star is black, female - and Mormon
(Dan Gilgoff, CNN Belief Blog)

Irish government to give full legal status to Pagan weddings
(Patrick Counihan, Irish Central)

June issue of The Review of Faith & International Affairs will focus on "Religion and American Exceptionalism"
(Institute for Global Engagement)

Palestinian Christians against the occupation
(Philip Farah, Huffingtonpost)

Pastor, 20 worshippers killed in Nigeria church attacks
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Priests must break confessional seal: Irish government introduces anticipated bill
(Hilary Whie, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Pro-Divestment group seeks rebound in plenary after committee rejection
(Jeff Walton, The Institute on Religion and Democracy)

Religion and taxes: Lawmakers eye ND measures

Religious freedom - A vanishing right in Middle East, Africa
(Open Doors USA, The Sacramento Bee)

Sibelius' Constitution
(Editorial, The New York Sun)

Turkey: Selective progress on conscientious objection
(Mine Yildirim, Forum 18 News Service)

Monday, 30 April 2012

'Let women in hijab in Olympics', FIFA VP tells AFP

'Religious Freedom' amendment combustible mix of religion, politics
(The St. Augustine Record)

“Guest workers” of Peter the Great’s time
(Mikhail Aristov, The Voice of Russia)

Beyond establishment
(Lori G. Beaman, The Immanent Frame)

Beyond establishment, via culture
(Matthew Cantirino, First Things)

China promotes Buddhist protege
(ENI , The Christian Century)

Cincinnati woman's suit may refine limits on rules for church-school teachers
(Associated Press,

Column: Church closes racial divide
(Tom Krattenmaker, USA Today)

Florida voters face choice over religion, politics
(Anthony Man, Orlando Sun Sentinel)

How religious leaders can peacefully comment on political issues
(Nathan Kaija, New Vision [Uganda])

International religious and cultural leaders convene in Kiev for interfaith forum
(The Jewish Press)

Joining church and estate
(Rachel Emma Silverman, The Wall Street Journal)

Kazakhstan: Restrictions on and punishment for spreading religious literature and faith
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Lenoir City [Tenn.] school system hit with another religion complaint from secular group
(Associated Press, The Republic)

Napolitano in Moschea, rafforzare legami con riva Sud

National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka condemns siege of mosque
(International Institute for Religious Freedom)

NCCK launches peace campaigns nationally
(Mathews Ndanyi, The Star News)

No room for religious chauvinism in Indonesia
(Pitan Daslani , Jakarta Globe)

NY Times writer defends Church teachings in online series
(Benjamin Mann, Catholic News Agency)

Ongoing religious freedom advocacy difficult, but often effective, U.S. official says
(Bettina Krause, Adventist News Network)

Open Doors USA to host panel addressing Christian persecution
(Katherine Weber, The Christian Post)

Pakistani women unite to battle religious extremism
(Malik Siraj Akbar, Huffington Post Blog)

Parents 'not being told' of religious education opt-out
(BBC News Scotland)

Poll: 25% of [Irish] parents would send kids to Church-run school
(Irish Examiner)

Put religious freedom before harmony in Indonesia, activist urges
(Michael Victor Sianipar, Jakarta Globe)

Religious freedom and contraception case headed to Supreme Court?
(Mathew N. Schmalz, The Washington Post)

Should Catholic schools be able to fire teachers over fertility treatments?
(Jennie Rothenberg Gritz, The Atlantic)

Step-by-step, the status of minorities in Turkey improves
(Turkish Weekly)

Sukuk gain as Europe ails, costs fall, religion thrives
(David Rosenberg,

Taco Bell franchisee settles EEOC suit on religious accommodation of Nazirite employee
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The politics of faith and American exceptionalism
(Mugambi Jouet, Huff Post Politics Blog)

The State and Religion in South Asia
(Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, Groundviews)

Thematic factsheets on the Court’s case-law now available in German and Russian
(ECtHR, Court Press Release)

Ukraine parliament speaker wants to see better interfaith ties
(JTA Global News)

UN urged to act on Sri Lanka Mosque attack by Buddhist Monks and closure of Hindu Temples: TGTE
(, World News Report)

Uncomfortable expressions still our right
(Mike Hinkle,

White House releases public/private guidelines
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service via The Washington Post)

Sunday, 29 April 2012

“This mandate is going to wind up in the Supreme Court"
(Elephant's Child, American Elephants: Morning in America)

ACLU studying land sale
(Evan Allen, Boston Globe)

Amendment One and an old American struggle
(Dr. H. Stephen Shoemaker, Charlotte Observer)

As religious extremists strike in Nigeria, the 7th World Congress for Religious Freedom ends on a note of resolve
( Newswire, Digital Journal)

Ask the Religion Experts: How important is the synagogue, church, mosque or other structure?
(Radhika Sekar, Ottawa Citizen)

Australia's blurred separation between church and state
(Katherine Stewart, The Guardian)

Bishop joins row over right to wear the cross
(David Barrett, The Telegraph)

China: In the midst of a growing persecution of Catholics, over 22,000 baptized on Easter
(Deacon Keith Fournier, Catholic Online)

Constitutional rights for religion and the rule of law
(Daily Ethiopia)

Corrected: Court rejects suit accusing Egyptian star of insulting Islam
(Shaimaa Fayed & Andrew Roche, Reuters)

Culture, religions clash, blend in vibrant Holy Land
(Asan Tejwani, The Commercial Appeal)

Family: Islamist activist detained in UAE
(Brian Murphy, Associated Press )

Forsaking liberty: The legal lynching of American Muslims
(Aref Assaf, NJ Voices)

Global Christian leaders denounce attack on Sudan Presbyterian church
(ENI, Eurasian Review)

In Tunisia after Arab Spring, Islamists’ new freedoms create new Muslim divide
(Marc Fisher, Washington Post)

Islamist group says it carried out Damascus bombing
(Dominic Evans, Reuters)

Kenya grenade attack on church kills 1, wounds 16
(Cathy Majtenyi , Voice of America)

London Mayor admits he failed to engage with Muslims
(Murtaza Ali Shah, The International News [Pakistan])

Montrose [TX] Episcopal church will offer same-sex blessings
(Kate Shellnutt, The Houston Chronicle via WRN)

My own religious rights are being stepped on in GOP-run Arizona: OpEd
(Linda Valdez, The Arizona Republic)

National Day of Prayer Task Force claims that atheists are awakening a 'sleeping giant'
(God Discussion)

Prayer ruling defends religious liberty for all
(Mike Meno, Sun Journal [NC])

Reason under fire in India
(James Randi, Wired Opinion)

Red Cross: 16 killed in Nigeria university attack
(Salisu Rabiu and Jon Gambrell, Associated Press )

Religious exemptions from IDF to change, says Netanyahu
(JTA, The Jewish Week)

Russian Orthodox Church is in spiritual crisis, critics say
(Sergei L. Loiko, The Kansas City Star via WRN)

Sebelius, Gowdy, nuance and the HHS Mandate – UPDATED
(Elizabeth Scalia, Patheos)

Secularists counter prayer day with National Day of Reason
(Kimberly Winston, USA Today)

Some China bishops 'usurp' church power
(Associated Press, Worldwide Religion News)

Sudan versus South Sudan: Mixing volatile oil, water and religion
(Austin Bay, Paragould Daily Press)

Tel Aviv mayor: Jewish law would turn Israel into Iran
(Amira Lam, Y Net News)

The [Russian Orthodox] Church needs a few Martin Luthers
(Yulia Latynina, Moscow Times via WRN)

The voice of normalcy in the midst of militant liberalism
(Boris Volkhonsky, The Voice of Russia Radio)

Use and abuse of religion and nationalism
(The Sunday Leader [Sri Lanka])

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Bangkok: Thai Catholic educators challenge materialism and moral crisis
(Weena Kowitwanij ,

Canada muslims plan interfaith dialogue
(OnIslam Newspaper)

Cursing Is legal (at least, for now, in Texas…)
(Peter Berget, The American Interest)

ECHR may revise anti-headscarf ruling in Turkish case
(Cihan, World Bulletin)

God and man in Tennessee: OpEd
(Amy Greene, The New York Times)

In Egypt president race, Muslim clerics seek voice
(Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press)

In vitro, out of job
(Andrew Strickler, The Daily)

Kansas protestors rally against 'Religious Freedom Act'
(Adam Strunk, The Kansas City Star)

Kuwait steps up crackdown on free speech, to monitor Internet
(Manar Ammar , Bikyamasr)

Missionary sees new perspective in Mongolia
(Jenae Pauls, McPherson Sentinel)

President Obama defends contraception mandate
(Joel Gehrke, The Washington Examiner)

The church and the sisters: What is really happening?
(Ann Carey, The Catholic World Report)

Friday, 27 April 2012

'Legal war' for IRS if churches are attacked for speaking out on issues
(Tom Ciesielka, Christian Newswire)

As politicians talk more about faith, voters seem to want less
(Lisa Desjardins, CNN)

Bible school, church buildings attacked in Sudan
(Compass Direct News)

Bishop Jenky’s assessment of religious liberty battle raises question about historical analogy
(John Burger, National Catholic Reporter)

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