Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 22 June 2012

Catholic group calls lesbians' suit vs. Harrison hospital an attack on religious liberty
(Ned P. Rauch, The Journal News)

China should embrace house churches
( Lijia Zhang, The Guardian)

European Court of Human Rights announces inadmissibility in Hizb Ut-Tahrir and Others v. Germany

How religion fosters freedom
(Colleen Carroll Campbell, STL Today)

Imam training good for Germany, Muslims

Is religion free?
(Michael Lambek, The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere)

Israeli synagogue vandalized with Arabic graffiti
(Associated Press )

Judaism is a way of life as well as a religion
(Joyce Fishman Klein, Independent Mail (South Carolina))

Justice Department files lawsuit against the twin cities of Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah, and local utility companies alleging religious discrimination
(United States Department of Justice)

Marzouki at Oasis: Christians, Muslims, Jews and atheists, all brothers in Tunisia
(Bernardo Cervellera,

Much-debated scholarship program for D.C. students is renewed
(Adeshina Emmanuel, The New York Times)

Orissa: 50 Hindu nationalists attack Christians. Fear of new pogroms
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Politics of headscarves
(UCSB, edhat Santa Barbara)

Raelians banned from displaying ancient swastikas in Germany on 'World Swastika Rehabilitation Day'
(PR Newswire)

Religion has a role in restoring civility to our society
(Helen Gray, The Montreal Gazette)

Religion without holes
(Elizabeth Waibel, Jackson Free Press)

Religious liberty: A cause for all seasons
(Ashley E. McGuire, The Washington Post)

Reviewing ‘The Harm in Hate Speech,’ by Jeremy Waldron
(Michael W. McConnell, The New York Times)

Science and religion and a fine point from Newport
(John Farrell, Forbes)

Separating fact, fiction in Vatican leaks case
(Alessandro Speciale, RNS, USA Today)

Should America be a Christian nation?
(Rob Kerby, BeliefNet News)

Time to fight back
(Carlo Strenger, Haaretz)

Thursday, 21 June 2012

A fortnight of facts about religious liberty
(Robert P. Jones, Figuring Faith, The Washington Post)

Archbishop Chaput's five points on religious freedom
(Frank Weathers, Patheos)

Baltimore archbishop opens religious liberty initiative with ‘Fortnight for Freedom’ Mass
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Church-state watchdog claims local taxpayer-funded charter school more parochial than public
(Michael Barajas, San Antonio Current)

Concerns voiced on Maine gay marriage wording
(Clarke Canfield, Associated Press, via The Boston Globe)

Content, context determine if Houston schools violated religion clause in Constitution
(Caryn Grant, The Telegraph (Georgia))

Coptic Christian ex-patriates keep a wary eye on Egyptian elections
(Lilly Fowler, RNS, via The Washington Post)

Does Hebrew National 'answer to a higher authority'?
(Renee Ghert-Zand, The Forward)

Forthcoming: The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Security
(Institute for Global Engagement)

How can religious cultures become less fundamentalist?
(Christopher Lane, Huff Post Religion Blog)

My Take: In America, equality trumps religion
(Don Bergman, Holland Sentinel)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Religion trumps business in debate over alcohol

Religious freedom: Why Americans are celebrating and defending it now
(Ryan Messmore, The Foundry)

Religious liberty is not optional
(William E. Lori, The Washington Post)

Revision of religious holidays debated in Durban
(Mail and Guardian South Africa)

Russian court refuses to free punk band
(Gabriela Baczunska, Reuters,

Rwanda: Religion leaders advised to emphasize on elections
(Gahiji Innocent,

Timbuktu Islamists open fire on aircraft
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Tunisian radicals travel to Syria
(Bouazza Ben Bouazza and Paul Schemm, Associated Press, via The Boston Globe)

Venice Commission opinion on Russian extremism law
(Human Rights Without Frontiers, Sapientia)

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

<em>Fortnight for Freedom</em> — U.S. Catholics and Religious Liberty: The Origins
(George Weigel, First Things)

Activists plea to clear civilians in Syria
(Sam Dagher and Joe Lauria, The Wall Street Journal)

Admin. discipline recommended in Quran burning
(Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press)

Baptist gathering approves statements on homosexuality and government’s treatment of religion
(Nina Cardona, Nashville Public Radio)

Catholics intensify outcry over mandate
(Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post Dispatch, via The Republic)

Chaplains safe despite High Court ruling: Roxon
(Dan Harrison and Bianca Hall, The Sydney Morning Herald)

Convert from Islam in Sudan loses wife, children
(Compass Direct News)

Did acknowledging threats to religious liberty across the globe help the bishops' cause?
(Liz Lefebvre, U.S. Catholic)

Diocese settles sex-abuse case for $2 million
(Greg Hardesty, The Orange Country Register)

Duquesne U. appeals NLRB order for union vote
(Associated Press, Times Online)

Dutch upper house rejects ban on ritual slaughter
(Reuters, The Chicago Tribune)

Episcopal clergy convicted after N.Y. 'Occupy' demonstration
(Sharon Sheridan, ENINews, Religious News Service)

Federal judge denies sweat lodge request
(Associated Press, Billings Gazette)

Government limits of religious liberty – A conversation
(Leigh Greenhaw, Interfaith Partnership/Faith Beyond Walls)

Hundreds of Muslim extremists attack Christian prayer house in Aceh
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Inter-faith delegates make appeal for religious freedom at Pakistani embassy
(John Newton, Independent Catholic News )

Irish justice minister: priests must break seal of confession in abuse cases
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Judge bars Fort Hood shooting suspect from hearing
(Associated Press,

Landmark Christian-Muslim peace summit opens in Beirut
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Lutheran federation panel denounces armed conflict in Colombia

Missionaries destroying Kashmiri culture: Muslim leader
(UCAN India)

Muslims oppose move to ban religion in gov't
(Carine Era Asutilla, ABS-CBN)

Nigeria: Killings - Nigeria running out of time — Bishop Kukah
(Midat Joseph,

Open Doors USA launches new campaign toward Religious Freedom
(SOP Newswire)

Quest for Unity: EU's model and Islam (Caliphate)
(Engr. Sharique Naeem, New Civilisation)

Religion extensively used for political control in the Maldives
((Yameen Rasheed, Himal Magazine), Minivan News [Maldives])

Religion, marriage, and the economy: An interview with Bishop Gene Robinson
(Sally Steenland, Center for American Progress)

Saudi man executed for 'witchcraft and sorcery'

Texas town defies atheist group, reinstitutes prayer at government meetings
(Dave Bohon, The New American)

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

"Allah, Liberty And Love": Malaysian charged with selling Canadian author Irshad Manji's banned book
(The Associated Press, Huffington Post)

[VOICE] Can Korea ever accept homosexuals?
(The Korea Herald)

Archbishop says Catholic Church in U.S. living in 'challenging period'
(Shelia M. Poole, McClatchy Newspapers, The Republic)

Canadian university under attack for maintaining Christian ethos
(Christian Concern)

Christian business sued for 'religious discrimination' over Bible study?
(Michael Gryboski , Christian Post)

Christian graves desecrated in Karachi
(UCA News)

Egyptians, awaiting poll result, rally against military
(Matt Bradley, Charles Levinson, and Tamer El-Ghobashy, The Wall Street Journal)

Experts warn about growing global crisis of religious freedom
(Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency)

Gene Robinson dismisses religious liberty concerns as a “red herring”
(Julia Polese IRD, Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans)

Human rights worker 'insufficiently religious'
(Lucile Scott, Courthouse News Service)

In Australia, churches speak out on gay marriage
(David Crampton, Episcopal News Service)

Islamist party leader arrested for war crimes: Special tribunal accuses Mir Kashem Ali of running torture cell
(UCA News)

It isn’t just that Cameron is wrong when he claims we won’t be forced to conduct ‘gay marriages’ in church: that’s just what he’s telling his constituents
(William Oddie, Catholic

Let religious freedom ring: Stop the assault on our First Freedom
(Factsheet, The Heritage Foundation)

Peter Singer attacks religious freedom
(Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke, First Things)

Reprisal killings follow Nigeria church attacks
(Associated Press, Wall Street Journal)

Russia: "An attempt to revive total ideological control"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

Senate says no to ban on ritual slaughter

Should government protect religion done “on Sunday in church”?
(Ryan Messmore, The Foundry)

State, church dispute flares over Pa. child care
(Marc Levy, The Associated Press)

Turkish mosques begin makeovers to accommodate, welcome women
(Public Radio International)

WCC forum focuses on poverty, wealth and ecology
(World Council of Churches News)

Monday, 18 June 2012

‘God Bless the USA,’ except in our schools?
( Jordan Sekulow and Matthew Clark, Washington Post)

25 dead in Nigeria after multiple attacks by sect
(HARUNA UMAR and YINKA IBUKUN , Associated Press)

Al-Shabaab trained terrorist pleads guilty In Manhattan
(Jim Kouri, Eurasia Review)

B.C. Supreme Court strikes down assisted suicide ban
(CTV Ottawa)

CALIR: Sobre la negativa a transfusión de sangre (Statement on Argentinian Supreme Court decision concerning living will about medical treatments)
(Consejo Argentino para la Libertad Religiosa)

Catholic Health Association rejects Obama's birth control compromise
(David Gibson, Religion News Service, Huff Post Religion)

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