Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 30 July 2012

Public appointments in Northern Ireland: update
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Reevaluating interfaith dialogue
(Steven Shashoua, Common Ground News Service)

Religious education - should students have more choice?
(Andrew Jones, The Guardian)

Russia: "Absurd bans"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

State Department warns of poor religious freedoms in Egypt, China, Europe
(Elise Labott, CNN)

Swiss legal experts divided over circumcision
(Sophie Douez, Swiss Info)

Syria and the idea of an Assad Alawite state
(Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, Arab News)

The EU and Russia hold human rights consultations
(Press Release, European Union)

The firm's freedom out of respect for religion
(L'Osseratore Romano)

The war on workers' religious liberty
(Amanda Marcotte, RH Reality Check)

Tunisia: Hardline Islam threatens democracy gains
(Paul Schemm, Associated Press)

U.S. State Department: Religious freedom low in Afghanistan, Pakistan
(Bradley Klapper, Huff Post Religion)

UN raises alarm at Myanmar Muslim crackdown
(The International News (Pakistan))

Unlikely Vietnam considers same-sex marriage
(Margie Mason, Associated Press)

Saturday, 28 July 2012

A critical review of the photo exhibition “Different families, same love”, hosted by the European Commission – Parts Three & Four
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

A federal court ruled against the contraceptive mandate. Here’s what happens next.
(Sarah Kliff, The Washington Post (Ezra Klein's Wonkblog))

Aregbesola preaches inter-faith peace
(Business Day (Nigeria))

Christian, Muslim villagers clash in Egypt
(Associated Press)

City forced to remove cross from their logo after out-of-state atheists threaten to sue
(Nina Golgowski, Daily Mail)

Defining religious liberty down
(Ross Douhat, The New York Times Sunday Review)

Faith leaders at White House AIDS forum emphasize need for partnerships
(Ecumenical News International)

France : le « guide du Ramadan » ou comment faire du prosélytisme au sein des entreprises
(European Dignity Watch, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Hindu groups protest against ‘mosque’
(The Times of India)

I'll legalise gay marriage by 2015, vows Cameron: PM warns opponents from the Church 'not to lock people out'
(Mail Online)

Iran: Police to enforce strict Ramadan rules
(Kevin J. Jones, Radio Zamaneh v. Eurasia Review)

Judge blocks contraception mandate in religious liberty lawsuit
(Joel Gehrke, The Washington Examiner)

Many religions call London home
(Elaine Gaston, Baptist Press)

Muslim group regains tax-exempt status
(Bob Smietana, USA Today)

Nigeria’s troubles getting worse
(The Economist)

Olympic Values Symposium in London
(Reported by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World)

Outlawing God? The limits of religious freedom
(Rachel Marcus, UK Human Rights Blog)

Religion without morality?
(Ghazi Salahuddin, The International News (Pakistan))

Rockland County parents ask state to oust 5 Orthodox Jews on school board
(Peter Applebome, The New York Times)

Secretary Clinton to deliver remarks on the state of international religious freedom
(US State Department)

Soccer, sports and (head) scarves: Not just about freedom of religion
(Marianne Mollmann, Huffington Post)

Friday, 27 July 2012

A bishop challenges Beijing
(The Wall Street Journal (Review & Outlook))

All faiths contribute to U.S. strength, Panetta says
(Cheryl Pellerin, U.S. Department of Defense)

Austria's religious leaders defend circumcision
(Reuters, Chicago Tribune)

China: Govt punishes Heilongjiang priests
(UCA News)

Christians and Jews face hard choices over archbishop and chief rabbi roles
(Jonathan Romain, The Guardian)

City of Steubenville agrees to remove religious symbol from logo
(Andrew Kennett,

DOJ to Colorado family: Give up your religion or your business
(Terence P. Jeffrey, Catholic Online)

English law trumps Sharia, rules Appeal Court Judge
(The Christian Institute)

Grassroots peacebuilding will continue to encourage religious harmony in Egypt
(Andrew P. Klager, Ph.D., Huff Post Religion)

Kentucky Court of Appeals upholds Lexington Theological Seminary's dismissal of professors
(Peter Smith, Courier Journal)

Little voter discomfort with Romney’s Mormon religion
(Religion & Politics 2012, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Pew: Many Americans don't know religion of either presidential candidate
(Dan Gilgoff, CNN)

Religion playing strong role in background of Olympic Games
(ENInews Staff, Episcopal News Service)

Survey examines how religious values shape black, Hispanic Catholics' attitudes
(Zoe Ryan, National Catholic Reporter)

Talks under way on headscarf for Saudi Judoka
(Maria Cheng, Associated Press)

The assault on Chick-fil-A
(Betsy Woodruff, National Review Online)

US weighs options to drive Al-Qaida from Mali
(Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press)

Thursday, 26 July 2012

'Bars for Ramadan' list sparks protest in Dubai
(Tim Hume, CNN)

A critical review of the photo exhibition “Different families, same love”, hosted by the European Commission
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

A critical review of the photo exhibition “Different families, same love”, hosted by the European Commission – Part Two
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Accused Fort Hood shooter Hasan found in contempt of court
(Chie Saito, YNN )

Aceh, Christians protest over burned church and authorities inertia
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Alien poster campaign’s anti-religious message
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Brit-Indian teacher sues Catholic school for 'torrent of racist abuses'
(Asia News International)

Gaza Christians fear for future of tiny community
(Ibrahim Barzak and Diaa Hadid, Associated Press)

Hospitals in Austria and Switzerland suspend circumcision
(Associated Press, The Guardian)

In power, Egypt's Brotherhood seeks balance on Islamic law
(Tom Perry, Reuters)

Indian law vs personal law: A Muslim child marriage focuses debate
(G Pramod Kumar, First Post India)

L’église historique de Nicée redevient une mosquée
(J Panev, Orthodoxie)

Loudoun supervisors approve religious display on courthouse grounds
(Caitlin Gibson, The Washington Post)

Mauritanian imams learn to counter bigotry
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Nigeria Muslims, Christians share Iftar

No transplant for woman in religious freedom case
(The Spokesman-Review (Kansas))

Obama appoints first Mormon to White House faith-based council
(Daniel Burke, Religion News Service)

Papers in Religious Liberty

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Religion news in brief
(The Washington Post)

Russia’s first Muslim TV to go on air in August
(Damir Mukhetdinov, Russia’s First Muslim TV to Go on Air in August)

Saudi female judoka not allowed to wear headscarf
(Maria Cheng, Associated Press)

Should a judge prevent a man from attending his church
(Tim Townsend, Washington Post)

Somalia constitution allows abortion to save mom
(Abdi Guled and Jason Straziuso, Associated Press)

Stanford Law School's Allen Weiner files petition with United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on behalf of seventeen Vietnamese social and political activists
(PR Newswire)

The German judge v. Genesis 17:10
(Josef Joffe, The Wall Street Journal)

USCIRF urges China to end restrictions and violence during Ramadan

Violence topples Nigeria’s ‘bridge’
(Compass Direct News)

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

“New religious movements”, freedom of expression – and divided opinions
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Africa: Religious leaders pledge support in fight against domestic violence
(Rebecca Davies, All Africa)

Burma's monks call for Muslim community to be shunned
(Hanna Hindstrom, The Independent)

Church calls for end to anti-Christian violence in India

Church of Scientology defeats human-trafficking claims case
(Terry Baynes, Reuters)

CRS says funding for humanitarian aid did not violate church teaching
(Dennis Sadowski, U.S. Catholic)

ECtHR Grand Chamber to decide seminal church autonomy case
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Faith and freedom: Religious minorities in Egypt and the U.S.
(Calvin Skaggs, CPWR)

Khadr confident of Canada's religious freedom in interview Toews wants to see
(Colin Perkel, The Vancouver Sun)

Missouri bishops support proposed ‘right to pray’ amendment on ballot
(CNS, The Catholic Telegraph)

Morocco indicts imam for ‘inciting murder’
(Mohamed Saadouni, Magharebia)

New case study: “Muslim community needs more space to pray”
(International Network on Religions and Mediation in Urban Areas)

Politics of religious freedom in South Africa
(Waheeda Amien, The Immanent Frame)

Religious freedom’s legal and moral basis
(Melissa Moschella, Public Discourse - The Witherspoon Institute)

Religious liberty fight could shut down the government?
(Campus Notes, Cardinal Newman Society)

Resources from the Sikh scriptures for conflict mediation
(International Network on Religions and Mediation in Urban Areas)

Rohingyas face ‘genocide’: house speaker
(Ryan Dagur, UCA News)

Ruling for compulsory religion class stirs row
(Erdem Güneş, Hürriyet Daily News)

Saudi Cabinet: Makkah summit to help strengthen Islamic unity
(Arab News)

Scotland throws down equality gauntlet as it announces plans to allow same sex marriages
(Jerome Taylor, The Independent)

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