Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 16 August 2012

When majority fasts, social taboos force Ramadan violators underground
(Diaa Hadid, The Associated Press, Winnipeg Free Press)

World Congress of Families leadership letter protests U.S. Embassy participation in Prague “gay pride” parade
(Press Release, The World Congress of Families)

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Al Qaeda in Spain: Alive, well and making trouble
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Commentary: Stand up for religious minorities in Middle East
(Katrina Lantos Swett, The Detroit News)

Double standard in the Turkish justice system
(Hilal Elver, Today)

Ethiopia - Prominent Muslims detained in crackdown
(Human Rights Watch)

Ex-Syrian PM: Assad government 'Enemy of God'
(Lisa Schlein, Edward Yeranian, Voice of America)

FBI Muslim spying lawsuit against U.S. is tossed by judge
(Victoria Kim, Los Angeles Times)

Fired pastor can pursue breach-of-contract claim
(David L. Hudson Jr., First Amendment Center)

Gay marriage: warning of threat to religious liberty
(The Christian Institute)

Global Index of Religion and Atheism – 2012
(Press Release, WIN-Gallup International)

Guesthouse couple win right to appeal
(Press Association, The Guardian)

Hindus hail Russian prosecutors' statement of not seeking Bhagavad Gita Ban
(Eurasia Review)

Hindus leave Pakistan for India amid claims of persecution
(Deutsche Welle)

Inside the First Amendment: Religion a nonfactor in presidential race
(Charles C. Haynes, Green Bay Press Gazette)

My Take: Christianity and Ayn Rand's philosophy are 2 distinct religions
(Stephen Prothero, CNN Belief Blog)

New ECHR publications
(Antoine Buyse, ECHR Blog)

Nigeria: Boko Haram not religious group – Junaid Mohammed
(Soni Daniel, All Africa)

Sect pastor is convicted of assisting in abduction
(Erik Eckholm, The New York Times)

Shen rejects atheist threat over two songs
(Scott Waldman, Times Union (Albany, New York))

The persecuted Rohingyas of Myanmar: Need for political accommodation and India's role
(Gautam Sen, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses)

Tunisia: Springtime for defamation of religion
(Robert Blitt, The Jurist - Forum)

Tunisian Olympians targeted by Islamist radicals
(Associated Press,

Woman suing El Al for NIS 50k over seat snafu
(David Lev, Arutz Sheva)

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

'Prosperity gospel' attracts many African Christians
(Samuel Okocha and Misheck Rusere, ENInews)

Attacking Shariah, attacking religious freedom
(Dr. Zahid Bukhari , The Nation)

Attorney makes defending religious liberty his mission
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Bahrain uprising: Police fire tear gas, rubber bullets on protesters

Calling the banns in Scotland: a curiosity for canon law anoraks
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

German city to recognize Islamic holidays
(Associated Press)

Hindu groups demand ban on Muslim bodies
(Daily News)

In Burma, violence against Muslim minority stumbles into the spotlight
(Azad Essa, Guardian)

Islamic group asks for investigation of pig legs at mosque site
(Rebecca Trounson, Los Angeles Times)

Jury gets case in VT same-sex custody dispute
(Associated Press)

Liberia: Lawmakers want more subsidies for Catholic, Methodist schools

Mali stonings galvanise citizens against extremists
(Jemal Oumar & Nazim Fethi, Magharebia)

Moroccans becoming ‘less religious,’ reveals report
(Hassan Al-Ashraf, Al Arabiya)

Muslim former employee sues Disney for discrimination

National action plan for tackling child abuse linked to faith or belief
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Orthodox mobilize to defend circumcision
(Josh Nathan-Kazis, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Pakistan's independence celebrations omit Jinnah's words on tolerance
(Jon Boone, The Guardian)

Parents who believe in miracles 'torturing' dying children, doctors warn
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Poll shows atheism on the rise in the U.S.
(Kimberly Winston, Washington Post)

Possible infringement proceedings against Russia
(Antoine Buyse, ECHR Blog)

Reformed Islamist extremist spreads virtues of democracy through Pakistan
(Charlotte Higgins, Guardian)

Religiosity slides worldwide
(Tom Heneghan, Ottawa Citizen)

Report highlights Islam’s global diversity
(Chris Lisee, Washington Post)

Tajikistan: Islamic party under pressure
(Eurasia Net)

The strange case of Anand Krishna: Indonesian Supreme Court throws out innocent verdict for spiritualist, sentencing him to 2.5 years of prison
(Bali Discovery Tours)

Tunisians demonstrate for women’s rights in new constitution
(Al Arabiya News)

Uzbekistan: Asphyxiation with a gas mask "amounts to torture"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Vatican: Formal charges in Vatican leaks inquiry
(Vatican Radio)

Women-only city planned In Saudi Arabia to bolster female employment
(Howard Koplowitz, International Business Times)

Yes, they can do that in public school
(Drew Zahn, WND Education)

Monday, 13 August 2012

OIC to expel 'murderous' Syrian regime
(Siraj Wahab, MENAFN – Arab News)

2011 religious freedom trends
(Voice of America)

Atheist billboards mock Romney, Obama religion
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Faith & Reason, USA Today)

Bishop Jenky files lawsuit against Obama administration over mandate
(The Catholic Post)

Chechen leader Kadyrov aims to be guardian of relics of Prophet Muhammad
(Zach Peterson for RFE/RL, Eurasia Review)

Commentary: The shifting sands of religious liberty
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post via Salt Lake Tribune)

Complaints prompt water park to end discounts for church groups
(KBND News Talk)

Conflict in Syria: The regional fall-out – Analysis
(James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review)

Egypt's Morsi replaces military chiefs in bid to consolidate power
(Ernesto Londoño, The Washington Post)

FFRF and Whiteville settle lawsuit over crosses
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Institutionalized Islamophobia in US
(Rob L. Wagner, Arab News)

Kazakhstan: "Unlawful" fine – but will state do anything about it?
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Liberty Counsel sending religious freedom handbook to every public school in America
(Liberty Counsel)

Muslim-Coptic violence resumes in Egypt
(Chana Ya'ar, Israel National News)

Nigeria: 88 percent of 137 religious-motivated attacks targeted Christians
(Christiana T. Alabi,

Nigerian states propose religion limits as gunmen kill 19 at Bible study
(Jeremy Weber, with Sunday Oguntola in Lagos, Christianity Today)

Nominations for ABA Journal's top 100 legal blogs now open
(ABA Journal)

OIC Extraordinary Summit — empty unity in the absence of a caliphate?
(M A Niazi, New Civilisation)

Olympics 2012: Religion and Law round-up
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

President Obama hosts fourth annual Iftar dinner at the White House
(Katelyn Sabochik, White House)

Public benefit and the Charity Commission’s consultation
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Russian Orthodox Church defiant over trial of female punk rock band
(Tom Esslemont, BBC News)

School stands firm on 'God Bless America'
(Bob Kellogg, OneNewsNow)

Taiwan's first same-sex wedding deld at Buddhist monastery
(Huffington Post)

Tatarstan cracks down on radical Islam after mufti attacks
(Claire Bigg, Alsu Kurmasheva, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

The connection between human rights and faith
(Sonya Nigam, Canadian Lawyer Magazine)

The European Court of Human Rights and free speech schizophrenia
(Tommaso Virgili, The American Thinker)

The Sinai joins the Axis of Resistance – OpEd
(Franklin Lamb, Eurasia Review)

Tibet: Third burning death in a week
(Translated by Karma Dorjee. Written in English by Parameswaran Ponnudurai, Radio Free Asia)

Turkey faces downgrade
(Luke Montgomery, Washington Times)

Zimbabwe's president calls for an end to violence
(Angus Shaw, Associated Press)

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Appeal to the Constitutional Court likely against Belgian new « Anti-Sect » Law
(HRWF, Freedom of Conscience)

Clegg set to open the way for churches to hold gay marriages
(Andrew Grice, The Independent [UK])

Dalai Lama, Twitter rock star: The virtual influence of His Holiness
(Melinda Liu, The Daily Beast)

Dalit Christians observe ‘black day’
(Bijay Kumar Minj, UCAN India)

Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei joins Instagram, posts pics
(Kate Freeman, Mashable Social Media)

Obama: Attack at Sikh temple assails religion
(CBS News)

Obamacare’s attack on religious rights of entrepreneurs
(Wesley J. Smith, First Things)

Pakistan's extremists whip up frenzy over Burma's Muslims
(Taha Siddiqui, The Christian Science Monitor)

Protect religious freedom in Egypt
(Voice of America News)

Religious tolerance in a changing world
(Naomi Lede, The Huntsville Item)

Russian rulers get religion
(Cathy Young, The Boston Globe)

US, Turkey plan for worst-case scenarios in Syria
(Matthew Lee, Associated Press)

Friday, 10 August 2012

9th Circuit torpedoes verdict in wiretapping case brought by Islamic charity
(Scott Graham, The Recorder)

Azerbaijan: Ramadan mosque bans, JW jailed, Church ban upheld
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Bishops in the Lords: a non-English perspective
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

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