Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Hezbollah leads massive anti-US protest in Lebanon
(Zeina Karam, Associated Press)

Islamist bullying works: Germany considering a ban on showing of anti-Muslim film
(Tibbi Singer, Jewish Press)

Judge reinstates contempt charges for Somali woman
(Amy Forliti, Associated Press v. San Francisco Chronicle)

Judge: SD prison tobacco ban curbs religion rights
(Dirk Lammers, Huff Post Politics)

Moderate and hardline Muslims struggle within popular rage against anti-Islam film and America
(Brian Murphy, Huffington Post)

Muhammad cartoons: how freedom of expression is curtailed across the globe
(Owen Bowcott, The Guardian)

Muslim riots reach Europe: Free speech under threat
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

National Council of Churches approves restructuring recommendation
(ENInews, Episcopal News Service)

New Mexico jury awards $280,000 to employee who claimed his boss pushed religion on him
(The Republic)

No sale of chicken, fish during Jain festival, rules HC
(Express India News Service)

President Obama: “My commitment to protecting religious liberty is and always will be unwavering”
(Institute on Religion & Democracy)

President Obama's Rosh Hashanah greeting
(White House, Office of the Press Secretary)

Prophet Mohammed cartoons to be published in Paris – Police at ready
(Malkah Fleisher, Jewish Press)

Religious freedom veto in Missouri overturned
(Catholic San Francisco)

Report says religion at heart of illegal ivory trade
(Jeanie Groh, The Washington Post)

Some religious leaders see a threat as Europe grows more secular
(Jack Ewing, The New York Times)

South African church leaders plead for mining dispute resolution
(Munyaradzi Makoni, ENInews v. Episcopal News Service)

Univ. of Tenn.: Prayer before games not unconstitutional

Universal periodic review of Indonesia at Human Rights Council
(Press Release, Human Rights First)

US House passes bill to promote human rights in Vietnam
(Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency)

Why Eric Pickles is in a pickle over religion
(Nelson Jones, New Statesman)

Why the vitriol when discussing religious liberty today?
(Bill Tammeus, National Catholic Reporter)

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

An open letter to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi regarding the Rohingya issue
(Aung Aung Oo, Eurasia Review)

As Muslims rage, churches hit Pakistan blasphemy law
(Robert Evans, Reuters)

Burmese gov't fosters religious intolerance: US official
(Lalit K Jha, The Irrawaddy)

Controversial writer Rushdie releases memoirs as anti-Islam film protests rage
(Jakarta Globe)

Former diplomat prods US to widen worldwide religious freedom efforts
(Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service)

Free speech, religion clash over anti-Muslim film
(Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press)

Hezbollah warns US over film as protests spread
(Agence France-Presse, Jakarta Globe)

In the courts, equality trumps tolerance
(Jon Holbrook, Spiked Online)

Indonesian president urges UN and OIC to issue regulations against religious defamation
(Jakarta Globe)

Is Islamic ideology totalitarian?
(Michael Curtis, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Israeli police intolerant of Christianity: clergyman
(Adrian Bloomfield, The Daily Telegraph, National Post)

Libya: Video shows Libyans trying to rescue U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens

Religious education should not be an oxymoron
(Charles Negy, PhD, Huff Post Colleg)

Religious liberty, hate and every American's rights
(Tony Perkins, William G. Boykin, J. Kenneth Blackwell, Fox News)

Remarks by Denis McDonough on international religious freedom
(Denis McDonough, The White House)

Same-sex marriage issue heats up in France as introduction of legislation nears
(Jeanne Smits, LifeSiteNews)

Strasbourg applications: some aspects of the “six months” rule
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

The last three months: “law and religion” in 100 posts?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Turkey’s "problematic" secular and religious cultures
(Dr. Nazila Isgandarova, Turkish Weekly)

UK Channel 4 film controversy suggests media may be the problem, and solution, to image of Islam
(Nihal Magdy, Common Ground News)

UN faults 16 gov'ts for reprisals against critics
(John Heilprin, Huffington Post)

US urged to take action against filmmaker
(The News)

Uzbekistan: "Leave only one spoon, one mug and one mattress for each"
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

When politics gets trumped by religion
( David Macaray, Huffington Post)

Monday, 17 September 2012

Anti-Islam film an exception to free speech protection – OpEd
(Rob L. Wagner, Eurasia Review)

Change of Pakistan's blasphemy laws unlikely
(Rebecca Santana, The Seattle Times)

Child of polygamous marriage refused entry to UK
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

EEOC posts web page on employment discrimination against Muslims and Sikhs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

FFRF sues to remove decalogue from Pa. high school
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Greater religious freedom for Christians in India – OpEd
(Benjamin Bull, The Christian Post)

Happy Constitution Day everyone!
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Freedom)

How do you “exhaust local remedies” for the purpose of applying to Strasbourg?
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Is a truce between religions possible?
(Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, Arab News)

Law's Virtues: Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society - 20 September 2012
(Event (Cathleen Kaveny), Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Leading Sunni clerics demand global ban on insults to Islam
(Patrick Goodenough, CNS News)

Middle East violence no excuse for vile provocation
(Ernest Corea, ISN Insights, Eurasia Review)

Mob rule replaces rule of law
(Shiraz Maher, Gatestone Institute)

My Take: It’s time for Islamophobic evangelicals to choose
(Brian D. McLaren, CNN Belief Blog)

Nasrallah calls for ban on attacks on religion
(Tehran Times)

Ontario Christian dad fighting for parental rights smeared in local press
(Thaddeus Baklinski, LifeSiteNews)

Protests over contentious film spread to Afghanistan, Indonesia
(Matthew Rosenberg, The New York Times)

Publication Schedule: Look for the next new posting on Religion Clause on Wednesday morning
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Racism, anti-Mormonism won't affect election, expert believes
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Salman Rushdie: Free speech under threat from 'religious extremists'
(Daily News)

Selected list of pending and resolved cases alleging religious and national origin discrimination involving the Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Middle Eastern and South Asian communities (as of September 10, 2012)

Syria's battle in Aleppo takes on religious tone
(David Enders, Seattle Times)

The wrongs of human rights
(Jonathan Fisher, The Jewish Chronicle)

Tunisians condemn US embassy attack
(Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia)

UK churches fear being 'forced' to perform same-sex ceremonies
(Myles Collier, CP Europe)

Uzbekistan: "Sacred primary source of one of world's major religions" destroyed
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18)

Violent anti-U.S. protests continue in Pakistan
(CBS News)

Would-be frat house can't sell monastery line
(Lorraine Bailey, Courthouse News Service)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Religious minority oppression is not helped by hate
(Jeffrey Imm, Pakistan Christian Post)

A fight against religious extremism
(Ahmed Salah, Washington Post)

After anti-Islam movie, Egypt’s Christians anxious watching Islamists’ street mobilization
(Washington Post)

Amish Shunning is central to Ohio hate crime trial
(John Seewer, Associated Press)

Anger for Islam ties players behind prophet film
(Michael R. Blood, Associated Press)

Beyond religion: Getting to the heart of the violence
(Manal Omar, CBS News)

California Muslims feel cold front
(Tamara Audi, Wall Street Journal)

Denouncing city’s move to regulate circumcision
(Sharon Otterman, New York Times)

Egypt's Christians anxious about anti-Islam film, Coptic community anticipate troubles
(Maggie Michael, Huff Post Religion)

Is religion good for women?
(Bettany Hughes, BBC News)

Landmark ruling for oppressed Christians
(Eurasia Review)

Latest developments on anti-Islam film protests
(Associated Press)

Lebanon Christians feel under siege; find hope in pope
(Samia Nakhoul, Reuters)

Mali opens probe into preacher slayings
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Our values: Freedom of speech or of religion?
(Jeremy Waldron, The Brian Lehrer Show (WNYC audio))

Pope calls for religious freedom in Middle East
(Associated Press, Time World)

Protesters burn flags outside US embassy in London
(The Telegraph)

Protesters set fire to U.S. school in Tunis

Protests against anti-Islam film spread; assaults on US, Western embassies and peacekeepers
(Washington Post)

Religious faith cannot be allowed to make us unequal before the law
(Graeme Archer, The Telegraph)

Religious group Media for Christ made Mohammed film
(Leila Macor, The Australian)

ROAC appeal against arbitration court online
(Dn Joseph Suaiden, NFTU)

Settlement will allow Va. inmates to grow beards
(Associated Press,

Terry Jones asked by Pentagon to stop support of Anti-Islam film
(Jeff Schapiro, Christian Post)

Turkish professor given prison sentence over headscarf ban
(Today's Zaman)

Where's the reaction from the US religious community?
(Global Post)

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