Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Vietnam struggles to crack down on activist blogs
(Chris Brummitt, Associated Press)

We are all blasphemers: A response to Eric Posner
(Greg Lukianoff, Huff Post College)

Why Turkey will never join the EU
(Andrew C. McCarthy, Assyrian International News Agency)

Friday, 28 September 2012

Blasphemy - the limits of freedom of expression (II)
(Na-Allah Mohammed Zagga, All Africa)

Christians suspend protest against Bollywood movie
(UCA News)

Controversies over mosques and Islamic Centers across the U.S.
(The Pew Forum)

FFRF takes Ten Commandments to court
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Italy, Jordan push religious tolerance initiative
(Associated Press)

Let churches hold gay weddings, says Labour leader

Morristown, Amish settle building code dispute
(Watertown Daily Times)

Nigeria says its push against the Boko Haram Islamists is paying off
(Louis Charbonneau, Reuters)

Nigeria stops pilgrimages to Mecca over women row

Northwestern faces claim of Jewish bias
(Lorraine Bailey, Courthouse News Service)

Pakistan bounty on anti-Islam filmmaker: Government distances self from minister's offer
(Rebecca Santana, Huff Post World)

Pakistani radio show uses mothers and mullahs to undercut Taliban
(Katharine Houreld, Reuters)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Religious groups team up to fight sex trafficking
(Amanda Greene, RNS, The Washington Post)

Russia: Culture activists speak out against new bill protecting religious sentiment

Russian court outlaws anti-Islam film
(Associated Press)

Sachiko Eto dead: Japan cult leader executed for 6 murders
(Associated Press, WWRN)

Schools increasingly religious in Turkey
(Dorian Jones, Deutsche Welle, WWRN)

Self-induced abortion near full term
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The Italian Islamic Religious Community
(Imam Yahya Pallavicini, Civil Society and Education on Human Rights as a tool for promoting religious tolerance, United Nations)

Tibetan exiles speak out against self-immolations
(Ashwini Bhatia, Associated Press)

Tunisian president vows crackdown on extremists
(Diaa Hadid, Associated Press)

Turkmenistan: Raids, fines, exit denial, bloodied hands
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Uruguay lawmakers narrowly approve legalizing abortion, ground-breaking step in Latin America
(Associated Press, Washington Post)

Vatican walks a fine line on trying to combat blasphemy in UN
(Alessandro Speciale, Huff Post Religion)

West and Muslim World jointly criticize religious hatred
(Roberta Fedele, Saudi Gazette)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

'See you at the pole:' Millions of students pray for spiritual awakening
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

‘Pay, Pray and Obey’ meets Church and State: the church tax and the German courts
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Bay County judge orders man convicted of hate crime to write paper on history of Hinduism
(Cole Waterman, Michigan Live)

Egyptian who tore Bible referred to court
(The Associated Press v. Saudi Gazette)

Obama U.N. speech: A new religion doctrine
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service, WWRN)

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

'Savage' jihad ad debuts in New York City subway
(Chris Francescani, Reuters)

Australia upholds traditional marriage, World Council of Families praises decision
(Myles Collier, The Christian Post)

British voters sour on immigration
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Fleeing ‘persecution’: 48 Pakistani Hindus arrive in India – never to return home
(International Herald Tribune)

French cartoons – Baiting Muslims and Islam as a fundamental principle of the Republic?
(Dr. Reza Pankhurst, New Civilisation)

German court backs Catholic 'pay to pray' rule
(The Associated Press)

Group: DADT repeal has harmed religious liberty
(Edward Lee Pitts, Baptist Press)

In defense of the right to offend
(Charles C. Haynes, Baxter Bulletin)

Islamist wins delay in UK extradition to United States
(Reuters, Yahoo! News)

Lawyer pushes to unseal Legion of Christ documents
(Michelle R. Smith, Worldwide Religious News)

More Muhammad movies planned, film-makers reveal
(Ben Child, The Guardian)

National Millenial Values Survey Release
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Nigeria: President Jonathan condemns denigration of religious beliefs
(Nigeria First, All Africa)

NYC Schools dispensing morning-after pill to girls
(LIndsey Tanner and Karen Matthews, Associated Press)

Obama tells U.N. new democracies need free speech
(Helene Cooper, The New York Times)

Obama to UN: US respects universal values of religious freedom, free speech
(Napp Nazworth, Christian Post)

Pakistan Christian leaders appeal for calm after church attack in retaliation for Mohammed film
(Christian Today Australia)

Pakistani church and school burned by Islamic extremists
(Jeremy Reynalds, ASSIST News Service, Religion Today)

Russia: No more mosques for Moscow?
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

State Duma weighs law protecting religious sentiment
(Russia Today, Worldwide Religious News)

Study links mutual fund decisions with religion
(Laura Koran, CNN)

The film and Muhammad cartoons: it's time for a healthy secularism in the West and Islam
(Samir Khalil Samir,

World Muslim group demands laws against "Islamophobia"
(Stephanie Nebehay, Reuters)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Atheist goes to Supreme Court in cross challenge
(The Associated Press v. Chicago Tribune)

Blasphemy proposal challenged
(Bagus BT Saragih and Margareth S. Aritonang, The Jakarta Post)

Buddhist stupa to be moved from Petroglyph National Monument
(The Associated Press v. KUMN)

Colorado Ministry should lose tax exemption for partisan political intervention, says Americans United
(Americans United)

Court sentences Christian bloggers

Defamation of religion
(Sheikh Zakir Elahi, Rupee News)

Extremists establish foothold in the Balkans
(Irfan Al-Alawi, Gatestone Institute)

Federal takeover of B’nai B’rith pension raises questions on group’s future
(Neil Rubin, JTA)

God needs no defense
(Endy Bayuni, Foreign Policy)

HHS mandate allows minors free contraception, sterilization
(CNA/EWTB News, National Catholic Register)

Human Rights First urges Secretary Clinton to speak up for freedom of expression in appearances at United Nations General Assembly
(Brenda Bowser-Soder, Human Rights First)

In Scandinavia, kipah becomes a symbol of defiance for Malmo’s Jews
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Iran blocks Google
(Info Security)

Kuwait demands Swiss criminalization of defamation of religions
(Kuwait News Agency)

Lacking a First Amendment, Great Britain is hostile toward religion
(Doug Bandow, Forbes)

Latin American and Caribbean Lutheran churches discuss challenges

Mali Islamists becoming more repressive, report
(Krista Larson, The Associated Press)

Nigeria: 150 arrested in sweep against sect
(CBS News)

Obama defends free speech after asking YouTube to ‘review’ anti-Islam movie
(Spencer Ackerman, Wired)

Shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded world: What blasphemy law debate can mask
(Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, The Washington Post)

Together for peace at Saint John's Church in Bauchi

Tolerating intolerance
(Editorial, Chicago Tribune)

Toothless hate speech laws fail all religions
(Rob L. Wagner, Al Arabiya News)

UN experts' concern for religious minorities in Iran
(Bahá'í World News Service)

Wiggins tour: Rallies highlight Nov. 6 vote over retention of an Iowa Supreme Court justice
(Jeff Eckhoff, Des Moines Register)

Yom Kippur – my religion, my faith
(Ilana Angel, Jewish Journal)

Monday, 24 September 2012

9 Killed, 12 injured in Indian temple stampede
(Associated Press)

Appeals court sides with pharmacists in emergency contraceptives case
(Deborah L. Shelton, Chicago Tribune)

Barrister: equality laws act as a barrier to tolerance
(The Christian Institute)

Bourbon street preaching limits spawn 2nd lawsuit
(Associated Press)

Brazil faiths urge religious respect

Christian girl exonerated in blasphemy case
(Oman Tribune)

Christians face arrest, persecution in Iran, U.N. experts say
(Stephanie Nebehay, Reuters)

Courts says Illinois cannot make pharmacists give 'morning after pill'
(Phyllis L. Smith Asinyanbi,

German Catholics lose church rights for unpaid tax
(BBC News)

German group slams Catholic 'pay to pray' decree
(Frank Jordans,

Judge blocks New Orleans law that prevents preaching in French Quarter
(Bruce Nolan, Washington Post)

Limits on speech to get U.N. hearing — Speakers may revive debate on blasphemy
(Hannah Allam, Spokesman-Review)

Moving the conversation forward on Muslim women’s rights
(Sheherazade Jafari, Common Ground News)

Pakistan government rejects filmmaker bounty

Pope: Christians in politics shall defend traditional family
(Vatican Radio, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Saudi King must impeach his Grand Mufti who demanded the destruction of all churches
(Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann, World Security Network)

Sunni Islam leader calls for peace, urges Muslims to have 'patience and wisdom'
(Ian Lee and Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, CNN)

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