Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Obama administration: Bible publisher isn’t religious enough for exemption
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

Obama enacts visa program for religious workers

OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting concluding in Warsaw
(OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights)

Philippines defies church to push family planning
(Karen Lema, Reuters)

Plenary Assembly of European Episcopal Conferences concludes in Switzerland
(Junno Arocho, Zenit)

Religious sensitivities no excuse for violence - OpEd
(The Globe and Mail)

Russia: No more mosques outside "Muslim areas"?
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Saudi religious police losing some powers
(Associated Press)

Saudi religious police losing some powers
(Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

Seminar discusses discrimination against Christians in EU
(COMECE, Independent Catholic News)

Shiite Muslims quietly establish a foothold in U.S.
(Omar Sacirbey | Religion News Service, The Washington Post)

Supreme Court justices attend annual Red Mass
(Stacy A. Anderson, Associated Press via Huffington Post)

Supreme Court to consider hearing weighty church-state controversy
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

The globalisation of free speech: a race to the top or the bottom?
(Sarah Joseph, On Line Opinion (Australia))

Toledo mosque fire ruled arson
(Taylor Dungjen, Toledo Blade)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

27 students killed in northeast Nigeria
(Haruna Umar/Yinka Ibukun, Associated Press, ABC News)

A step backward for Indonesian diplomacy
(TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta)

Aggressive decision against religious liberty
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online)

Anti-Obama protesters arrested for praying
(Cliff Kincaid, Canada Free Press)

Cardinal George speaks about religious liberty
(Pam DeFiglio, Skokie Patch)

Chancel repair liability: advice from the Charity Commission
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Christians in Europe face 'persecution'
(Martin Banks, The

Esbeck on law and religion after the Founding
(Dan Ernst, Legal History Blog)

Explainer: Pakistan's blasphemy laws
(Reza Sayah, CNN Belief Blog)

Human rights as a way of life
(Shulamith Koenig, Un Chronicle)

Inciting hate under the banner of human rights
(Salma Yusuf, Eurasia Review)

Individual, community, and state: How to think about religious freedom
(Matthew J. Franck, Imprimis (Hillsdale College))

Liberty Counsel to file suit against California's ban on sexual orientation change therapy
(Liberty Counsel, Catholic Online)

New Egyptian constitution offers fewer religious freedoms, critics allege
(Osman El Sharnoubi, Ahram Online)

Nineteenth Annual International Law and Religion Symposium - 7-9 October 2012
(International Center for Law & Religion Studies)

Petition against religious intolerance
(Justice (R) Fakhr-un-Nisa Khokhar, The International News (Pakistan))

Preaching Politics from the Pulpit: 2012 Guide to IRS Rules on Political Activity by Religious Organizations
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Reminder: National Millennial Values Survey Release, 4 October 2012
(The Berkley Center and the Public Religion Research Institute)

Setback for Pakistani teen facing blasphemy charges
(Reza Sayah and Nasir Habib, CNN Belief Blog)

Tanzania: Hamad cautions over religious intolerance
(Tanzania Daily News (Dar es Salaam), All Africa)

Turkmenistan: Mass fines for unregistered religious worship
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Monday, 1 October 2012

Abu Hamza, teachers’ anonymity and Chagos refugees – The Human Rights Roundup
(Wessen Jazrawi, UK Human Rights Blog)

Algeria at UN: Limit free speech, protect Islam
(David Stringer, Associated Press)

Americans United mass mailing urges churches to reject religious right electioneering entreaties and obey federal tax law
(Simon Brown, Americans United)

Bangladesh vows to protect Buddhists after attacks
(Tofayel Ahmed and Julhas Alam, Associated Press)

Calif. first to ban gay teen 'conversion' therapy
(Associated Press)

Council of Europe and the protests in the Islamic world against the film “The innocence of Muslims”
(Secretary General, Council of Europe)

Court rejects religious freedom objection to contraception mandate
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Freedom)

Egypt: The religious implications of IMF loans
(David Bosco, Bosco Foreign Policy)

Event – Constitutional Challenges: Religious Liberty and the HHS Mandate
(Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America ( 3 October, 4 pm))

Fla. 'Religious Freedom' amendment reignites school voucher debate
(Rob Shaw, The Tampa Tribune)

France set to ban the words 'mother' and 'father' from official documents
(The Telegraph)

Germany resumes ritual circumcisions after bitter dispute
(Alexandra Hudson, Reuters)

Green light for prayer calls at Swedish mosque
(The Local)

Human rights in focus at U.S. Supreme Court
(Jonathan Stempel, Reuters)

In true democracy, state is neutral on religion
(Ronald Benjamin, Malaysiakini)

Joint statement on Peace and Tolerance by EU High Representative, OIC Secretary General, Arab League Secretary General, and AU Commissioner for Peace and Security
(European Union@United Nations)

Kenya church grenade attack kills child, wounds others
(VOA News)

Laws against religious hatred urged
(Khaleej Times)

Memo to OSCE-ODIHR on behalf of the Belgian “Centre d’Action Laïque”
(Benoit Feyt, European Humanist Federation)

Moscow court postpones Pussy Riot appeal
(Max Seddon and Peter Leonard, Associated Press)

Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh
(Reporting by Nurul Islam; Writing by Anis Ahmed; Editing by Robert Birsel, Reuters)

Muslim rage is about politics, not religion
(Husain Haqqani, Newsweek/The Daily Beast)

Muslim world questions West freedom of speech – Muslims call for rules on blasphemy
(Reuters, Kuwait Times)

Nigeria: 'Religion has been good, bad for national development'
(Chris Irekamba, Isaac Taiwo and Oluwakemi Ajani, The Guardian Nigeria)

Now 2 bounties on producer of anti-Islamic film
(Nasir Habib, CNN)

Pakistan: In twist, Muslims accused of blasphemy
(Adil Jawad, Associated Press)

Recommendations to OSCE participating states concerning freedom of religion or belief
(Swedish Mission Council)

Religion doesn't justify mayhem
(Wole Soyinka, The Root)

Religious leaders condemn Nairobi church attack
(Simon Ndonga, Capital FM News)

Religious oppression wears camouflage
(Paul de Vries, PhD, The Christian Post)

Religious rights and Missouri River water
(Other Voices, Aberdeen News)

Respect for religion
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Russian city cancels Jesus Christ Superstar performance over religious complaints

Supreme Court asks administration to weigh in on reviving healthcare lawsuit
(Sam Baker, The Hill)

Supreme Court faces weighty cases and a new dynamic
(Adam Liptak, New York Times)

Syrian Christians feel pull from both sides in civil war
(Caelainn Hogan, The Washington Times)

Texas cheerleaders win restraining order to allow Bible verses on banners at high school football games
(Todd Starnes, Fox News)

The influence of religious and secular lobbies in the EU, discussed at the European Parliament
(Jordan McMurtrey, Human Rights Without Frontiers)

Ultimatum to Christians in Egypt: Leave “within 48 hours” or be killed
(Mary Abdelmassih, Continental News)

UN resolutions on Islam not being implemented
(Ansar Abbasi, The International News (Pakistan))

Saturday, 29 September 2012

'Half the Sky' tells pain, hope of exploited women
(Lynn Elber, Associated Press)

30-year-old man angry with God held in 'rampage' on Buffalo churches
(Paul Walsh and Tom Meersman, Star Tribune)

Arab League, OIC proposals out of step with progress on freedom of expression
(Press Release, Human Rights First)

Bishops, archdiocese continue campaign for religious liberty
(Jennifer Brinker, St. Louis Review)

Can a religious group discriminate when hiring its premises?
(Farnk Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Catholic church awarded €25,000 after Romania human rights breach
(Human Rights Europe)

Different models on free speech as U.N. debates resolution on curbing ethnic, religious hatred
(Associated Press, WWRN)

Egypt's president heads to Turkey to build ties
(Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press)

Egyptian activist accused of defaming religion denies charges
(Reem Abdellatif, Los Angeles Times)

Embracing religious tolerance
(Michael Kryzanek, Enterprise News)

Equal marriage – how long will Northern Ireland’s gay couples have to wait?
(Patrick Corrigan, Slugger O'Toole)

Exit Ahmadinejad: Iranian president leaves world stage with a whimper
(Ishaan Tharoor, Time World)

Federal attorneys seek to overturn family's religious rights
(Bob Unruh, WND Health)

For this employer, faith is no hobby
(Gerald D. Russello, National Catholic Register)

German Jewish leader deters anti-Semitic attack with gun
(Gareth Jones, Reuters)

Man behind anti-Islam film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ arrested in Los Angeles
(David Finnigan, The Washington Post)

Many immigrants carry religious baggage
(Douglas Todd, The Vancouver Sun)

Religious freedom on the run
(Thomas F. Farr, National Review Online)

Religious liberty issue is key to Missourians, according to Missouri Baptist Convention
(PR Web)

RIG to submit petition: UN urged to introduce law to control acts of blasphemy
(Waqar Lillah, Business Recorder (Pakistan))

Swett and Jasser: No human rights without religious freedom
(Katrina Lantos Swett and M. Zuhdi Jasser, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

The story behind one of the most ironic religious freedom lawsuits ever filed
(Tobin Grant, Christianity Today)

TX attorney general defends right of cheerleaders to display religious banners
(Terrence Stutz, Dallas Morning News)

US courts weigh asylum for sex kidnapping targets
(Larry Neumeister, Associated Press)

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