Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 8 October 2012

My Take: The five biggest misconceptions about secularism
(Jacques Berlinerblau, CNN Belief Blog)

No public funding of religion
(Editorial, Tampa Bay Times)

Northern Ireland vote against same-sex marriage
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Pulpit freedom Sunday: Pastors defy tax rules, back political candidates
(Nanette Byrnes, Huff Post Religion)

Religion Newswriters Association honors top religion reporting
(Religion Newswriters)

Reparative therapy cannot be justified
(Sarah Cueva, Daily Trojan)

Russia allows clerics to join upcoming elections
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Saudi Arabia religious police chief announces new curbs
(BBC News)

Suspected arsonist in jail, faces federal hate crime charges
(Taylor Dungjen, Toledo Blade)

Switzerland: Urge Turkmen leader to end persecution
(Human Rights Watch)

Terror suspect Hamza appears in court after extradition
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

The Obama Mandate: The gravest threat to religious freedom in 226 years
(Ken Blackwell,

Tibetan man self-immolates, dies in latest protest
(Associated Press, ABC News)

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to prevent terrorism, based on religious hatred
(Translation by Svitlana Sydorenko, Institute for Religious Freedom)

In Yalta representatives of various faiths study the art of coexistence
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

International Conference on Islamic Religious Education Held in Kyiv
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Saturday, 6 October 2012

65 detained at violent Azerbaijan headscarf rally
(Associated Press)

Alawite group calls on sect to join Syria revolt
(The Daily Star)

Bishops step into election fray with focus on abortion, same-sex marriage
(Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter)

Cardinal Dolan on the US election, the radical abortion license, religious liberty, marriage, debt and solidarity
(Deacon Keith Fournier, Catholic Online)

Catholics decry discrimination against Christians in Europe
(Elisa Van Ruiten and Jordan McMurtrey, Human Rights Without Frontiers)

Complaint over abortion law delays
(Ann Cahill, Irish Examiner)

Kurdish regional government illegally seizing Assyrian lands in north Iraq
(Assyrian International News Agency)

No more talks with Catholic rebels: Vatican official
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Pakistan struggles with smuggled Buddhist relics
(Zarar Khan and Sebastian Abbot, Associated Press)

Pastors prepare to take on IRS over political endorsement ban
(Dan Merica, CNN)

Police, Hindu community give contradicting statements over minority persecution
(Hafez Tunio, International Herald Tribune)

Religious liberty v. free speech
(Randall Lord, Shreveport Times)

Religious workers must wait to file for visas
(Tim Hull, Courthouse News Service)

Friday, 5 October 2012

‘Blasphemous’ display enrages thousands in Belgrade
(Phtotos, RT)

‘Choose love’: Pro-Muslim ads to appear in NYC subways

‘No evidence’ on Nigeria massacre
(AFP & Reuters,

Aaron Blitzer says gay conversion therapy 'cured' his homosexuality, sues California over 'gay cure' ban
(Kathleen Miles, Huff Post Gay Voices)

Cheerleaders with Bible verses set off a debate
(Manny Fernandez, The New York Times)

Could this be the beginning of the end for Pakistan's blasphemy laws?
(Samira Shackle, New Statesman)

Defending religious freedom: It's right & it even polls well
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online)

Elmbrook church-state graduation case draws high-profile pro-bono work
(Lisa Sink, Brookfield Patch)

Father has no 'sacred right’ over education of children, rules judge
(Graeme Paton, The Telegraph)

Gay 'cure' fight moves to New Jersey
(Lila Shapiro, Huff Post Gay Voices)

Hurting religious feelings: Russian designer launches warning sign contest

Idea of the day: Marriage equality and religious liberty are not mutually exclusive
(Center for American Progress)

Illinois students get religious liberty protections
(Americans United)

Jordan Islamists stage largest pro-reform protest
(Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Angus MacSwan, Reuters Africa)

Judge tosses challenge to birth control mandate

Minority religion prison clergy cut as part time contracts end
(Douglas Quan,

Pastors to challenge IRS over political endorsements
(Lilly Fowler, Washington Post)

Racial-religious patterns in the 2012 elections
(Jerry Park, Patheos Blog - Black, White and Gray)

Religion under attack: Iran frees imprisoned Christian, but arrests his lawyer
(Eric Schulzke, Deseret News)

Religious freedom binds Bahrain society
(Habib Toumi, Gulf News)

Suspected arsonist faces charges over mosque burning
(David Ariosto, CNN Belief Blog)

Temple Mount briefly closed, nine arrested
(Melanie Lidman, Jerusalem Post)

Thousands join Islamic Jihad rally in Gaza
(Ma'an News Agency)

U.N., the debate on the recognition of Palestine as a state scheduled for mid-November

UN Human Rights Council attempts to create global abortion right
(Susan Yoshihara,

Uzbekistan: "Illegal extremists" or peaceful Muslims?
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

When the UN breach human rights… who wins?
(Alasdair Henderson, UK Human Rights Blog)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Amendment 8 pits religious groups against backers of church-state separation
(Leslie Postal, Orlando Sentinel)

Archbishop Lori discusses presidential debates, polls and the beatitudes
(Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register)

Atheists ask military to drop 'religious expressions' in suicide prevention briefings
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

Being a religious minority (in public schools)
(Jason Pitzl-Waters, Patheos Blog - The Wild Hunt: A Modern Pagan Perspective)

Brussels: between Athens and Jerusalem
(Piotr Mazurkiewicz, COMECE, EuropeInfos)

Buenos Aires mayor urged to veto abortion law
(Myles Collier, Christian Post)

California governor signs LGBT bills for fertility treatment, foster parents, ex-gay therapy
(Zack Ford, ThinkProgress LGBT)

Cardinal Martini: The challenge of witness to Europe
(Compiled by Johanna Touzel, EuropeInfos)

Citizens jailed for religious speech on Boubon Street
(Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow)

Contraception and religious liberty
(Editorial, New York Times)

Crucial marriage cases coming up for high court consideration
(Alan Sears, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Egypt's Copts abandon Sinai homes after threats, attack
(Yousri Mohamed and Tamim Elyan, Reuters)

European Parliament seminar: Christians and freedom of religion in Europe
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Homeless group shuts door on Jehovah’s Witness, lawsuit claims
(Irving DeJohn, New York Daily News)

Kountze cheerleaders present case at hearing to determine fate of student-made religious banners
(Liberty Institute, Sacramento Bee)

Pakistan: A call for interfaith harmony
(Rehan Nawaz, Pakistan Today)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Police ban gay pride march in Serbia that Christian Orthodox church opposed
(Washington Post)

Reinforcing religious freedom through asylum
(José Luis Bazán, COMECE, EuropeInfos)

Report: Freedom to marry and freedom to worship are compatible
(Elena Caple, ThinkProgress LGBT)

There's still Christianity in the public schools?
(Jan Jaben-Eilon, Jews On First!)

Tunisia: Fears grow over Tunisian salafist violence
(Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia)

U.S. State Department discriminates against Indiana pastor on basis of collar
(Liberty Institute, Sacramento Bee)

Welcoming the more vulnerable: do parents have a right to selection of a healthy child?
(José Ramos-Ascensão, COMECE, EuropeInfos)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Anti-Semitic attacks on the rise in Berlin
(The Globe and Mail)

Armenian Christians torn in Syria’s civil war
(Martin Armstrong, Lauren Williams, The Daily Star (Lebanon))

Australia: Evangelist preaching ban heads to High Court
(Mike Sexton, ABC News)

Blog: Muslim ideology and Western freedom of speech
(John McLaughlin, American Thinker)

Bulgaria: Legal proceedings against 13 Muslim clerics
(Grand Mufti's Office in the Republic of Bulgaria, Human Rights Without Frontiers)

Data on hate crime in focus at annual OSCE human rights meeting

Dhaka blames recent Facebook riots on Rohingya
(Sanjiv Burman, Deutsche Welle)

District court dismisses lawsuit challenging 'Year of the Bible'
(Amy Worden, Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau)

Egypt's constitution Party seeks prosecution for 'infidel' fatwa by Islamist sheikhs
(Ahram Online)

Egyptian boys detained for alleged Quran defiling
(Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press, ABC News)

End to Philippine Muslim insurgency near
(The Australian)

Gov. Brown signs bill to protect religious freedom in marriage solemnization
(LGBT Weekly)

Hardline Israeli settlers deface Monastery of Saint Francis in Jerusalem
(Ori Lewis, Reuters)

Hate speech, Islam and Israel
(David Moshman, Huff Post Politics)

In Assisi, seeking love and forgiveness in the shadow of St. Francis
(Charles Honey, Washington Post)

Islamists in Mali recruit, pay for child soldiers
(Krista Larson and Baba Ahmed, Associated Press)

Kantor urges Europeans to enter into dialogue over "assault on religion"
(World Jewish Congress)

New center to expand reach of Baptist Joint Committee
(Robert Dilday, ABP News)

Nigeria resumes hajj trips to Mecca, ending row over unaccompanied women

No Arab Spring without the 'flower’ of women’s rights
(Barbara Slavin, AL Monitor)

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