Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Pakistan's minority Hindus feel under attack
(Rebecca Santana, Associated Press)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Presumed consent to organ donation: Wales
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Profile: Anglican Bishop of Durham Justin Welby
(Mick Ord, BBC)

Religion and politics, circa 2012
(Paul Horwitz, PrawfsBlawg)

Religion in China, a freedom with limits: official and unofficial Christian churches
(Duncan Hewitt and Baptiste Fallevoz, France 24 International News (VIDEO))

Russia's State Duma plans new law to defend the rights of believers following Pussy Riot protest
(Roman Vorobyov, Rossiyskaya Gazeta via The Telegraph)

Scientology makes few waves in Israel
(Lauren E. Bohn, Associated Press)

Stop abuse of religions
(Abdulrahman Al-Zuhayyan, Kuwait Times)

Tennessee Muslims instrumental in getting the vote out
(Remziya Suleiman, Common Ground News Service)

The dharma of religion
(Bhartendu Sood, Hindustan Times)

Tunisia arrests salafist imam
( Houda Trabelsi, Magharebia)

U.N. loses focus on the human rights they ought to protect
(Grace Melton, The Foundry)

UK Catholics might lose charitable status for not offering communion to everyone
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

UK: Culture secretary seeks to reduce religious fears over equal marriage
(Scott Roberts, Pink News)

UN expert: Free speech is central to deterring hate speech
(Actualité Africa – Africa News)

Understanding the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
(Roland Adjovi,

Voters exercise their liberty of conscience at the polls
(Becky Garrison, The Washington Post)

What do religious leaders want for Obama's next four years?
(Adelle M. Banks, Washington Post)

What's next for religious conservatives?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Who is politicising Islam? Not PAS
(Comments, Malaysiakini)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Resonance changes to law of Ukraine on freedom of conscience are directed to President for signature
(Institute for Religious Freedom)

'Staggering' consequences of Poland's abortion rules
(Johanna Westeson, Public Service Europe)

27 personnalités pro-vie sur une liste noire à Bruxelles
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Bahrain strips Shiite activists of citizenship amid unrest
(Saad Abedine and Mustafa Al-Arab, CNN)

Becket Fund defends rights of photographer in New Mexico Supreme Court
(Asma Uddin, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Brazil's truth commission to investigate church
(Associated Press)

Charitable status, public benefit and “closed” congregations: update
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Court allows hearings in Nevada abortion case
(Martin Griffith, Associated Press)

Crew asks IRS to investigate U.S. conference of Catholic Bishops

Curbing free speech extreme, U.N. says

Election 2012: A new day for religion in America
(Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, Huffington Post)

Election results raise questions about Christian right's influence
(Dan Gilgoff, CCN Belief Blog)

Florida voters reject most constitutional amendments, including 'religious freedom' proposal
(Toluse Olorunnipa and Brittany Alana Davis, Tampa Bay Times)

In Egypt streets, Islamists throw weight around
(Yasmine Saleh, Reuters)

Minnesota voters reject marriage amendment
(Don Davis, Duluth News Tribune)

Pact ends dispute over Sikh company
(Sherri Buri, The Register Guard)

Parents view yoga in elementary school as religious indoctrination
(Tony Perry, McClatchy-Tribune)

Pei on burqa bans and the European Court of Human Rights
(Dylan W. Sherwood, CLR Forum)

Pope, Cardinal Dolan urge Obama to respect life and religious freedom

Redefining marriage threatens social advances of women, rights of children: UK law professor (Julian Rivers)
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

Redefining Marriage: the case for caution
(Julian Rivers, Jubilee Centre (Cambridge Papers))

Religion creeping into some B.C. public schools, group warns education minister
(Janet Steffenhagen, Vancouver Sun)

Religion, marriage and the GOP's demographic challenge brought to the fore by 2012 election
(Eric Schulzke, Deseret News)

Religious freedom in Europe – when both sides go too far
(Linda Woodhead, The Guardian)

Religious leaders join hands for diabetes awareness
(News Track India)

Repeal of Florida's aid-to-religion ban defeated
(San Fransisco Chronicle)

Report on Intolerance against Christians submitted to UN Human Rights Commission
(Rebecca Oas, Ph.D., Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute)

Rights community welcomes first U.N. statement on Tibet
(Carey L. Biron, Inter Press Service)

Romanian Christians battle Orthodox Church in human rights complaint
(Human Rights Europe)

Sahel clerics plead for release of hostages
(Walid Ramzi & Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Same-sex marriage proponents win 4 out of 4 yesterday
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Saudi sharia judges decry "Westernizing stench" of legal reforms
(Angus McDowall, editing by Mark Heinrich, Reuters)

The biggest slice of Obama's religious coalition? The unaffiliated
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

The first victim of the fight against "agents" Pro-government activists held a rally against the Mormon Church [in Russian]
(Nikolai Terentiev, NG Religion (НГ Религии))

Tunisia combats radical speech
(Houda Trabelsi, Magharebia)

UK’s relationship with the Council of Europe soon to reach a turning point
(Joshua Rozenberg, UK Human Rights Blog)

Ukrainian Parliament refused to cancel illegal decision to adopt draft law № 10221
(Institute for Religious Freedom)

Watchdog group accuses Catholic bishops of campaigning for Romney, asks IRS to investigate
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

We should support and not condemn Human Rights Act
(Adam Wagner, The Jewish Chronicle)

WEBCAST of Grand Chamber hearing of Sindicatul 'Pastorul cel Bun' v. Romania
(European Court of Human Rights)

Wednesday's religion news roundup: 2012 election winners & losers edition
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

6 ways religious demographics could determine Tuesday's winner
(Dan Gilgoff, CNN Belief Blog)

Anger as UK homosexualists declare Edinburgh cardinal “bigot of the year”
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Armenia’s President attends church diocesan assembly session

Caymanians now have rights
(Cayman News Service)

China rebuffs UN for criticizing Tibet unrest
(Voice of America)

China seeks to halt Tibetan self-immolations
(Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times)

Court ruling: Catholic adoption charities must work with gay couples
(Charles Maggs,

Egyptian teacher sentenced in headscarf case
(Associated Press via

Ethiopia presents new Islamic Council
(Martha Van Der Wolf, Voice of America)

Grand Chamber hearing in the case of Sindicatul 'Pastorul cel Bun' v. Romania
(EVENT 7 November 2012, 9.15 am, European Court of Human Rights)

Jewish vote in Ohio, Florida presidential election key
(Andrea Stone, Huffington Post)

Kazakhstan: The number of religious institutions slashed by 1/3 following obligatory registration requirement
(Tengri News)

Liberal Mormon and conservative Catholic join forces for religious freedom
(Eric Schulzke, Deseret News)

Merkel urges German churches to agree on Luther fest
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Merkel's 'Christian persecution' comments draw ire
(Associated Press)

Minister of Education of Armenia Armen Ashotyan urges definition of improper proselytism
(Religions in Armenia)

Minnesota medical supply company and entrepreneur join Obamacare challengers

New pope says Egypt's constitution must be inclusive
(Edmund Blair and Yasmine Saleh, Reuters)

New York Gov. slams Orthodox Rabbi for linking storm to gay marriage
(Vos Iz Neias?)

Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria dies at age 98
(Veselin Toshkov, Associated Press)

Religion-driven IT to generate over $40bn by 2017: Gartner
(The Times of India)

Roy Moore, Bob Vance face off in Alabama chief justice race
(Associated Press via AL)

Russia: Religious freedom "the only viable option for consolidating Russia's extraordinary diversity"
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Saudi women must uncover faces for security checks, council says
(Amena Bakr and Pravin Char, Reuters)

Sikhs allowed to carry daggers at Calif. school
(Associated Press)

Strong Swiss franc forces Reformed church group out
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Thailand: Buddhist minority declines in the 'deep south' due to protracted armed conflict

The Law in These Parts – this Sunday, 2:30pm [UK Jewish Film Festival]
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

Utah can keep control of polygamous sect's land: federal court
(Jennifer Dobner, Chicago Tribune)

Vietnam, common home for beliefs and religions
(VNA, TuoiTreNews)

Virginia victory: Wiccan priestess wins right to perform weddings
(Joseph L. Conn, Wall of Separation)

Monday, 5 November 2012

'Pop-star priest' aims to use mammoth new church in Brazil to battle Catholics' indifference
(Associated Press, Fox News)

Abortion and rape, Poland and the ECHR
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

AP Photos: Egypt's Copts choose new pope
(Thomas Hartwell, Associated Press)

Aziz Bari explains ‘No compulsion’ verse
(Leven Woon, FMT News (Malaysia))

Breezy Point Catholics meet for Mass after Hurricane Sandy, taking 'strength in faith'
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)

Buddhists launch bid to build temple in Cambridge
(Andrew Dickens, Cambridge News)

Catholic teaching: The new zeitgeist for Britain's Left
(Matthew Taylor, BBC)

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