Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 30 November 2012

There is religious freedom in Cuba, says Episcopal bishop
(Prensa Latina)

UN grants Palestine non-member observer state status
(Eurasia Review)

Video: Religious tensions in Myanmar
(Poypiti Amatatham, New York Times)

Vietnam: New law limits religious freedom
(Radio Free Asia)

Vietnamese Catholics continue their fight for peace and religious freedom
(Nguyen Hung,

Thursday, 29 November 2012

'Locator' microchip in student IDs sparks privacy, religious freedom fight
(Paul J. Weber, The

‘Amma’ to speak at Shanghai UN meet
(Daily News and Analysis)

ACLJ applauds appeals court order blocking implementation of HHS Mandate on behalf of MO business owner

AIPMC backs UN calls for Rohingya assistance
(Mizzima News)

Ancient Persian religion on the decline in Pakistan
(PRI's The World)

Atheist group likely to get $67,000 in UW student fees
(Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

Church of England to start again on female bishops; unclear when a vote could happen
(Associated Press)

Church responds to Assisted Dying Bill Consultation
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Court says Catholic businessman can fight contraception mandate
(Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Religion News Service)

Crystal Cathedral: Schullers lose in court
(Roxana Kopetman, The Orange County Register)

David Cameron faces ‘biggest Tory rebellion in modern times’ over gay ‘marriage’ plans
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

Dutch approve move to scrap blasphemy law

Egypt rushes to vote on new constitution
(David D. Kirkpatrick, New York Times)

Fayette man claims religious, sexual discrimination
(Tribune-Review, TribLive News)

Human Rights First welcomes new U.N. text on religious intolerance
(Brenda Bowser-Soder, Human Rights First)

In Egypt and Tunisia, Salafis move from prisons to parliaments
(John Thorne, Christian Science Monitor)

In Israel, some rebel against circumcision
(Maayan Lubell, Reuters)

Israel, Hamas, and "the Egypt We Were Waiting For"
(Brandon Friedman, Foreign Policy Research Institute)

It's time to rethink the way Christianity is taught in schools
(Nigel Fancourt, The Guardian)

Lawsuit challenging Whitefish Mountain Jesus statue moves forward
(Associated Press, Independent Record)

Les catholiques écossais, victimes d’une violence sectaire
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Liberty counsel files free speech discrimination suit against Illinois community room
(Liberty Counsel)

Mali extremists target women
(Jemal Oumar and Bakari Gueye, Magharebia)

Man behind anti-Islam film that stoked riots has no regrets-NYT
(Peter Rudegeair, Reuters)

Palestinians win implicit U.N. recognition of sovereign state
(Reporting By Louis Charbonneau; Editing by Sandra Maler, Reuters)

Pasta-loving 'church' tests Pa. holiday display
(Associated Press)

Paying for conscience: European Court awards 112,000 Euros in Armenia v. Jehovah's Witnesses case
(Siranuysh Gevorgyan,

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Praveen may go to European Court of Human Rights
(The Times of India)

Rastafarianism grows in Jamaica after long disdain
(David McFadden, Huffington Post)

Religion news in brief
(Associated Press)

Religious leader emphasizes education
(Payal Marathe, Yale Daily News)

Rick Warren, Saddleback pastor: Obama has 'infringed' upon religious liberties
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)

Starting the 'Christmas Tithe'
(Jim Wallis, Huffington Post)

Texas out to seize Warren Jeffs' polygamist ranch
(Associated Press, Fox News)

Tunisian salafist discusses path to extremism
(Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia)

Turkey lifts headscarf ban in religious schools
(Daren Butler, Reuters)

U.S. dominates list of world's '500 Most Influential Muslims'
(Omar Sacirbey, Washington Post)

Uzbekistan: Fined for discussing their faith and praying together
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Who controls the status quo at the Western Wall? One Orthodox rabbi
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Yad Vashem honors Italian cardinal who rescued Jews
(Catholic News Service)

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

After bus bombing, Bulgaria frets over its Muslims
(Tsvetelia Tsolova and Sam Cage, Reuters)

Bahá'í community to receive “public law corporation” (PLC) status
(AFP, Zeit Online)

Belarus: One week left for charismatic church?
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Catholic Church snub to Michael Gove's flagship free schools plans
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Challenges remain in ensuring minority rights respected globally, says Ban
(UN News Centre)

Don't blame the church
(K.J. Alphons, The Hindu)

Edmonton human rights centre aims to bridge youth differences on religion
(Jane Cardillo, Edmonton Journal)

Egypt court sentences 8 to death over prophet film
(Sarah El Deeb, The Daily Star Lebanon)

Egypt court sentences 8 to death over prophet film
(Sarah Deeb, Associated Press)

Federal judge dismisses Pittsburgh diocese lawsuit seeking exemption to health care law
(Adam Brandolph, Trib Live)

Gay Orthodox Jews sue over therapy that claims to ‘cure’ them
(Zoë Blackler, The Daily Beast)

Hungary anti-Semitism: MP condemned over 'list of Jews'
(BBC News Europe)

In hero of the Catholic left, a conservative cardinal sees a saint
(Sharon Otterman, New York Times)

India appoints first Muslim to head Intelligence Bureau in 125-year history
(Jason Burke, The Guardian )

Indonesia: Indigenous communities want religion scrubbed from ID cards
(Amir Tejo, The Jakarta Globe)

Indonesia: Shia refugees' supplies cut off
(Ryan Dagur, UCAN)

Ireland and abortion – the debate continues
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Korea church scraps border Christmas lights

Let's quit the European Court of Human Rights says ex-justice minister: Uproar in Commons over votes for prisoners
(James Slack and Jack Doyle, Mail Online)

Mormon missionary age reduction prompts U. deferment policy
(Brain Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Muslims not free to choose religion, repent: Cheif imam
(The Sun Daily)

Nigerian army chief estimates death toll by Boko Haram at 3,000
(Dan Wooding, ASSIST News Service)

Norway’s cops apologize for sending Jews to WWII death camps
(Jim Kouri, Eurasia Review)

Pakistan: 'Religion and politics'
(Ather Naveed,

Persecution or freedom? Kansas town decides to remove religious cross from seal
(Matt Harrigan,

Polish court bans ritual slaughter, EU gives go-ahead
(AFP, France24)

Polish ruling on kosher meat angers Jews
(Marcin Goettig, Reuters, Yahoo! News)

Religion educators respond to students’ questions about faith
(Samuel Speciale, The Pathenon (Marshall University))

Religious communities support government draft on circumcision
(Deutscher Bundestag, Deutscher Bundestag)

Religious tolerance in Saudi Arabia?
(Chad Groening, One News Now)

Salvation Army's red kettle holiday campaign takes heat from gay rights activists
(Huffington Post)

SPLC announces fraud suit over gay conversion therapy
(Southern Poverty Law Center)

U.N. committee expresses concern for Myanmar's Muslims
(Michelle Nichols, The Star Online)

UK not doing enough to combat human trafficking and domestic slavery
(Alasdair Henderson, UK Human Rights Blog)

Vatican says it will promote religious liberty in Saudi-backed center
(Catholic News Service , Catholic Sentinel)

Warren Jeffs' ranch may be seized by Texas
(Paul J. Weber, The Christian Science Monitor)

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Draft Law # 10221: the end to religious freedom in Ukraine?
(Maksym Vasin, Institute for Religious Freedom)

100,000 Egyptians protest as ‘Pharaoh’ Morsi digs heels in over power grab (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Application for Wilberforce Academy
(Due 14 January 2013, Christian Concern / Christian Legal Centre)

As worshippers gather, Pakistani city endures second deadly blast in two days
(Nasir Habib and Shaan Khan, CNN)

At intercultural centre, Ban highlights need for religious and political leaders to use their influence responsibly
(UN News Centre)

Austin, Texas, student sues over SmartID 'locator' chips on religious grounds
(Associated Press, The Plain Dealer )

Churches find revenue leasing steeples to cell companies
(Kendall Taggart, NBC)

Colombian evangelical Christians convert to Judaism, embracing hidden past
(Juan Forero, The Washington Post)

Dalai Lama: ‘Religion should not indulge in conversions’
(Deccan Herald)

EVENT 30 November 2012: "The Religious Question in Modern China"
(The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

EVENT 30 November 2012: USCIRF telephone briefing with mandate assistant of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief

EVENT 4-5 December 2012 – Secularism and Religious Diversity in Europe: Opportunities and Perspectives

Extremism law curbs religious freedom in Russia
(Matthew Brunwasser , PRI's The World)

France: les “mariages” homosexuels approuvés, mais pour qui ?
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Globalization vs. traditional religion
( Margaret Placentra Johhston, Huff Post Religion)

Government will act ‘speedily’ to legalize abortion: Irish Labour Party
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

Have human rights hijacked the language of morals? – and other questions: Laws
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Iowa company: US probe into whether it falsely labeled items as halal could damage business
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

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