Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 7 December 2012

Same-sex marriage latest: Prime Minister supports church weddings
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Supreme court asked to bypass 9th Circuit to review Nevada same-sex marriage case
(Dale Carpenter, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Syria: Human rights, minorities, and the challenge of Accountability
(Steven Heydemann, United States Institute of Peace)

There is no ‘Trust us’ clause in Constitution: NY Archdiocese wins ruling on HHS mandate
(John Jalsevac, Life Site News)

United State Supreme Court takes up same-sex marriage for first time
(Terry Barnes, Reuters)

Voodoo in Africa: Christian demonisation angers followers
(Monica Mark, The Guardian)

WCC delivers climate change statement at COP 18
(World Council of Churches)

More on A, B and C v Ireland and reforming abortion law
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Anglican Communion must not drift apart, Archbishop Williams says in farewell letter
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Announcing Law Student Externships for Summer 2013
(The International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Anvers accueillera le grand évènement de la “communauté LGBT” en 2013
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Being 'forgiven' makes people more generous, psychologists find
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Blake Page, West Point Cadet, quits military academy over religion (VIDEO)
(Michael Hill, Associated Press via Huffington Post)

Catholics to be allowed into the royal club (sort of)
(Matthew Fitzgerald, CNN)

Christians in Kurdish region of Iraq faring well, say experts
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter)

Columnist Will speaks on religion in American politics
(Sadie Smeck, Washington University in St. Louis)

Dutch blasphemy law to fall and Irish one may follow
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

EVENT 14 December 2012: Inaugural Symposium: Christianity and Freedom: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
(The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

First AME Church files lawsuit against former pastor
(Angel Jennings, Los Angeles Times)

Gay marriage: France is not uptight … but some French politicians are
(Romain Burrel, The Guardian)

Interview with Egypt women's rights activist, Samira Ibrahim
(Human Rights Without Frontiers, Facebook)

Islamic finance faces growth challenges
(Jennifer Pak, BBC)

Islamist Intimidation: The battle for the future of Tunisia
(Alexander Smoltczyk, Der Spiegel)

La laïcité turque a du plomb dans l’aile, selon La Vie
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Minorities in Lebanon are wary of Syrian war
(Josh Wood, New York Times)

N.Y. shul’s rabbis ‘regret’ email praising U.N. Palestine vote

Nigeria: Tony Blair’s religious reconcilatory efforts
(John Amoda, Vanguard Nigeria)

Plans for new east London 'mega-mosque' rejected by local council
(Andrew Hough, The Telegraph)

Professor Robert T. Smith Discusses the Battle over the Meaning of Religious Freedom
(The International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Religion on the rise in the US, Christian denominational church membership dropping
(Napp Nazworth, Christian Today)

Religious leaders tell Congress no new laws are needed to curb abuse
(Suzanne Perry, The Chronicle of Philanthropy )

Rubio clarifies age of the Earth answer
(Ashley Killough, CNN)

Santa Monica churches stage live nativity scenes after Christmas tradition banned by court
(Meredith Bennett-Smith, Huffington Post)

Supreme Court taking slow-go approach on gay marriage
(Jon Schuppe, NBC New York)

The explosive debate over Egypt's new constitution
(The Atlantic)

The role of faith in the 2012 election
(Barna Group)

The Wahhabi war on Indonesia's Shiites
(Rossie Indira and Andre Vltchek, Foreign Policy in Focus)

UPS sued by EEOC for religious discrimination
(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commision)

Vivre l'Avent dans un monde sécularisé
(Natalia Trouiller, La Vie)

Washington state begins issuing same-sex marriage licences
(The Guardian)

Wisconsin priest, 92, punished for Mass with woman priest
(Mary Wisniewski, Reuters)

Yaseen Ali Ege murder: Mother killed son over Koran studies

YouTube ban, spurred by anti-Islamic video, is met with shrugs
(Azam Ahmed, New York Times)

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

'Zamzam' reveals divisions in Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood
(Tamer al-Samadi, Al-Monitor)

A Compilation Report on Religious Freedom at the European Parliament and the European External Action Service (EEAS) (January 2010 – September 2012)
(Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE))

ACLU of Oklahoma files judicial complaint against judge for unconstitutionally requiring defendant to attend church

After creationism bill failed, Indiana senator will push 'truth in education' measure
(Mary Beth Schneider, Indy Star)

Belarus: Last minute reprieve for charismatic church
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18)

Bristol University Christian Union bans women from speaking at main meetings
(Meredith Bennett-Smith, Huffington Post)

Buncombe school board reviews religion policy
(Amy Churchill, Citizen-Times)

Cadet quits, cites overt religion at West Point
(Michael Hill, Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

Couple guilty of animal cruelty in case involving Passover lamb
(Lance Benzel, Colorado Gazette)

Desmond Tutu urges Uganda to drop anti-homosexuality bill
(Fredrick Nzwili, Huff Post Religion)

Dutch ready to revoke blasphemy law
(Deutsche Welle)

Egypt’s draft constitution: Religious freedom undermined
(Samuel Tadros, National Review Online)

EU Human Rights Guidelines on the Protection of Religious Freedom
(Dr Joe Vella Gauci, COMECE, EuropeInfos)

GOP Tennessee governor blasts critics of Muslim adviser
(Hamed Aleaziz, Think Progress)

Hundreds of thousands besiege Egypt's presidential palace to protest draft constitution
(Yasmine Fathy, Randa Ali and Zeinab El-Guindi, Ahram Online)

Indian Muslims in U.K. express concern over Charminar row
(Hasan Suroor, The Hindu)

Islamist sect in Nigeria grows more deadly
(Jon Gambrell, AP via ABC News)

Judge strikes down Facebook page “Keeping our Kids Safe From Predators”
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Kazakhstan: Government "did the right thing" in allowing wanted Uzbek pastor to leave
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

Merkel deputy criticizes Turkey over religious freedoms
(Noah Barkin, Reuters)

Miami-Dade Commission reinstitutes prayer before meetings; ACLU threatens to sue
(Charles Rabin, The Miami Herald)

Nigeria: Top terrorism leader, subordinates killed
(Jim Kouri, Eurasia Review)

Opinion polls on assisted dying
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Pakistan: HRCP condemns desecration of Ahmadi graves
(The International Herald Tribune)

Priests are not press meat, says Strasbourg
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Religion big factor for Americans against same-sex marriage
(Frank Newport, Gallup Politics)

Religion unites Slovakia, Hungary
(The Budapest Times)

Syrians civil war spills into Lebanon
(Bassem Mroue, USA Today)

Who will Gujarat's Muslims vote for?
(Ram Puniyani, Tehelka)

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Pharmacist conscience rights under attack
(Carrie Severino, National Review Online)

A bishop behind bars: Amish sect leader tells of the beard-cutting that could lock him up for life
(M.L. Nestel and Jebediah Reed, The Daily)

A Lincoln Chafee Christmas
(William McGurn, The Wall Street Journal)

Algerian faces 5 years in prison for sharing Christian faith
(Compass Direct News)

Chaplain sues Mikey Weinstein (documents)
(Gordan James Klingenschmitt, The Pray in Jesus Name Project)

France to discipline lawyer who requested removal of judge from case because of Jewish last name
(The Algemeiner)

French lawyer sought removal of judge with Jewish name
(Robert Myles, Digital Journal)

Hindus condemn demolition of Gypsy settlement in Spain
(Eurasia Review)

Israel: Court approves gay divorce in landmark ruling
(Yonah Jeremy Bob, The Jerusalem Post)

Judge blocks California law on conversion therapies
(Los Angeles Times)

Judge ousted from Fort Hood shooting case for showing lack of impartiality over suspect
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Mongolia: Police detain 9 Christians, send two to labor camp for holding free medical clinics & evangelizing
(Christian Newsire, Canada Free Press)

Mormons reach growth milestones in Africa, world
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, Salt Lake Tribune)

One dead in violent clashes in Bangladesh
(The Australian)

Pakistan reels with violence against Shiites
(Declan Walsh, New York Times via RealClearWorld)

Pope Benedict XVI tightens church control over Catholic charities
(Alessandro Speciale, Huffington Post)

Pope gets some 370,000 Twitter followers in 24 hours
(Philip Pullella, Paul Casciato, Reuters)

Press Release: USCIRF alarmed by anti-Semitic remarks in Hungary

Religion can provide early warning system against excesses of the market
(John Marsden, Irish Times)

Russians fear Mayan doomsday, government assures world will not end
(Eline Gordts, Huffington Post)

Sandy-hit shuls apply for aid despite ban: FEMA barred from helping houses of worship for now
(Seth Berkman, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Sunni-Alawite clashes break out in north Lebanon
(Erika Solomon, Mark Heinrich, Reuters)

Three-Self church's application to stage protest against illegal demolition of church property is rejected
(China Aid Association, China Aid News)

Tory MP Richard Bacon’s motion to repeal Human Rights Act defeated
(Scott Roberts, Pink News)

Tunisia arrests Salafist suspects over Sufi shrine attack
(Agence France-Presse, Arab News)

Turkey: Expectations of the new Constitution and what this means for freedom of religion or belief
(MineYildirim, Forum 18 News Service)

Turkish TV channel fined for 'The Simpsons' blasphemy episode
(Justin Vela, The Telegraph)

Vix display underscores religious controversy
(Charles C. Haynes, My SA)

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