Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Video: Novak Award winner says religion inspires hope, creativity in crisis
(Michael Severance, Acton Institute Power Blog)

Working Paper: Two Concepts of Religious Freedom in the European Court of Human Rights
(Nehal Bhuta, Cadmus, European University Institute)

Monday, 10 December 2012

Archdiocese, parishes win key victory in bankruptcy
(Annysa Johnson, Journal Sentinel)

Both sides brace for Supreme Court battle on gay marriage
(Richard Wolf, Washington Post)

Call for religious freedom on human rights day
(Christian Today)

Canada’s witch trials: Fake sorcerers and sham psychics abound despite hundred-year-old law to protect people
(Tristin Hopper, National Post)

Censored: How European "Hate Speech" Laws Are Threatening Freedom of Speech
(Paul Coleman, Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe)

Charities fight possible changes on tax deductions
(Jackie Kucinich, USA Today)

Comment: The world is silent while atheists are persecuted
(Andrew Copson,

Egypt: Defeat would be a blow to Islamic state
(Richard Spencer, Sydney Morning Herald)

FBI releases 2011 hate crimes data; 19.8% are motivated by anti-religious bias
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

First AME Church files lawsuit against former pastor
(Angel Jennings, Los Angeles Times)

France : vers un modèle de « laïcité à la chinoise » ?
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

François Hollande veut un "Observatoire de la laïcité"
(Natalia Trouiller, La Vie)

Germany: Image of Islam 'devastating'
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Government breaks promises on same-sex marriage in churches
(Christian Concern)

HMG and votes for prisoners: maybe not such a cunning plan
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Human Rights Day celebrated by activists around the world (PHOTOS)
(Associated Press, Huff Post Impact)

Iran launches Islamic YouTube rival 'Mehr'

More Leveson, Channel Islands Homosexuality and Gay Marriage – The Human Rights Roundup
(Sam Murrant, UK Human Rights Blog)

Muslim women face an uphill battle against prejudice to find work
( Myriam Francois-Cerrah, The Guardian)

Nick Herbert: Legalising same-sex marriage is ‘the right thing to do’
(Joseph Patrick McCormick, Pink News)

Nigerian forces arrest 28 suspected Islamists in Kano
(Chukwuemeka Madu, Tim Cocks, Myra MacDonald, Reuters)

Opponents of Egypt’s leader call for Boycott of charter vote
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Pakistan won't allow religious extremism: PM
(IANS, News Track India)

Poland's 'baby hatches' leave vulnerable mothers exposed
(Sophia Deboick, The Guardian)

Religion and Law roundup: 9th December
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Russia: Restrictions on Falun Gong
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Secret church files on abusive LA priests could soon see light of day
(Gillian Flaccus, Huffington Post)

Sectarian conflict kills at least 17 in northern Lebanon in spillover of Syrian civil war
(Josh Wood, New York Times)

Strasbourg, defamation, press freedom and allegations of sexual misconduct
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Trial exposes shadowy chasidic 'modesty committees'
(Hella Winston, The Jewish Week)

Vietnam breaks up anti-China protest
(Chris Brummitt, Associated Press)

World’s most dangerous religion: Atheists face worldwide persecution – IHEU report

Trinity Wall Street awards $250,000 grant to expand veterans services
(Episcopal News Service)

Saturday, 8 December 2012

"Argo" and Hollywood's Muslim problem
(Fouad Pervez, Foreign Policy in Focus)

Africa struggles with impact of small arms proliferation
(Addis Ababa, World Council of Churches)

After long disdain, Jamaica gets 1st Patois Bible
(David Mcfadden, Associated Press)

Americans recognize Obamacare's religious liberty problem
(Sarah Torre, The Foundry)

Bahrain: Shiite clerics must 'prohibit' violence
(Reem Khalifa, Associated Press)

Bishops urge Catholics to pray for life, marriage, religious liberty
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Burma: US officials meet monks, protesters behind monastery’s closed doors
(Aye Nai, Democratic Voice of Burma)

Court says Nativity is expression of free speech on public land
(Jake Jones,

Death penalty in Saudi Arabia
(Khalid Alnowaiser, Arab News)

Death penalty serves as a deterrent
(Safi H. Jannaty, Arab News)

For Amish, fastest-growing faith group in US, life is changing
(Mark Guarino, The Christian Science Monitor)

Freedom of religion - for whom?
(European University Institute)

Gays debate: Culture vs religion
(Veneranda Langa, NewsDay)

India: Muslim League to seek release of Maadani
(Ashraf Padanna, Arab News)

India: Religion cannot be thrust upon a child : HC
(The Hindu Business Line)

Interfaith leaders: Dialogue helps overcome secularism
(Michelle Bauman)

Judge in Fort Hood shooter’s military trial dismissed from case
(Jim Kouri, Eurasia Review)

Justices to hear two challenges on gay marriage
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Liberty Counsel defends senior's Christmas tree
(The Moral Liberal)

Meet the Egyptians fighting interfaith tensions
(Magdy Aziz Tobia, Common Ground News Service)

Morsi 'ready' to postpone controversial referendum, says justice minister
(Al Bawaba News)

Morsi is seen on a path to imposing martial law in Egypt
(The New York Times)

Muslim Brotherhood offices in Cairo set on fire
(Cairo Bureau, Tom Perry, Yasmine Saleh, and Louise Ireland, Reuters)

Myanmar apologizes for violence against monks
(Aye Aye Win, Associated Press)

No Justice? Indonesia struggles to address history of human rights abuse
(The Jakarta Globe)

NYPD asks for dismissal of lawsuit by NJ Muslims
(Samantha Henry, Associated Press)

NYPD Muslim spying lawsuit: Department seeks dismissal of suit alleging unconstitutional surveillance
(Samantha Henry, Huffington Post)

PC (USA)'s West Africa Initiative promotes sustainable food production
(Margaret Mwale, Presbyterian News Service)

Polish government to reinstate religious animal slaughter after court ban

Report says hate crime is a 'reality' in the EU
(Martin Banks, The

Revolting laity attacked by Parliament
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Sectarian violence in Karachi: Is Pakistan closer to the Precipice?
(P. K. Upadhyay, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses)

Thailand: Leadership Academy for Muslim women
(The Nation)

U.S. Supreme Court to review gay marriage cases
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

UK Scouts consider removing 'God' from promise
(Christian Concern)

Friday, 7 December 2012

'Stay with us,' new LDS website urges gay Mormons
(Joseph Walker, Deseret News)

Allowing religious gay marriages will avoid human rights challenges
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

Breaking News : The Court has announced that it will review the constitutionality of both the federal Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Card-writing campaign latest move in effort to release imprisoned Adventists
(Adventist News Network)

China: Self-immolators and their abettors will be charged with murder
(Olga Khazan, Washington Post)

Court says Bentleyville can't restrict preachers to 'First Amendment Zone'
(Mike Creger, Duluth News Tribune)

Despite hate mail, Pasadena church will host Muslim event
(Adolfo Flores, Los Angeles Times)

Egypt protesters march toward president's palace
(Maggie Fick and Maggie Michael, Associated Press)

EU sees faith bias problem, but not sure of solution
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

EVENT (webcast) 18 December 2012: Crisis in Mali: Causes and Options
(United States Institute of Peace)

FBI may not begin tracking hate crimes against Sikhs until 2015
( Anju Kaur, Washington Bureau)

Former church members sue Saginaw pastor after lawsuit seeking more than $100,000 in tithes fails
(Mark Tower, Michigan Live)

Gay marriage: David Cameron backs church role

German poll indicates a widespread fear of Muslims and Islam
(National Secular Society)

Guestview: “Do you know of any people in Paris who go to church in these conditions?”
(Nadeem Hakemi, Reuters)

Kazakhstan: "There can be no Tatar, Chechen or Tajik mosques"
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18)

Leon County Judge Accused of Trying to Sell Religious Materials at Courthouse
(Associated Press, WCTV)

Malaysia storm over female circumcision
(ABC News)

Mark Driscoll: 'Puff or pass. Should Christians smoke pot or not?'
(Alex Murashko, Christian Post)

Mayan Apocalypse: Cuban beach hosts sacred rites by sages
(Anne-Marie Garcia, Huffington Post)

Morsi turns to his Islamist backers as Egypt’s crisis grows
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Moving menorahs for Chanukah
(Jonah Lowenfeld, Jewish Journal)

Muslim men in youth jails rises by a quarter
(Huffington Post)

New premature birth data and the abortion limit
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

No new trial, no acquittal for Amish sect leader convicted in Ohio beard-cuttings
(Torsten Ove,

Obama at National Christmas Tree lighting: 'A chance to remember what Christ taught us'
(Elizabeth Tenety, Washington Post)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Reporter who broke Savita story admits: there may have been no request for a ‘termination’
(Hilary White, Life Site News)

Rising religious sectarian violence in Pakistan
(Qamar-ul Huda, Olive Branch Post)

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