Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Nigeria’s northern insurgency and the selfishness of the nation’s elite
(Emeka Mamah, Clifford Ndujihe, Okey Ndiribe & Dapo Akinrefon, Vanguard)

State Committee: “Fact of religious intolerance has been revealed in the books, which the Jehovah's Witnesses religious community attempted to bring to Azerbaijan”
(Mubariz Aslanov, APA)

Questions for the House of Laity (and the Church)
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Chaplin, Eweida, Ladele and McFarlane: the judgment
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Europeans launch campaign to declare life starts at conception
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Nationalism, religion a deadly mix in Balochistan
(Jafaria News Network)

Chechnya admin denies restrictions on religious freedom

Citing religion, some health workers refuse flu shots
(Janice Lloyd, Religion News Service)

Azerbaijan: No legal place of worship for 40,000-strong town
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Pakistani cleric, government strike deal
(Zarar Khan, Associated Press)

Study shows Bible courses plagued by insufficient teacher training, religious bias, poor instructional materials
(Texas Freedom Network)

Judge orders Russia to pay $50K per day in contempt sanctions
(Zoe Tillman, The Blog of Legal Times)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

At once Catholic and secular, France debates gay marriage
(Steven Erlanger, New York Times)

Cleric return jolts Pakistan politics before vote
(Rebecca Santana, Associated Press)

Contraception coverage heads to high court
(Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle)

Morsi’s slurs against Jews stir concern
(David D. Kirkpatrick, New York Times)

RI coalition rallies support for gay marriage
(David Klepper, Associated Press)

Vatican criticizes European religious freedom ruling
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Presidential Proclamation -- Religious Freedom Day
(Barack Obama, The White House)

European Court of Human Rights supports the right to wear a cross at work
(Sarah Ash and Nick Thomas, Lexicology)

Four get religious-liberty awards from First Freedom Center
(Graham Moomaw, Times Dispatch)

First Freedom Awards 2013: Rebiya Kadeer, Tad Stahnke, Eric Treene, W. Taylor Reveley III
(First Freedom Center)

Commission welcomes European Court of Human Rights ruling on religious discrimination cases
(Equality and Human Rights Commission)

European court rules religion cannot justify anti-gay discrimination
(Michael K. Lavers, Washington Blade)

Balancing Christian and gay rights isn't easy - give Strasbourg some credit
(Joshua Rozenberg, The Guardian)

Abp Mamberti responds to European Court of Human Rights judgement
(Vatican Radio)

ECHR: "Obsessive political correctness" trumps freedom of conscience
(European Dignity Watch)

End conditions that feed terrorism, Ban tells Security Council at day-long debate
(UN News Centre)

Hungary's "revival of the the cult of anti-Semitism"
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Azerbaijan: Accountability for raiders through Baku and Strasbourg courts?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Anonymous to protect funeral of Reddit co-founder from Westboro Baptist protest
(Vincent Funaro, (The Christian Post) CP Tech & Biz)

Obama picks D.C. Episcopal priest to deliver inauguration benediction
(Lisa Desjardins and Eric Marrapod, CNN Belief Blog)

Rising religious restrictions around the world include wearing of religious symbols
(Pew Research Center)

Westboro Baptist Church gets permit to protest President Barack Obama inauguration
(Cavan Sieczkowski, Huff Post Religion)

Pakistan’s newest martyrs: Why anti-Shi‘ite violence may be the country’s biggest problem
(Omar Waraich, Time)

Aum successor wins damages, apology from Tokyo government
(The Japan Times)

How much Quran belongs in the classroom?
(Ariel Zirulnick, The Christian Science Monitor)

Muslims demolish church building in Egypt
(Mary Abdelmassih, Assyrian International News Agency)

15 years in jail: Egyptian family charged for attempting to restore Christian names
(Russia Today (RT))

Judge halts Illinois state mandate of contraceptives and abortifacients coverage in his HHS lawsuit
(Thomas More Society)

ObamaCare a drain on freedom: plumbing supply co.’s suit enters pipeline
(Kevin Theriot, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Cross will stay in parliament, Polish court rules
(Polskie Radio)

U.S. to mark 20th Religious Freedom Day
(David Ward, Deseret News)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Cross case nurse Shirley Chaplin plans to appeal ruling
(BBC News)

Kosovo: 56 Orthodox Tombstones Seriously Vandalized
(Draško Đenović, Centar 9)

International religious freedom: A human right for everyone
(Ben Rogers, Conservative Home)

Something to celebrate on Religious Freedom Day
(John Ragosta, Religion News Service)

Human rights panel: 'gay' trumps 'faith'
(Alex Newman, WND Faith)

Mixed religious-freedom rulings at European Court of Human Rights
(Catholic World News,

European court rejects three UK faith bias complaints
(Claire Davenport, Reuters)

Stanford University appoints atheist 'chaplain'
(Thomas Kidd, World News Service, Religion Today)

A loss for the Christian lobby: the ECHR ruling reinforces the crucial point that religious rights don't automatically trump the rights of others
(Jerome Taylor, The Independent)

Ontario police investigate and lay polygamy charges, while B.C. dithers
(Daphne Bramham, The Star Phoenix)

The Atlantic’s Scientology problem, start to finish
(Erik Wemple, The Washington Post)

Satanists plan rally in support of Florida Gov. Rick Scott
(Christina NG, ABC Nightline)

NY teacher sues over classroom religious displays
(Carolyn Thompson, AP, Worldwide Religious News)

Faith in religion good for mental health, says new study

More than 1,000 Catholic priests in England sign open letter railing against gay marriage proposal
(Cavan Sieczkowski, Huff Post Religion)

Polish court rejects motion to remove crucifix from parliament
(Reuters FaithWorld)

The EHF welcomes the European Court of Human Rights’s judgement about supposed “Christian discrimination” and joins its member organisation BHA’s analysis about it
(European Humanist Federation)

Vatican II and religious liberty
(Joe Carter, Acton Institute Power Blog)

Saudi clerics protest against appointing women to advisory body
(Asma Alsharif, Reuters)

Religious freedom across the pond
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online)

The puzzle of religious liberty
(Benjamin Wiker, The Catholic World Report)

European Court: Religious beliefs do not trump anti-discrimination law
(Peter Montgomery, Religion Dispatches)

Religion and Downton Abbey
(Rev. Ian Markham, Religion & Ethics Newsweekly)

Christians win and lose at European human rights court
(Whitney Williams, World News Service)

Europe's top human rights court defines limits of religious freedom
(Daniel DeFraia and Paul Ames, Global Post)

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims are threatened by an increase in sectarian violence – Myanmar Rohingya refugees rescued in Thailand
(Al Jazeera)

My human rights wish-list
(Benedict Rogers, Huffpost Impact, United Kingdom)

Religious coalition takes on the gun lobby
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

In Cuba, Hugo Chávez gets spiritual support from Jesus - not Marx
(David Paulin, The American Thinker)

Landmark ruling: Human Rights Court rules religious beliefs do not trump LGBT rights
(David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement)

Obama: ‘Israel doesn’t know what its best interests are’
(Jeffrey Goldberg, Bloomberg)

What U.S. Jews don’t get about European anti-Semitism
(Jonathan Freedland, The Daily Beast)

AALS Law and Religion Section Newsletter (including comprehensive bibliography): 2012
(Law and Religion Section, American Association of Law Schools)

Indonesian women told how to ride motorbikes
(Sara Schonhardt, New York Times)

Cross ban did infringe BA worker's rights, Strasbourg court rules
(Owen Boycott, The Guardian)

Indonesia: Religious freedom under attack as Shi'a villagers face eviction
(Amnesty International)

Vietnamese diaspora: freedom for unjustly sentenced Catholics

Vietnam: Carmelite monastery and Church property targeted, archbishop of Hanoi says

Kenya: Bishops call govt's neglect of IDPs 'a disgrace'
(Mathew Ndanyi, All Africa)

Egypt: Shura committee rejects quota for Copts in Parliament
(Aswat Masriya, All Africa)

British Airways Christian employee Nadia Eweida wins case
(BBC News)

Germany and Israel: A relationship full of misunderstandings
(Christiane Hoffmann and René Pfister, Speigel Online)

'Insulting' to be dropped from section 5 of Public Order Act
(Robert Booth, The Guardian)

'American Taliban' fighter wins prison prayer lawsuit
(Kristine Guerra, Indianapolis Star)

Pakistan: Shia anger against Kayani – Analysis
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

Iran: MPs line up behind supreme leader on election issue
(Radio Zameneh)

Christian employees in the UK: a second class category
(Grégor Puppinck, ECLJ, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Islamists threaten France following troops deployed to Mali, Somalia‏
(Jim Kouri, Eurasia Review)

More young people are moving away from religion, but why?

Avenir de la Culture welcomes the outstanding success of the January 13th rallies in support of Traditional Marriage
(Press Release, Avenir de la Culture)

The issue of the legal recognition of “same-sex couples” before the Grand Chamber of the European Court
(Grégor Puppinck and Andrea Popescu, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

ECtHR Announces Judgment in UK Religious Freedom in Employment Cases: The "right to manifest religion at work is protected but must be balanced against rights of others".
(The European Court of Human Rights, reported by The Strasbourg Consortium)

Monday, 14 January 2013

Why can't we read the Scientology book Going Clear in the UK?
(Steve Rose, The Guardian: Books)

“Liberté, égalité, homoparentalité” : EHF President speaks on French gay marriage debate
(Pierre Galand, European Humanist Federation)

Algeria to redefine role of mosques
(Fidet Mansour, All Africa)

Landmark European court judgment on religious freedoms due
(Owen Boycott, The Guardian)

Human rights barristers await European ruling in joined religious liberty cases
(Sam Chadderton, The Lawyer)

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