Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 1 March 2013

Religious expression in the public sphere
(Benedict Coleridge Jesuit Refugee Service - Europe, EuropeInfos)

The spotlight turns again on the Cross
(Alessandro Calcagno, COMECE, EuropeInfos)

Christians, Sikhs and Hindus demand electoral reform for better representation
(Shafique Khokhar, Asia News)

Nigeria: Muslim students protest ban of Hijab in Lagos schools
(George Okogie, Leadership via AllAfrica)

Al Azhar condemns Aby Sayyaf over un-Islamic abductions and terror acts
(Asia News)

Kenya: Arsonists burn Keroka church in land dispute
(Angwenyi Gichana, The Star via AllAfrica)

Bangladesh: Dozens killed in clashes between Islamists and police
(Asia News)

Nigeria: MSSN protest paralyses activities at Alausa
(Monsur Olowoopejo, Vanguard via All Africa)

Religious freedom outscores Obamacare 12-4 in court
(Melanie Korb, Charisma News)

Kanlho, 9 Tibetans on trial for encouraging self-immolations
(Asia News)

California bill seeks to punish Boy Scouts for prohibiting homosexual leaders, members
(Heather Clark, Christian News)

Egyptian Muslims clash with police amid religious tensions
(Global Post)

Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress takes veiled swipe at Tim Tebow
(Chris Strauss, Religion News Service)

Two cheers for Tebow
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

“Ohmmm” my goodness: Yoga and religion in public schools
(Amy E. Feldman, Constitution Daily)

InterVarsity to file brief on attempts to restrict religious liberties at universities
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

Religious discrimination averted? High school sports league amends constitution to avoid sabbath furor
(Billy Hallowell, The Blaze)

Catholic association’s Ferguson: Obama administration a threat to religious liberty
(Marti Lotman, Newsmax)

Sri Lanka: Under threat of abduction, Christian lawyer will not give up his mission
(Melani Manel Perera, Asia News)

Civil unions bill passes committee, Catholic Charities speaks out
(Megan Schrader, Colorado Springs Gazette)

Nigeria: Killers in name of religion, agents of Devil – Taraba ag. gov
(Ojih Andrew, Leadership)

Mass. schools to allow boys in girls' restrooms
(Michael Foust, Baptist Press)

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Our new blog on religion: Hard clogs to fill
(B.C., The Economist [Erasumus: Religion and public policy])

Russian court settles prolonged case in Pentecostals' favor
(Center for Information and Analysis, via Russia Religious News (Stetson University))

AJC brief urges Supreme Court to protect same-sex marriage, religious liberty
(International Business Times)

Appeals court upholds voucher plan that would fund religious schools in Colorado
(Press Release, ACLU)

Russia: Contradictions in "extremism" case against imams
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Texas Ten Commandments resolution calls for prayer, religious displays in schools
(Mollie Reilly, Huffington Post)

Attorney: Time of 'great peril' for people of faith
(Tonika Reed, Baptist Press)

Spanish city's ban on Islamic veils overturned
(Associated Press)

China arrests 5 Tibetans for 'inciting' immolation
(Gillian Wong, Huffington Post)

Seeking war crimes justice, Bangladesh protesters fight 'anit-Islam' label
(Elizabeth Yuan and Farid Ahmed, CNN)

Australia High Court bans controversial church from public preaching without permit
(Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post)

Nadler defends his vote against providing Sandy aid to religious institutions
(Willie Simpson, Bensonhurst Bean)

Ethiopia elects new leader for Orthodox church
(Associated Press)

Victory for Manicaland in long awaited judgment
(Bellah Zulu, Anglican Communion News Service)

Danish opponent of Islam is attacked, and Muslims defend his right to speak
(Andrew Higgins, New York Times)

Mounting mortgage cases could force one of U.S.'s largest megachurches into foreclosure
(Melissa Steffan, Christianity Today)

Obama to oppose state ban on gay marriage
(Richard Wolf and David Jackson, USA Today)

Shabbat no excuse for not carrying ID, Dutch court rules
(Associated Press, Haaretz)

UK Government notes the genuine concern of 118,000 petitions regarding human rights abuses in India
(Parmjit Singh,

Vietnam affirms consistent policy of protecting human rights
(VietNamNet Bridge)

Civil Rights Commission solicits comments on religious liberty
(Matthew J. Franck, National Review Online)

Disagree with Christians? That’s fine. But do not silence them
(Matthew Block, National Post)

Secretary Kerry's 'stupid' defense of religious liberty - OpEd
(Ken Blackwell, Christian Post Opinion)

Election of new pontiff: events leading to the sede vacante
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Big push to support gay marriage at high court
(Mark Sherman, Associated Press, Seattle Times)

Pew Forum Weekly Religion News Update

Christian convert in Sudan reveals struggles, restrictions on religious freedom in African nation
(Morning Star News)

A hard look at freedom: Religious toleration as a foreign-policy aim
(B.C., The Economist [Erasumus: Religion and public policy])

Jim Miller relies on religion to justify intolerance of homosexuals
(Mike Florio, NBC News)

Church and state in France and the United States
(Jean Baubérot, The Washington Post)

13 progressive faith leaders to watch in 2013
(Jack Jenkins, Eleni Towns, and Catherine Woodiwiss, Center for American Progress)

Students criticize Core's treatment of religious texts
(Samantha Cooney, Columbia Spectator)

Study shows offenders exploit religion to justify criminal activity
(Kelly Petty, Independent Voters Network)

Sabah utstazah, Catholic priest siblings say religion bonds them
(Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider)

Religion news in brief
(AP via Washington Post)

Indonesia: Religious minorities targets of rising violence
(Human Rights Watch)

Agudah wants faith-based pre-Ks in universal program
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Hindus welcome Hungarian top court overturning nation’s religion law
(Tapa Menon, Oye! Times)

Israel: 'Religious councils act as a law unto themselves'
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

Kerry defends liberties, says Americans have "right to be stupid"
(Arshad Mohammed, Reuters)

India: Minor Muslim girls can’t marry: High Court
(Umesh R Yadav, The New Indian Express)

US imam calls on Muslims in US to wage jihad
(Neil Munro, The Daily Caller)

Four men found guilty of sharia law whipping in Australia
(The Indian Express)

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Novosibirsk Regional Court brands Allya-Ayat extremist

Ahmadenijad considers separation of religion and state
(Arutz Sheva 7)

House considers rising anti-Semitism in Europe, Middle East
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Ohio high court hosts heated arguments in case of fired teacher who kept Bible on his desk
(Associated Press)

Born this way? Five court cases will put focus on gay identity
(Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times)

Arkansas abortion bill vetoed by Governor Mike Beebe
(Andrew DeMillo, Associated Press)

Pope Benedict XVI recalls 'joy,' difficulties in final audience (+videos)
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, Deseret News)

As a new pope is chosen, Latin America hopes for more sway
(Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times)

Va. passes ban on campus 'all-comers' policy
(CBN News)

4th circuit upholds regulation of fortune tellers over 1st Amendment objections
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Street preachers banned from Rundle Mall after High Court upholds Adelaide City Council bylaw
(Sean Fewster, The Australian)

Atheist group settles landmark discrimination case with Michigan country club
(Center for Inquiry)

Child Marriage Act overrides Muslim Personal Law: Karnataka high court
(The Times of India)

6th circuit: City not required to add "Winter Solstice" sign to holiday display
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ultra-Orthodox schools resist mandate on vegetables, fearing kosher violation
(Nathan Guttman, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Pope Benedict allows earlier conclave, extends secrecy oath
(Estefania Aguirre, Catholic News Agency)

Bangladesh: Bloggers threatened and journalists endangered by Islamists and authorities‏
(Eurasia Review)

Egypt: Islamist preacher launches new party to run for parliament
(Aswat Masriya)

Egypt: Christians ask govnt. to reconsider election date
(CISA News Africa)

Cardinal Dolan will go to White House to discuss mutual concerns with Obama
(Catholic News Service)

Russia: "Extremism" trial of imams resumes
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Bangladesh: Thousands of people rally against Islamic party and the political use of religion
(Sumon Francis Gomes, Asia News)

Punjab: Muslim attacks disabled Christian for money, police deny any investigation
(Shafique, Asia News)

Buddhist leader hosted international gathering
(John Mason, Hudson-Catskill Newspapers via Register-Star)

China should recognise Dalai Lama as religious leader
(Christian Today)

Kenya: Kikuyu TNA aspirant confronts pastor over debate
(Njenga Gichea, The Star via AllAfrica)

Canada: Anti-gay flyers violated hate law, Supreme Court rules
(CTV News Staff, CTV News)

Congressmen: Obama admin can't "pick and choose" who gets religious freedom
(Sarah Torre, The Heritage Network)

Tunisia: Islamist arrested for politician's murder
(The Guardian)

Islamist leader urges Russia to revise attitude to Central Asia, Caucasus Islamists

Marriage equality closer to law in Illinois
(Peter Montgomery, Religion Dispatches)

Not anti-religion but pro-justice: Bangladesh protesters
(Haroon Habib, The Hindu)

United Church says limits to freedom of religion are reasonable
(Canada Newswire)

Bahá'í student expelled from Iranian university 'on grounds of religion'
(Saeed Kamali Dehghan, The Guardian)

Indonesia's rising religious intolerance
(Benedict Rogers, New York Times)

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