Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The worsening plight of religious minorities in Iran
(Testimony of Five Witnesses, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission – United States Congress)

In israel, new government is formed without Haredi parties in coalition
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Vatican releases Pope Francis' coat of arms, motto and ring
(The Telegraph)

Religion Without God
(Ronald Dworkin, The New York Review of Books)

Pope Francis inauguration: as it happened
(Sarah Titterton, The Guardian)

Pope Francis holds inauguration mass in the Vatican (VIDEO)
(The Telegraph)

Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry [full text, English]
(Vatican Radio)

Inaugural Mass – Liturgy
(Vatican News Services)

Kentucky can still credit ‘Almighty God’ for its security as U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge
(Peter Smith, Courier-Journal)

The religious-liberty rights of profit-making businesses
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online)

Religious-liberty laws have had limited effect nationwide
(Peter Smith, Courier-Journal)

At inaugural Mass, Pope Francis calls for defending environment, poor
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief discusses new report on violence against Baha'is in Iran
(Bahá'í International Community United Nations Office)

Unholy alliance [discussion at the UN concerning violence against women] – OpEd
(The New York Times)

Message de haine du PS français contre les défenseurs de la vie et de la famille
(Le blog de Jeanne Smits)

La Turquie rêve de reconstituer l'empire ottoman
(Le Salon Beige)

China police accuse Tibetan of killing wife amid latest 'self-immolation protest'
(Tania Branigan, The Guardian)

Challenge for pope in Europe's dwindling church
(Raf Casert, ABC News)

Pakistan: Blasphemy and forced conversion: two young Christians rescued in Lahore

Aaron Jackson paints rainbow home across from anti-gay church
(Noah Michelson and Carol Hartsell, Huffington Post)

Nigeria: CAN, Osun govt bicker over introduction of hijab in Christian schools
(Gbenga Olarinoye, Vanguard)

Lebanon: Muslim religious leaders meet to avert further tensions
(The Daily Star)

Egypt forms first ever Council of Churches
(Bellah Zulu, Anglican Communion News Service)

Parliamentary inquiry led by Christians claims religious education in schools is “poor”
(National Secular Society)

The power of the Islamists in Bangladesh
(Mohshin Habib, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Federal judge strikes down Mo. law on birth control coverage, cites conflict with federal law
(David A. Lieb, AP via the Star Tribune)

Lebanese NGO Collaborates with religious leaders to combat domestic abuse
(Paige Kollock, Voice of America)

Blasphemy laws and Pakistan: Whose Islam is it anyway?
(Dr. Faheem Younus, The Huffington Post)

Canada: Bill 18's infringements on religious belief are 'reasonable'
(Donn Short, Winnipeg Free Press)

Media savvy Pope Francis is 'Ronald Reagan' of religion
(The Week UK)

Kenya: MP-elect seek divine intevention in Cord case
(Musembi Nzengu, The Star)

Kenya: Petition puts Ralia's respect at risk, Muslim leaders claim
(Brian Otieno, The Star)

Protesters and police clash outside Egypt Brotherhood's HQ
(, Albawaba News)

Zion – the Promised Land – too little, too late
(William A. Cook, The Palestine Chronicle)

Pope's diplomacy put to test as political, religious leaders flock to Rome for installation
(Nicole Winfield, AP via Newser)

Kentucky: Students explore religion in politics by traveling cross-country for class
(Elizabeth Trollinger, Centre News)

Liking on Pope Francis
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Philippine Supreme Court halts implementation of contraceptives law amid church opposition
(AP via the Washington Post)

North Carolina Methodist church stops straight marriages until same-sex marriage becomes legal
(Meredith Bennett-Smith, Huffington Post)

S.C. religious-liberty bill seeks to counter U.S. Supreme Court ruling
(Kelli Weston, The Nerve Center)

Confronting Sharia law in Belgium
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Joe Biden upbeat on Pope Francis, but US-Vatican relations not always so rosy
(Peter Grier, The Christian Science Monitor)

Monday, 18 March 2013

EVENT March 20, 2013: The Muslim Brotherhood and the West
(Foreign Policy Research Institute)

EVENT March 22, 2012: Expert to discuss organ donation and Jewish law at Kehilath Israel Synagogue
(Barbara Bayer, The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

EVENT March 26, 2013: Global Institutions of Religion: Ancient Movers, Modern Shakers
(Featuring Katherine Marshall, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Kargil: Echoes of attacks against minorities in Pakistan
(Zainab Akhter, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Interfaith Alliance joins legal brief opposing Louisiana’s school voucher program
(Press Release, Interfaith Alliance)

Supreme Court denies cert. in Establishment Clause challenge to KY Homeland Security statutes
(Howard Friedman)

Papal inaugural Mass will straddle religion and politics
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Religion and Law round up – 17th March
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The BBC and religion
(Fraser Nelson, The Spectator)

Book of Mormon – religion hits the West End
(Robert Gore-Langton, The Spectator)

Maharashtra I-T department says Hinduism not a religion, Shiva a ‘superpower’
(Niti Central (India))

The paradox of religion in Erdogan’s Turkey
(Tulin Daloglu, Al-Monitor)

A week full of religion starts now
(Technician Online)

Court says ban on picketing near homes survives constitutional challenge
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

New Pope inherits troubled China relations
(Radio Free Asia)

Flap between China and the Vatican has nothing to do with religious freedom
(Jinyoung Park, Policymic)

Jihadists in the Syrian Civil War: On the Road to Damascus?
(Ahmed S. Hashim, RSIS Commentaries)

Wrong interpretations by Maulvis defaming Islam – OpEd
(Tanveer Jafri, Eurasia Review)

Wikileaks shows US Vatican embassy profiled Pope Francis in 2005
(Kevin J. Jones, Catholic News Agency)

Arab nations to monitor jihadist websites
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Pope Francis will shake up more than Vatican schedules
(Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency)

Kazakhstan: Religious freedom fines multiply – criminal penalties to come?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Congressional Testimony: USCIRF Chair Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission at hearing on The Worsening Plight of Religious Minorities in Iran
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Swett and Jasser: Bahrain's choice
(Katrina Lantos Swett and M. Zuhdi Jasser, Roll Call)

Bharatiya Janata Party plans 'march to Dhaka' to protest against attacks on religious minorities

Religious freedom in Egypt? Ask the Sphinx
(Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison, Huffington Post)

Louisiana religious leaders speak out against Jindal tax plan
(Jeff Adelson, The Times-Picayune)

Prisoner free exercise cases – March 17, 2013
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Yemen’s parties, social and religious groups meet for 1st time to discuss new political system
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

AALS Jewish Law Newsletter (including Bibliography of 2012 Jewish law and publications)
(Section on Jewish Law, American Association of Law Schools)

Orthodox women’s group sets sights on Jewish life in UK
(Miriam Shaviv, The Times of Israel)

Hosanna-Tabor and the Exaggerated Decline of Separationism
(Alan Hurst, Social Science Research Network)

Pennsylvania: Middle schooler's church flyers upheld by court
(Chris Fry, Courthouse News Service)

Orthodox patriarch to Rome for pope's installation
(Susan Fraser, ABC News)

Pope Francis explains why he chose his name, urges a ‘church of the poor’
(David Gibson and Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Cartoon history of nuns in Ireland needs to be challenged
(Diarmaid Ferriter, Irish Times)

Violence against women has no religious justification
(Badria al-Bishr, Al Arabiya)

Egypt: Islamist preacher faces 'contempt of religion' charges
(Aswat Masriya)

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Strasbourg Controversies, Deportation Amendments and Secret Court fallouts – The Human Rights Roundup
(Sarina Kidd, UK Human Rights Blog)

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Benedict XVI, Francis, and St. Augustine of Hippo
(Miles Hollingsworth, OUP Blog)

Jackson school district moves Jesus portrait
(Lisa Cornwell, Associated Press, The Columbus Dispatch)

Orthodoxy pledges for teachers and dress codes for customers pose religious liberty questions on both coasts
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Russian fundamentalists, opposing gay marriage, sue US, want Alaska back
(RIA Novosti)

Schuette announces second Michigan win for religious liberty: Federal Judge blocks implementation of Obamacare Mandate in Domino's Farms case
(Joy Yearout, Michigan Attorney General's Office)

An unconvincing secularism at the Karachi Literature Festival
(Uthman Badar, New Civilisation)

France will soon repent for backing al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria – OpEd

Friday, 15 March 2013

150 arrested in Pakistan after burning Christian homes
(Xaheer Babar, Associated Press, The Christian Science Monitor)

Queen Elizabeth II expected to sign charter supporting gay rights
(JohnThomas Didymus, Digital Journal)

Nobel prize winner says Pope not connected to Argentine dictatorship
(Catholic News Agency)

World Evangelical Alliance congratulates Pope Francis; hopes to continue dialogue with Catholic Church
(Alex Murashko, Christian Post)

UCL investigating after Islamic group debate segregated seating by gender
(Conal Urguhart, The Guardian)

Francis & the Jews
(Editorial, The Jerusalem Post)

Vatican rejects claims of Pope’s ties to Argentina’s ‘Dirty War’
(Daniel J. Wakin, The New York Times)

Beijing cautions new pope on meddling in China
(Gerry Mullany, The International Herald Tribune)

Police clash with Sunni worshippers in Baghdad
(Sameer N. Yacoub, Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen – and proof Islam's most holy relics are being demolished in Mecca
(Jerome Taylor, The Independent)

Center of gravity: The election of Pope Francis
(Ann Neumann, The Revealer)

Pakistan’s blasphemy laws: Christians come under attack in Lahore
(Saba Imtiaz, The Revealer)

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