Law and Religion Headlines

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Evangelical leaders pushing immigration reform
(David Olson, The Press-Enterprise)

Kentucky governor vetoes "flawed" religious freedom bill
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Another ACA mandate challenge by Catholic non-profits dismissed on ripeness grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religion and Law round up – 24th March
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Muscat wants civil courts supreme on marriage laws
(Kristina Chetcuti, Times of Malta)

Militant atheism has become a religion
(Frans de Waal, Salon)

This week in religion history: Good times, bad times for Joseph Smith
(Canadian Press, National Post)

Social media, religion in the new Arab world
(H.A. Hellyer, Al Arabiya News)

Malta's new prime minister seeking to amend Concordat with Vatican on marriages
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Number of Christians rises, but their share of world population stays stable
(Pew Research Center)

Moaz al-Khatib – Moderate Syrian leader resigns as Islam Front and Nusra move on Damascus. Will the US build a counter-force?
(Joshua Landis, Syria Comment)

Leicester scout hut at centre of religion protests to reopen
(BBC News)

Syrian regime loses last credible ally among the Sunni ulama – OpEd
(Thomas Pierret, Syria Comment)

Claims that Pope supported gay civil unions disputed
(Catholic News Agency)

On prayer and the establishment of religion
(Kendal P. Mobley, Salisbury Post)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Rob Bell affirms gay marriage
(Erin Benziger, Christian Research Network)

Appeals court says Church of Cognitive Therapy is not a "religion"
(Howard Friedman, Religion News Service)

Civil Rights Commission: Can nondiscrimination, religious liberty principles coexist?
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

Reclaiming religious liberty for my family
(Dr. Mitch Randall, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

How the Catholic Church lost Argentina
(Emily Schmall, Foreign Policy)

Bishop labels Church of England 'hypocritical’ over civil partnerships
(Edward Malnick, The Telegraph)

Pope Francis breaks the mould again with ceremony at prison instead of St Peter's
(Nick Squires, The Telegraph)

‘Ex-gay’ London bus advert ban procedurally flawed – but still lawful
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Ban on ‘ex-gay, post-gay and proud’ bus advert criticised but lawful
(Alasdair Henderson, UK Human Rights Blog)

Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage in US
(Jim Malone, VOA News)

President Obama visits Jewish and Christian landmarks
(Eurasia Review)

Tunisian nude photo draws Islamist ire
(Yasmine Najjar, Magharebia)

Jihad in Syria
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment)

Gov. Steve Beshear vetoes religious freedom bill, says it threatens public safety, civil rights
(Tom Loftus, The Courier-Journal)

Martial law declared in Meikhtila as mobs threaten journalists
(Aye Nai, Democratic Voice of Burma)

Analysis: Can Burma negotiate with ethnic rebels for genuine peace?
(Zin Linn, Asian Correspondent)

Faith & Works: Religious-liberty laws have had limited effect nationwide
(Peter Smith, Courier-Journal)

New PRA report exposes right’s “religious liberty” campaign
(Andrew Padgett, Political Research Associates)

Ohio Judge rejects bid to withdraw guilty plea in mosque arson
(David Yonke, Religion News Service)

Death-row inmates may testify, Former Aum members may be called in Hirata lay judge trial
(The Yomiuri Shimbun)

American pastor jailed in Iran says he was beaten, refused treatment because of his faith
(Fox News)

From 'The Bible' to the Amish, why religion is hot on cable
(Kimberly Nordyke, The Hollywood Reporter)

Friday, 22 March 2013

Tunisian salafist announce al-Qaeda support
(Monia Ghanmi, Magharebia)

International Good Faith: An Introduction to the 10th Anniversary Issue
(Chris Seiple, The Review of Faith & International Affairs)

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (HRC/22/31)
(Policy Brief, Family Watch International)

UN resolution recognizes "the family" as fundamental unit of society [PP5 (bis)]
(United Nations Economic and Social Council, Preparations for and observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family)

Making anti-gay Christian-right views law, at home and abroad (Kenya, Zimbabwe, Brazil)
(Rev. Kapya Kaoma and Jandira Queiroz, Huff Post Gay Voices)

Sectarian clashes are reported in central Myanmar
(Thomas Fuller and Wai Moe, The New York Times)

Toll rises as sectarian violence in Myanmar spreads to nearby villages
(Thomas Fuller and Wai Moe, The New York Times)

Ethnic violence erupts in Burma leaving scores dead
(Kate Hodal, The Guardian)

Liberia: Christian group petitions legislature
(The Inquirer)

Edinburgh Airport security ask passengers religion

Kazakhstan's spiritual landscape can change drastically: Lama Sharif
(Renat Tashkinbayev, Tengri News)

Tanzania: Witness accuses founding fathers of destroying Muslim association
(Daily News)

Nigeria: Hijab controversy - kids also face persecution
(Ishola Balogun, Vanguard)

Tanzania: Ponda's followers land in jail
(Faustine Kapama, Daily News)

Kenya: Catholic church seeks Uhuru, Raila petition vow
(Wambui Ndonga, Capital FM News)

Kenya: Catholic church slams condom advert
(Wambui Ndonga, Capital FM News)

Religious freedom at school
(Charles C. Haynes, The Washington Post)

Egypt: Salafi Nour Party to file appeal against Islamic bonds law
(Aswat Masriya)

Gay Marriage Research Package (first posted on Dec 12, 2012)
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Marriage and politics: Why the debate matters; why the conjugal view can prevail
(Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson & Robert P. George, National Review Online)

Top pro-Assad Sunni cleric killed as attack on Damascus mosque kills 42
(Russian Times)

Paraguayan church invites Pope Francis to visit Caacupe
(Peter Tase, Eurasia Review)

Hindus urge new Archbishop of Canterbury to advance interfaith dialogue
(Eurasia Review)

Archbishop Welby enthroned in Canterbury Cathedral
(Eurasia Review)

The Constitution and same-sex marriage – Opinion
(Michael McConnell, The Wall Street Journal)

Pope Francis says the ‘nones’ can be allies for the church
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Bishops say mandate still threatens religious liberty
(Adelaide Darling, Catholic News Agency)

What Pope Francis means for Latin America
(Jamie Daremblum, Hudson Institute)

I'm gay and I oppose same-sex marriage
(Doug Mainwaring, The Witherspoon Institute – Public Discourse)

Religious intolerance in Indonesia 'strips away other rights'
(Dessy Sagita, Jakarta Globe)

Gay marriage will destabilise family life, sociologist warns
((Dr Patricia Morgan), The Telegraph)

Statement by Communication Service of Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations on recent changes in family laws in France and Great Britain
(Official Web Site of the Department for External Church Relations, Russian Orthodox Church)

Poland’s Lech Walesa escapes hate crime charge after making anti-gay remarks
(Associated Press, The Washington Post Europe)

Japanese politician wants to boost the national birthrate by banning abortion
(Max Fisher, The Washington Post)

Tasmania to liberalize abortion law
(MIchael Cook, BioEdge)

Journalists attacked in Egypt
(Committee to Protect Journalists)

New video introducing IGE and the mission of religious freedom
(Institute for Global Engagement)

RFIA Presents Robert Hefner Lecture: “Shari’a, Democracy, and Human Rights: Debates and Policy Implications”
(The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Institute for Global Engagement)

India: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh seeks separate law for Hindu, Muslim migrants
(Daily Bhaskar)

Canada: How police use religion to deceive suspects
(Kamari Clarke, Huffington Post)

Arizona GOP looks to expand religious freedom law
(Cristina Silva, AP via KTAR)

Idaho: Student religious groups bill clears House
(AP via Idaho Statesman)

Tajikistan: Religious political party members fined for religious activity
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Florida: Professor makes students “stomp on Jesus”
(Todd Starnes, Fox News Radio)

FAU student says he was suspended for not 'stepping on Jesus'
(Al Pefley, CBS 12 News)

Catholic Church, facing U.S. priest shortage, now using Anglican converts to serve parishes
(Meredith Bennett-Smith, Huffington Post)

Obama visits Bethlehem's Nativity Church
(Matt Spetalnick and Ali Sawafta, NBC News)

Pope urges dialogue with Islam, more help for the poor
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Alcoholics Anonymous spirituality cause of internal debate
(G. Jeffrey Macdonald, Huffington Post)

When the new pope meets the old pope: Awkward?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Religion, ethnicity and popularity come into play in Indonesia
(Bruce Gale, Jakarta Globe)

Episcopal bishops agree not to help breakaway congregations
(G. Jeffrey MacDonald, Religion News Service)

Religious, political leaders sound off on same-sex marriage before court hearing
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Thursday, 21 March 2013

The patentability of human genes: more developments
(Rosalind English)

EVENT March 22, 2013: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights announces audio webcast of briefing on reconciling non-discrimination principles with religious liberty
(Lenore Ostrowsky, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights)

High court to hear same-sex marriage cases
(Legal Report, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Justin Welby enthroned as new archbishop of Canterbury
(Same Jones, The Guardian)

Justin Welby speaks of same-sex challenges for Church
(BBC News)

EVENT, April 2, 2013: The predicament of pluralism: A discussion with Steven Knapp
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Russia: Familiar twist in anti-Jehovah's Witness campaign
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Buddhist temples in Japan joining matchmaking boom
(Sanjay G. Dhande, The Indian Express)

Syrian TV says mosque bombing kills top pro-Assad Sunni preacher
(Zeina Karam, Associated Press, USA Today)

Afghan villagers take on Taliban in their heartland
(Carlotta Gall, The New York Times)

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